[**中文教學**](/c/tutorials-tw/%2Fs%2Fhow-to-save-tw) # How to Save Versions HackMD periodically saves a version every 10 minutes when you're editing, so you don't have to worry about saving and can easily revert the note back to its previous state. <img style="display:block;margin:20px auto;padding:1px;border:1px #eee;width:60%;" src="https://hackmd.io/_uploads/HkSrYXKvR.png" /> ## Save Versions You can also save your notes manually and name it - see how: ![Save note version](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/ryOJ6Mz4A.gif) All previous unnamed, auto-saved versions will fold under your newly-named version. # Compare Versions You can compare any two versions, named or un-named. Additions from the one being compared will be marked in green while text removals in red. There's also option to filter only named versions. ![Compare note version](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rJb0TzfER.gif) # Edit and Delete Versions Name and description can be changed, but the revisions (editing history) will stay. ![Edit note version](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/BJc8RMG4C.gif)