# Good project examples Introduction to IoT Summer course *1DT305* Presentation of good examples in the Applied IoT course @ Linnaeus University summer. ### Summer 2024 | *Student Name* | *Project Name* | |:------:|:------:| | Albin Johansson | [Temperature and Humidity Sensor](https://github.com/gnowin/iot-project) | | Simon Nyberg | [Dog Activity Monitor](https://hackmd.io/@SqYb31iBQH6bD69W44HS4w/BkfXBhFIC) | | Jonathan Frey | [Litter Box Monitor](https://github.com/Jonathan-Frey/litter_box) | | Hannes Månsson | [Monitor plant environment](https://github.com/pajserman/IoT-plants)| | Bareal Issa | [Multi-Factor Authentication Secure Access System for Safes](https://hackmd.io/@ReAs7R6fRfaGeqm8fzVH3Q/Secure_Access_System) | | Elin Sigrid Margareta Andersson Lundell | [Smart Sangria Pump](https://hackmd.io/uCB_jU3BR-KiDcfBXISWVA) | | Jonathan Lannerås | [Automatic Plant Watering System](https://github.com/Tannis1195/Iot-Summer-2024) | | Ludwig Fallström | [Self watering IOT system](https://github.com/lurr3t/self_watering_plant?tab=readme-ov-file) | | Adam Engström | [Real-Time Environmental Monitoring for a Gaming Room](https://hackmd.io/HnOVHN1WS9id-AIJI-js_g?view) | | Kimmo Ahola | [The IoT Temperature and Humidity Observer](https://github.com/KimmoKAhola/The-IoT-Temperature-Observer/tree/master) | | May Sunktong | [Mini Cereal and Milk Dispenser](https://hackmd.io/CdcphtG3TKW6iPIFKkqM2A?view=) | | Tomas Eriksson | [Smart Greenhouse](https://github.com/te222uh/MySmartGreenhouse) | | Hilmer Cárdenas Broman | [Smart Home IoT System: Monitoring, Control, and Air Purification](https://hackmd.io/2eYgDcI-Qz23cHOWrM6Fiw?view) | | Per Karlsson Kremer | [Smart Door + 2](https://github.com/transccc/iot-project) | | David Permlid | [SmartEnv: IoT Temperature and Light Monitor](https://github.com/dwov/IoT_temperature_monitor) | | Fredrik Svärd | [Tutorial on how to build an IoT application for temperature and humidity sensors](https://github.com/nfredrik/mickarucken?tab=readme-ov-file) | | Emil Karlsson | [IoT Wifi controlled car tutorial](https://github.com/emklemkl/iot-rc-car) | | Kerstin Lundvik | [EcoCool: Energy-Saving Night Ventilation](https://hackmd.io/@Ches/ry1lWNvUC) | | Nelly Olofsson | [Plants/Vegetables Monitor](https://hackmd.io/cTEJuNWZR3S8Anc0OtgzmA) | | Shiyao Xin | [Smart Home Security System Project ](https://github.com/Victoria-S-X/IoT-smarthome) | | Alambuya Chelsea | [Soil Sentry](https://github.com/alambuyachelsea/Soil-Sentry/tree/css) | | Andreas Nilsson | [Smart Lashing Detection System](https://github.com/isnisn/smartlash/blob/main/README.md) | | Edvin Mohlin | [Smart Fan Controller](https://github.com/EMohlin7/iot) | | Angelica Marker | [Smart Compost](https://hackmd.io/@3KzL4qeKQkifnP_tzEbLJQ/SJv5nV9LC) | | Andreas Westphal | [Smart Home Blinds Control and Automation](https://hackmd.io/@CFXOzuQaQMuf7p3-wnTxNQ/SyTPlqeU0) | | Oliver Bölin | [Smart Weather and Environmental Alarm for Temperature and Ensemble Recommendations (SWEATER)](https://github.com/frankuman/SWEATER-IoT) | | Emil Olsson | [Coffee