Yukai Huang


會在網路上喵喵叫的都是男孩子; Developer, Co-founded HackMD. I use t̶a̶b̶s̶ ꜱᴘᴀᴄᴇꜱ now, meow. @Yukaii on GitHub

Prime membership

Joined on Oct 14, 2016

歡迎大家來看我的部落格!! https://yukai.dev 另外連結是我最近在出清的漫畫,大家歡迎考慮收藏,請直接在該筆記留言即可

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  • Co-authored with Claude 3.5 Sonet Requirements Public-facing Caddy server for certificate management Multiple internal Caddy servers accessible only via Tailscale Cloudflare for DNS management Tailscale network set up on all servers Bash scripting capabilities on all servers jq installed on all servers for JSON parsing
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  • 舊的不去新的不來。 運送 萬隆捷運站四號出口自取 能全收者優先 書況差 :::warning :notebook: 2015 前後於租書店拍賣購得,所以外觀書況都不太好,但內頁沒什麼問題 :::
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  • --- title: conversational theme tags: theme description: 使用方法:以 `---` 分隔線來區隔不同人的對話,分隔線後第一個段落會被當成講者。 `{%hackmd @yukai/conversational-theme %}` image: https://i.imgur.com/wrDi84K.png --- <style> .markdown-body hr ~ p, .markdown-body hr ~ blockquote, .markdown-body hr ~ ul, .markdown-body hr ~ ol, .markdown-body hr ~ dl, .markdown-body hr ~ table, .markdown-body hr ~ pre { border-radius: 5px; background-color: #f3f3f3; margin-left: 1em; margin: 10px 0px !important; padd
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  • Maps 会場 MAP [target=_blank] PDF [target=_blank] Circles International version [target=_blank]which has better UI, but no map functionality(paid feature) 3rd party apps https://github.com/9001/battleplan [target=_blank] https://docs.circle.ms/footer/copyright.html?keepThis=true&TB_iframe=true&height=500&width=800 [target=_blank]本サイトに掲載されている全てのコンテンツ(記事、写真、イラスト、データ)の著作物は、法令および国際条約にて著作権の保護を受けております。
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  • A Lightning Talk Yukai @ MOPCON 2023 投影片網址會更新到共筆 https://hackmd.io/@yukai/mopcon-2023-lightening Yukaii on GitHub (Yukai is taken 😭) Developer @ HackMD Introduction
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  • How to install Install Raycast first Install HackMD extension from this link Prepare an API token for setting up the extension Features Navigate and browser notes from different workspaces Browse your history
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  • 來玩 Raycast 你的下一個 macOS Launcher app @2022 COSCUP Lightening Talk Yukai Huang Yukaii@GitHub HackMD Developer What's Raycast?
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  • :::danger 棄用警告:此主題不再積極維護,使用上自己負責!(逃) 點這裡貢獻/修改主題 ::: {%hackmd @yukai/conversational-theme %} HackMD 對話式主題樣板 Demo。這是一個可以運用在逐字稿類型文件的主題,效果圖:
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  • {%hackmd rJQHWfMXE %} v1.0.0 Apr 2, 2020 New 龍心大悅畫了新的 Logo 和宣傳圖 Improved 從此以後 Release notes 改用中文寫 Improved 更新四月份桌布 v0.11.0 Mar 14, 2020
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  • HackMD 之 GitHub 整合 姍姍來遲啦 Yukai (@Yukaii) & Max (@jackycute) Sitcon 2018 本投影片網址 https://goo.gl/RSdXyo
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  • 用指令玩轉 HackMD hackmd-cli 簡介 Yukai Huang @ COSCUP 2021 簡報網址: https://hackmd.io/@yukai/coscup-2021-lightening Yukaii@GitHub Developer
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  • 瞭解你為何而做與你正在做的事。好的事業必須具有觀點,並非只有產品或服務。你必須相信些什麼。你必須有脈絡,知道你願意為哪些事奮鬥,最後展現給這個世界。As you get going, keep in mind why you're doing what you're doing. Great businesses have a point of view, not just a product or service. You have to believe in something. You need to have a backbone. You need to known what you're willing to fight for. And then you need to show the world. 盡可能用「讓我們來決定」取代「讓我們來想想」。承諾做出決定,別非得等到有個完美的解法才行。做出決定並繼續往前。Whenever you can, swap "Let's think about it" for "Let's decide on it." Commit to making decisions. Don't wait for perfect solution. Decide and move forward 用畫面的方式做優先權排序。最重要放最上面,一旦做完它,這份清單上的下一個就是最重要的事了。這會讓你一次只有一項最重要的事,這就足夠了。Prioritize visually. Put the most important thing at the top. When you're done with that, the next thing on the list becomes the next most important thing. That way you'll only have a single most important thing to do at a time. And that's enough 為了專業使用者加入太過複雜的功能反而會嚇跑哪些還不夠熟悉的使用者。趕跑新使用者比失去既有使用者還糟Adding power-user features to satisfy some can intimidate those who aren't on board yet. Scaring away new customers is worse than losing old customers
