Fedora Community Outreach Revamp Co-Lead Meeting Minutes

Meeting September 1st

  • Sumantro working on final blog post
  • Marie to add link page to Objective Wiki

Meeting August 18th

Meeting August 2nd

  • Localisation sprint
    • Touching base on who will be available for localisation sprint
    • People need an account
    • Need CLA+1
    • Need to give permissions for commops docs at beginning of session
    • People who have confirmed/responded
      • Luna
      • Alberto
      • Mariana's contact
      • Smera (tentative)
      • Onuralp (tentative)
    • Sumantro will be reaching out to confirmed folks
    • Hackmd with info about the session (sumantro to put together)
      • Table
      • Links in a column and languages in top row
      • Translators use whatever tool is comfortable for them, publically shareable
    • Email to localisation list (sumantro)
      • Marie & Mariana to reply to the thread right before the sprint

Meeting Notes July 28th

  • Chatting about Debian Conference

  • Sprint at Nest

    • Prep
      • List of URLs
      • Does this happen on weblate?
  • Marie to reach out to Sumantro

Meeting July 14th

Meeting June 30th

Meeting June 23rd

  • Ambassador call from June

    • Feedback:
      • Why are there non ambassadors there
      • whey arent there more people there?
      • where are the assets for local ambassadors to run events
  • Nest proposal: translations sprint for docs

Meeting June 9th

  • Discussing Mentorship process

Meeting May 26th

  • Mentorship calls

    • retire the famsco pagure and any other docs as no longer active
    • We need to mark old mentor wiki page as no longer valid
    • we need an email to the mentors on the current list with our new forma
    • Mentorship call instead of 1:1 mentorship
    • we need to solicit other mentors as well to run these calls
    • should we record?
      • first 3-4 calls should be recorded
      • feature regional ambassadors to talk about their specific areas
      • covers some other topics: governing bodies, editions, how fedora is organized
    • mentorship status- how formal should it be?
      • people want it to mean something
      • we need a FAS group
        • we would request from infra
    • who approves the applications for ambassadors and ambassdador mentor groups?
      • should be fama
  • https://accounts.fedoraproject.org/group/campusambassadors/

Meeting May 19th

  • Ambassador calls

    • Text versus video?
      • Mariana: video is more impactful, text is easier to join
      • Sumantro: text is much easier for people to join, call is also good. proposing two meetings a month, one text, one call.
      • brings up the topic of new ambassador rep to mindshare
      • going to contact nb to see what he thinks about adding a text meeting/ambassador rep to mindshare responsibilities
  • Mentorship

    • clear the slate of old mentors, we need a new mentor sign up
      • process:
    • in the future do mentors need to be nominated?
      • yes, can self nominate or by others
    • https://pagure.io/fama/issues
    • https://pagure.io/famsco/issues
    • Fedora Ambassador Membership Administration
      • do we still need this?
    • Famsco
      • mindshare does this work for all intents and purposes

Meeting May 12th

Meeting May 5th

  • Upcoming release party

    • updates to the presentation
    • Marie: add a pic and its all set
  • Ambassador Monthly Call

    • last week was a fluke
    • we need a gcal invite, for sure.
    • Mariana: we keep having the same people, we need new people
    • Sumantro: try to get more people by reaching out to interested folks, and inviting others from their region
    • Marie - to set up monthly recurring meeting starting with May 18th
  • Docs

    • Sumantro double checking to make sure all pages have been initiated

Meeting April 21st

  • Documentation
    • Working on as many updates we can through browser
    • Marie: get in touch with Petr to complete some of the tasks we can't do

Meeting April 14th

  • Council update on Wednesday

    • went really well!
  • Docs

    • Email Petr with just the items we can't complete through the website
  • Adding to the Mindshare Quarterly Report

  • Pre-existing committees

    • FAMSCo
      • this has become Mindshare for all intents and purposes
    • FAMA
      • this should still exist

Meeting April 7th

  • Ambassador Meeting Follow Up

  • Wrap Up

    • Docs: Finish in the next couple weeks
    • CommOps group clean up
  • Update for Council

    • Blog post
    • Summary
      • Take outcomes and mark them as "complete" "work in progress" percentage estimate "blocking" "out of scope"
        • #info (Work in Progress, 80%) Completion of Role Handbooks for CommOps, Join SIG, Advocate, Ambassador, Ambassador Emeritus.
        • #info (Complete) Formalized and documented process for reps to Mindshare.
        • #info (Complete) Execution and analysis of Community Outreach survey.
        • #info (Complete) Execution and documentation of Mindshare Team Interviews
        • #info (Complete) Branding for CommOps team/subteams.
        • #info (Out of scope) Draft and execution of Marketing plan.
        • #info (Blocking on completion of Role Handbooks) Translations of Role Handbooks into 5-8 key languages.
        • #info (Complete) Community health survey for future use (periodically, every year).
        • #info (Work in progress, 80%) Update and add to CommOps docs page to make it a complete indexed set of resources for each team under the CommOps umbrella.
        • #info (Complete) Informal polls to be developed and implemented (by the Revamp team at first and later by other teams) to measure awareness.

Meeting March 31st

  • Ambassador call today!

    • I am excited!
  • Hi Ambassadors, folks interested in becoming Ambassadors, or people who enjoy doing outreach for Fedora! We are about to meet for an Ambassador Kick-Off call and you're invited :) join us at 3PM UTC here (7 minutes from now) -> https://meet.jit.si/Fedora-Ambassadors-Call

  • Ambassador Call Debrief

    • Revisit the mentorship process
    • Documenting hopin use
      • Add to docs: Team overview: how to get hopin access, how to request swag, event kit, event funds, survey

Meeting March 18th

Meeting March 10th

  • Docs

    • lets talk with Petr Bokoc to get some help
    • work session
  • Ambassador group cleanup

    • Sumantro is working with Kevin Fenzi to update things from the backend

Meeting March 3rd

  • Ambassador Monthly Call

    • review whenisgood results
      • April 1st at 11AM EDT (3PM UTC)
    • need to work on agenda for call
      • plan for about 1/2 hour of guided discussion
      • 15 mins for intros
      • 15 mins open floor
      • make in a hackmd, initiate hackmd team space
      • invite community members to add to it? NO
      • topics:
        • when will call be moving forward?
        • Initiate Ambassador monthly call discussion thread
    • we will record the call
    • write up blog post promoting call (Marie)
    • Review marketing plan
    • Review Mindshare docs
  • Ambassador Group Clean up

  • Docs

    • Sumantro spent last weekend breaking and fixing his computer :(
    • We still have plenty to work on, let's review
  • Docs To Do

Meeting February 11th

Meeting February 3rd

  • DevConf.CZ 2022 virtual

    • how'd it go?
      • it was great to show off the docs piece
      • great! we had questions and interaction at the session
  • Review of Marketing work

    • needs a bit more refinement
    • move to Fedora slides
    • add in more details
  • Ambassador Monthly Call

    • Whenisgood for the month of March
    • Update the blog post
    • work on the agenda
  • Docs

    • changes look great
    • we still have some places to fill in

    • calendar invite (marie)
    • tweets (mariana) (marie to schedule/publish)
    • discussion thread (mariana)
    • videos published?

