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# W4P Knowledge report resources
old documents
## Background
narrative is needed to all together, eventual goals, processes and future of web.
overview: https://open.janastu.org/work/projects/mirzapur
working doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1egLbWR6TrcAwr4J_6lnEu062WJD9iOBnWIBbMYCb1Os/edit?usp=sharing
## Outline
more like brochure--
Exectuive summary
Backround of project/goals
...(hint why women should be empowered first)
List of activity;things dones/ stats
* Projects done, groups impacted, areas of subject touched
* some abstract numbers/diagrams to demonstrate impact
Challanges ,learnings and findings descriptive pointers
* individual activity wise
* overall challenges
* unexpected things
* point of failures
* limitations
* overall learnings and findings
Way forward as an org
* new goals
* people, impact, subject area
* mission vision reframing
* next steps
* projects in brewing
* possible-potential work areas
>>notes from call
>>1. web monetization in future, how the girls could recieve money from the projets and share in community, community owned -shares stakeholder also.
>>2. demistifying social media, money, algorithms, network, cloud, long term effect of making workings of tech accessible
>>3. clouds,self hosting, incentivizing
>>4. Blockchain NFT profit sharing IP
>>5. If we want to do all of that, we need to be there and experience it and then teach , thats what last year was about
## Things done
How it started: https://www.canva.com/design/DAEOt19GgHE/VC4sTfMQdT7xvxURYkq-Hg/watch?utm_content=DAEOt19GgHE&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink
* Anthill hacks- old and new one
* Papad- interconnecting everything
* Own cloud systems
* Craft workshops
* Mesh related work
* ASPI and related experiments
* [Installing Raspberry Pi OS](/-Tj2eTNJSp-upDUD7wZtCw?view)
* *Media making and online classes*
** inshot
** syncthing
* * [syncthing tesing document](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VH-iNsIAfvbYZB-sAEmGZqRcTY7pwkEdyipc6Cop81k/edit)
** mastadon, privacy
** kolibri
content from field: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AgdW-T3d08GsChkdJb1dBqFT-orGCbpsvIV67uyHoVg/edit
Reflections on online classes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UrjaE4JJlySO07Tv4818nndKmQV2nn1eCWJxQpHbcAc/edit#
understanding other narratives:
* Kishori Film Festival
* Expressing talents and local skills
* * Papad- interconnecting everything
* Shafallis-DA Visit
## Timelime:
* 12-2019 anthillhacks 2019
* 03-2020 mirzapur visit
* [Suno Suno / Heeli Keeli](https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/feb2631eb3ea489eb019ffb8282396f6)
* 04-2020 covid https://blog.janastu.org/covid-19-campaign-namma-halli-radio/
* refs https://azimpremjiuniversity.edu.in/SitePages/pdf/COVID19-Impact-on-Informal-Sector-Bengaluru.pdf
**March 2020**
* Conversation and updates from Dinesh and Shalini's field visit, link to minutes W4P-JAM - [Minutes of meeting](https://buruepevr5uw4fvfu7g9ba/)
**April 2020**
* Shalini: Spoke to Suresh and Urmila, who was angry earlier coz we didnt visit them, but Suresh clarified how it was better that Dinesh and Shalini left from there at the right time. Further, checked how is the situation with the lockdown, and it seems that there is a atmosphere of fear, Hindu / muslim (religious) color by the media seemed to have worked along with Xenophobia re. chinese virus and other such sentiments are popular. Suresh coordinating for ensuring the relief reaches the most needed. Though Urmila and team need to use the audio tools, it's going slow suresh also thinks a one time in person training may be needed.
* Shalini follow up with Suresh and Mirzapur peers. Challenges in interviewing / co-ordination
* How to get everyone involved on same page, while Suresh is enthusiastic getting Urmila and others on board with our agenda, seems like a long way ahead
* Majorly, conversations on phone re. training and tech products like video conferencing and other might need much more hand holding
* Dinesh suggested, That definitely only shalini cant be speaking with all of them, over time we need to get collaborators to help with having conversations and follow up conversations, figuring out community need in covid situation. Myna is available to help with mentoring needs for the young girls group, and we should also put out word (call) for all these collaborations we need. Bhanu adds, Definitely we need to get more people to involve, but also to keep the continuity of conversations we need a process. In that how do we document these calls? Though there is a audio recording which is for re-visiting the conversation for a clarity later, the primary thing would be to maintain call log and notes. Just like how i used to do in my previous life working in call centres. Every call we receive will be associated to an account / contract on a CRM, from where we get basic details. Every associate who speaks with the account holder will have to document the call in a pre-decided template. our template for customer service was called C (customer / identity), S (statement / problem), R (resolution / solution) while that fits for a call centre we need to come up with some simple format in such a way that it will make our life easy in going through these conversations. Also allow collaborators to join based on availability. much needed when we have crunch in resources.
* For Mirzapur, Shalini editing audio recordings, to edit required fragments. also working with emery on the Syncthing. Need to write call for collaboration and volunteers re. our ongoing projects for writing, coding, design, co-ordination, be a friend on phone, masks campaign and other general needs that we come across our networks / groups. some themes,
* record your stories
* remote activities
* software dev
* hardware related
* open source and commons
* volunteer
* Bhanu started re. remote collaboration with Suresh and other Mirzapur peers.
Storycorps and the listening project seems like a nice model to emulate during this situation. They also have guides and tutorials for DIY models. More on the DIY and courses here https://diy.storycorps.org/courses/storycorps-diy-fundamental-course/ I skimmed through the course they cover all aspects from starting the project, hiring staff, Themes, training and facilitation so on. For mirzapur use case, i propose a recruiting campaign, to identify interespted participants and volunteers to conduct interviews and organize listening parties around specific themes.
