tags: 讀書會
title: BOWR#15
link: https://hackmd.io/@BOW/bowr15
tags: 讀書會
title: BOWR#15
link: https://hackmd.io/@BOW/bowr15
地點 meeting room link:https://meet.jit.si/Hydrocommons
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< BOWR#[1~11](https://hackmd.io/@BOW/BOWR9) #[12](https://hackmd.io/@BOW/bowr12) #[13](https://hackmd.io/@BOW/bowr13) #[14](https://hackmd.io/@BOW/bowr14) - you are here #15 - #[16](https://hackmd.io/@BOW/bowr16)
6/11 本事📖「作浪」引用工作坊
06/11(六) 14:30-16:30
報名去 ➤ https://forms.gle/kdA5EtwHndqC8tKU9
6.11 本事藝術作浪引用工作坊 rehearsal
Thanks Fei, all the staff working in the Solid Art gallery, for making this exhibition and event possible.
Since we have a Donna Haraway fan here 徐詩雨, I think it is apt to start with a Donna Haraway quote "Let's make the anthropocene as thin as possible".
We could like to open a portal here, to Rebecca Belmore and Astrida Neimanis's work.
> 4
> 在人類世中想像水
> 開場白/奎(Kwe)
> *開頭是藍色的。一陣水流,或風,或聲音廣播上的靜音,或另一種行星呼吸。我們的目光從天空往下落到一片沙灘上,散落著浮木。火在其中一個堆中燃燒。在水中,現在:一個女人因濕物質而增加重量——她濕透的運動衫、牛仔褲、,大海的幾乎成形的波浪就像濕漉漉的床單。水看似強大,持久。跌跌撞撞,有些掙扎,她設法站了起來。這個女人看似堅強,也很執著。她從漆黑的大海中拖出一個裝滿水的桶子。*
> *她跨過破碎的樹枝和海灘垃圾,而這些勞動元素的聲音逐漸消失。桶子很重。更近一點。她像是從深井汲取能量,並咕噥了一聲,將桶裡的東西扔向你。你可能會期待渾濁的海水與你相遇,但屏幕上卻流淌著粘稠的深紅色。你定看著她的輪廓,當她背對著你離去,讓你待在螢幕的這一側,大部分是乾燥的。或許,你看看你的手。它們是乾淨的嗎?*
> 藝術也可能是一個水體,我們可以用它來調整我們的身體並加以描述。雷貝嘉‧貝爾莫爾(Rebecca Belmore)是一位阿尼什納比(Anishinaabe)行為藝術家,而〈泉源〉(Fountain 2005)是一個單視頻道錄像置,連續循環播放約兩分半鐘。你可以在電腦上從貝爾莫爾的[網站](https://www.rebeccabelmore.com/fountain/)觀看,但在畫廊裡,影像被投射到一個四米乘三米的屏幕上,這是一堵流水牆。最初在 2005 年威尼斯藝術雙年展的加拿大館展出,它提出了關於身體與水不可分離的問題,在那裡——這裡是一個原住民婦女的身體,具身性不能被認為是理所當然的。 「不用明說」,理查德‧威廉‧希爾(Richard William Hill 2008:69)寫道,「這血將會被解讀為潑灑在加拿大臉上、暴力殖民歷史的象徵」。但這種血水也是一張羊皮紙:身體在身體上,在身體上,在身體上。對貝爾莫爾來說,表演是關於她的身體。她指出:「透過我的身體,我可以陳述歷史問題,眼前的問題,政治的問題。」對於貝爾莫爾來說,儘管「表演是非常個人的」(Nanibush 2014:np),她的身體也被一個過去所撕裂,並且是殖民政治的安置處與渠道,既先於她,又跟隨她,並聚集了她。她的具身性也不止於此。這(哪個?)血水做為一個水體,合併了,一遍又一遍地。
We are opening a portal here
As here is a person inspired by Rebecca Belmore.
They used their body as a site to tell the story of [hbun Qara Atayal](https://youtu.be/8VPruzgDR_c), who's ancestral land is submerged under the Shihmen dam, in 1950s.
relocated downstream, a typoon came, sudden discharge from the dam washed away many home and lives.
relocated again, to a beach far away, cadmium released by a chemical factory that provides for plastic industry poisoned their land and bodies.