Meeting January 27th

  • Review docs updates

    • how do we break up the design assets if we are separating by team?
      • lets keep the design assets together
    • what should we do with mindshare reps docs page when it includes ambassadors & commops
  • Sprint

    • we need an agenda
    • Petr (1), Justin(2) (marie to message)
  • DevConf.CZ

    • Small updates on slide

Meeting January 20th

  • Docs updates

    • Sickness has taken us all- no updates yet
    • Sumantro is working on a test site for us to look at
  • Marketing team

    • Meeting wtih Cara tomorrow
    • Sumantro jumped on thread to join in
  • Ambassador group clean up

    • let's work on documentation for this and take it off of bt0 & nb
  • To do:

    • Sumantro
      • follow up on clean up

Meeting January 13th

  • List of current activities for ambassadors

    • marketing team
    • social media
      • youtube
      • twitter
    • review of the docs
    • service membership admin
  • Notes from docs session

    • retire fama-mentors mailing list and initiate #ambassador-mentors tag on discussion.fpo
    • "Welcome New Ambassadors" thread on Discussion.fedoraproject.org.
    • reach out to fama-mentors mailing list to ask who is around and wants to mentor
      • need a new wiki page to track this
  • Marketing team is getting a revival?

  • Documentation work

    • IRC/Libera chat
      • grab some art and make a graphic (square)
    • Try a new structure:
      • Ambassador
        • Team Overview
        • Role Handbook: Mentor
        • Role Handbook: Ambassador
        • Ambassador Emeritus
        • Ambassador logos
        • Ambassador badges

Meeting January 6th


    • Vipul & Sumantro made push before EOY
    • meeting next week to finish page changes
  • Discourse Reorg

    • We requested to own the #ambassadors tag
    • Ideas for future:
      • Come up with 2-4 thread topics to start things off
        • list of tasks for people to get involved right off the start
      • promote
      • We need a list of all the places to communicate stuff as we do the kick-off
      • Discussion -> ambassador chat bridge?
        • This seems like a good idea
        • Revisit this one later

Meeting December 16th

Meeting December 9th

Meeting December 3rd

  • Cara visited!

  • Notes about pushing docs

    • Update Knowledgebase wiki page
    • Prioritize what is ready to be pushed
    • Alphabatize all pages
    • Fix Advocates spacing issue
    • Commit Amby Emer, Team member and commops role handbook
    • Commit uniform styling changes to Badges
    • Create section for Promotional Material
      Add xref, add build path, add images to cheatcube pages
      Commit images to ROOT
      Commit cross path for side bar on all pages
    • Appreciation week should be removed from navigation and linked in the CommOps Team overview page
    • Community blog to be bolded
      • Change "editor" list to "admin" list
    • Add docs from: https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/writing-community-blog-article/ to community blog

To DO:

  • Initiate discourse forum category for Ambassadors (Marie)
  • Open a discourse thread re: changing current CommOps docs in the CommOps Category (Sumantro)
  • Open a discourse thread re: informal polls that we want to hold in the CommOps category (Mariana)

Meeting December 2nd

Meeting November 23rd

Meeting November 17th

  • Ambassador group clean up

    • Sumantro is working on moving users to the emeritus group
    • out of the ambassador
    • about 150-250 people we think are active
  • Mattdm recommends we call our monthly call something with "ambassadors"

Meeting November 11th

Meeting November 5th

  • Docs session

    • Mariana, Sumantro & Marie
  • Summary of session with Justin

    • debugged the docs situation
    • talked about how to phase out the wikis
      • we can have the wiki point to the docs page
      • pushed xrefs that were missing
      • pages are back up
    • next step is confirming the docs we have written are now in the docs
  • Blog post

    • Sumantro is pushing

Meeting November 4th

  • Brief check in with Mariana & Marie

Meeting October 29th

Work session

  • worked through the ambassador mentorship process step by step and made edits as necessary

Meeting October 28th

  • DevConf.CZ

  • Release Party

    • will update presentation in our meeting Nov 11th
  • Sprint session

    • update wiki today or tomorrow
  • Blog Post [Review : https://hackmd.io/ipRwminKQKCGKDg4N8QJfQ]

    • Our last post was before Nest (July 15th)
    • Recap of the Nest session
    • Dhairya finished her internship
    • We are speaking at the Release Party, submitting to DevConf.CZ
    • Updates to docs
    • Summary of the items we still aim to complete
    • Mention the monthly call- this is what's coming up!
  • Updates on the Annual Survey: Community Engagement section

    • Marie is working with Aleksandra on reviewing and improving these questions for next year
    • The data will also be open to requestors
  • Becoming an Ambassador discussion

    • Sumantro suggests a larger meeting to do a full process run down
      • feedback from folks who have not been a part of the revamp would be useful
      • Ankur, Eduard, Alberto, Justin, Vipul, Aleksandra
    • Marie counterpoints that this might not be very efficient, what about working asynchronously?
      • concerned that a freeform discussion is not productive at this point in the process
      • I believe we need a proposal of sorts for folks to say yes or no to
    • Sumantro suggests we could create a set of questions
      • based on the "new" process to see if the stakeholders align with the new process
      • instead of showing them a huge set of docs to review
    • We agree to read the "how to become an ambassador docs" first
      • get an understanding of any changes needed

Meeting October 21st

  • Submission for DevConf.CZ

    • still underway
  • Release Party

  • Sprint Session

    • Nov 1st, set up
    • Need to have wiki updated
  • Updated Blog Post

    • Our last post was before Nest (July 15th)
    • Recap of the Nest session
    • Dhairya finished her internship
    • We are speaking at the Release Party, submitting to DevConf.CZ
    • Updates to docs
    • Summary of the items we still aim to complete
    • Mention the monthly call- this is what's coming up!
  • Ambassador Mentorship Notes

    • We need to identify at least 6 strong mentors to start
      • These mentors do not need to be ambassadors
      • Regularly check in with these mentors
      • Mindshare might be the team, or CommOps
      • They should be able to join the monthly call
      • D&I rep should be one of these people potentially
      • These should be in different time zones ideally
    • Identify a list of folks that could be a good fit
    • Draft an email and review review review
    • Send and cross our fingers

Meeting October 15th

  • Docs working session

Meeting October 14th

  • Pushing docs

    • Talked with jwf, he is on board to assist week of Nov 1-5th in pushing all the docs we have completed
    • We need to make sure the Wiki page tracking docs is up to date
      • We can make sure this is done in our meeting on the 28th
  • DevConf.CZ

    • I would love to have the revamp complete by then!
    • Mariana will re-work this and submit
  • Release Party

    • Friday availability, earlier in the day
    • 25 minute session

Meeting September 30th

  • F35 Release Party

    • We might want to kick off the outreach call at the release party?
      • a meeting doesn't seem like the right fit for the release party
      • lets promote the session as a way for folks to get up to date before we kick things off or as we kick things off
  • Docs

    • there were some issues, Sumantro is looking into that
    • issues with a connective YAML file pulling different things to the doc page

Meeting September 23rd

  • F35 Release Party

    • Ambassador Summit(?)
    • should we do 25 or 50 minutes?
    • Reevaluate in a couple weeks
  • Docs

    • independently working this week

Meeting September 17th


  • make a list of longer term responsibilities for the various teams

    • documentation for each team to updates reps to mindshare
  • Ambassador Emeritus update

    • we need FAS ID's and we only have emails currently
      • Sumantro to talk to Vipul and Alberto about this to see if we can pull Fedora IDs easily

Meeting September 16th


  • PR management from Sumantro- Thanks!
  • People pointing out link breakages etc

Ambassador Emeritus

  • Can we find out the process and do it ourselves?
    • The ansible playbook isn't working properly currently
    • Times out
    • Sumantro is going to ask Nick for rights

Meeting September 10th


Meeting September 9th

  • Brief check in

Meeting September 2nd


  • it's today!