* Setup of staffing and responsibilities
* On field point person
* remote point person
* interview participants
* program / theme designers
* Reach out and promotion: need to prepare material, call for and communication with peers to promote community participation
* After receiving recordings, identify individuals who can be trained further as facilitators
* Equipments, Training, apps to use, guidelines to follow, sound check and other recording related workflows
* Dinesh suggests that i give homework to team, so that we see how this fits our use.
* Shalini updates on the meeting with Myna, Prachi and Gita - the main outcome of this conversation seems that they all need a platform to collaborate and communicate to move forward.
* Dinesh mentioned that Giri also needs help with mapping their recent trips
* Shalini spoke to gita re. stories of covid, also meeting with preeti, name suggestion for the program module.
* Shalini - Tomorrow we can have a chat with Neha from Duriya village. I’ll introduce her to all of as. and yesterday spoke to Priyanka as well then toay i shared her all our recording in the field and i asked her to listen to it. and tomorrow brief introduction call to everyone, i will introduce Neha to everyone. trying with Priyanka also or I'll ask Neha to bring Priyanka in the call. So on the [excel sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Fd_u6-MU8rlI2YJlbOjiT41T2kpHQKRCIfOlMLyXMF4/edit?usp=sharing) given introduction people who will be talking tomorrow and audio recording included. and tomorrow's call will be between 3pm-4pm.
* Shalini what might general name for the Mirzapur project. i was thnking in Kannada in heli keli and Hindi could be kaho suno whatever i mean Bhanu started this suno suno thing which
**May 2020**
* Khushboo update- Shalini, Anu and me we had call Nesha and with other girls from Duriya village. We talked about generic thing of life which moving around and how we're living rural and urban. it was similar kind of that conversation. i understand bhojpuri so it was easy for me to interact with those girls and later she narrated her a poem.
* Shalini- Today we had chart with Suresh and team members so those ladies basically work on field and we told them about technical part. they have 80 to 85 young girls list so we noted down. So they work for 40 to 50 villages and we asked them that we are also interested to work with those villages. and later shalini shared about stories from Mama with Grand children.
* Khushboo- mirzapur update: Toady Shalini introduced Suresh and other three ladies so basically an interaction call was today with them, later there shared data with us i think shalini gonna upload and after that i had separate video call with Suresh.
* Khushboo- mirzapur update: I had detailed conversation with Suresh and other three women (Renu, Priyanka and Swetha) we had pretty long video call in morning with them. they're in the office. basically i was getting hang on like they day today thing
* Shalini: I will brief our project basically i want see how young girls use technology or how can they adopt technology in Uttar Pradesh,By developing skills to they generate income that what we are trying to see. when we visited the girls in the mirzapur area and we're very curious to know what there aspiration and what they want to became. So most of them told they want to do silai and beautician very few will say i want to study more. Moreover we are trying to understand what are they key skills with our interaction. Later introduced our small recording to them we wanted to see and try how technology they feel to use.
* Shalini: When we introduced device to them and they started recording narrating stories and with family parents and relatives are involved. So we saw same improvement they became if right resources given this is what we are tried and we met different groups age girls from 16-25 years in different villages.but they aspiration are very different and it various if we analysis data. currently we are working with MMU group in mirzapur they have like 200 hundred kishori girls with them. So they us data it was very interesting.
* Shalini: Toady i was talk to Duriya girls they gathered through WhatsApp call next 23rd we are meeting on them again so that time we should talk about what we are planning
* Khushboo: I had a call with Suresh and team i asked them to collect data from villages and with help of Neha i will be documenting it from tomorrow onwards.
* Dinesh: So Shalini i talk to Suresh and Khushoo this morning before she called Neha and priyanka i was saying to Suresh that this all new for us as we learn we go forward this what i mentioned him. with respect to laptops that why working raspberry pi kind of thing so think it nice to give one pi to khushoo and ask her to connect and use it for something after that she says okay we'll send one to suresh and team maybe Neha could be interested in installing and playing it...So we should go with this kind of open box rather than laplops and then we should thinking of content.
* Dinesh: DA plan to visit mirzapur and then W4P have a seminar 3days from 25th.
* Khushoo: We had call Nesha and with other girls from village. I had detailed conversation.
* Khushoo: I had call with Suresh he mentioned one community name how are even dalits don't talks to them basically there are very low caste and they're belong to particular caste because other communities discrimination them so very normal there family girls to kidnapped or raped very often. So parents decides to do marriage they kids at young age around 12 to 13 to get out of village. From this locality we are kind of helping MMU to work. So he was telling about them
* Shalini: So yesterday i spoke with Sakshi i have explained project to see how she can contribute and with Neha i asked her if she can do data gathering. and i was testing some app.
* Shalini: Today I had a converation with Urmila's girls in the Duriya village. Then urmila said since am here to do something so there is no place we have to arrange first place so that we can do some event and i suggested them if you can ask last time place were meeting was conducted. Also they won't have proper resources.
* Dinesh: I think one phone and we also send raspberry pi for group activity. It will be easy to coordinate.
* Shalini: Raspberry pi camera is not working in the big screen so i will setup tomorrow. And also we have to tell Suresh because Khushboo wants to conducte workshop with them and they want to know on which platform there all can collaborate together for this workshop and Suresh is saying little hard to gathering everyone that one place for two hours. So we suggested use some android application. But we have to tell them what application should use.
**June 2021**
* Shalini: Suresh and group the workshop that Khushboo should conducted but didn't happened yesterday. So we asked them to organise in same days and still there are not given any related data.
* Preeti: On last month we kind of focus two things in interesting what we want to do with Garima Girls with internal Medha group batch. so we used combination of WhatsApp and Zoom for communication purpose and another thing doing activity.
