# Aurora Update [2021-06-25]
The recording is available at:
## Summary
## Agenda
- Status & current goal
- Last week
- This week
- Discussion
- Next week
## Status & current goal
- ETH connector updated (smart contracts)
- Testnet UI for ETH connector should be updated this week (Ropsten hardfork)
- HelpScout deployed and setup
- Preparation for the localization of the web-site
- Aurora Labs Ltd incorporated
## Last week
## This week
### Ahmed Ali
- No update
### Alex Shevchenko
- Legal stuff:
- Company setup
- Preparation of documents for investors
- Invest round wrap up
- Feedback on the potential investors
- Internal All Hands
- Preparation for EthCC
- Coordination of state prover development
### Arto Bendiken
- Worked on recruitment and HR:
- Hired a team lead (Anton) for our Apps & Partners team.
- Began moving everything over to Aurora Labs accounts.
- Began updating onboarding info for the benefit of new recruits.
- Reviews and release management for two Aurora Engine releases:
- https://github.com/aurora-is-near/aurora-engine/releases/tag/1.4.1
- https://github.com/aurora-is-near/aurora-engine/releases/tag/1.4.2
- Supported the ETH & ERC-20 connector Mainnet roll out:
- Released the Engine with the ETH connector to the Mainnet.
- Troubleshooted and fixed bugs in collaboration with Pierre and Ahmed:
- https://doc.aurora.dev/develop/changelog
- https://github.com/aurora-is-near/aurora-relayer/commit/5dac8643334b2af549204676e338763f5a4c1b7b
- https://docs.near.org/docs/api/rpc#using-block_id-param
- `eth_getBlockByHash`
- `eth_getBlockByNumber`
- `eth_getLogs`
- `eth_getTransactionByHash`
- `eth_getTransactionCount`
### Evgeny Kapun
- More work on Math API
- BLAKE2 descoped for now.
### Evgeny Ukhanov
- Aurora DAO discussions (Matt)
- [SputnikDAOv2 documentation](https://3.basecamp.com/5080844/buckets/22652507/documents/3894344108)
- Rust school activities
- Nonce bug research (relayer / aurora-engin)e
### Frank Braun
- Debugged `evm-bully` bug with the help of Michael.
- Still on same blocks, I have a problem with `aurora-cli` on the test server.
- Tons of infrastructure stuff:
- Setup Infura account (with Archive Data), let me know if you need a new project.
- Connect HelpScout to Slack.
- Setup Discord server.
- Got everybody on Signal.
- More security related infrastructure stuff (-> Monday).
### Joshua J. Bouw
- Math API
- Closed [nearcore#4380](https://github.com/near/nearcore/pull/3954) and reopened as [nearcore#4380](https://github.com/near/nearcore/pull/4380)
- Descoped blake2b
- Getting last of Evgeny Kapun's comments sorted
- Reworked `ecrecover` entirely to use `near-crypto`.
- Implemented the malleability fix with flag.
- Been working with Evgeny Kapun to resolve `ecrecover`.
- Been working with Max to get the accurate gas costs.
- Usual reviews: [aurora-engine#155](https://github.com/aurora-is-near/aurora-engine/pull/155), [aurora-engine#154](https://github.com/aurora-is-near/aurora-engine/pull/154), [aurora-engine#156](https://github.com/aurora-is-near/aurora-engine/pull/156)
### Kirill Abramov
- PRs:
- Created [rainbow-bridge#598](https://github.com/aurora-is-near/rainbow-bridge/pull/598)
- Created [aurora-engine#162](https://github.com/aurora-is-near/aurora-engine/pull/162)
- Reviewed [aurora-engine#154](https://github.com/aurora-is-near/aurora-engine/pull/154)
- Reviewed [aurora-engine#155](https://github.com/aurora-is-near/aurora-engine/pull/155)
- Reviewed [aurora-engine#158](https://github.com/aurora-is-near/aurora-engine/pull/158)
- Reviewed [aurora-engine#159](https://github.com/aurora-is-near/aurora-engine/pull/159)
- Reviewed [aurora-engine#160](https://github.com/aurora-is-near/aurora-engine/pull/160)
- Supported the deployment of eth-connector to Mainnet with @Marcelo and @Arto.
- Finished storage regression test. CI: WIP.
- Eth-connector: improve scripts.
- Testing connectors and exits (tools, UI).
- `Eth-to-near-event-relayer` researching and debugging issues on Mainnet: WIP.
- Rust/NEAR academy activities.
- Preparation for EthCC.
- Many discussions within the team.
### Marcelo Fornet
- Testing connectors (infrastructure, automated tests, and cli)
- Handle upgrade in Ethereum Ropsten after introduction of EIP1559
- [Contributing to ethers after Berlin Hardfork](https://github.com/ricmoo/eth1.0-specs/pull/1)
- Updating issue with connector [NEP141 Compliance](https://github.com/aurora-is-near/aurora-engine/pull/158)
- [Deploy new version of factory in Testnet](https://github.com/aurora-is-near/rainbow-token-connector/releases/tag/0.1.2).
