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Research IV: Lightweight 5G Core (5G RedCap)

Background Knowledge:

  • Specification

    • 3GPP Specification 23.501
    • RedCap 3GPP Specification 21.917
  • API

    • In 5GC, the connection between each Network Function using OpenAPI is called SBI(Service Based Interface, below is the source code from Free5GC.
    • Here is a test note about API sever and client.
    • You can also find some information about what is API by searching.
  • Testing environment

    • Free5GC is an open source 5G core network written in go language, which is convenient for E2E test without expensive hardware, you only need a computer or VM.

    • Below is the notes of installing process,it included some solutions of bugs, if the process is not detailed enough, you can click the reference in it. NOTE

    • The note also include the below tools debugging process.

      • Wireshark is a packet catching tool, we will use it to see the packet content between two testing device.

      • MobaXterm is a ssh terminal tool, we can use it to connect to server where VM is running on.

      • VScode is a code editor with ssh function, we can use it to modify the code remotely, you can also use other similar platform like Gateway (From Jetbrains), Goland (From Jetbrains), Sublime text.


  • Modify the packet parameters with “Authentication request”
  • Remove “AUSF” & E2E test
  • Remove “NSSF” & E2E test
  • Remove “PCF” & E2E test
  • Remove “UDR” & E2E test
  • Remove “UDM” & E2E test
  • Others
    • SPEC study and a simlfied version
    • 5GC call flow study & OpenAPI connection study