* Dinesh: So what we are looking to see like how we can send some live before that we are trying after we will be deploying and also seeing how we can collect audio through software.
* Shalini: Demonstrated how to conduct meeting call through Raspberry Pi using camera.
* Shalini: I had call with MMU team they have collected some data from the villages some around 50 girls names. So one of the village today Me and Geeta we were on call with 20 kids the girls from one of village that they had survey. In individually all girls introduced them themselves we talked them personality knowing by there interested and it was fun activity with them. The girls where very comfortable by talking and sharing they ideas and goals. today it was just an introduction call Me and Geeta together and talked to those girls next time we will planning for some activities with them and i will share document whatever we collected data from them.
* Dinesh: Geeta is here she will be helping us with Mirzapur project. Today we all need to provide content to this list https://hackmd.io/RLA1GkWPRuexD1EalPuj8A (w4p midterm report). So Mani if you go through minutes and suggest like what are interesting things. Shalini and you can work together on that part. Second one s pi related we have webinar pi anything we can contribute in terms of photos of built one or any on package screenshot. Another thing we should write on what on cloud Bhanu can draw diagram something and Mani can help in design. Bhanu will lead papad and network thing user based design and Geeta, Madhu and Shalini look at what to send about the sessions with Mirzapur village girls so Shalini will lead. Manoj and team will create design on display of raspberry pi and Sanketh will contribute in dry run of syncthing https://hackmd.io/7s3JVZ5ySIqj4G73Qe29Cw and Emery will setup toxbot then Arun i can review stuff.
* Madhu: she talked about on 20th June she has conducted survey with Mirzapur village girls and attached an excel sheet in the mail (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nNybWZI_d4PjXOky_adsAjT3XB-aPk6jUDomab-2HNU/edit#gid=0)
* Mani: System architecture diagram https://i.imgur.com/VTnYJIv.jpg
* Manoj: Got a new design done from designer of raspberry pi display i will just share a screen of model builed. based on yesterdays and all made it changes and in the stand little different from exiting model so we can places it webcam right behind it or attact to external pitting itself from there we can draw lines to the webcam whatever we want to place it and on top extra handle given that is for webcam. Anyway we are printing new design by today.

* Madhu: has conducted survey with Mirzapur village girls https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nNybWZI_d4PjXOky_adsAjT3XB-aPk6jUDomab-2HNU/edit#gid=267694598
* Manjo: design of raspberry pi display because size of 3d printer it has been delayed so looked new designer i check outside all in the amount of time i will cost more.
* Shalini: Showed and tried what Manoj had made 360 rotate cam stand i was not possible to attach or full rotate into pi cam. So Dinesh was saying its not meant for 360 rotation whatever position is there now its correct.

* Dinesh and Sanketh were discussing we have to look into webinar Pi is more a replacement for a laptop than a smartphone. How do use pi in phone and sharing information then media. So someone has to test then Manoj said i and my team can help with testing. In the meantime Dinesh was asking with everyone when to be deliver date of webinar pi? Later Dinesh and Shalini was talking Medha may already have smart phones to give so what is the specification we can suggest (for synthing, for recording, for webinar, for mesh and other needs). In the sametime Preeti and Jayant was on call and started discussing how they re-visited and met two girls from Mirzapur in the village. Still i remember this was our second time we went there agin before we all went together last time in the same place Preeti was mentioned to Dinesh. Jayant was saying to Dinesh I read your report and it was similar to what we are working to that and during covid pandemic we need to do seminar were they(girls) want to learn basic things. So we are wondering when can you deliver the webinar pi. Then conversation went through with Preeti, Jayant, Dinesh, Shalini and others regarding current status of webinar pi with documentation, setting up of software and other needs, 3 heads: meri pehchan, sapne, game plan program etc..,
**July 2020**
* Dinesh: Today we have to test Pi one here and another one with Manoj's office for tomorrow's webinar pi demo with DA.
* Webinar PI cost sheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18pR0UI2FWZTYxj_snHRzk4xovao2NYBcLyigPtWd5Qo/edit?usp=sharing
* Mirzapur update june 2020
* Mirzapur potential activities listing https://hackmd.io/zLAP92lwQ2ur5RSxYrYVzg?view
* shalini - start cooking activity at the w4p villages (geeta/madhu/+)
* ask if medha can provide 2 phones for dhuriya
* can we get them together for comic relief webinar event like nalpad one
* Dhuriya Neha says possible to use part of a building in the village
* Wed w4p da medha reflection workshop meet
* Manoj: After we discussed Dinesh yesterday making box with raspberry pi the display even if goes wrong they can fix it by themself by local whoever using. So that sort of thing was working.

* Upasana: I could like to suggest to Mumble app, When i was going through migrant workers stories all the recording onething thinking of for instant make a mumble channel where people can just take about difficulty face with respect to education especially so if can get people from mirzapur to talk on that chennal about of difficulty faced whever skill based education need to digial apps. That way we can understand what are problems we are facing.
-- Dinesh re: Yeah i never thought of having a Mumble channels for this that available continually so people can come of talk to each other. Its good to have channel like that should we try that.
-- Shalini re: Suresh from Mirzapur, he knows how to use Mumble app there is MMU channel we had created for them.
-- Dinesh re: Okay we will try this good idea Upasana will see what comes out.
* Dinesh: We have a phone got from Medha team this what they're giving for 22 girls mirzapur i think we'll try to setup everything we want. And see what if needs.
* Dinesh: Shalini should be call with girls and make a plan or do you a document what activity.
-- Shalini re: No, I was thinking to make details on activity then call probably today call geeta and others.