### Matt Henderson
- Testing of ETH transfers from Aurora back to Ethereum on Testnet
- Setup of HelpScout and integration with Aurora website
- Posted the DAO kick-off plan and had initial discussion with Evgeny
- Setup of CMS for the blog section of the website
- Inital planning for localization, by extending the use of the CMS
- Team coordination & internal management activities
### Michael Birch
- Trying to unblock bully
- https://github.com/aurora-is-near/aurora-engine/issues/122#issuecomment-865322194
- https://github.com/aurora-is-near/aurora-engine/issues/127#issuecomment-865318913
- https://github.com/aurora-is-near/aurora.js/pull/3
- NYC Crypto talk
- Help with Math API
- https://github.com/near/nearcore/pull/4380/commits/3f08a35fa65f1a24be2fb46f6d72ca1b5c587a3b
### Pierre-Alain Ouvrard
- Prototype NEAR <> Aurora bridge UI
- Bridge new tokens
- Newly bridged tokens need metadata and "aurora" account storage fee before it can be sent to Aurora.
- Transfers both ways (ERC-20)
- Webapp pre-release
- https://aurora-testnet-git-pa-aurora-exit-auroraisnear.vercel.app
- ETH exits from Aurora
- aurora-erc20 connector lib
- Restore functionality for all tokens
- Setup metadata repository
- https://github.com/aurora-is-near/bridge-metadata
### Yulian Lavysh
- Content. Collaborated with Michael and Alexei and started a process for a longer term strategy around content
- EthCC coordination
- Localization - setting up a process with Matt
- Team page on the website
## Discussion
- Param estimator on `ecrecovery`
- Bowen: is there anything else rather than the gas estimation what needs to be done?
- Joshua: no
- Evgeny Kapun: still need to review small changes
- Bowen: param estimator is not working right now, Nikolai is working on this. Bowen to consult with Max on this issue
- Arto: similar issue was observed in May
- Joshua: 10M accounts size is not working, so need to be reduced to 500k - 1M; 20k accounts works well
- Perhaps there're problems with bash script
- Bowen: in case the param estimator won't give results then we need to push back the release
- Arto: perhaps we need to overestimate the costs and later reduce it (when param estimator is fixed)?
- Joshua & Bowen: there're some estimations, but we need to consult with Max on it
- AI:
- Evgeny Kapun -- to review the updated code
- Bowen to consult with Max on estimates & propogate the feedback
- Ethereum state prover on NEAR
- Update on the state prover development
- Evegny Kapun: token metadata won't work as intended
- AI: Evgeny Kapun to provide a list of extensions to the current bridge which may help by Monday team call
- Tx block execution
- https://explorer.testnet.near.org/transactions/5eukZxsNfsyWjFoDyYBdjBD4NogubHHSZTCc1Ejzqvzi
- Transaction execution is split over at least two blocks => we need to make sure that nonce changes are observed at right call
- There's no upward bound for the finalisation of the transaction
- Normally it takes less than 5 blocks
- AI: Arto to take care of this next week. Relayers need to re-index all the transactions. This will make possible to roll put the block explorer
- DAO approach (Matt)
- SputnikDAO supports voting on binary questions, yes/no. We need to support more complex question types, like choosing N of M from an enumerated list. OTOH, SputnikDAO supports things we don't need, like multiple DAOs; we only need one.
- Question: Should we fork SputnikDAO, calling it AuroraDAO, tailoring it to our own needs, or try to extend SputnikDAO. The former seems like the right choice: We can move faster, since we can implement in specific ways, rather than having to consider generalized approaches.
- AI: Matt/Alex to chat with Illia on the plans on SputnikDAO, previously preparing the requirements.
- [Descoped] Bridging new tokens
- [Descoped / Read the docs] From Marcelo: https://github.com/aurora-is-near/rainbow-bridge/discussions/597
## Next week
- Ahmed Ali:
- Alex Shevchenko:
- Round wrap up
- Preparation of EthCC talk
- Arto Bendiken:
- Support the ETH & ERC-20 connector Mainnet roll out.
- Backfill and (re)index the historical block data.
- Finish the the block explorer roll out.
- Finish the edge infrastructure roll out.
- Evgeny Kapun:
- Finishing Math API
- Tests development
- Working on Blake2
- Evgeny Ukhanov:
- Rust/NEAR academy.
- AuroraDAO development
- TBD, Aurora engine issues
- Frank Braun:
- Tons of infrastructure / security work.
- Push `evm-bully` forward.
- Get overview of CI/CD, prepare work for Dmitry.
- Onboarding documentation.
- Joshua J. Bouw:
- Continual Berlin HF work.
- Math API, addressing Evgeny Kapun comments
- Kirill Abramov:
- Support and research the new architecture design for ERC-20 connector.
- Finish all needed tests and enable them in CI.
- Aurora-engine PR reviews & more testing.
- Rust/NEAR academy.
- Marcelo Fornet:
- Testing connectors (infrastructure, automated tests, and cli)
- Matt Henderson:
- Continue with DAO (first iternation complete)
- ERC-20/ETH transfer UI (hopefully)
- Start localization infrastructure work
- Launch localized version of the blog
- Continue assisting with internal process definition
- Michael Birch:
- Bully fix (continued)
- Berlin support (?)
- Pierre-Alain Ouvrard:
- Release connector libraries and UIs.
- Yulian Lavysh:
- Coordination of localization
- Employee handbook
- Content strategy
- Recruiting