Dry run for distributed syncing across devices


Sprint: Raspberry pi platform testing

Sprint status: current
Sprint deadline: suggest deadline
Apps for testing: Syncthing, yggdrasil, papad-api, papad monitor, papad frontend, Cow radio

Description: We need to install all Apps, setup configuration, dockerize and have a single docker-compose file to bring up all the services. For yggdrasil and Cow Radio sanket might already have some scripts.

Below are the tasks to run on raspberry pi 4 as of now, all of the below will need some scripts, for reference we can have a look at the source code of
Community Server.

  • Install: docker and docker-compose, create docker network and configuration
  • Config and setup: Apart from Yggdrasil and cowradio, other apps are dockerised, and the docker-compose Dockerfile should be available in respective code repo or pantoto server
  • Testing: Prelim test case here for papad and papad-monitor testing Test run of import / export scripts with syncthing More test cases are needed.
  • Integration Testing: After above tasks, we would have a couple of different pi devices with all apps at different locations
    • with internet: connected to internet, we can demo test our logical mesh, with services running. files and annotations syncing, adding pi devices to syncthing, +more
    • with interrupted internet: TBA
    • without Internet: TBA
  • Documentation: Test results


The below is the representation of a typical process on the hyper-local platform.


The platform assumes certain underlying limitations as initial requirements for software developers, Devops, Admin teams to consider.

  • Devices hosting papad preferably Pi 4
  • Syncthing for syncing resources
  • yggdrasil for network*
  • Audio Id for audio resource identification
  • All devices syncing should be in the same network
  • Toxbot for phone recordings and ..

Papad app

Papad monitor script - https://github.com/janastu/papad-monitor
papad Api Server source - https://gitlab.com/servelots/papad-api
Papad browser client source -

  • doesn't assume the source (or location) of the files (audio, images), meaning the files could be anywhere accessible by URI
  • more to be added

Use cases or user stories

From the initial surveys, we have identified the personas, and documenting the user stories below.
This will give a simplified idea to the developers and other stakeholders on what features we are looking at and how that will benefit the users.

  • As a dropout i want to record cooking recipes, so i can share with my neighbors and friends
  • As a teacher i want to teach hindi online, so i dont have to worry about gathering students due to covid
  • As a poet i want to do reading of my poems, so my friends can hear and comment back
  • As a student i want to find a teacher who can teach me dancing, so i can improve my dance skills
  • As a beautician i want to share beauty tips so i can improve my reach in the locality
  • As a cooking enthusiast i want to bookmark a particular duration in the recipe so i can specifically point at my questions / clarifications
  • As a music teacher i want to be able to mark a particular note in a song to explain cord progression to my students.
  • more to be added

Test cases

Test cases for syncthing

Pantoto syncserver shared 3 folders with sagehome device
sagehome device sharing the folders with arunpi, geeta, madhu and mani laptops and phones.

  1. papad-send send only type
  2. papad-receive receive only type
  3. papad-send-receive send and receive type

Test case 1:

created a file on sagehome with name sagehome-sending.txt and added this to /papad-receive and /papad-send-receive folders.

Expected outcome: all shared devices should be able to see sagehome-sending.txt in the /papad-receive and /papad-send-receive


bhanu passed OK

Test case 2:

Create a send only folder, checkout here on how to do it, https://docs.syncthing.net/users/foldertypes.html
and share the folder with your peers.
Add a new file to the send only type folder,

expected outcome: all shared devices should be able to see the new file


bhanu passed OK

Test case 3:

add a new file in papad-send folder

expected outcome: other devices should not be able to see the file.


bhanu passed OK


Add if anybody got questions

Test cases for Papad

This space to document the test cases for implementation and integration.

Test cases 1, 2 and 3 was added before the detailed discussions with Arun


  • Test Case Id: papad-export-annos-to-folder
  • Assumptions: Choice of db (sqlite) with rest api
  • Test Data: papad-api.test.pantoto.org
  • Test Steps:
    1. deploy papad-api on server
    2. A script to export papad-api data to Syncthing outgoing folder (dir name: papad-annos-sync)
  • Expected Results:

    The dir papad-annos-sync will have updated data from the DB

  • Result: Pass / Fail
  • Comments: [x]


  • Test Case Id: papad-sync-annos-to-device
  • Assumptions: syncthing installed and configured in n devices
  • Test Data: papad-api.test.pantoto.org + some laptop
  • Test Steps:
    1. deploy multiple papad instances
    2. install and setup syncthing in all this devices
    3. Start sync papad-annos-sync dir
    4. Run script to import data from papad-annos-sync into DB
  • Expected Results:
    The dir papad-annos-sync will sync to local papad instances, and the browser should show latest audio and tags thats synced


