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@NTUST, Taiwan
# Welcome to TEEP@AsiaPlus Internship Program at BMW Lab., NTUST
###### tags: `TEEP`
## News!
- Aug. 2022: [**Muhammad Fadli**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FcyYgl-zsU&ab_channel=MuhammadFadli) and [**Achmad Kripton Nugraha**](https://hackmd.io/OTRfVk21R5yCd74Ts_H7Tg) receive the MS degree from NTUST. Both of them get a job from [Groundhug](https://www.ghtinc.com/tw/), Taiwan.
- Jan. 2022: **Jonathan** receive the MS degree from NTUST and gets a job from Atayalan Taiwan.
- Dec. 2021: **[Wilfrid](https://hackmd.io/_SpJwkihTDCy4f3eAgVI0g)** (ITB, GPA 3.89/4, [CV](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fX8zuv6K7p0czTm8CRXbAcS4ZpHTBjOJ/view?usp=sharing)) from [2021 Class (Remote)](#2021-Class) get the scholarship for the Spring 2021 Class of Master Program at NTUST.
- July 2021: [**Nadhif Muhammad Rekoputra**](https://hackmd.io/@nadhifmr/BkL2ZrCx7?type=view#) and [**Derni Ageng**](https://hackmd.io/@Derni/Hkx72g8bQ?type=view) receive the MS degree from NTUST. Nadhif gets a job from Accton; Derni gets a job from Atayalan Taiwan.
- May 2021: **[Akmal Narendra Sakti](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LWqLNWBNnWc795nioayIaeidv-AJnKk3/view)** (ITB, GPA 3.98/4, [CV](https://1drv.ms/b/s!Aht9OA4OGeodkz7QFy4-LHJpHf81?e=E6Fnva)) and **[Ferlinda Feliana](https://bit.ly/32iMChV)** (UI, GPA 3.75/4, [CV](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1r2MP_dJnbR0yjfSiB--UxmBuf3FQ8dWU/view)) from [2020 Class (Remote)](#2020-Class) get the scholarship for the Fall 2021 Class of Master Program at NTUST.
- Dec. 2020: [**Muhammad Wito Malik**](https://hackmd.io/@witomalik/BkjFQoVHS) from [2019 Class](#2019-Class) and [**Nguyen Hoai Nam**](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ao_cXjP8ftgHwE1t9DrXuteaTI7WEIsI/view) ([CV](https://hackmd.io/hY1N_pynRryGYUPMRq7pZA)), from [2020 Class (Remote)](#2020-Class) get the scholarship for the Spring 2021 Class of Master Program at NTUST.
- May, 2020: [**Muhammad Fadli**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FcyYgl-zsU&ab_channel=MuhammadFadli) (UI, GPA 3.86/4.00, [CV](https://hackmd.io/oiyaEZBDQd6KFPmRgz4qnw?view)), [**Ian Joseph Chandra**](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iaybjHkuAUaVPBe8xIcw6sZxd3INTcoP/view) (UI, GPA: 3.73/4.00, [CV](https://www.linkedin.com/in/ian-joseph-chandra/)), [**Achmad Kripton Nugraha**](https://hackmd.io/OTRfVk21R5yCd74Ts_H7Tg) (UI, GPA: 3.86/4.00, [CV](https://drive.google.com/file/d/12sRm1nTwU23I2lBkw69K3XVqKQbMaCOU/view?usp=sharing)), [**Luthfi Mufadel**](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1I6ujc4WUGHe7RgDqEXgv-l-c-kmwIt-K/view) (UI, GPA 3.76/4.00, [CV](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YrKO_avX84GsiW3w3VPmez3fPSkKki1r/view?usp=sharing), [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/in/luthfimufadel/))from [2019 Class](#2019-Class) get the scholarship for the Fall 2020 Class of Master Program at NTUST.
- Dec. 2019: [**Jonathan**](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LvSiZrWK3lsqH0Xp9jLF6TB0FolGXAq4/view) (UI, GPA 3.75/4.00, [CV](https://hackmd.io/@Jon97/BJh2xal4Y)) from [2019 Class](#2019-Class) gets the scholarship for the Spring 2020 Class of Master Program at NTUST.