Temperature Monitor](https://hackmd.io/@DeHezYbnQ7KDHhzs-U2ObA/Hka87bvU0) | | Andreas Galistel | [Home Control Gadget](https://github.com/Delph1/LNU_project) | | Johan Lundström | [Smart Mailbox](https://github.com/lundstrj/mailbox) | | Efthimis Kalpasidis | [Smart Grow House](https://github.com/effe23/GrowHouse/) | | Samuel Azzawi | [Home Automation Project: LED Light Control](https://github.com/Samuel-azzawi/home-automation) | | Pontus Grandin | [Plant Monitor with Raspberry Pi as a controller](https://github.com/IchanP/IoT-Summer) | | Deepash Patel | [Tutorial on how to build The Plant Monitor 2000](https://hackmd.io/QMTC0XSaRTiBrM4gHjvmaA#Tutorial-on-how-to-build-The-Plant-Monitor-2000) | | Ivan Hanono Cozzetti | [Machine Learning Solar Irradiance Prediction IoT Web Application](https://github.com/IvanHanonoCozzetti/ML-solar-irradiance-prediction-IoT-App?tab=readme-ov-file) | | Henrik Lagrosen | [How to build an automation system for IKEA Tradfri](https://github.com/helagro/Applied-IoT) | | Boris Smeds | [Water Well Monitoring](https://hackmd.io/@bsmeds/HymAFqx8C) | ### Summer 2023 | *Student name* | *Project Name* | |:----------:|:----------:| | Randy Johnson | [Motion Flow](https://hackmd.io/@RandyJohnson/r196yRJKh) | | Kavindi Peiris | [Making My Humidifier Actually Smart 😉](https://hackmd.io/@kavindi/Hyo0wNxF2) | | Martin Karlsson | [Tutorial on how to make your bike your first IoT project](https://github.com/MartinKarlsson1337/IoT-bike) | | Oscar Johansson | [Bubble count in beer fermantiation station](https://hackmd.io/pRIdBiwlQYC1dWVVLEJQSw) | | Nas Vurgun | [Stroller IoT Project with Raspberry Pi Pico W](https://github.com/vurg/stroller-iot) | | Olle Jönsson | [Smart Horticulture](https://github.com/Aleij/Smart_Horticulture) | | Oscar Kihlman | [Server room temperature difference monitoring](https://hackmd.io/@ok222iz/S1VSrdxth) | | Anton Wilén | [IoT Self Watering Device](https://hackmd.io/@aw224be/SyPb3KpOh) | | Henrik Andreasson Hallstensson | [Smart greenhouse project](https://hackmd.io/98Wpxgn_SJCVpCUpiuWx1A?view) | | Mateusz Sowinski-Smetny | [IoT meets Microclimate](https://hackmd.io/@ms226yg/BJ7MpKT_2) | | Ali Ahmadi Dounchali | [Optimizing Server Room Cooling Efficiency by Using Outside Air](https://hackmd.io/@dOvP3hPtSbmvyVc33SB5pQ/H1lHi8pdn) | | Samuel Tinnerholm | [bnbPlants](https://github.com/realfishsam/bnbPlants) | | Sven Lindström | [Dyson Remote and Automation control](https://hackmd.io/IKziMexCSVyvbWrRPY4GBw?view) | | Majid Laso | [Garage door sensor](https://hackmd.io/7ctfEamsQIeVG2WplpDtUg?view) | | Robin Kron | [Temp&humidity w/ TIG-stack + MQTT-broker @ docker compose](https://hackmd.io/@rk222vm/HyzTN65On) | | Emil Clementz | [Temperature and humidity sensor with adjustable request rate using rotary encoder, programmed in .Net and MicroPython](https://github.com/em-cl/IoT-Project/blob/main/README.md) | | Caroline Ellbäck | [Indoor temperature and humidity monitor with extended features](https://hackmd.io/PLNfeuE7QIG2Nwvokv9fXQ?view) | | Karl Flysjö | [Build your own greenhouse monitor