* Dinesh: Tomorrow we have big meeting with DA, Medha and all so if possible to have a documented audio repo and something to do documention with syncthing, papad and yggdrasil. Then we all sit together on this. So i will ask three thing one is to go through papad doc which Mani shared and then gather bench of audio either migrant or villager after that Bhanu will start an excel sheet (Annotation sheet https://bit.ly/papad-annos) with tag in the papad. and three part do with yggdrasil.
* Geeta: Explaining activities list https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tOPR10jCPmJ4YeOYd-dIQNznxu0RXYrbEyYSp-PTj80/edit# which was prepared Medha group so she suggested on Cook and sell snacks activity, then Upasana activity was on Presenting problems and solutions Later Madhuvanthi sugges on Dance combining with Sewing and Makeup.
-- Shalini: I asked them to find out how many girls will be interested cooking etc.., So i just gave idea what activity we are planning. Neha and Priyaka also suggeted one village that will be good start because girls are excited.
* Dinesh: Updated on yesterday's DA meeting So Preeti presented ppt and i started our conversion this is what we are designing so they all liked the activity and idea that we should take it forward and see how to practically do it and I in the end suggested and they also suggested same why can we work together.
* Madhu: Regarding activities document https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tOPR10jCPmJ4YeOYd-dIQNznxu0RXYrbEyYSp-PTj80/edit# actually yesterday with Bhanu discussed that we need some kind of protocol structured activity which we will create so that it will be easy to add new activities we can follow accounting to structure.
* Shalini updated on yesterday's meeting about activity in mirzapur they're conducted cooking stuff with girls.
-- Geeta: We spoke to the girls and with Suresh sir and others as well it was kind of internal meeting we didn't meet any of villages and Suresh team were just updating that they data and about village visiting.
-- Dinesh: Suggested that Upasana, Geeta, Madhu and Mani to comeup with mockup, packaging and documents. for example setting up a shop.
* Geeta: I used to volunteer for Janastu now working on this mirzapur project and i have spoken to many village workers and with mentors there. What we got to know they are interested locally empowerment with tailoring, beautician and we also got to know few issues in village to stay in. Its hard for them to go to a place and 3 kilometers away and facing challenge to go there and few parent don't allow and no proper facility so such issues also got to know and they interest and talent. If we conduct few activities somehow we short listed Three activity. 1. Cook and self 2. Combining tailoring, beautician and dancer 3. Finding problems and comeup with solutions
* Dinesh: This is what our immediate agenda because we have area like we need to deploy test and all that and all this we are talking about is long term. Soon we wanted to try it in tumkur but for now this project is directed to group called Medha in Mirzapur.
* Sanketh: I was trying with raspberry pi so my headset is connect to my laptop and am running webnair on pi
* Madhu and Upasana updating activity which is gonna execute on 23rd July in Dihganjari village.
* Madhu: Around 1.30pm we started meeting the Mere Sapne activity in village.
-- Before meeting starting since morning we're trying to explain how to install jitsi.
-- Neha was ready conduct meeting but village's girls was practicing activity to perform so we rescheduled meeting to 1.30.
-- Suresh also joined the call and he even visited village helping with setting up the recording.
-- Geeta was suggesting to Neha and Priyaka for video recording and two group started performing. So in that group one performed on education to girls and another group performed on equality between boy and girl. The script created and performed by them.
* Mani edited activty videos from Mirzapur field
other media files are available here
* Geeta: We had meeting today with girls and we spoke with Kushboo and Preethi they family is fine with all this meeting they won't have any issues. And just want know how eveyone felt about activity. Well we're speaking to girls sort of told them the skit was very nice and we tried to do samething. Later Bhanu suggeted to screen movies part of activities.
**August 2020**
* Manjo is progressing on enclosure display for raspberry pi.
* Shalini: Here is link of Dry run for distributed syncing across devices https://hackmd.io/7s3JVZ5ySIqj4G73Qe29Cw?view and installing doc link of July status of platform apps and services for w4p project https://hackmd.io/@sagesalus/H1cNeJwgv I was install syncthing in one of pi and Yggdrasil then tried installing papad using docker so this done with one of laptop and two on the pi's so cow radio i have not tried pi4.
* Upasana: w4p mirzapur meta doc https://hackmd.io/z6ttRudvRUe4ACnJVd-IKA i did most of edit and i have added some photos if anybody have feedback can suggest.
* Dinesh: Update on Aug w4p report: So if you guys goto agenda page i have added one link which would be something we need to edit immediately because i have to send soon after the meeting and we can edit it live Aug w4p update https://hackmd.io/HjBxmFn-Rf-c0XnRg9hAEg (edit session) so we will walkthrough on.
* So 1st thing in the list is Collecting data from villages and identifying 10-20 girls. Shortlist one village based on data. Can Geetha, Madhu and Upasana start editing then write about what's going on in the Dihaganjiri village as first village to started the activities.
* In the list No.2 Possible list of activities / support to be taken up with Medha Learning Foundation. That we are observing and what we observing so this two you guys have to edit
* Then 3rd one is Draft document on framework of packaging Webinar pie technology. Maybe we can start on that so anybody tried webinar?
-- Arun re: I just installed syncthing and Yggdrasil on my raspberry pi i have to still install papad and all that.
-- Dinesh: That's what you have to try Bhanu so we have to test it.
* And 4th is Prototyping webinar pie technology across three different locations (hardware, software and networking elements), Bhanu is currently we are testing the prototype version of the platform.
* Then the last point is Validate software and hardware compatibility of phones, So we have to try that we have phone here and i think Syncthing works from phone that we'll install in phone and see like how. Then we have to tell Medha what software they can install so that when there are working with girls sharing will start happing and also try to install Yggdrasil on phone. So Syncthing is very important we'll connect to pantoto papad version papad.pantoto.org .Then what we'll do once something is sync we'll tag it all that and overtime as soon as Arun had made some progress with PapApp phone app for Papad then they can use it directly. So that the feature for next month.
