Rafli Hadiana


Passionate about Cloud Native and Future Network technologies.

Joined on Nov 13, 2023

Hello! Progress on the way 🤓

  • :::info Outline: ::: OSC SMO Introduction oran The ORAN SC (OSC) is a software community that focuses on developing and defining specifications for ORAN implementations. It is a collaborative platform for network equipment vendors, operators, and software developers to drive innovation and interoperability in the telecommunications industry [1].
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  • As a VNF 5G Implementation Division on Kubernetes, I design and deploy high-performance OpenAirInterface (OAI) 5G use cases. I optimize network performance, ensure security integration, and collaborate on defining use cases. My focus is on automation for efficient seamless deployment 5G integration in Kubernetes environments. Table of Content OpenNetra: Description netra dash Open Netra, standing for Open Network Training, is a comprehensive solution designed to facilitate the training, simulation, and management of 5G networks. The primary functionalities of Open Netra include E2E (End-to-End) 5G dashboard simulation and RAN (Radio Access Network) monitoring & configuration. The entire infrastructure is built on a foundation of virtualized network functions, specifically implemented as OpenAirInterface containers, orchestrated and managed by Kubernetes. Pre-Requisite
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  • Installation Steps Sionna requires Python and Tensorflow. In order to run the tutorial notebooks on your machine, you also need JupyterLab. You can alternatively test them on Google Colab. Although not necessary, we recommend running Sionna in a Docker container. Sionna requires TensorFlow 2.10-2.15 and Python 3.8-3.11. We recommend Ubuntu 22.04. Earlier versions of TensorFlow may still work but are not recommended because of known, unpatched CVEs.
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  • Understanding System Jobs & Scedule In order to make Bareos as flexible as possible, the directions given to Bareos are specified in several pieces. The main instruction is the job resource, which defines a job. A backup job generally consists of a FileSet, a Client, a Schedule for one or several levels or times of backups, a Pool, as well as additional instructions. Another way of looking at it is the FileSet is what to backup; the Client is who to backup; the Schedule defines when, and the Pool defines where (i.e. what Volume). Typically one FileSet/Client combination will have one corresponding job. Most of the directives, such as FileSets, Pools, Schedules, can be mixed and matched among the jobs. So you might have two different Job definitions (resources) backing up different servers using the same Schedule, the same Fileset (backing up the same directories on two machines) and maybe even the same Pools. The Schedule will define what type of backup will run when (e.g. Full on Monday, incremental the rest of the week), and when more than one job uses the same schedule, the job priority determines which actually runs first. If you have a lot of jobs, you might want to use JobDefs, where you can set defaults for the jobs, which can then be changed in the job resource, but this saves rewriting the identical parameters for each job. In addition to the FileSets you want to back up, you should also have a job that backs up your catalog.
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  • Introduction Magma is an open-source software platform that gives network operators an open, flexible and extendable mobile core network solution. Magma enables better connectivity by: Allowing operators to offer cellular service without vendor lock-in with a modern, open source core network Enabling operators to manage their networks more efficiently with more automation, less downtime, better predictability, and more agility to add new services and applications Enabling federation between existing MNOs and new infrastructure providers for expanding rural infrastructure Allowing operators who are constrained with licensed spectrum to add capacity and reach by using Wi-Fi and CBRS Magma Architecture
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  • Introduction Application Architecture Arsitektur Aplikasi Modern Di era digital yang terus berkembang pesat ini, arsitektur aplikasi telah mengalami banyak evolusi. Gone are the days di mana kita mengembangkan aplikasi sebagai satu blok monolitik besar, yang mana segala fitur dan fungsionalitasnya dikemas dalam satu paket raksasa. Sekarang, kita beralih ke pendekatan yang lebih modular dan fleksibel, yaitu arsitektur berbasis microservices. Microservices adalah sebuah pendekatan dalam pengembangan software di mana aplikasi dibangun sebagai kumpulan layanan yang lebih kecil, mandiri, dan bisa di-deploy secara independen. Setiap layanan ini memiliki fungsionalitas spesifik, berkomunikasi dengan layanan lainnya melalui API yang terdefinisi dengan baik, biasanya melalui HTTP/REST atau messaging queues. Keuntungan Arsitektur Microservices
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  • Perkenalkan Diri Halo, Teman2 Mini Bootcamp GDSC Telkom University semua! Perkenalkan Saya <...> Senang sekali bisa ngobrol dan berbagi tentang Docker, si jagoan teknologi yang udah ngubah banget cara kita main dengan aplikasi. Dari mulai yang namanya mengembangkan aplikasi, ngirim atau deploy aplikasi, sampai menjalankan aplikasi di berbagai tempat, Docker udah jadi game changer yang bener-bener membantu banget. Docker Material
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  • Table of Content Networking Basics Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs) cara-konfigurasi-vlan-trunking-di-cisco-packet-tracer-topologi VLANs Functions Break up physical switches into virtual “mini switches“ Extend the virtual “mini switch” to multiple physical switches