system](https://hackmd.io/@kflysjo/S1PfFaOv2) | | Joakim Rytterlöv | [IoT Project Tutorial – Project: Weather Data System](https://github.com/UtvactCoda/IoT-Project) | | Jonathan Eriksson | [Wireless Air-compressor test rig](https://hackmd.io/@M0GBxW27Sryne44N95iEwA/ByZmrBP_3) | | Anna Pawlukiewicz | [Anna's Plant Monitor](https://hackmd.io/JvE8J_q7RECFAWvIxrNu0w) | | Alexandre Rancati-Palmer | [Greeny](https://github.com/alrapal/Greeny) | | Björn Siby | [Remote Green house system](https://hackmd.io/3UcAavzHT5uiZzq13j5kew?view) | | Emil Larsson | [PicoClima IoT project](https://hackmd.io/qBpk253XRvuOostdLi55qg) | | Djordje Dimitrov | [Smart-Plant-Care-System-with-Indoor-Outdoor-Temperature-and-Humidity controllable through node-red and HiveMQ](https://github.com/djolodjolo23/Smart-Plant-Care-System-with-Indoor-Outdoor-Temperature-and-Humidity) | | Carl-William Lindkvist | [QOL and small security for a summer home](https://github.com/calle5555/Security-For-Summer-Home) | | Pranav Patel | [Tutorial: Temperature Controlled Fan](https://hackmd.io/@pp222gm/Sy7Ng2Ydh) | | Yaman Alkurdi | [Home Automation System](https://github.com/11yaman/home-iot) | | Charlotta Larmoijeur | [IoT smartwatch - Tutorial](https://github.com/Cup-of-Code/IoT-Smartwatch/tree/main) | | Hadi Saghir | [Making the BOSCH Styline TKA8013 Smart](https://hackmd.io/@hadsag/Sk53vvxu3) | | Gustav Kånåhols | [Smart Litter Box](https://hackmd.io/xFK_AZmkQUyGTrr6Fm0LrA?view) | | Anahita Keshvari | [Prototyping an Automated Plant Monitoring](https://hackmd.io/@Anahita/SJYUxeeKh) | | Miguel Tomas | [Smart add-on for the Philips Senseo coffee machine](https://www.hackster.io/mtpsilva/smart-add-on-for-the-philips-senseo-coffee-machine-06d9bf) | | Carl Johan Grevby | [Node for Speed: LoRacer](https://github.com/DorvoG/iot_speedtrap) | ### Summer 2022 | *Student name* | *Project name* | |:-|:-| | Nuhuman Abubakar | [IoT Poultry Farm Monitoring](https://hackmd.io/@na222nx/rkgpVFv5q) | | Dnyaz Ali Ahmet | [Voice and temperature contolled AC using Node-RED, MQTT and Amazon Alexa](https://hackmd.io/@fUWAxpTAQhm7KOnHUWPaSA/da222ze-1DT305) | | Batjigdrel Bataa | [Auto Suspender](https://github.com/Elmonade/AutoSuspender) | | Viktoria Björkman | [Dog activity tracker](https://hackmd.io/@GVkCZyZyRMGo6cokrJVPww/dog-activity-tracker) | | Greger Gustafsson | [Honey maximizer](https://hackmd.io/@gg222bk/HkmFKfoKc) | | Max Halling | [chair monitoring system](https://hackmd.io/Lyk8sSyMREmd0GrlG0LRnw?view) | | Vilgot Ledstam | [Smart Plant Monitor](https://hackmd.io/@villed3/1dt305-project) | | Alija Levic | [build a environmental monitor with alerts](https://hackmd.io/@alijalnu/rJ27hsuF5) | | Paolo Molinaro | [RFID access control system with LoPy](https://hackmd.io/@pm222py/By_T9l0tq) | | Essie Raza | [Soil moisture monitoring and automated alerts](https://hackmd.io/xoWo3PwuTmGyVgq035AINg) | | Alexander Ström | [Tutorial on how to build an IoT-Intercom](https://github.com/WattageGuy/IoT-Intercom) | | Samuel Thand | [Build an Automated Plant Monitoring System](https://hackmd.io/@SamuelThand/ryGh60x5c) | | Joakim