Onslaught of justice, is retold by the body of Ciwas Tahos. their livliness is like sweet potato leaves, grandmother rhizomatic, stretching far and wide across seas. But here, they carry a water vassel that spill out, to [the land in the middle of the pound](https://anchilin.ca/The-Land-in-the-Middle-of-the-Pond).
At the corner of a high ceiling room, you can see their work on a white wall. There is a video on screen, three colour photographs, one drawing with red smudge, and three ocarinas made of yellow clay.
Thanks for [FEELed Lab](https://thefeeledlab.ca) and [Feminist Environmental Humanities summer school](https://thefeeledlab.ca/workshops/listening-attuning/), I honor all the stuggles I inhabit, biologically, mentally, relational, grammatically. I acknowledge that if I am mostly dead, with the fire you awaken within me, they might turn into ocarinas attuned to all terrestrial beings. While water travels on and on and on, from bodies to bodies to bodies.
We are opening a portal here, to acknowledge ancesters past, present and emerging, that the water today is changing, running towards unknown. We offer our voice and bodies, to imagin and live water differently. 知行合一.(epistemological-ontological inseperatbility)
Option 1
接著邀請參與者一起朗讀第四章的註腳 6、8
> 8 做為曾經在加拿大,現在在澳大利亞的白人定居者,要援引原住民的「哲學」或「生活方式」是一項艱鉅的任務。同時,我認為在充滿汗水與不可能的文化界面空間中工作是必要的,儘管它不可避免的失敗。在這裡,我引用了朵樂絲‧克里斯提安(Dorothy Christian)和王莉塔(Rita Wong)在我們合作製作《與水一起思考》時教我的重要一課(Chen、MacLeod and Neimanis 2013)。我也受到史蒂芬.梅克(Stephen Muecke 2004:10)的作品(以及許多其他作品)的啟發,他寫道,「如果我問什麼區分了原住民和非原住民世界的取向,那不是將它們區隔開來,而是去詢問它們之間可能存在哪些關連性的模式」。為了將梅克謹慎的學術模式和方法轉換到我自己的項目中,我看待貝爾莫爾的作品並不是斷言它和我在「水群體」的工作一樣,也不是暗示它無法彌合的區隔,而是思考它們之間共鳴本身的生產力。
> 6 我建議以「奎」(Kwe)來指涉,其中帶有一些充滿希望的恐懼(或恐懼的希望)。如上所述,奎是阿尼什納比莫文中女人或生命賦予者的意思,而貝爾莫爾稱自己為阿尼什納比(奎)藝術家。暗示了她是「原住民/女人/藝術家」,也是「女人/原住民/藝術家」,但同時表達了挫敗感,做為一位藝術家「人們無法以超出『印地安人』的視角去看待她的作品」(Nanibush 2014:216)。藉由使用「奎」來命名她的作品提供了一種對世界的定位,我尋求一個能捕捉到所有這三件事都處於復雜的關係中的詞,同時也試圖避免暗示貝爾莫爾的作品或者她本身「代表」阿尼什納比世界觀。同時,我也想堅持她提供的另類概念與阿尼什納比哲學和文化必然相關,因此我求助於其他阿尼什納比學者來幫助充實她作品中流傳的想法。在這一切之下,我意識到我在這裡使用「奎」這個詞是值得懷疑的。儘管如此,我還是願意承擔這種風險的後果。
Option 2
Let's make antropocene as thin as possible by playing a requiem for capitalist extractionism:
Melody: [Once upon a dream](https://youtu.be/8waJ7W3QcJc)
Lyric: porridge bowl, please stop making porridge
hacking on, oh yeah~~~ we have done it
FEHSS 5/24~6/1
opening remark
amazing classmates
TALKS w/ various EnvH. guests
with Filipa Ramos and TBA21!!
Undrowned: Black Feminist Lessons from Marine Mammals
by Alexis Pauline Gumbs
{%youtube QgLKoJZ0dHw%}
we have a protocol in our lab that we don't wear ear bod when you dicecting a fish.
honor all the relations
know that you are not better than the other
The River Is in Us
Fighting Toxics in a Mohawk Community
2017 • Author: Elizabeth Hoover
[Perspectivism](https://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/view/document/obo-9780199766567/obo-9780199766567-0083.xml) a concept originally coined by the Brazilian anthropologist Eduardo Viveiros de Castro to encapsulate indigenous conceptions that were already present in a range of ethnographies of Amerindian peoples from Lowland South America. Perspectivism refers to recurrent characteristics found in Amerindian mythology and cosmology, but it also relates to war, hunting, kinship, and other social phenomena. These reveal a particular configuration of distinctions between humans and nonhumans, which are irreducible to Western distinctions between nature and culture. Viveiros de Castro was responsible for providing the concept through the transformation of philosophical terms taken from authors such as Leibniz, Nietzsche, and Deleuze and Guattari. In this way, the author was able to explore the implications of Perspectivism as a concept in Amerindian ethnology and anthropological theory (see Conceptual Background).