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  • Application Programming Interface (API) Definition Application Programming Interface (API) defines how software applications communicate with each other using request and responses. An API documentation will contains information on how developers can use and structure those request and responses. API acts as an intermediary layer that processes data transfer between systems, letting companies open their application data and functionality to external third-part developers, business partners, and internal departments withing their companies. Types of API HJ5O4VIKT OpenAPI Open API also know as public API are an open-source API that everyone can access with HTTP protocol. This API allows companies to publicly expose information and functionalities of their system and application to third parties. Partner API
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  • 5G Core in Network Introduction What is 5G Core and why is 5G Core important? By definition 5G core is a core network architecture that implements the new 3GPP network architecture for 5G mobile networks. It is the heart of the 5G mobile network. 5G Core is important because it establishes a reliable, secure connectivity to the network for end users and provides access to its services. 5G core is designed to handle a wide variety of essential functions such as connectivity and mobility management, authentication and authorization, subscriber data management and policy management, etc. These network functions are designed as cloud-native and software-based which allow for a higher deployment flexibility and agility on multiple cloud infrastructures. Architecture General Architecture
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  • Background Knowledge: Specification3GPP Specification 23.501 RedCap 3GPP Specification 21.917 API In 5GC, the connection between each Network Function using OpenAPI is called SBI(Service Based Interface, below is the source code from Free5GC. Here is a test note about API sever and client. You can also find some information about what is API by searching.
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  • Table of Content Radio Access Tecnology As a VNF 5G Implementation Division on Kubernetes, I design and deploy high-performance OpenAirInterface (OAI) 5G use cases. I optimize network performance, ensure security integration, and collaborate on defining use cases. My focus is on automation for efficient seamless deployment 5G integration in Kubernetes environments. 2G Technology image Open Netra, standing for Open Network Training, is a comprehensive solution designed to facilitate the training, simulation, and management of 5G networks. The primary functionalities of Open Netra include E2E (End-to-End) 5G dashboard simulation and RAN (Radio Access Network) monitoring & configuration. The entire infrastructure is built on a foundation of virtualized network functions, specifically implemented as OpenAirInterface containers, orchestrated and managed by Kubernetes.
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  • System Design System Design Testt.drawio(2) 1. RHEL Local Instalation 🧑‍💻 Download the related image (in this case RHEL 9) imageimage Import the iso and config like this following picture: image SSH the network enp0s3 interface image
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  • OpenNetra: Project Description netra dash Open Netra, standing for Open Network Training, is a comprehensive solution designed to facilitate the training, simulation, and management of 5G networks. The primary functionalities of Open Netra include E2E (End-to-End) 5G dashboard simulation and RAN (Radio Access Network) monitoring & configuration. The entire infrastructure is built on a foundation of virtualized network functions, specifically implemented as OpenAirInterface containers, orchestrated and managed by Kubernetes. Task 1: Frontend Development 🖼️ 2.1 Data Flow Exploration image Rete.js alternatives:
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  • Unit Testing Testing analogy is like to test every functionality on the device. Wheater it's working as we desire or not. We need the code in order to make the testing to be automate. Functional test Unit Test Integration Test
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  • Task 3 Description In this task, you will learn about container and virtualization in Linux Enterprise. What you should learn are in below: Setup docker or podman to your environment Learn about basic command in podman or docker Try to setup example container in your environment Create container image using Dockerfile (setup any application container as you wish Create local repository and upload your image to it
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  • Task 2 Description In previous task, you already setup your machine and learned about basic networking in Linux Enterprise. Now, you should try to learn about ip forwarding and network namespace in linux. Example: 1 VM has 1 interface bridge with static IP 1 VM has 2 interface bridge (1 static IP and 1 DHCP) First VM must have internet connection from second VM Second VM get internet from host and forward the internet to first VM.
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  • OpenRAN Assignment Femtocell Explanation Femtocell-network-architecture A femtocell serves as a wireless access point designed to improve indoor cellular connectivity. In contrast to alternative cellular connection methods, femtocells establish a connection to the internet to deliver cellular coverage within homes or offices. Operating similarly to routers, femtocells can be positioned in proximity to existing network setups, and they are available for purchase by anyone seeking to enhance their cellular connectivity. Differ with small cells ilstr-SmallCell-OutdoorMacroAndSmallCellNetwork-112922-Web-850px One difference is how small cells and femtocells connect back to the network. A small cell connects on a dedicated link. A femtocell connects back on the internet. Another difference is a femtocell is private, while a small cell is a public network.
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