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Virtual Vegas Strip

Started with a simple experiment to initiate an experience after a successful bitcoin transaction using the crypto changemachine component.

Originally published January 2019

tags: devlog janus crypto

The Strip experience began when brainstorming a level design for an experience that initiated from a bitcoin payment. The change machine was retrofitted with an event trigger to initiate a ride.

You must send a small payment in order to start the ride

When it works, the player is positioned in the driver seat moving forward

How it's Made

We needed a track for a virtual ride, the vegas strip was the simplest example and bonus points for inspiring 'the street' that Neal Stephenson described in his groundbreaking novel Snow Crash.

Las Vegas Strip model

Importing and improving the model in blender

Adding billboards, trees, and street lights along the strip

Driving down the strip, janusweb 2017

Visit the Vegas booth in the virtual expo!


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