* Dinesh: Sanketh and Manoj they're all doing enclosure for raspberry pi. So Yatharth talk to them and see how to do document and design.
* Manoj will be working in raspberry pi enclosure.
* Geetha and Madhu update from mirzapur girls Dihganjari village - https://hackmd.io/z6ttRudvRUe4ACnJVd-IKA?both Today's meeting was with Dihganjari girls and it was more like general conversation
* Mani: Am working on documentation of raspberry pi installation.
* Manoj: Raspberry Pi display case i have done and still need to see how it looks with Pi.
* Sanketh: Presently am working on how do i customize raspberry pi on its first boot. Am trying to write a script for that.
* Manoj: I have shared links to raspberry pi enclosure design we have worked on over the past few weeks. This files it now in almost finishing stage. So all those links are different kind of changes we have done so for.
-- Design files link https://hackmd.io/@ZnJFd5BbTb-BNaVBCahV2Q/r1wo8EdJv/edit
-- Applications in Agriculture https://hackmd.io/@FuturetronEv/SJ7DOQfzv
* Mani - Raspberry Pi Documentation still in progress need to complete few more steps. please go through and suggest https://docs.google.com/document/d/1C4pxzsMYaPSrF55NoMUvDzRz3F9Z6WuZQqWxHpl7WHc/edit?usp=sharing
* Sanketh: Internally to call webinar pi Dinesh suggested two name cowpie vs coweb which one we should choose to create a gitlab etc.
* Dinesh: I had a long meeting with DA and we have to deliver two raspberry pi field.
* Geetha updating on mirzapur's girls activities: Girls were also interested to sell those bangles/bracelets they are going to make and Initial estimation for making photo frame (from chat paper) plus bangles/bracelets = 50 per head(2 frames+2 bangles/bracelets). So I will update all this in "the chronicles of Dihaganjari" Doc.
* Dinesh: I was talking to DA and Medha so in the discussion to see how to reach our deliver for this month.
* Geetha: Yesterday we was meeting with hundred girls they're addressing about girls health issues and they're motivating them in the middle some activities like songs.
* Dinesh: APC stage 2 this is netherlands project we should discuss about what we next phase. And for DA are we ready raspberry pi with software tested. Then at 4pm we have the biome meeting and after that DA + Medha + Us at 6pm then 7:30pm one hour Intro to CN that's the schedule for today.
**September 2020**
* Geetha: I just want to update you all nothing much going on with girls in the village. The activities going slow because of there is no enough resources like phone, stitching machine etc.., So we have to come up activity with low resources and plan. Another thing I thought of making blogging for Mirzapur's girls if Upasana guide us. So we can start with that means related to girls stories and our experience with them.
* Shalini: She was testing webinar pi are all USB is working and installed Ubuntu MATE instead of Raspbian OS.
* Madhu: I talked with Athithya on Virtual safe space: safety settings on social media for garima girls (as they are using FB, Gmail, YouTube). She said will arrange session with or She'll only guide through.
* Geetha: On Bangles or bracelet making activity with dihaganjari. She is going to speak to Neha and Akanksha about conducting this activity.
* Madhu, Geetha and Dinesh was talking about mirzapur's girls meeeting. Later Geetha was explained they had a call with girls and team was trying to understanding with girls which apps are there using and about security.
* Arun, Bhanu, Madhu, Geetha and Athithya had discussion (session) on Virtual safe space the safety settings on social media for mirzapur's girls as they are using FB, Gmail etc.., To see what are the alternative application in free software and there advantage.
* Geetha: She was talking about mirzapur's girls call and They're spoken on social media, cyber crime in the session with girls.
* Athithya: She explained kolibri and it's channel to team.
* Geetha: Medha visited Garima girls yesterday and had a meeting and they have distributed laptop and started teaching how to use and login.
-- Dinesh: Let's plan on what the software that should be on laptop and in the phone.
* Geetha: I saw how to create kolibri facility, classes and Data https://kolibridataportal.learningequality.org/en/portal/user#/signin4
* Athithya: I will add create the channel and upload the file in Papad frontend
* Bhanu: bit.ly/papad-annos u can create a new channel here instead if mirzapur
* Sanketh: He talked about raspberry pi. So that the pi should be separate from screen and he thinking of making wireless webcam.
* Shalini: We did session on safe space with Garima girls and we wanted them to give homework on how to handle social networking.
* Shalini updating on mirzapur's girls: We have conducted on safe space on internet how the girls can be safe online. So we had two session with Garima girls and as part of that we wanted them to give home work on roleplay characters https://hackmd.io/zoHXXv00QxmQKJ36cjI3kw?both (Home Work on safe space).
* Geetha: I was working Data uploading in Kolibri https://learningequality.org/kolibri/
* Mani: In kolibri i was created new lesson uploading manage resources files in coach and still exploring on.
* Dinesh and Micah: Upading on Medha yesterday's meeting.
* Shafali update on Medha laptop session and Activities for Mirzapur https://hackmd.io/@shafali/HkEjAwA4D/edit
* Shafali, Dinesh and Geetha was talking on Activities for Mirzapur girls https://hackmd.io/@shafali/HkEjAwA4D/edit
* Dinesh: Shafali's on mizapure's girls activities document.
* Geetha: Upadate on activities with Garima girls (Apps to be introduced) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tOPR10jCPmJ4YeOYd-dIQNznxu0RXYrbEyYSp-PTj80/edit
-- Dinesh re: All four (Shafali, Geetha, Madhu and Yatharth) of you mainly work on syncthig and others (Mani, Athithya) can work on exercise and use syncthing to see if it works.