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  • 用 Electron 實踐跨平臺桌面程式 Yukai Huang @ SITCON 2017 關於我 通稱 Yukai XDDeveloper aka 自嗨型開發者 HackMD 貢獻者之一(沾光一下)
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  • --- title: HackMD Medium Theme description: Medium styled markdown css, to use this, add `{% hackmd @yukai/medium-theme %}` in your HackMD note tags: theme TODOs: - revisit heading from h1~h6 - Screenshot - alternative blockquote style - tables --- <style> .markdown-body img + strong { display: block; text-align: center; font-weight: normal; margin-top: 10px; color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.54); font-size: 16px; } .markdown-body .alert.alert-info { backgrou
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  • --- title: Release note theme description: A release note style HackMD template theme image: https://i.imgur.com/r2YLGhE.png tags: theme --- <style> body > #doc.markdown-body span.date { float: right; font-size: 0.7em; margin-top: 0.7em; color: gray; font-weight: 100; } body > #doc.markdown-body ul { padding-left: 0; } body > #doc.markdown-body li { list-style-type: none; display: -webkit-box; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; align-items: center
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  • # 如何寫好技術寫作 ###### tags: `translation` 節譯自 - https://mkaz.blog/misc/notes-on-technical-writing/ - HN 討論: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21955306 ## 原則 - 技術寫作的原則是為了幫助使用者快速且有效的完成任務 - 帶著使用者如何做而不只是呈現結果 - 儘快讓使用者達成「第一個成功」(First Success) - 有不止一種的文件類型 - 用簡單且直白的方式來敘述 ## 訣竅 - 了解你的目標客群和目的 - 最重要的事情要先講 - 使用子彈清單 - 一個段落一個概念 - 反覆修改打磨 ## 避免後設書寫 (Avoid Meta Writing) (這段就直接看例子吧) You don’t need to tell the reader what you’re going to tell them. Just tell them. - **Bad**: This chapter discusses the
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  • --- title: HackMD 炫炮部分 - Study4TW .Net Conf 2019 Lightning Talk tags: talk --- # HackMD # 炫炮部分 --- ## 關於我 - Yukai - HackMD 開發者 & 粉專小編 - VSCode Taiwan 粉專小編 --- ![](https://i.imgur.com/P75ym5z.png) 啊已經過了 <!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="1" --> --- ## 開宗明義 我就是要來業配 --- # HackMD # 炫炮部分 --- ## 1. 表格編輯器 --- ![](https://i.imgur.com/apmQ3EZ.gif) --- ![](https://i.imgur.com/jc2fHBG.png) --- ## 2. HackMD Note Partial --- ### Partial View (部分檢視) --- ![](https://
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  • --- title: VSCode 的奇技淫巧 - Yukai Huang @ Study4TW .Net Conf 2019 tags: talk --- <style> .reveal section img { border: none; background: transparent; } .reveal h1, .reveal h2, .reveal h3, .reveal h4, .reveal h5, .reveal h6 { text-shadow: 1px 1px 14px #0000007a; } html.dim .backgrounds { filter: saturate(.7) brightness(.6); transition: filter ease-in-out 500ms; } </style> # VSCode 的奇技淫巧 <br> <br> ### Yukai Huang Study4TW .NET Conf 2019 --- ![](https://media.giphy.com/
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  • --- title: You don't know HackMD - the extension part - Mopcon 2019 閃電秀簡報 tags: talk --- # You don't know HackMD ## the extension part Yukai Huang @MOPCON2019 --- # Who am I - Yukai - HackMD 開發者 & 粉專小編 - VSCode Taiwan 粉專小編 --- # You don't know HackMD --- ## 所以你就比較懂囉? --- ### ~~因~~該啦 <br><br><br> <small>應啦乾</small> --- ## 開宗明義 我就是要來業配 --- ## HackMD 的擴充功能 延伸 HackMD 的體驗到... --- # 瀏覽器擴充功能 和 # VSCode 擴充功能 --- ## HackMD-it ## 瀏覽器擴充功能 --- ![](https://i.imgur.com/4DLLS9R.pn
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