Community Outreach Resource Library

  • Scheduling two sessions for next week
  • Hope to complete almost everything and have a list of leftover to do's identified


  • Important to have an agenda
  • This is a monthly call
  • We need to figure out a time
    • Short write up (mariana)
    • Whenisgood for the 3rd-16th (marie)
      • https://whenisgood.net/fedora-outreach-kickoff-call
      • Where are we sending this:
        • Community blog
        • Mailing lists
          • mindshare-announce, mindshare, commops, join, advocates
          • identify local mailing ambassador mailing lists (sumantro)
        • Discussion
          • Pin community blog post
        • IRC/Element/TG
          • Fedora news
    • We should also get an understanding of who is meeting currently. These are groups currently in Fedocal.
    • We can ask the ambassador lists if anyone is currently meeting as well
      • India
        • Sumantro gave this feedback:
        • this session is mainly geared towards socializing
        • talk about current Fedora events, share new technologies, or talk about personal hobbies
      • LATAM
        • Alberto (marie reach out)
      • FAmNA
        • No meeting location, we think this isn't happening
      • FZUG (Chinese)
      • France
        • Misc (marie reach out)
      • UK
        • Looks like their last meeting was in 2015

Meeting August 26th


Nest Summary

Kick-Off: Meetings & recurring

  • Structure
  • Timing
  • Perspective on what to go to Mindshare for

Next week: Pick a day for docs sprint

Deliverables/Outcome Check-In

Completion of Role Handbooks for CommOps, Join SIG, Advocate, Ambassador, Ambassador Emeritus. Timeline: February 2021 - June 2021 - In progress

Formalized and documented process for reps to Mindshare. Timeline: February 2021 - June 2021 - Completed

Execution and analysis of Community Outreach survey. Timeline: December 2020 - January 2021 - Completed

Execution and documentation of Mindshare Team Interviews Timeline: July 2020 - February 2021 - Revist

Branding for CommOps team/subteams. Timeline: April 2021 - September 2021 - Completed

Draft and execution of Marketing plan. Timeline: June 2021 - December 2021 - Not yet started

Translations of Role Handbooks into 5-8 key languages. Timeline: June 2021 - December 2021 - Blocking on completion of handbooks

Community health survey for future use (periodically, every year). Timeline: September 2021 - December 2021 - Completed

Update and add to CommOps docs page to make it a complete indexed set of resources for each team under the CommOps umbrella. Timeline: June 2021-September 2021 - In progress

Informal polls to be developed and implemented (by the Revamp team at first and later by other teams) to measure awareness. Timeline: September 2021 - December 2021

Meeting August 2nd

Quick meetup to discuss Nest

Meeting July 23rd

To Do:

Meeting July 14th

  • Justin feedback on wiki
    • Info on wiki page should be organized with Docs vocabulary in mind to help
    • use "modules" for each section
      • below the module is pages folder
      • Example Change "Team Overviews" to "Team Overviews Module"
        • Underneath in spreadsheets change "Section" to "Pages"
    • thoughts on using hackmd:


Meeting July 1st

Sumantro - opening the ticket, send to Marie
Marie - send an email about nest session invitings folk to join, and to review our docs in advance- please ask us questions, we want the docs to be clear

Review of Contributor Survey results

Meeting June 24th

Meeting June 17th


Meeting June 10th

  • Record presentation

Nest idea

  • Role handbook hack session?
  • folks who come can earn the ttf badge

Meeting June 3rd


  • Waiting to hear if we are approved

CommOps sticker sheet

  • can we come up with a theme to give this some direction?
  • globe of pandas
  • outreach related objects like microphones, hands, hearts,
  • people doing activities, pandas together dancing, reaching out, holding hands
  • globe, or things that denote global community

We need a blog post update

  • upcoming sessions/talks
  • dhairy as outreachy intern, what work she has done so far
  • what we did for the Community survey
  • mindshare clean up
  • Mariana will draft

Mindshare tickets

Meeting May 27th


  • Mariana applied


  • Register for conference
  • June 18th - pre-recording
    • We will record on the 10th of June
  • To Do:
    • Updated presentation slides with a this is Fedora
    • Write up notes/script
    • Practice/record presentation

Mindshare tickets that are ambassador/outreach related:

Role Handbooks

Meeting May 20th


  • Mariana is working on the application


  • To Do:
    • Updated presentation slides with a this is Fedora
    • Write up notes/script
    • Practice/record presentation


  • Applicant starts next week May 24th
  • I selected Dhairya Chaudhary
  • Let's prioritize our ideas, provide a bit more info for each

Outreachy Intern Tasks Ideas

  • Updated logos for each team with new Fedora logo

    • Use logo guidelines & template
    • email logo@fpo to get logo files
  • Finish up how to Join Fedora infographic and open up a translation ticket to get it into a handful of other langugages

  • "Thank you, Fedora" infographic/design in many languages

    • poster design /infographic
  • Fedora bandana art

    • using the new logo, four foundation graphics, and paisley patterns
  • Sticker sheet for Commops to hand out & also reinforce team identities

    • commops logos
    • characters for role handbooks/other assets
      • grab these from badges
  • Cheat cube - foldable cubes

    • these are popular, people in Fedora really like them
    • Community is active around cheat cubes(translations)
    • Manual, it gives you info to do one specific task
    • Cheat sheet
    • We want to add instructions to request new cheat cube in CommOps docs
    • Ideas for cheat cubes:
      • Packaging
        • Re-do of the current one
        • we will need a technical person to update this part
      • How to Join Fedora
        • Connecting with Fedora Join
      • Panda
        • Just for fun
      • CommOps themed
        • Overview of what each team does
  • Org chart breakdown

    • derive a set of infographics from the org chart of the different areas of fedora
  • Infographic for the CommOps team Structure

    • simple graphic showing commops team structure, each team and what they do
  • Infographic for Fedora Organizational Chart

Meeting May 14

Release Party Presentation

  • We kicked ass
  • Video should be coming soon


  • We were accepted!
  • We want to pre-record the talk
  • https://events.opensuse.org/
  • June 18th & 19th
  • Recordings
    We recommend for you to record your talk. Please name your video the title of your talk (Example - Leap_roadmap_for_the_next_release.mp4) Upload your recording to our drop box for the event at https://osvcvideos.ocloud.de/index.php/s/Z7pCiSqkfHdMXBX
  • 30 minute talk - 22-23 minutes of talking, questions at the end
  • This is not a Fedora first audience, so we need to give a bit more context about Fedora
  • To Do:
    • Updated presentation slides with a this is Fedora
    • Write up notes/script
    • Practice/record presentation


  • CfP closes may 31st
  • Submit an application
    • Mariana :)
    • This one will be a bit more high level, focused on an outside audience

Role Handbooks

Community Survey question reviews

  • Lookin' good!

