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# Sprint planning & retrospective notes
###### tags: sprint planning, meeting
* [Notes (this doc)](https://hackmd.io/ih-qR2B6RJ221MJEFeEqcA)
* [Sprint Planning / Review Procedures](https://cct-datascience.github.io/group-procedures/sprint-planning.html)
* [Zoom](https://arizona.zoom.us/j/87264540485)
* [Roles](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1k4B59FdpGxAd2sNrgbXRLrYIVgcxjvnYF5yJoaIcOAA/edit#gid=0)
* [GitHub Project Board](https://github.com/orgs/cct-datascience/projects/8/)
## Demo ideas
- Kristina: new Slack tools (canvas)
- **Kristina: semi-structured interviews (after doing some)**
- Email reporting:
- Each person presents on what they've done
- [x] Eric at 3/6
- ~~Renata at 4/3 (or whenever it's rescheduled to)~~
- [x] Chris at 4/17
- Ask Matt if him or someone else could show us how they do this
- End result will be a technical document comparing pros and cons of different approaches
- Kristina: Zapier automation
- Eric: `geotargets` overview
- Eric: \_brand.yml (try in group procedures book)
- Chris: tools for Sparcd web app
## Next one
## Sprint 51
- (Eric) Demo Positron VS Code ssh-ing to Jetstream machine + some Positron features
## Sprint 50
## Sprint 49
- Demo: sharing a command line with Warp
## Sprint 47
- Demo: Eric on `typst`
- Like Latex but easier
## Sprint 43
Skipped demo due to short time
## Sprint 42
Demo: fish app brief walkthrough (Kristina)
## Sprint 38
Demo: creating Jetstream instance (Chris)
## Sprint 37
- Demo: Eric on link-checking tool Lychee
- Used as command line program
- Notes
- To get rid of temporary changes to filters on GitHub board, hit "Discard" until you no longer can
## Sprint 36
- Punting Chris' Jetstream demo to next one
## Sprint 35
- Skipping demo
## Sprint 34
Demo: Eric on running targets on the UA HPC
## Sprint 33
Demo: Renata on using GH actions to generate FIA tables and push to Box in automated way
## Sprint 32
Demo: Chris demonstrates emailing for Red Squirrel project
- for automating database updates
- whenever scripts to update database run, they create log files.
- Chris wrote a script to parse those log files and use them to compose an email
- Also attached a log file
- Email SMTP server is some official UA email server that Matt gave him to use
- Used `email.mime` in Python: https://docs.python.org/3/library/email.mime.html
- Currently sent from Chris' email address, but this is configurable in his script
- UA standards for any of this?
- [x] When to work on email Vignette for this quarter? Putting into Group Processes HackMD (what to put in emails, customizing for other audiences, and other standards)
Reviewed current Sprint
- (No comments)
Reviewed next Sprint
- Kristina: has more items to add
- Eric:
- Chris:
- Renata:
## Sprint 31
Demo: Renata shows off `blastula` use for sending emails with service account
- Current purpose for PSInet is to send automated email after someone fills out interest form (Shiny-based form?!)
- Personal PSInet Gmail account (could be a service account?) to send out emails to people
- People can add themselves to listserv
- Can send out customized emails
- Need 2FA and credentials (using SMTP app password and ) for Gmail account
- Can publish to Posit from something with environment variables, first time will error but can go in and set manually
- Might not be able to do this with our CCT UA email?
## Sprint 30
- Demo: Deferring to next week
## Sprint 29
- Demo: custom email reports from Posit Connect (Eric)
- Not possible to send emails from Posit Connect doc to non-Posit account
- Rmarkdown doc on Connect
- Use Posit "Schedule" functionality to set details
- Will run as often as said, and send email update to whoever was included
- Might not be able to send to people without Connect account
- Sends email every time the report or whatever was run, includes an html with run report
- Takes a while (~15 min) to send email after error occurs
- Can customize email using `blastula` R package
- Send any R code or use some of the package's functions to specify
- What are limits of customization in terms of senders?
- New Quarto way to do this, as of 1.4
- Separate out report from email contents
- Don't need another R package for this
- This can't send to any email
## Sprint planning for sprint 28
- Skipping demo this week
- Email reporting
- We have lots of methods for sending emails in automated ways
- Report on status of app, data, systems, etc.
- Each of these will be customized to the recipient, the type of infrastructure being used, etc.
- Standardizing group's email reporting approach
- Checklist of what it could contain, go over with recipient(s)
- Email contents: have a link and short blurb about our group
- Email appearance
- What tehcnical methods are available?
- Scheduled emails/reports sent from Posit Connect
- Emails sent from service account programmatically
- UA email server
- Can we use GitHub notifications? Mailchimp? Other methods?
- Outcomes of effort:
- Checklist of questions and options
- Minimum content of emails
- Review of current sprint
- Review of next sprint
## Sprint planning for sprint 27
- Split Hackmd into 2 parts for litheness
- [Pre-2024 doc](https://hackmd.io/M6eVe2DoTvC5_hiarCBVGg)
- Demo: Eric on animated icons
- Quarto extensions: https://quarto.org/docs/extensions/
- Quarto shortcodes in form of {{< extension args >}}
## Sprint planning for sprint 26
- Demo: Chris on survey123
- Love the theme!
- Brief intro about survey123: what it's useful for, paid product?
- Gathering data by/from people
- Nice in between option between simpler (Google Forms) and very complicated (Qualtrix)
- Proprietary from ArcGIS, UA has license, anyone at UA can use?
- Dynamic UI
- Maps wehre you can drop a pin and lat lon is recorded
- Can take data while offline and upload it later
- Uses location services to determine your location (and record it, or display it on a map, e.g.)
- But this seems not allowed by UA
- Don't show red squirrel survey?
## Sprint planning for sprint 25
- Demo: Renata on Quarto nested images ([documentation](https://quarto.org/docs/authoring/figures.html#complex-layouts))