- May, 2019: [**Nadhif Muhammad Rekoputra**](https://hackmd.io/@nadhifmr/BkL2ZrCx7?type=view#) (UI), [**Derni Ageng**](https://hackmd.io/@Derni/Hkx72g8bQ?type=view) (UI), and **Aria** (UI) from [2018 Class](#2018-Class) get the scholarship for the Fall 2019 Class of Master Program at NTUST.
## About the Internship
Welcome to Broadband Mobile Wireless Laboratory at NTUST ([BMW Lab.@NTUST](http://sc.et.ntust.edu.tw:30892/en/international-students/)). We offer intern opportunities for [**self-disciplined**](https://hackmd.io/Z4QJbOVsTXiU3K2LrXMUcA#Simple-ways-to-make-a-habit-stick) students who are **interesting in [studying in NTUST](https://www.admission.ntust.edu.tw/p/412-1052-8763.php?Lang=en)**. We hope you can learn **social skills**, **self-learning skills**, **decision-making skills**, **adaptability** and [**time management skills**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTugjssqOT0&ab_channel=CarnegieMellonUniversity) during the internship.
On-site intern may be available after the travel-ban due to the COVID-19 is lifted. On-site intern is selected mainly based on your **HackMD for the pre-intern and your GPA.** Try to demonstrate your genuine interest in the topics you choose in your pre-intern report. Students with **good programming skills (C/C++/Python) and intend to take MS program in NTUST will also have a higher priority**.
Without doubt, you will face many challenges during the internship. [Prof. Randy Pasuch](#Tips-from-Prof-Randy-Pausch) showed some tips which may be useful for you. Try to find something you are really interesting. Good luck!
Please follow the procedure to [Apply the intern NOW!](#Internship-Applications).
### Responding to COVID-19: [Important Notice from TEEP Program!](https://teep.studyintaiwan.org/news/1007)
## Experience Reflection from TEEPers @ BMW Lab.
Our distinguished alumni in Class 2020, Jessica, shares her [Experience Reflection](https://hackmd.io/@j-chen/B1FJ-nPJd) and video for her studying at BMW Lab. Enjoy it!{%youtube eg4PypRhR0Y %}
### 2022 Class (Onsite + Remote Intern)
#### Remote Intern
#### William Christian - Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
- [Video](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PnT75kAZBegrB3kATmTQWTtwQmvY_l6n/view?usp=sharing)
- [Experience Sharing](https://hackmd.io/XmnLt9DiTdOM3wJybfWyTQ)
#### Tiffany Cheng - University of Chicago, USA
- [Experience Sharing](https://hackmd.io/@tiffanycheng/ByIFOLn1o)
#### On-site
#### Anna Ohorodnyk - Odessa Polytechnic National University, Ukraine
- [Video](https://drive.google.com/file/d/11wmLhpwxDWPlIKC3YYjAlDxZeBr-7h3U/view?usp=sharing)
- [Experience Sharing](https://hackmd.io/AlQ1HE1VRM-DCr38rAbzxg?view)
#### Lev - National university of life and environmental science, Ukraine
- [Video](https://drive.google.com/file/d/189vt4l_8Qa8eONaCESenmZUpudrSD9HC/view)
- [Experience Sharing](https://hackmd.io/ZA2kKiPVQC2S2edvfZ9AVw)
#### Sergii Levschanov - Belgorod Engineering and Economic Institute (BIEI), Ukraine
- [Video](https://youtu.be/Ce5oRF0ZVS4)
- [Experience Sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1J_Aq_vpmFagyejb6ZAcAZUX8UfooCEXu/view?usp=sharing)
#### Anton Molchanov - Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Ukraine
- [Video]
- [Experience Sharing]
### 2021 Class (Remote Intern)
#### Bryan Oliver, University of Indonesia, Indonesia
- [Video](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KdAyiRvlRQ9uvyeloZ8kBaAAazDMwNhC/view?usp=sharing)
