This dev log covers the presentation about what is M3 and the avatar interoperability project we're doing together (M3taloot). This was originally presented at the Loot project town hall on 11/24/21.
The current state of the open metaverse feels equivalent to early American history with many colonies on the same land (Ethereum blockchain) with many more headed towards the shores in search of freedom and opportunity.
See: https://hackmd.io/@XR/maps
It feels like the meme moment where Big Meta is growing in power while the open metaverse is (naturally) decentralized.
Join, or Die. by Benjamin Franklin (1754), a political cartoon commenting on the disunity of the Thirteen Colonies during the French and Indian War. It was later used to encourage the colonies to unite for the cause of independence during the American Revolutionary War. Source - Wikipedia
Even though these projects sometimes feel like they're far apart many of the communities and devs are one hop away on Discord. The bottom of the iceberg has much less money / politics getting in the way of experimenting with open metaverse interoperability together.
During this period of early American history many of the founding fathers published under the pseudonym 'Publius' a series of essays that became known as The Federalist Papers.
Nowadays the digital equivalent of the printing press feels like NFTs which capture attention and align those that wish to support. Thus, the goal of M3 is to mint fantastic NFTs that encompass our ideas about building the open metaverse and spread them across many platforms.
Types of NFTs we plan to mint include:
What are some things you wish you could have or do anywhere? Things that have stuck with us include custom avatars, inventory system, pets, land, wearables, weapons, vehicles, and The Street to link everything together. Source: The Street Messengers
Symbols of the assets / features we want in an interconnected open metaverse experience
I'm inspired by the ancient Silk Road as well because I believe it takes economic incentives and quality products like what chinese silk was back then to build the roads / bridges between projects in the digital world. Cryptoart and avatar wearables (where pfps are now headed) have much in common with ancient chinese silk since they don't really provide much utility beyond fashion.
Btw the inspiration for the M3 logo came from the World Wide Web, which we wanted to flip upside down, the logo of the Federalist Party, and sewer caps (to represent the underground / internet plumbing).
Ultimately the founding fathers were successful in securing support for signing of the constitution. In the web3 era such a document would probably be some sort of smart contract.
Interesting links: