owned this note
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Linked with GitHub
# Outreach Hour
###### tags: outreach, writing, social media, meeting, website
**Scope of outreach hour**: anything that involves *advertising* or *sharing* our group's work which can include website and wiki updates, workshop announcements, and writing blog posts or toots
- [Zoom](https://arizona.zoom.us/j/95331103083?p=5bGA0w)
- [Pomodoro](https://cuckoo.team/diag-writing)
- [Issues tagged "Writing"](https://github.com/az-digitalag/organization/labels/writing)
- [HackMD: Website Improvements](https://hackmd.io/JuhlE_QNQKeCqkhAhHBR9A)
- [Google Doc w/ writing hour writing](https://docs.google.com/document/d/16a0L8Ue1nYbJFDOOoKQWfcKY0Kr7o7sRxhLtBaWaR-w/edit#heading=h.n143dgc90p9f)
- [Archive of older notes](https://hackmd.io/pclBvFyMQJGgIZlXGaUifg)
### Rolling TODO tasks
- Review website for possible updates
- Decide on dates and topics for monthly workshops & workshop series
- Write blog posts
- Update dates on drop-in hours website page (last update: 12/13/2024)
- Update the Workshops website page with new and past workshops
- Work on drone community related tasks (Kristina & Chris)
- Update metrics on group's website (annually)
- We should pick a week to do this (e.g. Second week of June)?
### TODO
Outreach (general):
- [ ] How to catch every grad student who comes through CALES programs?
- [ ] Orientation? But is it dept specific?
- [x] Contact Jia (CALES grad director) re: CALES-wide orientation
- [ ] Update drone website
- [ ] Link to it on our group website
- [ ] Add more resources and make sure info is up to date
- [ ] Start planning for group infographic
- [ ] Make sure everyone is on kmap and can add more info, e.g., publications
- [ ] Chris is not on KMAP
- [ ] Kristina need photo and information
- [ ] "Stock" photo of us teaching
- [ ] Add timeline components (project plan, coding/working, wrap-up) to incubator project plan guide
- [ ] Eventually link to a Zotero profile or [group library](https://www.zotero.org/groups/5788356/university_of_arizona_cct_data_science_team/library) instead of google scholar?
- [ ] Youtube poll about possible topics?
Social media:
- [ ] Get everyone up to speed on how to use group's Mastodon (Eric?)
- [ ] Metrics for social media engagement - tracking engagements with us
- [ ] Move channel owner to cct-datascience email (YouTube [help](https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/3056283?hl=en)) (Matt Rahr is taking this on)
- [ ] Come up with ways to point someone to it & advertise how we can help them with it
### Ideas
Possible workshop/teaching topics:
- Probably for the time being due to limited capacity, maybe redo popular existing ones (websites with Quarto, publication quality graphics)
- Managing R package versions (`renv`) (and R versions with [`rig`](https://github.com/r-lib/rig) ??) (maybe `rix` too?)
- Intermediate Shiny for folks who want to customize their apps more, or who want to do an incubator for one
- Creating a lab group wiki / policy & procedure book using Quarto books
- Writing reproducible manuscripts with R
- (not a workshop really) Peer code review, possibly at lab level or maybe class
- Group project management
- "Beyond Error Bars: Evidence-Based Visualizations of Uncertainty" (ggdist, ungeviz, hypothetical outcome plots, summary of research on visualizing uncertainty)
- https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s12915-015-0169-6
- Quarto slides—would need to be targeted towards people doing DS/stats teaching
- Generalized Additive Models (GAMs)????
- How to run existing docker containers and save your data: for example, run a docker container with an old version of Python and save your script to your machine
- benefits and drawbacks
- where can run: local, HPC, other
- ???
- `targets` on HPC, collab with HPC folks
- Redo `duckdb` and `arrow` content as separate workshops
- tests?
- Categorize publications (incubators, ds training, etc.)
- Add alt-text & captions to all images
- May want to consider naming convention for uploaded images
- Do we want to require captions?
