image: https://i.imgur.com/gA9Nde3.jpg
title: 歐盟資訊亂象報告第六章翻譯計畫
# INFORMATION DISORDER : Toward an interdisciplinary framework for research and policy making 翻譯協作計畫
## 協作方式

## 貢獻者:
Summit Suen
YR Cheng
Hsu Hui Ting

## 名詞統一區:
* information disorder:資訊亂象、新聞亂象
* **mis**information:錯誤訊息、錯誤新聞(原文定義: *false & not intended to harm*)無惡意的假新聞
* **dis**information:假訊息、假新聞(原文定義: *false & used intended to harm*)惡意中傷的假新聞
* **mal**information:惡意訊息、惡意新聞 (原文定義: *not false & used intended to harm*) 真新聞卻會惡意中傷
* fact-check tag: 事實查核標籤,檢查文件或評論中陳述的事項是否屬實
* honest broker:中立協調者、斡旋者
* information ecosystem: 資訊生態系統(關注於人類如何進行資訊流程建模的系統)[Reference](https://www.lehigh.edu/~dac511/pages/research/infoecol.html)
* metadata:中介資料(用來描述資料本身屬性的資料) [metadata 附註](http://metadata.teldap.tw/project/filebox/BSMI/Symposium.pdf)
## 協作者交流
* 🤔有人可以白話文第12條的具體意思嗎?we need the search engines to build out ‘authenticity’ engines and water-marking technologies to provide mechanisms for original material to be surfaced and trusted.
## 翻譯全文
## INFORMATION DISORDER : Toward an interdisciplinary framework for research and policy making
### Part 6: Recommendations
What could technology companies do?
# 科技公司可以做些什麼?
1. Create an international advisory council. We recommend the creation of an independent, international council, made up of members from a variety of disciplines that can (1) guide technology companies as they deal with information disorder and (2) act as an honest broker between technology companies.
2. Provide researchers with the data related to initiatives aimed at improving the quality of information. While technology companies are understandably nervous about sharing their data (whether that’s metrics related to how many people see a fact-check tag, or the number of people who see a ‘disputed content’ flag and then do not go on to share the content), independent researchers must have better access to this data in order to properly address information disorder and evaluate their attempts to enhance the integrity of public communication spaces. As such, platforms should provide whatever data they can—and certainly more than they are currently providing.
為研究人員提供倡議改善資訊品質的相關資料。即便科技公司對於共享資料是感到不安 - 這種不安,人們是可以體諒的。
3. Provide transparent criteria for any algorithmic changes that down-rank content. Algorithmic tweaks or the introduction of machine learning techniques can lead to unintended consequences, whereby certain types of content is de-ranked or removed. There needs to be transparency around these changes so the impact can be independently measured and assessed. Without this transparency, there will be claims of bias and censorship from different content producers.
4. Work collaboratively. Platforms have worked together to fight terrorism and child abuse. Slowly, collaboration is also beginning to happen around information disorder, and we encourage such collaboration, particularly when it involves sharing information about attempts to amplify content.
5. Highlight contextual details and build visual indicators. We recommend that social networks and search engines automatically surface contextual information and metadata that would help users ascertain the truth of a piece of content (for example automatically showing when a website was registered or running a reverse image search to see whether an image is old). The blue verification tick is an example of a helpful visual indicator that exists across platforms. We argue that technology companies should collaborate to build a consistent set of visual indicators for these contextual details. This visual language should be developed in collaboration with cognitive psychologists to ensure efficacy.
6. Eliminate financial incentives. Technology companies as well as advertising networks more generally must devise ways to prevent purveyors of dis-information from gaining financially.
7. Crack down on computational amplification. Take stronger and quicker action against automated accounts used to boost content.
8. Adequately moderate non-English content. Social networks need to invest in technology and staff to monitor mis-, dis- and mal-information in all languages.
blackjack : 這邊涉及名詞統一區。建議,在專有名詞上,有機會還是使用在文字本身就可以顯現出該專有名詞在一般人直觀上可以立即直接感受到的特徵性格的文字符號。
9. Pay attention to audio/visual forms of mis- and dis-information. The problematic term ‘fake news’ has led to an unwarranted fixation on text-based mis- and dis- information. However, our research suggests that fabricated, manipulated or falsely- contextualized visuals are more pervasive than textual falsehoods. We also expect fabricated audio to become an increasing problem. Technology companies must address these formats as well as text.
