update: 2024-10-21
Weil 認為,在 “Iliad ”中,力量(force)與人類精神(human spirit)之間的關係(頁 p.3):
受力量形塑:「as modified by its relations with force 」
人們誤以為能掌控力量,但也受其驅逐和蒙蔽:「as swept away, blinded, by the very force it imagined it could handle」
人們也屈從於力量所壓制,因而受其扭曲、變形:「as deformed by the weight of the force it submits to」
Nearly all the lliad takes place far from hot baths. Nearly all of human life, then and now, takes place far from hot baths. (Weil 1991: 4)
Here Is the Rose, Dance Here!
“Here Is the Rose, Dance Here” Part 1: 情緒超載
“Here Is the Rose, Dance Here” Part 2: 遊戲化實戰指南
“Here Is the Rose, Dance Here” Part 3: 安全、领土与人口
“Here Is the Rose, Dance Here” Part 4: 社會學的想像