changed 2 years ago
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The Street 3

tags: m3


The Street is a metaphor for websites, timelines, and blockchains. We navigate most of these things by scrolling up and down. With The Street you are scrolling forwards and backwards instead. I see this as an easier transition from the current paradigm than being in an open world going every direction.

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The Street is also inspired by The Street in Snow Crash (see dev log). Neal Stephenson was inspired by the Las Vegas Strip at night when he wrote about it.

There's a dev log on a WebVR Vegas experience here:



  • Infinity Train
  • The Silk Road
  • Internet Cinematic Universe
Upstreet by Webaverse Season 1 Land Airdrops

The Street (Zone 0 concept) Concept art

Towns will be populated with NPCs hanging around that you can walk up to and talk with. This scene reminds me a bit of Hyrule Town center.

Wallpapers and Posters

View hackmd:



Virtual production series with avatar interop group


Metaverse Missionaries

It's a virtual production set that can be explored on multiple platforms.

Anon CloneX

Anon is a virtual drug dealer / walking vending machine

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Dank Nugz burnable into ERC20 fungible REZ tokens
REZ is used to purchase ERC721 AMBER NFTs
AMBER is a way to reward our early supporters
Exclusive drops for REZ only which they have first dibs to

Resin can preserve computer hardware
Amber is natures way to preserve things

Open questions
Who is he? Why does he sell nugz? What is his endgame?
The mask and glasses obscure his true identity / voice

Perhaps unbeknownst to him or not, he is an accessory in a M3 digital alchemy experiment (nugz -> rez -> gold)
Perhaps he is an alchemist of sorts, somewhat related to the Upstreet character that makes potions (pen pals)

Inspired by Shiek in OOT - appears and helps but also has personal agenda
Maybe he has something to do with the lunarpunks?

Season 0

Current app
Perhaps season 0 is a bit of chaos on the neon grid, like a half built holodeck, a WIP, a reality stub


"The Grove Street of the Metaverse"

Chapter 1: Uncanny Alley

Intro cryptopunks here with boomboxhead and metafactory?

Chapter 2: The VRChive

This can be the "gerudo valley" of our story.

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Virtual production cut scene where we follow a ghost through a sandstorm to reach the archive entrance.

The archive is our temple of time, in physical / digital form.

The internet archive and shipping container home being in multiple zones / seasons is fine, especially if they're in different states. It can represent persistence, having redundant backups, portability. Also it sometimes takes multiple seasons to fully explain the story behind a character or place.

Chapter 3: Makers District

The giant effigy stands in the middle of the street at dusk, looming over makers district



Something about the sky reminds me of gold veins found in ores. Similar colors to rez / gold. It's sorta like finding gold in unexpected places. Appearances can be deceiving.

The burn will be cause for celebration, for effigy will finally be able to breaks its chains and transcend unto the next world.

Maybe this scene can be animated, or use a shader + virtual production cut

Years of hard work will have lead up to this moment. See:, pics that started in 2019. The burning of the effigy opens up the path ahead, unlocking the next season. Makers district will then become part of The Street, a webbed block on a chain of verses.

I'd like to find a way to preserve it all as a master NFT with 3D NFT layers.

I want to weave a story into the things found in makers district that explores things like how they all connect together, like the internet archive / cryptovoxels builds / space base shell / ballroom building in which we hosted M3 meetups before / NPCs.

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Towards the final act these neonified CV guys are going to be chars that come to witness the burn with us.

The mannequin is a placeholder symbol that could represent anyone. The strands that hold it upright are like strands for a web of projects, like makers district which has buildings that come from different corners of the metaverse.

Could also represent a person, being pulled in many different directions. Such is the case when trying to do too much, when obligations become binding.

Post-burn: The Street emerges, threading a needle between this world and the next

Unity - Blender - Open Brush

VRChat Unity Blender scene obj file

Why it's interesting:

Using UniVRM I can export a whole scene from Unity and edit / optimize in blender then bring into web apps or reimport back into the Unity project!

Suggested improvements:

  • Along with .glb, export
    • .html for threejs / JanusWeb
    • .scn for Webaverse
  • Allow for glTF import into Open Brush
    • Currently model import is .obj only

Chapter 4: Aquarius

This world represents the vision of being more liquid (ETH), clear blue skies and abundance of water. It's a stark contrast to the harsh environment of the desert

Maybe its like a mirage or a vision in the desert. Perhaps the vision is real, and there's a storyline for us to get to the next chapter / season.

Chapter 5



While building in vrchat I've been thinking about Webaverse, testing tools to make porting content between them easier

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