  • Test Case Id: papad-sync-media-to-device
  • Assumptions: syncthing installed and configured in n devices
  • Test Data: papad-api.test.pantoto.org + some laptop
  • Test Steps:
    1. deploy multiple papad instances
    2. install and setup syncthing in all this devices
    3. Start sync of media folders
    4. ?
  • Expected Results:


  • Test Case Id: recorderPi-Papad-local
  • Assumptions:
  • Test Data:
  • Test Steps:
    1. Record a audio using recorder pi
    2. Add recording (audio) to papad db
    3. tag audio
  • Expected Resuts: Everything should work just fine
  • comments if test failed:


  • Test Case Id: recorderPi-Papad-syncthing-to-remote
  • Assumptions: That test 4 (recorderPi-Papad-local) is passed
  • Test Data:
  • Test Steps:
    1. Check if the remote server has synced the recording (audio) files
    2. Check if remote papad has the entry to the audio file
    3. tag audio
  • Expected Results: Everything should work just fine
  • comments if test failed:


  • Test Case Id: papad-remote-to-local
  • Assumptions: Syncthing installed and configured to folder served by web server
  • Test Data: from files.janastu.org
  • Test Steps:
    1. Check sync path for new files
    2. Add recording (audio) to papad db, choose a channel
    3. tag audio
  • Expected Results: Everything should work just fine
  • comments if test failed:


Dinesh, Bhanu with Arun:
suggestion for media syncing with dynamic document root

a. http://da.pantoto.org/audio-girish-radio/FOLDER01/150409-153031.MP3

papad-service-name = da.pantoto.org
pi-mac-id = audio-girish-radio (unique id across the network)
path = FOLDER01/
file = file.ogg

Will be effectively uuid
later will be unique by $_$,$_$,$_$

Arun: having a source URI and

every pi will have a folder named by mac id
and a curated folder in wich file name seperators will be underscore (_)

pi 1 -> export csv into -> macid folder -> sync to pi 2 mac id folder -> -
more TBA


questions re. the distributed syncthing papad app

  • What will be the target of the annotations?

  • How will papad discover the newly synced data?

    • One way is to have a discovery service which will add database entries into local papad
  • How will devices discover eachother's syncthing?

  • how to setup incoming folders on pantoto?


[x] deploy papad-api on pantoto server (need help on this one) arun helped with this deployment
[x] Facing issues with this, the deps are not clean, debugging manually, also asking vignesh to help out
[x] solved: Pandas is not building
[x] deploy papad-api in laptops (add laptops here) and devices.
[x]Visual diagram of system process
[x] Mani working on the digital version
[] Install recording pi and papad together on a raspberry pi - Shalini is working on this
[x] Arun is working on a script to manage export import from / to db so that syncthing can sync exported json files
[] Athithya is working on the beta upgrades to annotate fragment of audio - in progress
[] Papad client bug fixes - Athithya
[x] Shalini deployed syncthing on server
[] Syncthing server configuration - Unassigned


Documenting all versions of illustrations and diagrams

Process diagrams

The below has been asked for some more edits

System architecture diagram

Resources and readings

  • Similar question using sqlite; suggestions in answers (https://github.com/rqlite/rqlite) - (question) https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16032825/method-to-replicate-sqlite-database-across-multiple-servers
  • Some limits of rqlite or raft protocol to keep in mind
    • For a cluster of N nodes in size to remain operational, at least (N/2)+1 nodes must be up and running, and be in contact with each other.
    • Clusters of 3, 5, 7, or 9, nodes are most practical. Clusters of those sizes can tolerate failures of 1, 2, 3, and 4 nodes respectively.
    • Clusters with a greater number of nodes start to become unweildy, due to the number of nodes that must be contacted before a database change can take place.

Test run of export / import script for syncing


Arun, Athithya, Bhanu

  • Install sync scripts
  • configure syncthing path in env variable
  • Run papa-api locally
  • Run sync scripts main.py
  • Set env var SYNCTHING_PATH and run dump.py in a another terminal, this will export local db into json file deprecated
  • sync the exported json file
  • After adding device, the files sync to deafult folder path
  • Syncthing might have a diff to see if the file changed
  • Test case: Possible bug: i notify not reading incoming sync json file - bug fixed

  • There is something called syncthing inotify - not needed

Test cases passed

  1. run dump script, will dump the db contents into a json file, filename is macid.json
  2. run main.py will look for changes in macid.json file, and import the changes

Sanket's pulse audio testing ServeLots Webinar Pi

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