- https://accessibility.arizona.edu/content/images
- https://www.w3.org/TR/WAI-WEBCONTENT/ (Section 6)
- https://supercooldesign.co.uk/blog/how-to-write-good-alt-text
- Some of our images that may need more:
- [ ] `Screenshot 2024-04-17 at 10.19.20 AM.png` Replace URL in alt-text with page title (URL in caption)
- [ ] `image0.jpeg` alt-text needs description, missing caption
- [ ] `IMG_3788.png` alt-text needs description, missing caption
- [ ] `IMG_3780.png` alt-text needs description, missing caption
- Reconsider options for publications page. Would be nice if we could curate, annotate, and categorize a bit more
- Zotero + Quarto external page? (e.g. [my new publication page](https://ericrscott.com/publications.html) made with [publications.qmd](https://github.com/Aariq/website-quarto/blob/main/publications.qmd))
- Zotero drupal plugin? An unmaintained one (May 2016): https://www.drupal.org/project/biblio_zotero ([Zotoro listed](https://www.zotero.org/support/plugins))
- Back to manual editing in drupal?
- Another option?
- Possibly use RDF/RDFa? [a comment on RDF/RDFa](https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/3372/drupal-integration)
- Drupal and RDF: [intro](https://www.drupal.org/docs/contributed-modules/rdf/rdf-introduction) and [module](https://www.drupal.org/project/rdf)
- Zotero [export](https://www.zotero.org/support/kb/exporting) appears to be how it supports RDF
- Zotero has an [API](https://www.zotero.org/support/dev/web_api/v3/start) that supports multiple languages (including JavaScript)
- Getting ideas from concept of customer service?
## Notes
Add your name and what you're working on each session
Collaboratively take notes on discussion topics
### Next One
- [ ] Discuss blog series on researcher/student highlights (shamelessly stolen from Nirav)
- [ ] Decide on January, Feb, March workshops (redo some material?)
- [ ] (Kristina) Do US-RSE BOF blog post
- [ ] Improve drone website
- [ ] Draft and distribute communication for new group Discord
- [ ] Youtube intro / outro video
- [ ] Stickers - get consistent branding look?
- [ ] Update [one page slide](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1mE-atSZTriHUlKBqE4plroP87LqvVUIlop_ddaGxXgI/edit#slide=id.g155a273b1db_1_0) about our group
- [ ] Add outreach / community involvement efforts to group website - eg: WiDS, RezBaz, drones, US-RSE, rOpenSci
- [ ] Update pinned repos on GitHub
- [ ] Review new text on flyer/stand page: [GDrive](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NOAbg0YjoU9J4kAyEnVzRXC6mnS7Ag5V/view?usp=drive_link)
- ***Drop-in Hours***: Free help with your research projects and answers to your programming questions
- ***Incubator***: Our experience and know-how to help your research projects (uncredited? ghost?)
- ***Discover***: Check out the many ways we can assist you and add value to your research
- should this be "...assist you **to** add value..."? (not "and"). Neither "and" nor "to"?
### 12/13/2024
- [x] (Kristina) Supply one sentence about incubator for flyer
- [x] (Kristina) Post US-RSE blog post
- [x] (Kristina) Do Mastodon post about blog post
- [x] (Kristina) Start WiDS previous attendees survey
- [ ] (Chris) Put together drone day meeting todo list
- [x] (Eric) Update drop-in hours dates
- [ ] (Eric) Continue work on group Zotero library (https://github.com/cct-datascience/organization/issues/2359)
#### Flyer edits
Data Wrangling
Drop-in Hours: Come by to chat about your programming questions and research projects!
Incubator: We work with you to create databases, data analysis pipelines, and visualizations for research projects
[Replace "Discover" with] Trainings: Upskill your reproducibility, R, version control, and other technical skills
### 12/5/2024
- [x] (group) Review Zotero account, decide how to present group's publications
- [x] (eric) Review US-RSE blog post (looks good to me!)
- [x] (group) Determine how to incorporate our community involvement efforts into group website
- [x] Discuss how to update Alumni on contact page (remove emails? update job titles?)
**Discuss Zotero**
- Created a [group account](https://www.zotero.org/cct-datascience/publications) with login info on stache
- Why? Allows adding anything (e.g. code repos with DOIs), not just things in Google Scholar
- How to use? Put group pubs in "My Publications" or create shared group library anyone with permission can contribute to and create sub-folders in?