Meeting April 29

Can we leverage hackmd better with a "team"?

  • Yes, Marie will finish up organizing

Release Party Presentation

  • April 30th
  • Marie to update slides and share with Sumantro & Mariana

Role Handbooks

  • Worked on documentation

Meeting April 22

Can we leverage hackmd better with a "team"?

  • Yes, Marie will finish up organizing

Survey Questions

  • For Marie

All things open Cfp open

  • Friday, April 30 - 2021 CFP Closes
  • Mariana to work on, will let us know about text

Community Engagement Questions


  • we should come up with these

Information we want to gather with the survey questions

  • What languages do our contributors know? Do they feel that Fedora Community is accessible to them in a language they understand? Or is it a barrier to have to use English?
  • Do you feel like you are included as a member of the Fedora Community? (In the context of other answers, this is interesting. What do people who feel like they "belong" do in Fedora? What do people who feel excluded do or not do in Fedora?)
  • How do people feel about accessibility in general, but also mindshare specifically
  • Satisfaction rating for Mindshare
  • Knowledge of CoC, aware of community standards of behavior
  • How comfortable are people to speak up in public, or private about issues in the community
  • Do people feel recognized/appreciated
  • Do people feel empowered to propose ideas or work on things
  • awareness about the revamp, and also how the new commops structure is working/improving

All things open Cfp open

  • Friday, April 30 - 2021 CFP Closes
  • Mariana to work on, will let us know about text

Newest blog post is up! https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/community-outreach-revamp-update/

Role Handbooks

Meeting April 15th

Would this be suitable for Commops to incorporate into the revamp:

  • We agree that CommOps can help with this, but should not necessarily own
  • We want to involve different languages potentially, translation team
  • "Thank you, Fedora" design in many languages <- intern idea
  • Ideally commops would take some of the contributor stories and roll out a simple blog post every couple months (would need a template)

All things open Cfp open

  • Friday, April 30 - 2021 CFP Closes
  • Mariana to work on, will let us know about text

Blog Post Update

Upcoming intern

  • Arrange a meeting with intern week before internship starts for re vamp leads

Role Handbooks

  • Next meeting we will work on this exclusively

Intern Tasks - need to organize these by priority

Meeting April 8th

Community Survey

Linux App Summit

OpenSUSE Conference

  • Mariana applied

Blog post update - Review https://hackmd.io/Hf7mQRdeSkacYAJS4mguKQ

  • Sumantro to write
    • retired trello board
    • presented at devconf
    • we have applied to conferences to speak
    • community survey summary happened
    • in touch with council, we are on the org chart
    • we are working with council on community survey
    • now we are working on role handbooks

Organize conference submissions

  • Mariana to work on that

Design internship tasks

  • Cheat cubes
    • Manual, it gives you info to do one specific task
    • Cheat sheet
    • We want to add instructions to request new cheat cube in CommOps docs
    • Ideas for cheat cubes:
      • Packaging
        • Re-do of the current one
      • How to Join Fedora
        • Connecting with Fedora Join
      • Panda
        • Just for fun
      • CommOps themed
        • Overview of what each team does
    • "Thank you, Fedora" infographic/design in many languages

Meeting April 1st


Outreachy Intern Tasks Ideas

  • https://pagure.io/design/issue/745
  • Infographic for the CommOps team Structure
    • simple graphic showing commops team structure, each team and what they do
  • Infographic for Fedora Organizational Chart
    • Marie started this- making updates and then will open a ticket
  • Updated logos for each team with new Fedora logo
    • Wait to open this ticket until intern is chosen
  • Sticker sheet for Commops
    • logos
    • characters for role handbooks/other assets
  • Fedora bandana art
  • Cheat cube - foldable cubes
    • https://pagure.io/fedora-cheat-cubes/issues
    • these are popular, people in Fedora really like them
    • Join SIG cube
    • Panda & badger
    • Badges theme
    • Community is active around cheat cubes(translations)
    • Manual, it gives you info to do one specific task
    • Cheat sheet
  • Org chart breakdown
    • derive a set of infographics from the org chart of the different areas of fedora

OpenSUSE Conference

  • Mariana to apply

Role Handbooks

  • We want to get community feedback. Once the draft is complete, we will put it in a hackmd and write up a blogpost for the commblog. 2 weeks for feedback, add in feedback. two weeks more for feedback, add in, then the handbooks will be complete.

Meeting March 25th


  • Contribution period starting

Community Central

  • June 17th, one hour
  • Speak for 15-30 minutes, the rest is Q&A
  • Need to improve presentation, practice speaking etc

Fedora Linux 34 Release Party

  • April 30th, Friday, shorter
  • Sync up week before on updates

OpenSUSE Conference

  • Mariana to apply


  • Sumantro retired!

Survey Analysis Blog post

Role Handbooks

  • https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mBCnQXqpa2fdO9fkhDa-zKlErPI1urV8SuO83BJGx4A/edit

  • So, we have been phrasing role handbooks as "How new contributors get started with outreach teams" and "the representation of a tight-knit identity of each of the teams and how they work in unison with all of the project"

  • Commops team used to look at numbers/analytics/helping with community things, could even be code

  • "Community operations"

  • Overarching group to help the variety of outreach teams work cohesively.

  • For the design intern:

    • infographic for commops teams
    • Infographic showing Fedora entire map
  • Sumantro to move things to the Google Doc for role handbooks and start organizing

Meeting March 16th

Linux App Summit

  • Submitted (40 minute slots)
  • May 13th-15th

openSUSE Conference


  • triage design & badges repo
  • Contribution period
    • March 29 - contribution period opens
    • April 30 - contribution period closes
  • Actual internship period is May- August
  • Middle of April: come up with more concrete plans for designer

Trello Board

  • Retire the trello board (make sure to note in next blog post)

Role Handbooks

  • Sumantro is still working on this

Meeting March 9th

Linux App Summit


openSUSE Conference

Open Source Summit EU


  • contribution period starting either March 22nd or 29th

Trello Board

  • Sumantro: One more week, else retire will


Role Handbooks

  • Gathering and organizing current resources, Sumantro will finish up.

Marie To Do:
Review Sumantros post
Talk to Sayak & Ashlyn

Meeting February 23rd

Newest blog post:


  • we nailed it!
  • next time we want to talk more about survey results

Outreachy intern

  • Everything is in place
  • Applicant period March 15th - April 16th]

Trello board

  • Sumantro is working on it


Role Handbooks

CommOps Team Member
Ambassador Team Member
Ambassador Mentor
Join SIG
Ambassador Reps to Mindshare

Student focused pages

  • one to send students to, why does being a part of Fedora benefit you
  • One for outreach

Meeting February 16th

Survey Results


  • Feedback applied

February Blog post

  • Mariana wrote this up, publishing on Thursday the 18th


  • Slides done, we are ready to go!