Thor | [Enhanced weather station for logging weather data](https://hackmd.io/@jPJA8FguQYyyYs0oPaeFuQ/BJD2-Kkj5) | | Malika Achouhan | [Home environment checking and regulating device, using Webhooks and MQTT](https://hackmd.io/@MalikaAch/environment-checking-and-regulating-IoT-device-using-webhooks-and-mqtt) | | Nisse Bergman | [Converting an old Tivoli radio to an Internet Radio](https://hackmd.io/@OYqmInHEQvmIDDMs718jZA/H1hAoruq9) | | Simon Danielsson | [Know when to water your plant and how your room feels using a Pycom device](https://hackmd.io/@DNNsW-tLTUWbMTLNtVCF1A/iot-tutorial) | | Maria Engshagen | [Water-level measuring](https://hackmd.io/@mm224wk/H1lAvVRu9) | | Johannes Eriksson | [Humidity-and-temperature-sensors-for-monitoring-plants-iot-project](https://github.com/ErikssonJohannes/Humidity-and-temperature-sensors-for-monitoring-plants-iot-project) | | Rami Fareed Omar | [The Indoor temperature & humidity monitor](https://hackmd.io/@EIztAGSKS7a2H7Z90JbzWw/H1y7S9Sq9) | | Therese Grass | [Soil Moisture Sensor with Pycom and WiFi](https://hackmd.io/@tg222kv/rk9mGm255) | | Wilmer Hallin Jacobsson | [Smart (and simple) Security System](https://github.com/Wilmer-H-Jacobsson/SmartSecuritySystem) | | Philip Hilding | [Creating an indoor Temperature and Humidity monitor](https://hackmd.io/@LVfMlp_kSA21TDJUhuWRjQ/HyW5Gpes5) | | Laoa Jalal | [How to build a in-door weather and soil monitoring device using Micropython and the TIG-stack](https://hackmd.io/@laoaJalal/iot-tutorial) | | Minsun Jung | [Building a simple magnet detector that can be used for home security](https://hackmd.io/@mj224vw/Sksr8oK5c) | | David Klarbrant | [Tutorial on how to build a “hall effect sensor” controlled LED](https://hackmd.io/@DK222RALNU/IoT-HallEffectSensor) | | Magnusson Millqvist | [My Smart Coffee Machine](https://hackmd.io/@hm222vx/SmartCoffeeMachine) | | Anton Nyström | [An EKG heart rate monitoring system](https://hackmd.io/@an224ik/H1WBRXo5c) | | Jonatan Rassekhnia | [IoT Weather Monitor](https://hackmd.io/@zY755LKkQoKfjXLGY4zRQA/LNU_IoT_Weather_Monitor) | | Pernilla Rydmark | [Water temperature monitoring](https://hackmd.io/@Pr222me/HyxsxhTFq) | | Freddy Tönnesen | [HOW TO BUILD A LED FINGERBOARD AID FOR 5str BANJO](https://hackmd.io/@hW-huaLjT9i45597cAsBtQ/HJWRPB8Yc) | | Hala Zeeb | [Automatic cat food dispenser](https://hackmd.io/@Hala/Hala-iot-tutorial) | ### Summer 2021 #### Sensor applications | *Student name* | *Project name* | |:-:|:-:| | **David Lindgren** | [IoT tracker - validation of vehicle performance](https://hackmd.io/@DavidL/SkYsx5GRO) | | **Elias Lindfors & Hamed Talebi** | [Indoor Air Quality Monitor](https://hackmd.io/@ryantal/Ski0EZVAd) | | **Fabian Fröschl** | [Light intensity, temperature and humidity sensor for the desk](https://github.com/Froschi1860/Light-intensity-temperature-and-humidity-sensor-for-the-desk/tree/main) | | **Oskar Almqvist** | [(VibSense) - build a third hand by creating a IOT assistant capable of sensing vibrations and impacts with ultra high