10. Provide metadata to trusted partners. The practice of stripping metadata from images and video, (for example location information, capture date and timestamps), although protective of privacy and conservative of data, often complicates verification. Thus, we recommend that trusted partners be provided increased access to such metadata.
11. Build fact-checking and verification tools. We recommend that technology companies build tools to support the public in fact-checking and verifying rumors and visual content, especially on mobile phones.
12. Build ‘authenticity engines’. As audio-visual fabrications become more sophisticated, we need the search engines to build out ‘authenticity’ engines and water-marking technologies to provide mechanisms for original material to be surfaced and trusted.
13. Work on solutions specifically aimed at minimising the impact of filter bubbles:
a) Let users customize feed and search algorithms. Users should be given the chance to consciously change the algorithms that populate their social feeds and search results. For example, they should be able to choose to see diverse political content or a greater amount of international content in their social feeds.
b) Diversify exposure to different people and views. Using the existing algorithmic technology on the social networks that provides suggestions for pages, accounts, or topics to follow, these should be designed to provide exposure to different types of content and people. There should be a clear indication that this is being surfaced deliberately, and while the views or content might be uncomfortable or challenging, it is necessary to have an awareness of different perspectives.
c) Allow users to consume information privately. To minimize performative influences on information consumption, we recommend that technology companies provide more options for users to consume content privately, instead of publicizing everything they ‘like’ or ‘follow.
c) 讓使用者在發表評價或回饋的同時能夠保有隱私及匿名性。因此,我們建議科技公司給使用者更多選項,讓他們能對文章內容做出非公開的評價,而非有可能被其他人知道的「按讚」、「追蹤」等等。
1st draft, November 29。
d) Change the terminology used by the social networks. Three common concepts of the social platforms unconsciously affect how we avoid different views and remain in our echo chambers. ‘To follow’, for most people subconsciously implies a kind of agreement, so it emotionally creates a resistance against exposure to diverse opinion. ‘Friend’ also connotes a type of bond you wouldn't want to have with those you strongly disagree with but are curious about. So is the case with ‘like’, when you want to start reading a certain publication on Facebook. We should instead institute neutral labels such as connecting to someone, subscribing to a publication, bookmarking a story, etc.
d)更改社交網絡上的用語。社交平台上有三個常見的現象,會無形中影響我們去避免接觸不同的觀點,並加劇使用者限於同溫層的情況。首先是「追蹤」,對於大部分的人來說,「追蹤」某人、事、物暗示他贊成那些內容,基於這點,人們不太會去「追蹤」他們不同意的觀點或議題。另外像是「好友」一詞。你根本不會想和立場相左的人成為「好友」,儘管你對他的論述或立場感到好奇,你也不會想為了讀他的文章而加他「好友」。當你想開始在 Facebook 上閱讀某文章時,「按讚」也是類似的狀況。我們應該使用中性的用詞,例如改為「關注」而非「追蹤」某人、「訂閱」某文章而非對某文章「按讚」、為故事增加「書籤」等等。
在 Facebook 上閱讀某文章時,「按讚」也有類似的心理現象。
stop here, December 3rd
What could national governments do?
# 各國政府可以做些什麼?
1. Commission research to map information disorder. National governments should commission research studies to examine information disorder within their respective countries, using the conceptual map provided in this report. What types of information disorder are most common? Which platforms are the primary vehicles for dissemination? What research has been carried out that examines audience responses to this type of content in specific countries? The methodology should be consistent across these research studies exercises, so that different countries can be accurately compared.
2. Regulate ad networks. While the platforms are taking steps to prevent fabricated ‘news’ sites from making money, other networks are stepping in to fill the gap. States should draft regulations to prevent any advertising from appearing on these sites.
3. Require transparency around Facebook ads. There is currently no oversight in terms of who purchases ads on Facebook, what ads they purchase and which users are targeted. National governments should demand transparency about these ads so that ad purchasers and Facebook can be held accountable.
3.要求 Facebook 對其廣告加強資訊透明化。目前並沒有任何方法能得知誰在 Facebook 上買了廣告,也沒辦法清楚知道他們買了什麼樣的廣告、針對了哪些使用者發布了這些廣告等等。各國政府應要求讓這些廣告的資訊更公開、透明,以使廣告買主和 Facebook 負責。
4. Support public service media organisations and local news outlets. The financial strains placed on news organisations in recent years has led to ‘news deserts’ in certain areas. If we are serious about reducing the impact of information disorder, supporting quality journalism initiatives at the local, regional and national level needs to be a priority.