* Shafali - On activities for mirzapur including inshot and storytelling themes https://hackmd.io/Kouz_pwgS56Oi0SU88LCvA?both introduction to garima girls.
* Geetha: When Neha visits field the Dihganjari girls are very happy to have a conversation face to face even we are there virtually that's the difference i see. Then it comes to Garima girls i don't see much difference because they participate with same enthusiastic face to face and remote.
* Shalini: For Garima girls they made a group leaders and they'll push other members to come online. So they given responsibility that you have to do this and those girls are very much interested like Khushboo, Neha and Vandana if we assign them they ready to do.
* Geetha: I feel that in there homes asks why are you going the parents not allowing to go out. Some girls will be absent if there is no mentor only on phone. if someone like Neha is there possibility of having calls.
* Dinesh: The raspberry pi might be a safer space and conversation where the community need not be afraid of it.
* Shafali: When we do face to face and virtually, So if i think of physically i was there maybe we could have gone in the village, getting an experience also constrains the activities that we can design.
* Geetha: If we have virtual calls if it covers everyone its a much data gathering can understand they body language, girls are understanding or interested all this we can observe if physically present.
* Shafali: when we can engage with Garima girls the first activities stories of there villages for introduction part.
* Dinesh: Call Medha for meeting and do co-planning and shafali do outline of activity documents before meeting.
* Summary:
Agenda centered around the 3 questions by Medha for w4p project report that DA needs to submit, notes by micah on the discussion is here Sharing our Thoughts about how the Project is progressing and Bhanu added summary of notes using wikum here http://wikum.org/visualization_flags?id=587&owner=triptone Shafali has the first activity ready for collaborating with medha and Garima girls, Shalini has sent email to DA and medha to fix up time to discuss and execute latest by next week Using telegram newly, so observing team's response Voicethread.com - video annotation tool for teaching purposes, referred by megha and useful for mirzapur usecase.
* Dinesh, Bhanu and Geetha was going through on Activities doc, Scenario and illustration and talked about Medha's meeting.
-- Geeta: I liked the scenarios writteen by micah and yatharth and all others can add more scenarios to it
-- Shafali: yeah both of them did amazing with illustrations.
-- Micha: shafali wrote mine i just did the illustration
* Shafali: http://radiohandbook.org/ interesting thing for papad to experiment with garima girls as well
* Geetha, Athithya, Mani and Madhu was exploring kolibri. Later they shared thoughts and ideas.
* Geetha and Shafali upading on Garima girls meeting: Today's session was storytelling and making crafts. Later we introduced Inshot and showed a demo how to use.
* Athithya am collecting content for Garima girls in kolibri studio and after that today Me, Mani and Madhu we sat on how to create kolibri studio.
* Geetha, Bhanu and Dinesh was talking on syncthing, kolibri studio and Inshot.
* Shalini was explaining how she overcame issues with raspberry pi like microphone, screen display and app so on.
* Team discussed video conferencing tool testing on PI and configuration that none of us had a usb mic, sound check couldn't proceed, earphone speaker didn't work, screen share fail and we are pushing the pi to far to replace pc, not sure if it's cut out for that.
* Bhanu: team is planning to do kolibri and syncthing activit, those are the only two apps now we could think of demo-ing.
* Madhu, Athithya and Mani discussion regarding video conferencing application testing. Testing raspi - https://hackmd.io/5aWX68GvR7SVteAa0gI8JQ?view
* Geetha: Yesterday medha went and met girls it was simple meeting. They gave feedback that most of girls didn't understand application.
**October 2020**
* Bhanu and Shalini discussed about W4P weekly meeting request date.
* Geetha and Shafali was updating mirzapur girls session we discussed about Inshot and introduced syncthing then explained features and clearing doubts which girls were facing problem well using app.
* Dinesh: Tomorrow we meeting with DA and Medha so let's discuss on plan.
-- Shalini: The meeting plan in agend i have mentioned demo's we'll show apps and will discuss webinar pi handling and SIM cards who will buy.
-- Bhanu: Created Agenda page for w4p meeting https://hackmd.io/m1xD8ed_RkmlgBgsNMGBQA
* Shalini was updating on PI: I have asked install script with Sanketh and he's done landing page. About enclosure we have logitech camera and power bank then we have do
painting on first aid kit and we have to prepare one manual.
-- Bhanu for manual we have capture couple of picture.
-- Athithya and Mani we can help for manual.
* Dinesh for tomorrow's meeting with DA and Medha. we'll update for ten minute with Inshot and others we tried and then will talk about PI which we are planning to send and will demonstrate kolibri.
* Team was planning about today's meeting with W4P-DA and Updating on it’s Agenda, webinar demo videos and apps so on.
PoA.JaM (Also agenda for W4P-DA meeting) https://hackmd.io/m1xD8ed_RkmlgBgsNMGBQA
AAMNE SAAMNE PI - Demo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxgcVadLffc&list=LLyhINzXFNSHFo1R0VyXoaLA&index=1
* Geetha and Shafali updating on mirzapur girls. In todays call we tried installing syncthing but most of girls faced problem with gmail login.
* Shafali and Geetha updating on mirzapur girls session on Syncthing.
* Dinesh and Geetha was talking about Who Paves Our Roads https://www.notion.so/Who-Paves-Our-Roads-d3b7e8cf2757452dbbcdae69822b2922 to edit add images and to comeup names for title हमारा रास्ता हमारा होगा, हमारी राह। हमारी.
* Shafali explained todays event in Medha community.