Summer Intern
New ticket for Revamp Design intern in upcoming Outreachy session

  • Update timeline (Marie) - DONE
  • Submit to website (Marie) - DONE

Trello board - do we want to update or retire?

  • Update! Sumantro will work on this


Meeting February 9th

Survey Results

  • Next step to write a summary blog post
    • Sumantro wrote up
  • Distill results into practical changes or implementations


  • Apply the feedback to the plan
  • Work session schedule for Thursday Feb 11th
  • Official council updates unnecessary

February Blog Post

  • Topic: Revamp becomes an Objective
  • Want to highlight updated wiki
  • Revamp @devconf
  • Mariana!


  • Practiced again. 23 minutes long.

Meeting February 2nd

Free media again:
pbokoc: ok, going through ambassadors could work. If we have a list of ambassadors, we can mention that people can ask them to request install media somewhere on the same page (or somewhere else and link to the list), and the ambassador can open the request on behalf of whoever actually needs the USB stick

Survey results

  • Results have been analyzed
  • Next step to write a summary blog post
    • Ask Ashlyn

YAY COUNCIL MEMBERS!! First time for Mariana, congrats!

  • The revamp has now become a Fedora Objective
  • Does the council meeting time work?
    • Late for Sumantro. should be able to make it.
    • Works ok for Mariana.
  • What's next:
    • apply feedback into overall plan (start next week)
    • add council updates into regular meetings: monthly updates


  • Marie finish slides
  • Mariana finish up her part
  • Run through next week

Meeting January 27th

Objective discussion

  • we reviewed, made some edits, look good.
  • Mariana is updating the discussion page

Devconf.cz Presentation

  • Marie to do slides for next meeting
  • Run through presentation and make improvements

Let's discuss:

  • Can we address free media with revamp?
    jwf: I think the Free Media program is from a different time in Fedora. But it did one thing uniquely: it provided a decentralized way for contributors to help others use and contribute to Fedora
    jwf: Instead of requiring a process to go through Mindshare and take time, it was originally a fast process for someone to help someone else out without contacting the Fedora Board (back in the day)
    jwf: It would be nice to see something replace that need that was once a very strong point for us

  • We feel this is no longer relevant. Not needed for Revamp.

  • Fedora Design intern for upcoming Outreachy session to work on design assets for the Revamp.

    • Marie to write up a proposal and put on mentored projects
  • Fit in Fedora Badges to the revamp overall

  • CommOps "checkup check list"

    • We need to write up a check up doc for CommOps/Mindshare to review the health of the CommOps structure in the future.

Community Survey

  • Analysis is going great so far
  • How do we want to publish results?
    • publishing the entire thing could be problematic, if people pick apart responses
    • we should trim the data

Meeting January 19th


Results Analysis:

  • people do not use the mindshare committee as much as they should/could
  • enable self organizers with more resources
  • people aren't interested in running events, but they do want to participate
  • need a function to share/signal boost things OR
  • strengthen the existing network for sharing cool projects, signal boosts etc

To do:

  • Reach out to Alberto, Sayak, Ashlyn & Vipul & invite to thursday meeting
  • Read through results

Objective Questions

We need to answer the following questions



Very minor: there’s an Activity to design the new swag and handouts (good) but “distribute new rebrand materials” should be in the Activities column as well somewhere, and a corresponding entry in outputs as well. In general it’d be nice to put numbers on things in the Outputs column where we can.

  • Add in "Distribute new rebrand materials" to activities
  • Edit to "Brand & Marketing" in outputs
  • Matthew, please clarify what do you mean to "put numbers on things"

Less minor: I’d like to see more concrete measurables for Outcomes. How will we determine that teams are functional?

  • We feel this Objective goal should really boil down to being a sustainable team versus a "functional" team. It could be functional today, and then fall apart tomorrow. Ideally we will see increase in involvement and activity, cross-collaboration of all teams in functional aspects, and utilization of resources & processes. Additionally, we feel this is not something that can be measured after we've checked all the boxes, it will be something we can observe over a period of 1-2 years after the completion of this objective. Adding in a survey and/or analysis one year out and two years out, allowing for adjustments to the program, could be the way to address this.

How will we decide that we have clear processes and documentation and an easy-to-participate-in onboarding process?

  • Each of the teams in the revamp will have their info congregated into one Docs page with fully updated documentation for each team. This includes the entirety of the updated Ambassador program and the Role Handbooks. Wiki pages for the teams will be marked as obsolete, retired, or moved.

How will we know if Awareness is at levels we deem successful?

  • This is a great question, and has instigated a new ativity for the Revamp. Our idea is to create a series of polls on social media: discourse, telegram & twitter. We can gauge community awareness on a variety of outreach related topics now, and in 6 months, and in one year. We can also include questions related to this in the 1 and 2 year follow ups.

How will we know people feel connected to their team identities?

  • We will be able to explore the identity question through the polls on social media. We can also include questions related to this in the 1 and 2 year follow ups.

None of this will block me from voting for this, but having it done up front will make it easier for us to evaluate progress and eventual results.


I think the Outcomes need to be more measurable and specific with a plan for measurement.

  • We have expounded on each Objective with how we intend to measure each outcome, as well as any potential issues we foresee.
Update Outcomes
  1. The Ambassador team is full of active contributors who know what to do and how to do it

    • We have completed the first Ambassador group cleanup and we are adding a cadence into the Ambassador program for annual cleanups. This will ensure that the Ambassador team is full of active contributors only. We will also clarify the documentation on "how to become Ambassador Emeritus" so that if folks choose to retire they know what to do.

    • We will measure their knowledge of the Ambassador activities/processes through a specific survey for the members currently active in the Ambassador Team. This survey should be done 6 months, 1 year, and 2 years after the revamp is complete. The results of the survey should instigate any small or large adjustments that may need to be done to the program. These surveys will be written during the Revamp, and then implemented by CommOps/Mindshare.

  2. The process for how to organize events and request swag is well known to all Ambassadors, and those within the larger CommOps umbrella.

    • This one will be kind of tough to measure. Ideally, we will be able to tap into some of these self-organized events and outreach activities with a CommOps based "Community Activity Network" of sorts. The community survey is showing us that people are doing things without reporting them back, so the overall community is unaware of the activity. The "CAN" would help boost the signal of these activites with virtually no effort from the people executing these activites but to submit them to the network. Once we are able to capture the events/activity that are happening we believe we will find that our event presence is robust.

    • We should see a general increase in Mindshare Committee tickets. We will need to measure how many new swag requests are being made, compare them to years past, and continue to look at those numbers. Based on our current pandemic life, this looks a bit different and may be hard to forecast. In the past year swag handouts have been organized centrally through the FCAIC as Red Hat is fulfilling these requests to personal addresses and their is a significant amount of Personal Identification Information (PII) and paperwork involved. The community survey is also showing us that almost everyone is attending events, but the motivation to self organize during the pandemic is low.