4. 支持公共媒體和地方性新聞社群。因為近年以來新聞媒體的財務壓力,導致某些公共事務領域淪為荒涼貧瘠的「新聞沙漠」。如果我們真想要消除資訊混亂的惡果,那麼必須優先採用相關措施,用來支持優質新聞報導,不管它是從地方性、或區域性、或全國性的角度來報導新聞。
5. Roll out advanced cyber-security training. Many government institutions use bespoke computer systems that are incredibly easy to hack, enabling the theft of data and the generation of mal-information. Training should be available at all levels of government to ensure everyone understands digital security best practices and to prevent attempts at hacking and phishing.
6. Enforce minimum levels of public service news on to the platforms. Encourage platforms to work with independent public media organisations to integrate quality news and analysis into users’ feeds.
6. 網路平台必須提供最低限度的公益性公共新聞。督促網路平台與獨立公共媒體進行合作,以便把優質新聞報導暨分析,整合納入在每日不斷餵送給使用者的各種電子資訊串流裡。
What could media organisations do?
# 新聞媒體機構可以做些什麼?
1. Collaborate. It makes little sense to have journalists at different news organisations fact-checking the same claims or debunking the same visual content. When it comes to debunking mis- or dis-information, there should be no ‘scoop’ or ‘exclusive’. Thus, we argue that newsrooms and fact-checking organisations should collaborate to prevent duplications of effort and free journalists to focus on other investigations.
2. Agree policies on strategic silence. News organisations should work on best practices for avoiding being manipulated by those who want to amplify mal- or dis-information.
2. 制定「例外管理型」的策略,即針對「特定類型」的新聞事件,啟動執行「消音」這個特別又例外的打擊行動。尤其是,針對惡意中傷的假新聞,或者新聞雖真卻會惡意中傷他人,各新聞機構應該採行最完善的具體實踐措施,以免(因疏忽不經意而)被這些刻意傳播放大喧染這種假錯偽或惡意中傷新聞的嫌疑犯人所惡意操縱了。
3. Ensure strong ethical standards across all media. News organizations have been known to sensationalize headlines on Facebook in ways that wouldn’t be accepted on their own websites. News organizations should enforce the same content standards, irrespective of where their content is placed.
3.確保所有媒體秉持高道德標準。眾所周知,新聞媒體為了在 Facebook 上保有聲量與熱度,會發布某些根本不會放在自家官網上的新聞。但無論新聞放在何處,新聞機構都應該秉持相同的審查標準。
3. 全體媒體皆應該執行強而有力且具體徹底的倫理規範行為守則。迥異於自家直營的新聞專屬電子網頁,新聞媒體往往習以為常地在 Facebook 上為了吸引觀眾而刊載那些(運用刺激誇大驚悚等等方式的)聳動視聽的新聞標題。就同一新聞相同故事內容,雖然刊載在個別不同的媒介平台,新聞媒體仍然應該一致適用且執行同一套的規範守則。
4. Debunk sources as well as content. News organisations are getting better at fact- checking and debunking rumours and visual content, but they must also learn to track the sources behind a piece of content in real time. When content is being pushed out by bot networks, or loose organised groups of people with an agenda, news organisations should identifying this as quickly as possible. This will require journalists to have computer programming expertise.
4.~~揭穿假消息的內容來源~~不僅分析批判資訊內容,而且也要追蹤揭露資訊來源。。新聞機構越來越善於查證事實真假以及~~過濾~~揭穿謠言和分析批判影音圖片~~錄影~~,但他們還必須學會 ~~假~~立即同時且不斷持續地溯源追查出來任一則資訊消息的背後終極來源。當~~假~~任何一則消息透過殭屍網絡,或者透過較為鬆散組織卻有特殊圖謀的人際網絡來散播時,新聞機構應該要能盡其所能以最快速度加以偵知確認。而為達成這個目標,就必須~~仰賴~~要求記者具備~~學習程式設計~~電腦運算相關專業知識。
5. Produce more segments and features about critical information consumption. The news media should produce more segments and features which teach audiences how to be critical of content they consume. When they write debunks, they should explain to the audience how the process of verification was undertaken.