- [Experience Sharing](https://hackmd.io/U08WqD37Rcy-o-O5BObaPA?both)
#### Kevin Darmawan, University of Indonesia, Indonesia
- [Video](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xraY89thjXq_jjmyX7B2lOZJuMdO4kM8/view?usp=sharing)
- [Experience Sharing](https://hackmd.io/DJYhAs_4TtK_guRZj1ju6w)
#### Wilfrid Azariah, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
- [Video](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FyBVeI1EpRzYseQRcryk7QcrHYA9asSv/view?usp=sharing)
- [Experience Sharing](https://hackmd.io/VEE4LNNDQ26th9QCAH2SDQ)
#### Jonathan Richard, University of Indonesia, Indonesia
- [Video](https://youtu.be/kDghuR_CqbU)
- [Experience Sharing](https://hackmd.io/qbuoFDUFQhK0OR-oKsptYw)
#### Muhammad Alfi Aldolio, University of Indonesia, Indonesia
- [Video](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1etLpMQy7FyMDgFKhYFeCY4QR0Sd4fQ_T/view)
- [Experience Sharing](https://hackmd.io/@alfialdo/rkQm7v3-K)
#### Johannes Felix Rimbun, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
- [Video](https://drive.google.com/file/d/19UJi42cZoev1364x1i3UCnuaaIBI77Hf/view)
- [Experience Sharing](https://hackmd.io/sDwQqWIBTFmdVJSpyHY9LQ?view)
### 2020 Class
#### Remote Intern
#### Ferlinda Feliana, University of Indonesia, Indonesia
- [Video](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MqoKEzzSBB9z6IZS6uQrTW3JHtaCrxet/view)
- [Experience Sharing](https://hackmd.io/@ferlinda/S1g34jVVv)
#### Hary Ridart, University of Indonesia, Indonesia
- [Video](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PRGcbB4uUexzx8yNdOwOce-mXIOMfcJ9/view)
- [Experience Sharing](https://hackmd.io/@haryridart/r1aSYPm1v?view)
#### Alexander Patrick, University of Indonesia, Indonesia
- [Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UXoGXUk8do&feature=youtu.be&ab_channel=PatrickSurjono)
- [Experience Sharing](https://hackmd.io/@alexanderpatrick/rkHWbEUND)
#### Muhamad Fahriza Novriansyah, University of Indonesia, Indonesia
- [Video](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hIQLFYiDumHzxk4Whzl7y29MIHaZc0ke/view)
- [Experience Sharing](https://hackmd.io/@mfnovriansyah/rybyUiq7v)
#### Bariq Sufi Firmansyah, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
- [Video](https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPpI0ERCPP4l6cc4usFN25nIMF3_4cTYl7lmBElb8n38-isHE8OSj4S0PfbsE38AQ?key=STVhYU02X0ZIZFpBYXN5TmMyOVdYRk5iZ09LU1FB)
- [Experience Sharing](https://hackmd.io/XbFG20XZSSKcYWWin0vIJA?view)
#### Fandi Azam Wiranata, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
- [Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qfa83rRtw6U&feature=youtu.be&ab_channel=FandiAzamWiranata)
- [Experience Sharing](https://hackmd.io/@EHEAmKPKSYmpHcyPeiO8jQ/rkIO8cAXv)
#### Nguyen Hoai Nam, HUST, Vitenam
- [Video](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ao_cXjP8ftgHwE1t9DrXuteaTI7WEIsI/view)
- [Experience Sharing](https://hackmd.io/rTXDYeNgS7aLOx0Cwly40Q?view)
#### Christofel Goenawan, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
- [Video](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DwbEEC1xJVtQmII6JmtdCl8740GC9zSK/view)
- [Experience Sharing](https://hackmd.io/@christofel04/TEEP_Experience_Sharing)
#### Akmal Narendra Sakti, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
- [Video](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LWqLNWBNnWc795nioayIaeidv-AJnKk3/view)
- [Experience Sharing](https://hackmd.io/@akmalns/SJhu50uQD)
