changed 3 years ago
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The Street 2

tags: webaverse

Designing season 1 for Webaverse Originally made Jan 2021

The Street 1 (Oct 2019)

Artist Role Call

Message: We are looking for artists interested in co-designing parts of a virtual world that's heavily inspired by The Street from Snow Crash. The VR world will run in standard web browsers, feature a top notch avatar system, and have WebXR support.

We support workflows to import content from pretty much anywhere, so if you made something already in Cryptovoxels, Decentraland, Somnium Space, VRChat, or standalone we can explore bootstrapping from there instead if you wish.

  • Create a flyer or quick rundown video
  • Reach out to some of the top 3D artists and cryptoartists.


  • JOY
  • Josie
  • Metageist
  • Boomboxhead
  • Alotta Money
  • @DurkatWork
  • trippyogi
  • marc0matic
  • crypt0_baby
  • glass_crane
  • Polygonalmind
  • robness cyberpop

Create template 3D models that can be retextured as a canvas for the artists

  • Orion
  • Trees
  • Wearables

Concept Street

Designing the grid inside blender

About 20 average size avatars wide

WebXR Preview



Seasons Concepts


Documentation Instructions

  • Come up with soft launch target date
  • Info about what you can exhibit
    • 3D Models
    • Avatars
    • Cool art (graffiti)
  • Schedule
    • Application deadline
    • Submission / World preview
      • Weekly meetups for WIP
    • Submission deadline
    • Launch
  • Booth sizes / templates
  • FAQ


What can you exhibit

  • 3D Models
  • Avatars and wearables
  • 2D Art
    • Graffiti
    • Billboards
    • Textured objects


Target opening launch date:

Jan 14th: Application deadline Jan 28th: Overworld design plans ready February 20-27: 1st wave submission and preview March 13-20: 2nd wave submission and preview

Vket5 Inspiration

1st wave submission: 10/29-11/7(JST) 1st wave preview: 11/21-11/30(JST) Final wave submission: 11/21-11/30(JST) Open: 12/25 (tentative)

Jul 7, 2020 Application deadline Sep 26, 2020 Submission & World preview Nov 20, 2020 Submission deadline Dec 19, 2020 Virtual Market 5 start Jan 10, 2021 Virtual Market 5 end

1st wave: Sep. 26 ~ Oct. 4 2nd wave: Oct. 16 ~ Oct. 28 Final wave: Nov. 11 ~ Nov. 20

For parcels, the idea is that parcels have an outside presence in the street, and an inside that is infinite like a pokeball.

The outside presence is like a hologram of what the world inside contains.

If the parcel has an outside of say 16x16, or 4 fortnites by 4 fortnites, then the size of the hologram is 16x16.

The hologram would include whatever static content the parcel contains.

The center 16x16 must be static, so basically limited to GLTF/VRM/images/etc, and there is a resource limit beyond which it will just refuse to render. This is for performance reasons in the overworld.

You can press to enter any of these parcels/holograms just by going up to it. That will clear out the overworld, put you on the inside of the parcel, and the hologram becomes real.

Now you have the infinite space of the parcel to work with, with no constraints, and scripting is completely free to run.

You can make changes, and if you make changes inside that central "square" of the parcel, they will get reflected in the overworld you can exit out to the overworld at any time that's kind of the design being proto'd

The Plan

have various sizes on the street

need height limit, will hurt UX without one

remember what colan did for gangnam, bought most of the CV district and turned it into the hottest neighborhood. inspiration from there for the overworld - beautifully made.

releasing too much too fast may make it hard for people to keep up, might lose interest

can either raise money, slow issuance of flux/grease after if fixed supply

maybe want something inflationary, fixed supply gets challenging for game / world economies if fixed, will want to be slow to issue out

Token distribution strategy: 10% supply every season would exhaust half supply in 1.5 years with 10% every 10 weeks

want early collectors to be aligned, not purely for financial reasons

we're in the golden age of experiments smaller plays, seasons, building core community allowing fomo to build vs trying to all at once

parcel sale selling parcels in experimental phase, get content out can always airdrop tokens out later peter / drew / metadreamer want parcels

uxt / nick / greg notzelman want parcels

Artist meetup 1

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