  3. Members from CommOps & subteams are practicing new/updated forms of organized community outreach.

    • We will measure this through informal polls, as well as the 1 and 2 year surveys. We should see an increase in Mindshare Committee tickets from these teams. It could potentially be tough to determine who is representing which request because their is a lot of overlap in membership on these teams. We should also see downloads/page views of key resources that are produced during the Revamp.
  4. Clear onboarding documentation and process on how to get involved in the Community Outreach teams.

    • The CommOps, Ambassador, Ambassador Emeritus, Ambassador Mentor, Advocate, and Join teams are rolled up into one Docs page with an set of comprehensive indexed resources and information. This will also include documentation and a cadence for updating these pages. Increase in the number of Join tickets and Ambassador mentor program (TBD).
  5. Brand awareness from CommOps new structure is beginning to grow based on branding and relevant marketing plans.

    • This is something we will measure through the informal polls on social platforms as well as in the 1 and 2 year surveys.
  6. More contributors engaged in the Ambassadors program, but also the CommOps teams overall.

    • This will be somewhat tough to measure. The results of the community survey are starting to show us that that folks really enjoy self organizing and working independently to one extent or another. One of the paths we are detailing for the Revamp is providing templates, resources, and most importantly, how to receive $resources from the Mindshare Committee. So, if we can see that most folks are choosing to self organize we would ideally see over time consistent page views/downloads of key resources and an increase in Mindshare Committee requests for $resources.
  7. Weekly meetings for Community Outreach.

    • The weekly meetings will be open to all of the Outreach teams. We expect a base of 6-10 folks who regularly show up. All others on these teams will be encouraged to attend when they need support or are able. We will analyze in the 1 & 2 year follow up how many Community Outreach meetings occurred, and how many attendees were at each.

I also want to put out there that a lot of the deliverables here are a one-time thing… but I think some thought should be put towards ongoing / maintenance type activities. Because for example, new docs are great but they have to be maintained, and to keep them maintained they should start with a plan for sustaining them over time. The plan could be something as simple as, for example, scheduling an every 3-6mo review as part of the charter of the relevant team leadership, to review and update. But that thinking I think should take place now and the process be outlined.
- This is a great point and would definitely point us in a healthy direction for sustainability. 6 months seems like a reasonable cadence for folks to be checking in and updating docs pages for their teams. This is most likely something all teams should be doing, so I think it will fit in quite easily to the new structure. It has been noted to include these check-ins.

I also see that as a lot of the output are deliverables, I’d like to know if there is a distribution plan in mind (if not written up) for the materials in terms of how we’ll get them out and make them available. It’s mentioned that it’s a marketing team responsibility but I think understanding at the start what shape that delivery might take shape in (e.g. a special outreach specific website? social media distribution? some other platform like discourse? all of the above?) would help guide the creation of the content to be targeted for the correct target media. I’d suggest starting with a table of potential outlets. And thinking about, not just how do we announce this big change when it happens, but also where do the documents live and get access after the initial big announcement and in the general day-to-day operations over the long term as a reference. (could just be the fedora docs site, thats fine too, or could also involve a physical component like a printed “welcome kit” sent to new folks. would just like to see it written down :slight_smile: )

  • These are great points, thank you for raising them. The proposal and plan was originally written with the idea that we could include almost every team on the Mindshare side of Fedora. This is still true to an extent, but we are changing our approach based on our experience from the past 6 months. We found that we are able to engage at least 1+ person from each team, but not the team as a whole. For example we opened a CommOps ticket and just one person has been driving that. We opened a D&I ticket and we ended up taking the task back and which the Co-leads completed with assistance from a couple D&I team members who overlap with the TTF/Revamp efforts. Asking skilled individuals to help on specific tasks has been a very successful approach. We reflected upon this in our meetings and came to the conclusion that most Objectives/big changes are implemented by a small group of dedicated people, so we do not view this revised approach as a failure.

  • We have grabbed the following to-do's/conclusions from your comment. Let us know if we hit all the points :) We feel we need to get a good handle on the plans for these aspects and they will inform the other questions you have raised (where/how/format/sustainability)

    • Write in a plan for distribution of new materials/resources
    • Write in a plan for distribution of new swag items
    • Write in a plan for announcement/roll-out
    • Include roll/out documents/promotional materials on Fedora Docs page for Community Outreach

Should the Join team have a role here in the logic model? Community Outreach includes new community contributor recruits too, right

  • During the research phase of the Revamp, executed by the FCAIC, we received feedback from the Join Team that they do not wish to add or remove any processes to their current workflow. The fundamental idea behind the Join Team, if we understood the feedback correctly, is that this group is for folks who want to help guide others with a low barrier to entry. Folks in Join hang out in a channel, and a couple of folks maintain a repo. They feel, as we do we, that they are working functionally currently, and we do not want to be an interference. They will be welcome at the overarching CommOps meetings, will be included in any announcements that are made, and will have access to all the resources that are developed for the Revamp.

  • We could add in a function for the CommOps team to review the Join repo on a certain cadence to see if there is an increase/trends in tickets for new contributors.

Ambassador Group Cleanup

  • Sumantro publishing report tomorrow

Meeting January 12th


  • Vipul is wrapping up the responses
  • read results and discuss next meeting
  • Analysis
    • Ask Vipul & Sayak to help analyze. Check in with Ashlyn.



Ambassador Group Cleanup

  • Sumantro adding in report, and closing ticket. This is complete.

UP NEXT: Role Handbook

Meeting January 5th

Closes in one week (january 11th)
Promote again
Tweet - Sumantro Mukherjee - retweets! And send to Matthew Miller
Mariana - pinging commops discourse
Instagram - Mariana
Local networks - all of us - OSPO/local space/channels

Feb 18th-20 https://www.devconf.info/cz/
Next week, put together presentation outline during revamp weekly meeting
Marie to make graphics after
Missed the deadline.
Next time tell the whole story.

Draft short community blog post Marie Nordin


In June of 2020 the Community Outreach Revamp was developed. The initial plan was written by Marie Nordin and then approved by the Mindshare Committee. Implementation began soon after by co-leads Mariana Balla and Sumantro Mukherjee. It became evident pretty quickly that this initiative is of monumental proportions and will take a lot of coordination, people, and hours to complete. Although we don't often have non-code related objectives, the Revamp falls under similar work-load category to other objectives and is crucial to the future of Fedora's community outreach.

We have opened a ticket on the Council-tickets pagure to gain approval from the Council for this objective proposal. Please provide feedback there or on the Council Discuss discussion page. The Council will vote on this in two weeks.

For more info visit the following:
Initial Proposal
Objective Wiki Page
Temporary Task Force Meeting Notes


Group clean up
Pinged Alberto & Nick - this is complete!!