5. 為了達到「批判性的資訊消費」,新聞媒體應該提供更多的選項及功能。新聞媒體應該提供更多的選項及功能,用以促進閱聽觀眾進行資訊消費時更加具有批判性眼光。當新聞媒體發表分析批判或進行指謫揭穿的同時,他們也必須對閱聽觀眾進行說明,究竟運用了哪些驗證程序及該等程序內容是如何。
6. Tell stories about the scale and threat posed by information disorder. News and media organisations have a responsibility to educate audiences about the scale of information pollution worldwide, and the implications society faces because of it, in terms of undermining trust in institutions, threatening democratic principles, inflaming divisions based on nationalism, religion, ethnicity, race, class, sexuality or gender.
6. 呈現說明資訊亂象嚴重的程度及範圍,以及因此可能導致的惡果。新聞機構與資訊傳播媒體平台應該針對他們的全體觀眾群承擔起公共教育責任,應向全體觀眾教育並說明:全球性資訊汙染已經多麼嚴重,因此可能導致了那些問題,尤其是劣化了公共部門的公信力,干擾了民主的根本運作,並且,利用本來就已經會有了分岐的國家或民族觀念、宗教、認同、種族、階級、因男女而差異或造成社會上文化上差別等公共議題,趁機激化加深加大衝突對立。
7. Focus on improving the quality of headlines. User behaviour shows the patterns by which people skim headlines via social networks without clicking through to the whole article. It therefore places greater responsibility on news outlets to write headlines with care. Research251 using natural language processing techniques are starting to automatically assess whether headlines are overstating the evidence available in the text of the article. This might prevent some of the more irresponsible headlines from appearing.
8. Don’t disseminate fabricated content. News organisations need to improve standards around publishing and broadcasting information and content sourced from the social web. There is also a responsibility to ensure appropriate use of headlines, visuals, captions and statistics in news output. Clickbait headlines, the misleading use of statistics, unattributed quotes are all adding to the polluted information ecosystem.
[^251]: Chesney, S., M. Liakata, M. Poesio and M. Purver (2017) Incongruent Headlines: Yet Another Way to Mislead Your Readers, http://www.eecs.qmul.ac.uk/~mpurver/papers/chesney-et-al17nlpj.pdf
What could civil society do?
# 民間社會可以做些什麼?
1. Educate the public about the threat of information disorder. There is a need to educate people about the persuasive techniques that are used by those spreading dis- and mal-information, as well as a need to educate people about the risks of information disorder to society, i.e., sowing distrust in official sources and dividing political parties, religions, races and classes.
2. Act as honest brokers. Non-profits and independent groups can act as honest brokers, bringing together different players in the fight against information disorder, including technology companies, newsrooms, research institutes, policy-makers, politicians and governments.
What could education ministries do?
# 教育部門可以做些什麼?
1. Work internationally to create a standardized news literacy curriculum. Such a curriculum should be for all ages, based on best practices, and focus on adaptable research skills, critical assessment of information sources, the influence of emotion on critical thinking and the inner workings and implications of algorithms and artificial intelligence.
2. Work with libraries. Libraries are one of the few institutions where trust has not declined, and for people no longer in full time education, they are a critical resource for teaching the skills required for navigating the digital ecosystem. We must ensure communities can access both online and offline news and digital literacy materials via their local libraries.
3. Update journalism school curricula. Ensure journalism schools teach computational monitoring and forensic verification techniques for finding and authenticating content circulating on the social web, as well as best practices for reporting on information disorder.
What could Grant-Making Foundations do?
# 贈款的基金會可以做些什麼?
1. Provide support for testing solutions. In this rush for solutions, it is tempting to support initiatives that ‘seem’ appropriate. We need to ensure there is sufficient money to support the testing of any solutions. For example, with news literacy projects, we need to ensure money is being spent to assess what types of materials and teaching methodology are having the most impact. It is vital that academics are connecting with practitioners working in many different industries as solutions are designed and tested. Rather than small grants to multiple stakeholders, we need fewer, bigger grants for ambitious multi-partner, international research groups and initiatives.
2. Support technological solutions. While the technology companies should be required to build out a number of solutions themselves, providing funding for smaller startups to design, test and innovate in this space is crucial. Many solutions need to be rolled out across the social platforms and search engines. These should not be developed as proprietary technology.
3. Support programs teaching people critical research and information skills. We must provide financial support for journalistic initiatives which attempt to help audiences navigate their information ecosystems, such as public-service media, local news media and educators teaching fact-checking and verification skills.