Generative refusal
As We Have Always Done
by Leanne Simpson
chapter 10 “i see your light”
bowr #15
5/31 奇妙的文法轉換
> would you mind say a little bit more?
從 I 到 we
4. Learn ways to begin to divest of the first person singular when you are wanting (‘we’ are all in this together, even if ‘we’ are always in the altogether in all different ways), and to inhabit it fiercely when you are called upon to account. The ‘we’ cannot be your alibi.
-- Wrack Writing (Selections) by The Piddock Clam Collective
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Hooray for The Piddock Clam Collective!. <br>'Wrack Writing' out now in <a href="https://twitter.com/FeministReview_?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@FeministReview_</a> 🌊 <br><br>'How can feminist lyrical writing sharpen our longing for justice rather than serve as an alibi for continued dispossession & commodification?' <br>Open Access: <a href="https://t.co/J3zmkqoBaz">https://t.co/J3zmkqoBaz</a> <a href="https://t.co/i5zbUJ8REg">https://t.co/i5zbUJ8REg</a> <a href="https://t.co/ppq4fd27Sa">pic.twitter.com/ppq4fd27Sa</a></p>— SueReid (@SueReid24) <a href="https://twitter.com/SueReid24/status/1522785637749133312?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 7, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
從 is 到 can
{%youtube SeMS8QEYIQU%}
從 social construction 到 social production
從 patriarchy 到 intersectionality
人人都是科學人 v.s. 採集吧
>焦傳金 Chuan-Chin Chiao
>學歷 美國馬里蘭大學生物科學系 博士 (1994.8 - 2000.5)
國立中山大學海洋資源學系 學士 (1987.9 - 1991.6)
>國立清華大學生命科學系 特聘教授 (2012.8 - 迄今)
國立清華大學教務處 教務長 (2020.2 - 2021.7)
國立清華大學教務處 副教務長 (2018.8 - 2020.1)
國立清華大學分子醫學研究所 所長 (2018.8 - 2020.1)
國立清華大學系統神經科學研究所 所長 (2011.8 - 2018.7)
國立清華大學生命科學系 副教授 (2008.8 - 2012.7)
國立清華大學生命科學系 助理教授 (2002.8 - 2008.7)
美國哈佛大學醫學院 博士後研究員 (2000.9 - 2002.7)
美國伍茲霍爾海洋生物實驗室 暑期研究員 (2000.6 - 2000.8)
>2021 / 08 / 04 更新
>黃文山代理館長 Huang, Wen-San
>學歷:博士 美國康乃爾大學生態暨演化生物學系
>經歷:2021.4.16~ 國立自然科學博物館代理館長
臺灣真的是蕞爾小島。兩棲爬蟲種類很少,最多不超過 150 種。雖然如此,國立自然科學博物館的某些兩棲爬蟲標本還是未達到一定數量,至少也要達到作研究或足以交換的數量。
>尤其是蛇類。 雖然我們得到捐贈的蛇超過 2300 條,但因有的標本失去了原始資料,因此價值喪失不少。雖然如此,大部份標本仍彌足珍貴,為我們標本蒐藏增色甚多。除了守宮科外(尤其是蘭嶼產的守宮),蜥蝪的量尚可。例如已經被研究過的雪山草蜥、短肢攀蜥和臺灣蜓蜥等。烏龜也是往後要加強蒐藏的重點之一。尤其是分佈在臺灣附近的四種海龜,綠蠵龜、玳瑁、赤蠵龜和欖蠵龜等。
>另外,我們超低溫冷凍庫內亦已蒐藏約 2000 件的冷凍組織標本。某些種類的量也已達可供作地理變異分析。這些將是往後研究的重點。而蒐藏作業電腦化預計將於1997年底完成。
>2021 / 08 / 03 更新