Mindshare Team Responsibilities Sumantro Mukherjee
Talk with Alberto, check where incomplete ones are at

Design Team - Mairin Duffy - DONE
Website Team - Rick Relrod
Fedora Docs - Petr Bokoc
Fedora Badges - Marie Nordin -
Fedora Magazine - Ben Cotton - DONE
Localization/Translations - Jean-Baptiste
CommOps - Alberto - DONE
Mentored Projects - Vipul - DONE

Meeting December 15th

Event is February 6th & 7th
marianaballa848@gmail.com is opening a mindshare ticket and making a submission for the stand
Distribution dev room info:
Deadline for submission Dec 20th
Community dev room info
Deadline for submission Dec 22nd
Our talk would fit better here

Note for later: Add in a clear process for Emeritus to come back to Ambassador

Updates made to objective wiki page & pagure ticket

AMA Questions
Submitted a post to community Blog

Ambassador Cleanup - Sponsors/mentors
One response, good to make changes.

Meeting December 8th

Ambassador cleanup
Sumantro has contacted 4 people
Almost completed, waiting till the weekend and we will move the unresponsive folks to Ambassador Emeritus

Community blog post - Sumantro Mukherjee
Write emails to mailing lists - marianaballa848@gmail.com
Mindshare Committee
Diversity & Inclusion
Council discourse
Tweet the survey - Marie Nordin
Discord - Radka

https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/questions-for-the-taskforce-on-community-revamp/25040 for Question
https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/community-outreach-revamp-call-for-ama-questions/ the agenda

Add timeline to Wiki Page & Trello Board
Meeting November 17th
Ambassador Cleanup
List of “sponsors” https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1P3vc4ViOWBgk5TtimPfEvtVil0CMJHcMkKhtzmjiBOg/edit#gid=746284534
Need to write up an email, send an email, gather responses, make adjustments as necessary

https://pagure.io/mindshare/issue/244 <- survey is progressing nicely. We are incorporating feedback.

Objective feedback: - need to revise the logic model
Lengthen time to 12-18 months
Determine and add in milestones
Ambassador group cleanup - july-nov 2020
Execution and analysis of Community Outreach survey - dec 2020 - january 2021
Execution and documentation of Mindshare Team Interviews - july 2020 - february 2021
Formalized and documented process for Ambassadors mentors - february 2021 - june 2021
Formalized and documented process for reps to Mindshare - february 2021 - june 2021
Completion of Role Handbooks - january 2021 - june 2021
Branding for CommOps team/subteams - April - september 2021
Draft and execution of Marketing plan - june 2021 - dec 2021
Translations of Role Handbooks into 5-8 key languages - june 2021 - dec 2021
I could change the title to “budget for rebrand”
From mattdm: Ah, yeah. And then that connects to the Design Team Activity "develop new branding", and "swag with new branding" is an Output, and maybe there's an "Engaged" section of Outcomes like "Members of the Mindshare/outreach teams feel engaged, energized, and appreciated"

AMA December 10th 3PM UTC during TTF meeting time.
Discourse thread
Community blog post

Meeting November 10th

Marie finished logic model, Mariana opening council ticket

Resource: 5-6 slide presentation, open a design team ticket
AMA for Community Outreach Revamp
Solicit questions

Marie followed up with Alberto & Nick on Ambassador group cleanup

Gave a presentation at the Release Party, it went well!

Mariana closing D&I ticket

Finished draft of survey -
Sumantro Mukherjee to work with Vipul on creating LimeSurvey
Keep it open for a month
Monday December 7th - Monday 11th of January
Goal of 100 responses


Meeting November 3rd

Finished draft of DevConf.CZ proposal -> https://hackmd.io/Im6IGGxjQaGr6a045qF-tA?view
Mariana submitted it

We need to come up with slides/presentation

Finished draft of comm blog post #3 ->
Sumantro working to publish

Ambassador group cleanup -> in progress

Role handbooks -> stalled due to lack of time and we need community survey finished to complete

Mindshare teams responsibilities documentation ->
Sumantro ping ticket

Fedora Objective
Marie finish logic model

Release Party

Email D&I ML and ask for feedback
Hello Fedora D&I,

We have noticed that the Fedora D&I has been pretty busy in the past weeks and we would love to move forward with the team's feedback.

If you feel that you have already a lot on your plate, we can close the ticket and find some other way to work this through. I will leave this ticket open until next week.

Let me know what your thoughts are on this. :)


Meeting October 27th

Sumantro make complete list of FAS accounts to be moved and send to Alberto
Need to finish Devconf proposal and submit by November 1st
Newest community blog post from Mariana []
Marie to finish logic model

Meeting October 13th

TTF progress
Assign someone to write sponsor email
Ask about how they want to work: trello is working? No? Repo?
Ask them to review survey

Objective updates
Finish up logic model
Mariana will then open council ticket

Ambassador cleanup
Sumantro is still getting feedback from people
Sumantro will tally results, and send them to Alberto.
Alberto will make changes.
We need to make a blog post that we are doing that

Devconf.cz CfP -> deadline November 1st
All on board

Meeting October 6th

Responses from contacting inactive ambassadors https://hackmd.io/Lvk_Bfw2RL6FlHeDktqyLw

Survey Questions

Meeting September 29th

Update for Ben

Contacted ‘inactive’ Ambassadors

Objective Update

Ready to open a Council ticket, Mariana will own this.

Email for Inactive Ambassadors

Sumantro will own.

[Action Required] Fedora Ambassador Activity Status

Hi Fedora Friend!

You may have heard about the current Community Outreach Revamp initiative that is taking place. If not, feel free to check out the links below to learn more. We have run a script to determine who is active in the Ambassadors FAS group, and your account came up as inactive based on the results from the fedmsg system. We are contacting you via your FAS email.

We are reaching out to inquire if you would like to continue your participation on the Fedora Ambassador Team. You are absolutely welcome to stay involved, or if not, we can move you to the Ambassador Emeritus group. Please respond to this email within two weeks or we will consider your participation in the Ambassador group inactive. You can always re-join at a later time!

Kind regards,
Sumantro Mukherjee, Mariana Balla, & the Temporary Task Force


Meeting September 15th

Update for Ben:

Upcoming Meetings:
Community Outreach TTF Kick-Off Meeting (Part 2) - 12PM UTC in meet.google.com/eet-brwo-idx
Check out the Community Outreach Revamp (Ambassadors) Kick-Off meeting to learn more about the revamp and how to get involved. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-rkc17V15U&feature=youtu.be
The Mindshare Teams questions have been finalized under the Community Outreach Revamp, and the interviews will begin soon. https://pagure.io/fedora-commops/issue/220

Objective Proposal


Logic Model


The Problem




Deliverables & Timeline

Objective Leads
Mariana Balla & Sumantro Muhkerjee

Response on Council-Discuss

How do you see co-leadership on the objective working in terms of the Fedora Council?

Both Sumantro and Mariana will join the council, but they will share one vote. They will both attend meetings as necessary and able. Marie will work as back up to provide updates on progress.

I'd like to see some specific measures of success. I am fully in
agreement with the concept, but it would be good to have something to
measure against.

Completion of Role Handbooks
CommOps, Join SIG, Advocate, Ambassador, Ambassador Emeritus
Formalized and documented process for reps to Mindshare
Execution and analysis of Community Outreach survey
Execution and documentation of Mindshare Team Interviews
Branding for CommOps team/subteams
Draft and execution of Marketing plan
Translations of Role Handbooks into 5-8 key languages
CommOps team/subteams are aware and satisfied with new processes/structure

Along the same lines (and to repeat Matthew's question from the
meeting), what do you see being different 6 months from now? 12?