sensitivity](https://hackmd.io/f15q65l4TKaWJBdjor-9AA?view) | | **Peter Daniel** | [Smart Aquarium using PyCom](https://hackmd.io/X6ZAo_prSHmD4tEGZHQBIA) | | **Andreas Hedlund** | [Monitoring of wastewater treatment plant](https://hackmd.io/@hedlund/ryCI_XlJY) | | **Mikael Johannesson** | [Remote temperature log with local alarm](https://hackmd.io/89mrSCHITbaU7Il7nTYFRA?view) | | **Alex Karlsson** | [IoT tutorial on monitoring weather data in your home using the TIG stack](https://hackmd.io/@alexkarlsson/iot-tutorial) | | **Pierre Lantz Söderlund** | [Monitor your plants and their environment](https://hackmd.io/@Zaikool/H1M7o-7JY) | | **Daniel Rodin** | [Indoor environmental monitoring using Micropython, MQTT and TIG-stack](https://hackmd.io/@d-rodin/Sy_xXmkkF) | | **Qing Lin** | [Pycom LoPy4 Storeroom Monitoring System](https://hackmd.io/b6iK2IkgTRy4FKP807zxvQ?view) | | **Fredrik L** | [LiFi temperature sensor](https://hackmd.io/@fl222ai/ryqXQHmCd) | | **Kalle Friberg** | [Presenting the temperature, humidity and moisture of my greenhouse in a cloud service](https://hackmd.io/@sMJAvvKqQ6OQ7Y1uLK8WYQ/S1dhsfIp_) | | **Tomas Marx-Raacz von Hidvég** | [an Air and Water temperature measurement device powered by solar-panel and battery](https://github.com/tomasvh/tendn09-1dt305-temp-meter/blob/main/README.md) | | **Mgbah Robinson Iheanacho** | [Iot Baby Temperature Monitor](https://hackmd.io/@rm222qf/iot-tutorial) | | **Peter Nordlander** | [Indoor Weather Guard](https://hackmd.io/@pn222nh/ryCY7WQC_) | | **Mats Pettersson** | [Exploring MicroPython, MQTT and TIG Stack](https://hackmd.io/@mpetter/HyrfZ0TCu) | | **Joel Salo** | [Simple motion detector that notifies you when triggered](https://hackmd.io/@js225fg/B1wj3AmyF) | #### Actuating applications | *Student name* | *Project name* | |:-:|:-:| | **Ammar Shihabi** | [Smart irrigation system using LoPy4 and WiFi](https://hackmd.io/@AmmarS/BypswsGJF) | | **Anton Bengtsson** | [Build a solar panel table to keep your beer cold using the sun](https://hackmd.io/@AntonBengtsson/HJSZgDkJY) | | **Erik Claesson** | [Authentication system featuring a prototype door, NFC technology and JSON Web Tokens](https://github.com/kirekire95/iot-summer-project-nfc-jwt-door---iot) | | **Xi Chen** | [Home Winery Assistant](https://hackmd.io/@chenxijack/HJRfEcWyF) | | **Nicole DiNatali** | [Smart Doorbell with motion sensitivity and camera function on Raspberry Pi 2](https://hackmd.io/@nd222gg/r1ErevZyF) | | **Erik Gustavsson** | [Smarter IOT connected window](https://hackmd.io/@ErikGust/ByKOrKlhu) | | **Mika Persson** | [Build a Public Locker Alarm](https://hackmd.io/@mp223tz/rJPT2ZUsu) | | **Sotirios-Ilias Tsivras** | [Solar-powered IoT application](https://hackmd.io/@sotsivras/B1BGaMpR_) | | **Zhicheng Wang** | [Preliminary design of Smart Home system with LoPy4 and Raspberry Pi 4](https://hackmd.io/@ZhichengWang/SJcZZM2R_) | ### Summer 2020 #### Sensor applications | *Student name* | *Project name* | |:-:|:-:| | **Victor Krook** | [Monitor your plants & the weather with an awesome wall-mounted