--- title: 2020 FALL - 數學軟體實作 tags: Syllabus GA: G-77TT93X4N1 --- # Syllabus -- 數學軟體實作 --- * Instructor: 林得勝 Office: SA242 ext. 56422 Email: tslin@math.nctu.edu.tw * Teaching Assistant: 高浩恩 Office: SA129 Email: andykao82332@gmail.com * Teaching Assistant: 吳潤觀 Office: SA129 Email: guanjerry96@gmail.com --- **Instructor Office Hour:** Tuesday 10:00-11:00 at SA242. **TA Office Hours:** Friday, 15:10-16:10 at SC201 --- **Topics:** * Matlab - Matlab > To install Matlab in your laptop, make sure you have the `Optimization toolbox` * [LearnXinYminutes - Matlab](https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/zh-cn/matlab-cn/) * [MATLAB程式設計:入門篇 - 張智星](http://mirlab.org/jang/books/matlabProgramming4beginner/) * [MATLAB程式設計:進階篇 - 張智星](http://mirlab.org/jang/books/matlabProgramming4guru/) * Markdown - [Typora](https://typora.io) - inline math * [Markdown 學習筆記](https://teshenglin.github.io/post/2019_markdown/) * Github * [In-class-coursework-Tuesday](https://classroom.github.com/a/WEfQtdxk) * [In-class-coursework-Friday](https://classroom.github.com/a/A2d5d43-) **Extra topics:** * LATEX - [Texmaker](https://www.xm1math.net/texmaker/) **Grading Policy:** The final grade in this course will be determined as follows: 1. In-class coursework and quizzes (40%) 2. Three exams (30%) = 15(highest) + 10 (second highest) + 5 (third one) 3. Project (30%). --- # How to submit your homework ## Needed * Github account * In the github classroom - **Tuesday** and **Friday** * already have branches called: **master** and **HW Upload** ## Instruction 1. From the code page, choose **HW Upload** branch and choose the right folder. 2. Click `Add file` and add new file by using *upload file*. 3. Upload your file and click `Commit changes`. 4. From **Pull request**, click `New pull request`. 5. Base is **master** and compare will be your **HW Upload**. 6. Click `Create pull request` and your homework is submitted. --- # Final project - [期末專題作品集](https://hackmd.io/@teshenglin/ms_project) ## Requirement 1. 一個 **public** github repo 內含此 project 所需的所有程式 * [Github classroom - Final project](https://classroom.github.com/a/yLFSr125) 1. 一個文件檔案報告詳述整個 project (`readme.md` in github 或 `hackmd`) ## 評分標準 * project 會分別由五位評審給五個分數. 去掉最低後四個平均即為 project 分數. * 五位評審為授課老師+兩位助教+兩位熟悉`matlab`的碩士生 * 12/29(含) 之前需上傳所有檔案, 並且作一簡單的口頭報告. ## 注意事項 1. Project repo 須為一個完整的作品, 包含題目即夠詳細的說明. 評審只看 Project repo 內的檔案及文字. 2. 抄襲或引用他人程式卻未註明出處, 皆視為剽竊他人研究成果, project 以零分計. --- # Course calander: | 週二 | | 週五 | | |------|---|------|--------| | 9/15 | 課程介紹, markdown | 9/18 | [Matlab-01](https://hackmd.io/@teshenglin/ms_matlab_01); 應數大三問卷(2:30-3:00)(帶手機) | | 9/22 | [Matlab-02](https://hackmd.io/@teshenglin/ms_matlab_02) | 9/25 | [Matlab-03](https://hackmd.io/@teshenglin/ms_matlab_03) | | 9/29 | [Github flow](https://hackmd.io/@teshenglin/ms_github_flow) | 10/2 | **Holiday** | | 10/6 | [Matlab-04-作圖](https://hackmd.io/@teshenglin/ms_matlab_04) | 10/9 | **Holiday** | | 10/13 | [Machine epsilon](https://hackmd.io/@teshenglin/ms_epsilon) | 10/16 | [Root finding](https://hackmd.io/@teshenglin/ms_root_finding) | | 10/20 | [Exam 1](https://hackmd.io/@teshenglin/ms_exam1) | 10/23 | [Monte Carlo integration](https://hackmd.io/@teshenglin/ms_monte_carlo) | | 10/27 | [function handle & pseudo code](https://hackmd.io/@teshenglin/ms_pseudo) | 10/30 | [Solving linear system - Jacobi method](https://hackmd.io/@teshenglin/ms_solve_linear) | | 11/3 | [Sparse matrix](https://hackmd.io/@teshenglin/ms_sparse) | 11/6 | [Power method](https://hackmd.io/@teshenglin/ms_power) | | 11/10 | [ODE solver](https://hackmd.io/@teshenglin/ms_ode) | 11/13 | [Poisson equation in 1 and 2D](https://hackmd.io/@teshenglin/ms_poisson) | | 11/17 | [Exam 2](https://hackmd.io/@teshenglin/ms_exam2) | 11/20 | [Solving nonlinear system - fsolve](https://hackmd.io/@teshenglin/ms_fsolve) | | 11/24 | [polyfit](https://hackmd.io/@teshenglin/ms_polyfit) | 11/27 | [Approximating functions](https://hackmd.io/@teshenglin/ms_approx) | | 12/1 | [Chebfun](https://hackmd.io/@teshenglin/ms_chebfun) | 12/4 | [動畫影像](https://hackmd.io/@teshenglin/ms_anim) | | 12/8 | [Exam 3](https://hackmd.io/@teshenglin/ms_exam3) | 12/11 | [projects](https://hackmd.io/@teshenglin/ms_project) | | 12/15 | [Differential equations](https://hackmd.io/@teshenglin/ms_de) | 12/18 | projects | | 12/22 | projects | 12/25 | projects | | 12/29 | projects | 1/1 | **Holiday** | | 1/5 | 彈性教學 - [make-up exam](https://hackmd.io/@teshenglin/ms_makeup) | 1/8 | 彈性教學 | | 1/12 | 彈性教學 | 1/15 | 彈性教學 |