組合物件 vs 繼承
what’s the pros and cons between Inheritance and Composition?
Simple example of composition: Has-A
Car has an engine
Car has headlights
Simple example of composition: Has-A
class Engine
def start
tingtinghsu changed 2 years agoSlide mode Like Bookmark
Wed's Talk
Class Definition
2021-04-14 Ting
slide: https://hackmd.io/@tingtinghsu/class_definition/
Why this book?
I :heart: reading. :book:
A friend gave me this book as a gift in 2019.
tingtinghsu changed 4 years agoSlide mode Like Bookmark
Part 1: 程式基礎,以JavaSript為例
看自己本地環境的node js版本 node --version
master node --version
不同的js版本,LTS (長期支援 Long-term support)可能不一樣
Production applications should only use Active LTS or Maintenance LTS releases
Andrew Wang changed 5 years agoView mode Like Bookmark