dashboard](https://hackmd.io/@victorkrook/HyEEBujaI) | | **Erik Karlsson** | [Home Security System with LoPy4](https://hackmd.io/@m9n0kQAxT6y-4axoOue5qQ/BkNq8XrT8) | | **Fritiof Ekvall** | [Tutorial on how to build an air quality and temperature sensor](https://hackmd.io/cAD8ObVyR9aN0e7xgVn8xw?view) | | **Linnea Allander** | [The Plant Communicator](https://hackmd.io/@NEA/HJOnmT4CU) | | **Olof Magnusson** | [A simple experiment using TIG-STACK for implementing a Portable Environment Analyser](https://hackmd.io/@Magikern/ryB9__P08) | | **Rasmus Allansson** | [Weather station for remote greenhouse](https://hackmd.io/@rasmusallansson/BkGChl9C8) | | **Rickard Larsson** | [Combining an aeroponic system with pH-level and temperature measurements](https://hackmd.io/@re222km/Sk0zck2h8) | | **Nenad Cuturic** | [Liftarens guide till IoT-galaxen](https://hackmd.io/W4WFVN64QR-u2tLPk8Z_2g?view) | | **Stefan Nilsson** | [How to build a wireless mailbox notifier with temperature sensor and dashboard](https://hackmd.io/@sn223gc/r1CM7RQkv) | | **Arvid Berntsson** | [Build a simple (but not very secure) alarm system for your home or dorm room](https://hackmd.io/@Berntzone/rk-tYaQRL) | | **Tomas Hägg** | [Iot-tutorial detect animal at water source](https://hackmd.io/@TomasH/iot-tutorial) | | **ManuelaQR** | [Dog Protection Against Stold](https://hackmd.io/@md223ah/r1OLgB1Jv) | | **Mohammad Qasem** | [Building a cat detection system using HFS-DC06 microwave sensor with data logging and notifications](https://hackmd.io/@mhmd98/applied-iot-tutorial-mq222bp) | | **Johan Mårtensson** | [Home temperature, humidity and air quality device](https://hackmd.io/@jm223cs/r1-4smcRL) | | **Leyla Wejdell** | [Plant, temperature and humidity monitor with optional database and notifications](https://hackmd.io/@wtfkiwi/Plant-T-H-Monitor) | | **Emelie Fogelström** | [Tutorial on how to build a Pycom LoPy4 weather station](https://hackmd.io/@ehTrKNe5RYyySf6QXbWMWA/ByVCoGFAU) | | **Seif Bourogaa** | [Monitor your room temperature, humidity, brightness and sound level](https://hackmd.io/FnLRRt5jRgKTq3gmWpUUmQ?view) | #### Actuating applications | *Student name* | *Project name* | |:-:|:-:| | **John Lindblad** | [Home climate automation](https://hackmd.io/@JohnLindblad/rJNKFZWAU) | | **Adam Wengrud** | [Tutorial on how to automate a floor-fan with a DHT11 sensor](https://hackmd.io/@aw223na/IoT-project) | | **Abdulsalam Aldahir** | [Tutorial on how to Automate a floor fan with DHT11 sensor](https://hackmd.io/@abbeabbe/ByNXPfGyv) | | **Seth Ramström** | [Automatic Watering](https://hackmd.io/@GoQFux7_Tl6EkhxxuDj2iQ/H1w241T6U) | | **Fredric Luthman** | [Pool monitoring system powered by a PyCom LoPy4](https://hackmd.io/YvntkJ9LSpSZ-pnSwoSiDA) | | **Adam Leo** | [The Earth Rover](https://hackmd.io/@adamcarlleo/EarthRover) | | **Mikael Sjöberg** | [Automatic IoT garden irrigation system using the LoPy4 and Sigfox](https://hackmd.io/@WardXkFSSG2Ue9oa072YVw/rkmOQJzkw) | | **Joshua Villamater** | [Voice control lamp with Rgb led & LDR led effects](https://hackmd.io/@joshua01/SyeghoVJP) |