#### On-site
#### Jessica Chen, Harvard, USA
- [Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eg4PypRhR0Y&feature=youtu.be)
- [Experience Sharing](https://hackmd.io/@j-chen/B1FJ-nPJd)
### 2019 Class (On-site Intern)
#### Muhammad Fadli, University of Indonesia, Indonesia
- [Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FcyYgl-zsU)
- [Experience Sharing](https://hackmd.io/UPkMQalDR8-jmT8PvAUXPQ)
#### Thariq Ramadhan, University of Indonesia, Indonesia
- [Experience Sharing](https://hackmd.io/@_25xuHf4Qy-nw0khrIyD0A/S15w4dYzr)
#### Muhamad Aldy Bintang, University of Indonesia, Indonesia
- [Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGua2fMT5rI)
- [Experience Sharing](https://hackmd.io/@muhamadaldy/S1B6_-rBS)
#### Ian Joseph, University of Indonesia, Indonesia
- [Video](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iaybjHkuAUaVPBe8xIcw6sZxd3INTcoP/view?usp=sharing)
- [Experience Sharing](https://hackmd.io/@ianjoseph/B1sg6_pBB)
#### Achmad Kripton, University of Indonesia, Indonesia
- [Video](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ePhWbXf9r-fyHsEqapUIooKHK9QEB5eC)
- [Experience Sharing](https://hackmd.io/OTRfVk21R5yCd74Ts_H7Tg)
#### Muhammad Wito Malik, University of Indonesia, Indonesia
- [Video](https://hackmd.io/@witomalik/BkjFQoVHS)
- [Experience Sharing](https://hackmd.io/@witomalik/HJMizs4HB/)
#### Achmad Fathur Rizki, University of Indonesia, Indonesia
- [Video](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FvdjFU9txkIxXVgII_PtVNDeodWSpcw3/view?usp=sharing)
- [Experience Sharing](https://hackmd.io/9Ma5MazkTUalwTrUEpf71g?view)
#### Yafie Abdillah, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
- [Experience Sharing](https://hackmd.io/gyUdqbpLTFq_1cRLvoRfWg)
#### Jonathan, University of Indonesia, Indonesia
- [Video](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1LvSiZrWK3lsqH0Xp9jLF6TB0FolGXAq4)
- [Experience Sharing](https://hackmd.io/Ijv__r1KTbWWkDTR4SkZfw)
#### Imam Nur Bani Yusuf, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
- [Video](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1JDXplZvWTnI3sGknxB1TPBXZLcdk4l80)
- [Experience Sharing](https://hackmd.io/@rMnjCJRTS1yo_kapynML0Q/H1dhtMWBS)
#### Luthfi Mufadel, University of Indonesia, Indonesia
- [Video](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1I6ujc4WUGHe7RgDqEXgv-l-c-kmwIt-K/view?usp=sharing)
- [Experience Sharing](https://hackmd.io/@n8YUZQNSRoupJEmtVt594A/rJ9mJ-9eS)
#### Pierre Grua, ESEO, France
- [Experience Sharing](https://hackmd.io/6I1hCop9Riiz1eTg6x2Ewg)
#### Romain Lambert, ESEO, France
- N/A
## Internship Applications
For those who are interesting in applying the TEEP internship, please
**Step 1.** Fill in the [Survey Form](https://forms.gle/2GBf4AinKrHY4jyVA), and show me your intension and the interesting topic;
**Step 2.** Copy the [template](https://hackmd.io/rlJ3AaFVSNeNVSh6PAqwcg) and create one for yourself. add the links of your CV and self-introduction slides in [Self-introduction](https://hackmd.io/rlJ3AaFVSNeNVSh6PAqwcg#Self-introduction);
**Step 3.** Send an email to Prof. Ray (Email: crg@gapps.ntust.edu.tw) summarizing:
- Your intern plan and
- Your LINE ID
**Step 4.** Create an item for yourself after discussing with Prof. Ray
- **Create** your own [**Daily Report**](https://hackmd.io/pi7hJM__TcG0WPEZiJ0MJA) on HackMD; and
- Go through the [**Potintial Topics**](#Potential-Topics) and identify your **interesting topics**.