* Dinesh was talking about upcoming activities for the Garima girls and also he shared his idea to conduct online workshop,teaching Expeyes to Garima Girls, advanced workshop events
* We have to come up with song (Aamne Samne) who is taking responsibility? - Shalini take the responsibilty to lead the song for Aamne Samne pi
* Shalini working on the pi and she is attending Medha meeting.
* Today evening we will test the aamne samne pi remotely and tomorrow will send the pi to Medha & DA. And Dinesh suggested to Athithya, Geetha and Mani to test PI immediately once Sanketh is done with installation.
* Dinesh, Geeta, shalini discussed on PI testing plan with Medha.
* Geeta updated Medha works.Tomorrow Garima girls are going to install kolibri. 21st and 25th they are going Industrial visit.
* Geeta asked medha girls to make Inshots videos. once they send, she will upload to drive google and will share it to team
* We have to test Kolibri, syncthing remotely with aamne saamne pi
* Geeta updating Kolibri Installation in the field
* Shalini updating on PI testing and its issues facing well installing.
* Upasana will be helping with Pi testing and installing Yggdrasil and using it for VNC- Installing in Windows.
* Shafali and Geetha was sharing kolibri and syncthing installation with mirzapur's girls . Later geetha was updating on laptop issues which girls are facing like technical problem.
-- Bhanu suggesting that do some activities and ask girls to produce content (eg: audio video creations).
* Shafali completed user manual - Aamne Saamne Pi.
* Aamne Saamne Pi doc https://docs.google.com/document/d/15Iyp1eU8csJcHaVltAeAszJourDx49sPKSJIJJZeMHs/edit?usp=sharing
* Shalini aamne saamne audio clip https://shalini-drive.mycozy.cloud/public?sharecode=ugngVYrpFRlZ
* Shalini, Geetha and athithya was updating on kolibri setup into Pi's
* Athithya: this is the instruction for kolibri setup we created while testing https://hackmd.io/Op1jyISMQ_SL4IputNcl8Q
* Mani I have installed graphics tools and tested in all three Pi's https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xAPlorhhE10uEXAccqMjXvEjEZRoeC_ormZh7MI3lsY/edit?usp=sharing
* We have to install Games in Pi. others can suggest.
* Today is final Deadline for Pi to send at 4pm
* Geetha, Shalini and Athithya talking about syncthing and kolibri testing into Pi.
* Aamne saamne pi refs (please add so we can publish a blog or such)
* https://public.janastu.org/cowpi/
* https://public.janastu.org/cowpi/user_manual_for_the_cowpi.pdf
* Help page https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cIxUugYlghfLszwYk8XyLAHrp6BeLdb0mkVGAIZQrAM/
* Multimedia tools https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xAPlorhhE10uEXAccqMjXvEjEZRoeC_ormZh7MI3lsY/
* video/photos https://photos.app.goo.gl/Go5DgNtjeVyK4nj46
* Geeta and shafali created Presentation for the Mirzapur meeting
* Bhanu suggested to add Girls creeted Videos in Inshot
* Bhanu recommended introducing OSM and Wikipedia to Garima Girls.
* Shalini and Geetha discussing on duriya village to see how to coordinate. if need form a girls tech group.
* Bhanu suggested to try Discord in Raspberry pi.
**November 2020**
* Bhanu updating about he's the session on creating web pages with mirzapur girls call.
* Geetha explaining on Hamaare sapne doc
* Dinesh is looking for Shafali to do diagram based on geetha talk on Hamaare sapne.
* Dinesh talking about Pi and its plan. pi there. what might be first few activities That Medha was asking and i think we need to do radio programmes making activities.
* jingle making to audio editing
* Micah showing illustration tool to GGirls
* Geetha we have to start with creativity activity because girls are more interested.
* Bhanu suggeted on audio recording session in audacity.
* Geetha and Micah updating mirzapur girls call. Today girls were in revolutionary mood and signing songs. Later geetha was saying on opening up study center and teaching and helping poor students if possible we can suggest them to use kolibri for learning resources.
* Introducing Pi with Dhuriya village and Garima Girls group.
* Arun will install discord on raspberry pi for testing.
* Discussed on Aamne saamne pi blog
* Dinesh: A case for a Webinar Pi https://hackmd.io/uqKEqBYvT8W9gWofIeiCJw?view
* Shalini: Me and Geetha yesterday we had a half hour meeting with jayanth short update on this he wants us to do the course technical structure document which there can embed into sheets whatever prepared so there want to collaborate sessions together.
* Athithya is working wikipedia video for mirzapur girls
* Dinesh blog A case for a Webinar Pi
* Dinesh asked Athithya to Install Discord app on Office Pi through yggdrasil network
* Geeta updating Aamne samne Pi. Pi reached to Garima Girls.
* Geetha one of Pi we have to setup with Garima Girls. So we might set it up today or tomorrow.
* Geeting updating on jingles session with mirzapur girls.
* Shalini have updated Jingle event with Garima girls a
* Today, Geeta and Shafali taught Music Editing tool to Garima girls on Mobile
**December 2020**
* Shafli will be coordinate with girls and Athithya and Mani to see how to fix kolibri login issues in one of the pi.
* Mani, Shafali and Athithya updating Garima Girls session on audacity showed them basic of tools, how to do voice recorder, import and export, file save and noise reduction. and Athithya and Mani will be making video tutorials for Garima girls on audacity and kolibri.
* Shafali plan to take Kolibri Studio to Garima Girls. She asked Mani and Athithya to join on call.
* Mani suggested Open shot video editing tool for Garima girls.
* We have started making tutorial for Garima Girls https://files.janastu.org/s/LyrJsAcRnyi6pLH
* Dinesh saying before conducting classes with Garima class. we have to test in office Pi.