In 6 to 12 months from now:
The Ambassador team is full of active contributors who know what to do and how to do it.
The process for how to organize events and request swag is well known to all Ambassadors, and those within the larger CommOps umbrella.
Members from CommOps & subteams are practicing new/updated forms of organized community outreach.
Clear onboarding documentation and process on how to get involved in the Community Outreach teams.
Brand awareness from CommOps new structure is beginning to grow based on branding and relevant marketing plans.
More contributors engaged in the Ambassadors program, but also the CommOps team overall.
Weekly meetings for Community Outreach.

What kind of help will you need outside the scope of the Objective to
make it successful (e.g. design, documentation, software development,
The revamp plan includes most of the active teams within Mindshare. These teams have been asked to give their feedback as we worked on approving the proposal. For example, the design team will have to help with several of the tasks (logos, badges), the translation team will help to translate the role handbooks, etc. If you want to read more about how each team will be involved, there is further info on the wiki page. We will be using LimeSurvey to execute a survey.

Meeting September 8th

Agenda for Kick-Off Meeting

1 hour long
Introductions from everyone
Name, where you are from, why you are here
Brief description of the Ambassadors revamp efforts (supposedly they have read the wiki)
Introduce the Trello board and explain the tasks that are already there.
Temporary task force starts here: https://trello.com/c/sgVnz6qm/33-update-and-finalize-commops-team-structure
Try to assign first tasks to people and get a feel for how they would like to meet.. Suggesting, bi-weekly IRC meetings??

Volunteer Kick Off Meetings

Thursday September 10th @ 4PM UTC
Short Commblog post to advertise meeting

Agenda for Video Council Meeting

1 hour long
Matthew: gives a brief history of the Ambassadors and intros Sumantro/Mariana/Marie

Sumantro/Mariana/Marie: introduce themselves: how long involved with fedora, what teams you participate in, current roles etc

Marie: talks about how the revamp came to be.
Hearing stories from contributors
Reading Switch in my book club
Hacking on the proposal over the course of 2 days
Feedback was gathered from the community and incorporated

Sumantro: talks about what the revamp is meant to do
Successful outreach teams within Fedora
More successful outreach and onboarding
Clarify onboarding, role and structure for teams
Modernize what it means to be a Fedora Ambassador
Contributor fulfillment

Mariana: talks about how we will implement the revamp
Mariana & Sumantro co-leading with support from the Marie
Volunteer task force will be working on some specific tasks
More tasks are being taken on by various teams within Mindshare
We are using a Trello board

Marie: talks briefly about kick-off meeting and what we accomplished
There is another kick off meeting at XYZ time and date
Task force is beginning work

Current open tickets with Mindshare teams:
Commops ticket
D&I ticket
Questions, comments, etc

Mindshare Team Interviews

Team name:


Define the current responsibilities of your Team:

Define the current goals of your Team:

What is the greatest strength of your team?

What is the greatest weakness of your team?

What are the long term plans for the team (if applicable)?

Is there anything you can consider a "Mission Statement" for your Team?

Is there a specific task or issue that your Team needs help for from the Mindshare Committee?

Is there some function/activity you would like to see your Team doing that they aren’t doing currently?

Preferred asynchronous communication channel (mailing list, discussion.fp.o, etc):

Preferred synchronous (IRC channel, telegram, etc, none):

Issue tracker:


Meetings times and locations (if applicable):

Meeting Sept 1st

Email Draft: Fedora Objective to Council

Objective Idea: Fedora Community Outreach Revamp
This objective will be an initiative to revamp several community outreach teams within Fedora that are struggling to function, or need more support to truly become a success. The objective will bring together Ambassadors, Ambassador Emeritus, Join SIG, and Advocates all under the same umbrella of CommOps in a clear and cohesive structure.

Work involved:
The objective will be based on a proposal that has been approved by the Mindshare Committee. [1] The revamp is being co-led by Sumantro Muhkerjee and Mariana Balla with the support of Marie Nordin, FCAIC. Sumantro and Mariana will co-lead the Objective as well if approved.

There has been a call for volunteers, and kick off meetings are being arranged. [2] The proposal is also inclusive of the different teams under Mindshare, assigning tasks for each team to own. A further breakdown of tasks, timelines, and blockers can be found on the Revamp Trello board. [3]

Desired outcome:
The desired outcome for the Community Outreach Revamp is for Fedora’s outreach teams to be functioning successfully. The teams should be reinvigorated, understand their different roles clearly, and have all the tools to effectively outreach. Another desired outcome for this revamp is to rebuild contributor fulfillment in various ways.

Why this initiative should be a Fedora objective:
This initiative should become a Fedora objective for a variety of reasons. It is a large coordinated effort that will take 6-12 months to complete. Community outreach is an important aspect of the Fedora Project that does not get as much visibility as some technical initiatives. Making the Revamp an Objective will bring increased visibility. It will help to interest more people to contribute, and furthermore it will also bring credibility to the work that is being done. It will also create accountability to the Council to ensure the work is moving forward.

Feedback from the Council:
Please respond to this mail with thoughts, considerations, or suggestions for improvement. Once we receive feedback we will begin putting together the formal Objective proposal. [4]

Your Revamp Co-Leads, Sumantro & Mariana

[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Ambassadors_Revamp_2020
[2] https://pagure.io/mindshare/issue/227
[3] https://trello.com/b/XFg3Zgh8/fedora-ambassadors-revamp-2020
[4] https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/project/objectives/

Meeting Notes

Add in a recurring task for us to send updates to Ben every two weeks to be included in his weekly update blog posts

Meeting: August 25th, 2020

Inclusion in Ben’s weekly updates

As described in the Ambassador Revamp process, one of the goals is to ensure that every team has equal stakeholding in the revamp. To make this change more transparent and open for the community to understand, and to include each Mindshare team in the rebuilding process.

The Taskforce would request the CommOps team to develop interview questions and conduct research interviews with active members/leads of each Mindshare team. The goal of the survey will be to accurately document their current responsibilities as well as any goals/ideas they may have for the future. Lastly, the CommOps team will work with each Mindshare to ensure there is one point of reference on line for each team that include the following points.

Team name
Some indication of it’s not a zombie

Preferred Asynchronous communication channel (mailing list, discussion.fp.o)
Preferred Synch (IRC channel, telegram, etc, none)
Issue tracker

The Fedora Docs team will help with the Docs process.
This ticket is to track the person who will be working on the ticket, the progress and communications.
We would like to set up a meeting as well with the CommOps folks who will work on this to provide additional context/support and answer any questions.

Meeting: July 28th, 2020

  • Mariana worked with D&I Team
    @mariana - To open up a D&I ticket
  • Sumantro to work on setting up Trello
    Sumantro to set up regular meeting

Meeting on July 21st


Brief position description of the co-leads and the volunteers roles
Plan of action - timeline for plan

Plan for next two weeks

Fill out timeline on each task
PRIORITY: timeline for survey (owned by d&i)
Identify blockers
Overall timeline

Select a repo