- **Create** an item for yourself to [**Apply Pending section**](#Pending) by adding the two links;
- [**Name**]([**Checklist**](Link of Your checklist), [**DailyReport**](Link of Your Daily Report))
- Topic: (**Your Interesting Topics**)
- Mentor:
- **Complete** all the information on your **Checklist for TEEP@AsiaPlus** before the end of the intern.
### FAQ
- **Q1.** Do I need to pay for this program? and will I receive any money from the government?
- **A1.** You don't have to pay for the remote intern. We cannot pay you the scholarship using the funding got from the government if you take on-site inten.
- **Q2.** Do I need to go through selection? If yes, can I know the requirements to join this program so I can prepare it before applying?
- **A2.** Please fill in the survey form shown in Step 1. The program is mainly offered to self-motivated students who are interesting in taking the MS/PhD program in NTUST.
- **Q3.** What are basic requirements for the remote/on-site intern?
- **A3.** The basic requirement is to update your studying report on HackMD EVERY working day. You can set a goal and checklists by yourself. My students and me will give you comments or reference based on the information you provided. You may withdraw the program if you are not able to show us your daily progress.
- **Q4.** Can I get a certificatie for my intern?
- **A4.** We will provide you with the intern certificate ([Sample](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lSY_lRFe-hAcrvwzhPwa7X_KvGhmG5WU/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=115275122318751830011&rtpof=true&sd=true)) at the end of the intern. Your studying note will be used as an evidence for your achievement. We will offer scholarship to selected students if you decide to take the master program in NTUST.
Other questions can be raised in your survey form and will be addressed during the online interview.
### On-site Intern
The on-site intern (if available) candidates will be selected mainly based on **your pre-intern studying note; your interaction with your mentor and the other students; and your GPA**. Try to **efficiently utilize your time by learning from the others**. Please be well-prepared if you want to take the opportunity. Here is the [general rules for intern](#General-Rules-for-Intern).
Please do not hestiate to contact with me directly if you have any question. Looking forward to seeing you in Taipei.
Email: crg@gapps.ntust.edu.tw
## Tips
### Tips from Prof. Randy Pausch

- [Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ji5_MqicxSo)
- [Time Management](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTugjssqOT0)
### Wisdom from Master Yoda

## Potential Topics
#### Beyond 5G (B5G)/6G:
- Background knowledge:
- [Open RAN](#1-Open-RAN)
- [O-RAN Software Community (OSC)](https://o-ran-sc.org/),
- [OpenAirInterface (OAI)](https://www.openairinterface.org/),
- [Mosaic5G](https://mosaic5g.io/workshop-2020/#program)
- Main topics
- RAN Intelligent Controller (RIC)
- O-DU
- O-CU High
- Fronthaul Interface (FHI)
- Option I: Develop a light version of the [O-RAN FHI in OAI](https://gitlab.eurecom.fr/oai/openairinterface5g/-/tree/develop/targets/ARCH/ETHERNET/benetel)
- Tasks to be done:
1. implement a subset of ORAN 7.2 Control protocol in OAI
2. validate UP with another COTS RRU
3. Use UP acceleration techniques such as zero copy of packet to the kernel space and NIC.
4. Measure the UE performance over fronthaul
- Option II: Integrate OSC FHI into OAI ([Code](https://gitlab.eurecom.fr/Srushti16/openairinterface5g/-/tree/oai_oran_integration/), [Doc](https://gitlab.eurecom.fr/Srushti16/openairinterface5g/-/blob/oai_oran_integration/targets/ARCH/ETHERNET/oran/doc/README.pdf))
1. setup a a testbed with ORAN 7.2 and OAI
2. Test the UP with a fixed/hardcoded CP
3. Test CP to configure RRU: simple and advanced configuration
4. Measure the UE performance over fronthaul
#### AI-enabled medium access control (MAC) layer optimization techniques:
- Background knowledge:
- [Open RAN](#1-Open-RAN)
- [5G New Radio (NR) MAC specification](http://www.sharetechnote.com/left_5G.html),
- [O-RAN E2 Terminator Architecture](https://wiki.o-ran-sc.org/display/RICP/E2T+Architecture)
- [LSTM](https://colah.github.io/posts/2015-08-Understanding-LSTMs/)
- Topics:
- MAC Scheduler
- [Random Access Channel (RACH)](http://www.sharetechnote.com/html/5G/5G_RACH.html)
- [IEEE 802.11ax uplink OFDMA random access (UORA)],
### Reference
- [Template for Survey Paper](https://hackmd.io/Bc6PJaYCRLG2Pom_MORhJw?both)
#### 1. Open RAN
- Studying note from [Ferlinda](https://hackmd.io/@ferlinda/r1R0VVsAB)
- [RAN Internals](https://5g.systemsapproach.org/ran.html)
- [Overview of OAI and Mosaic.5G](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPvc9KPDoFc&t=335s)
- [OSC source code (Cherry)](https://wiki.o-ran-sc.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=20876303)
#### 2. AI-enabled MAC
- [NB-IoT Random Access: Data-driven Analysis and ML-based Enhancements](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9324758)
#### 3. Near-RT RIC
- [NearRT RIC from SD-RAN@ONF](https://onf.noxx.website/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/ONF-SDRAN-Overview-August-2020.pdf)
#### 4. Fronthaul Intefeace (FHI)
- [Paper: Overview of O-RAN Fronthaul Interface](https://www.nttdocomo.co.jp/english/binary/pdf/corporate/technology/rd/technical_journal/bn/vol21_1/vol21_1_007en.pdf)
- [OSC: O-RAN FH Lib Introduction](https://docs.o-ran-sc.org/projects/o-ran-sc-o-du-phy/en/latest/Introduction_fh.html)
- [OAI Split 7.2](https://gitlab.eurecom.fr/oai/openairinterface5g/-/tree/develop/targets/ARCH/ETHERNET/benetel/5g)
- Project Overview:
:::spoiler **Integrate O-RAN fronthaul lib into OAI**
This approach aims at integrating the FH library from the O-RAN SC into OAI. A first attempt has been made by an intern last year and the results are [here](https://gitlab.eurecom.fr/Srushti16/openairinterface5g/-/tree/oai_oran_integration/)
There is also some kind of documentation [here](https://gitlab.eurecom.fr/Srushti16/openairinterface5g/-/blob/oai_oran_integration/targets/ARCH/ETHERNET/oran/doc/README.pdf)
#### 5. [OSC Training Course (NEW!!!)](https://hackmd.io/HvThns4FQjS1xScrNdvBmw)
#### 6. ACUMOS
- [Studying note from Christofel](https://hackmd.io/@christofel04/TEEP2020_Checklist)
- [Studying note for ACUMOS](https://hackmd.io/AQym4FBjRvyRA8sk1d8KQw#Akumos-AI-Platform-Mentor-Kevin-Li)
## General Rules for Intern
### [WebEx](https://ctld.webex.com/meet/crg)
### Weekdays:
- Step 1. Sign on at Trello before 9:00 AM, write down your daily plan
- Step 2. Sign off at Trello after 5:00 PM, summarize the works that have been done
- Step 3. Summarize the studying note on HackMD during the studying. One page per day. Do not modify it after the date (since you may need it as an evidance).
- Step 4. Report the staus online using WebEx during weekly meeting. Summarize the action items in his/her meeting minutes.
### End of Intern
- Restructure your studying note on a new HackMD page
- Finish all tasks on your checklist
- Complete the [TEEP survey form](https://forms.gle/VyvNpgahqahNeNr96)
- Get the certificate for your internship (you can provide me with the template if needed)
### Final Report
- [IEEE Template](https://www.overleaf.com/gallery/tagged/ieee-official)
- [Typical Research Thesis Structure](https://hackmd.io/LKNRZXIaRnqh36M5Ly6FXQ#Typical-Research-Thesis-Structure)
- [Research Abstract](https://hackmd.io/LKNRZXIaRnqh36M5Ly6FXQ#Research-Abstract)
## Experience Sharing
We encourage international intern students to share your culture and studying experience with the young students from junior high schools.
### [Xin Xing Junior High School](https://hackmd.io/x5javJPfT3WOnqdPZK_aXw)