* w4p channel
* Cyber Security
* Menstrual
* Raspberry Pi Intro
* English Intro
* Arts and Crafts
* Shafali updating on Workshop:
I'll introduce Laura to the girls. She can talk about her practice with them. Then we can ask them what do they want tell Laura about any stories leading to a brainstorming session. We can then discuss the story as a storyboarding exercise and they can shoot a video with it for the next session with her. Or something.
* Shafali and Mani was talking about today's GG class plan.
* Today curriculum discussions with DA and Medha.
**January 2021**
* Geeta updating on today's meeting with DA and Medha https://hackmd.io/JZiXB8bHTXKpreU4tHoFxQ?view#Jan-5th-2021 JaM Curriculum minute
* Shafali update on Garima girls she was sharing go to with this filmmaking and screening. so we have ask girls to give more time and choose topics then work together.
* Dinesh asked shafali to create rough timeline on garima girls plan and sent it to DA, Medha and to our team
* Shafali updating Garima Girls activities. Later dinesh saying mayank mail and DA discussion.
* Sindhu and Shafali explained film festival idea
* Recorded and take video with ASPi then how do you edit it and how do you send it also interlinking audios and annotated (papad).
* Shalini updating on Gyanodaya class with girls has started and they trying to do pi training to local kids.
* Next few day we gonna do mock for film festival and this will be given to DA. (Responsibility below)
* Mani - collect all relevant document, content and links make it one doc.
* Micah and Bhanu - looking at papad audio and to see how to demo (different audio)
* Arun - Checking raspberry pi image installation.
* Geetha and Athithya - kolibri studio
* Sindhu - To see how to sell ticket and check where film will be watching.
* Sanketh - how do make own ASPi and what are the tools and to software document.
* Shalini - Make hardware document and checking with Gyanodaya class.
* Dinesh - Going to do metadata and analysis of why pi approach other than specific skills training.
* Athithya working on Kolibri document for Film making, mani and shafali will helping to add content.
**February 2021**
* Shafali, shalini and dinesh are planning to start activities for Daswatpur girls.
* Shafali suggesting Nikki can conduct workshop on film making.
* Shafali thinikng will conduct alternative workshop with Garima Girls
* Mani created gitbook page for Film Festival https://open.janastu.org/activity/kifi-2021 he is updating the page
* Dinesh updated Film festival form responses. We got responses from Rajvi rabari Luisa Perira.
* Shafali updating on Preeti's call
* Shafali updating on yesterday she had call with Bhanu how to take forward ASPi and also discussed about papad.
* Sindhu explaining film fest use cases and workshop and Tools for KIFI 2021 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tEN7q9VwqdsR9mjx5Tg1wkiMx_e_Q0Hnx7zB37YwQvo/edit?usp=sharing and https://docs.google.com/document/d/18i58-bQOahOnDa5IOiS8G_Xq_92BMkUT/edit
**March 2021**
* Someone has to work on Kolibri and discord set up for film fest.
* Shafali have updated Garima girls.They brought up some ideas for videos and we want to find good, contextual reference short films that they can use as reference. The ideas are similar to 1. Nature documentary 2. Bridal makeup procedure and environment 3. 'social work' 4. The processes of a shop 5. Creating something visual using some software.
* Shafali, Micah and Yatarth have discussed photograph events with ggirls
* Dinesh was asking mirzapur film fest updates, Micah and Shafali today going to conduct meeting with girls if possible.
* Micah and Shafali won't be available this week, For GG activities some has to take responsible. So Dinesh asked team to come up with list and later Micha said will discuss the time and status on the group.
* We have to talk about finalising W4P Technology Challenge Report
* Shafali have updated basic guidelines of photograpy activity with Garima Girls and today they are going to do with camera
* Today onwards, Yatarth and Bhanu will take the photography activity to Garima Girls
* Dinesh said will pull Upasana and Laura into Photography activities
* Dinesh asked any response for W4P tech challenge Report or anybody taking responsible https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QdE9X8iBj3oguh1pCHqz3sEYRdP7_gG0XggvVxjT2cI/edit?usp=sharing
* Shafali shared a note in telegram about DA meeting flow for monday at DA office in Delhi:
Your visit to mirzapur
Working remotely
How it affected the outcomes/ reframing the proposal
The pi and the papad
Interacting with girls
pi issues
What couldn't be done
The money
Further discussions
* Yarthath was updating on yesterdays GG call. They had showed photography how to do photo composition in the session
* Shafali went yesterday to DA office to meet with learning team. first they (DA) had online discussion with Dinesh and Shalini and Medha team. After that conversation went on tech related and Mirzapur Girls.
**April 2021**
* Dinesh, Geeta, Micah and Shafali discussed Mizapur Girls activity and also how to integrate Papad into film making.
* Madhu have updated Garima Girls meeting and also she shared the next coming activities.
* Dinesh said we have to collect the details - how many ggirls having mobile, pi? and will make certification for the film making
* Mani have updated Yesterday meeting with Garima Girls
* Shafali and Dinesh have discussed about Curriculum activities, shafali said will ask madhu and Geeta's idea also
* Dinesh,sindhu, shalini and shafali have discussed about how to link Girls parents, why girls are hesitatte to learn the technology.
* Athithya updated Ragiguda Film Festival and Rishi planning to take Girls playing role on Friday and also Sunday Raniamma home is availbale. We can use it for film festival
* Madhu updates Mirzapur Girls meeting. Shalini will take initiative responsibility for Thimnayanahalli film festival.
* Madhu, Geeta and Micah will take initiative responsibilty for Mirzapur film festival and Sindhu will take initiative responsibility for Ragiguda film festival
* Mani update on mirzapur class: rishi showed photography composition with reference. geetha and madhu planning to arrange meeting with all girls in the morning maybe monday.