- What to do about Google Scholar?
### 11/22/2024
- [x] (Add banner to Gathertown on new hours?) -- ooooh, yes!
- [x] Advertise workshop more places
- Should we put more work into the YouTube videos? Specifically, for workshops - have topics with their minute:second timestamps in comments section so people can skip to a topic they want. Is it worth the effort? (Is there a way to do this in the video after the start via a popup, or 2-3 second screen insertion? Something like adding in "If you want to jump to a topic, here's what we cover"). YouTube [analytics](https://studio.youtube.com/channel/UCiBfho07gp4LMbWY3_EG8Iw) currently show average watch time is 2:26 minutes, which is a good amount of time
- @ericrscott: I think I missed this discussion, but just want to say that I'd *love* our YT to have more effort put into it, but I think we're currently stretched too thin to prioritize this. You can definitely
### 11/13/2024
- Trellis is mostly working!
- Things that need to happen to send out Trellis email
- DONE Ask Estefania to update subscription link description
- Add workshop link once it's ready
- [x] Update website to have new mailing list signup link
- [x] (Eric) Pre-workshop stuff for GitHub actions workshop
- [x] (Kristina) Do drop-in hours announcement
- [x] (Chris) Update day and hours of drop-in on website
- [x] Review fall workshop series blog
- [x] (Kristina) Post drop-in hours announcement (Thursday morning?)
### 11/6/2024
#### Trellis details
New subscription link: https://forms-a.trellis.arizona.edu/f/CampaignSubscription?tfa_4=7016R000001VAlU
**Content for Nov email**
- Drop-in hours change
- GH Actions workshop
- Reminder of incubator
- Blog post links?
- Brief group description at bottom?
#### Drop-in hours date change announcement (for Slacks)
:loudspeaker: Date and time change! :loudspeaker:
Virtual **drop-in hours** hosted by the [CCT Data Science team](https://datascience.cct.arizona.edu/drop-in-hours) have moved to **2pm on Wednesdays**. Although it's a new time, we're still meeting every week on the same user-friendly platform.
We welcome everyone to come join us! We have been busy helping people troubleshoot code :computer: and data :bar_chart: , pushing code to GitHub, brainstorming ways to clean datasets, using command line programs to analyze data, and more. Feel free to come hang out and chat about data science tools, community, and what you're working on!
[Sign up](https://forms-a.trellis.arizona.edu/f/CampaignSubscription?tfa_4=7016R000001VAlU) for our mailing list :mailbox_with_mail: to stay up to date with what the CCT Data Science team is doing!
### 10/30/2024
- [x] (Eric) draft blog post about fall workshop series
- [x] (Chris) Publish Jetstream blog post
- [x] (Eric) Mastodon post about Jetstream blog post
- [x] (Chris) 8 x 8 version of flyer for Coffee & Code
### 10/28/2024
- [x] Proposal to change drop-in hours time - Weds at 2pm (add note to gather town)
### 10/21/2024
Got compliments on group's website!
- [x] (Kristina) Review Jetstream blog post
- [x] Do pre-workshop logistics for GH Actions workshop (title, description, advertising) [here](https://hackmd.io/-hSaZbuzQI-gAPP3pASvRw?both)
- [ ] (Kristina + Eric) Do US-RSE blog post
- [ ] (Kristina) Trellis
- [x] (Eric) Mastodon post for UA talk
### 10/07/2024
- [x] Schedule GH Actions workshop for Nov - December 4
- [x] (Eric) Mastodon post about volcalc interview
- [x] (Chris) Do blog post about Jetstream - frame as advertisement, our group's use cases, then condensed version of Chris' vignette
- [ ] (Eric) Slides about our group for Reproducibility Colloquium
### 9/30/2024
- [x] Chat about post-workshop series stuff
- [x] (Kristina) Review offboarding PR
- [x] (Eric) Clean up drop-in hours page
### 9/23/2024
- [x] Review testimonials as a group
- [x] Go over Discord as a group
- [ ] (Kristina) Draft topics for Kyle Hartfield meeting
- [x] (Eric) Flyer for Reproducibility Colloquium - ask if Jennifer Vasko (jvasko@arizona.edu) can help
- [x] tried Canva, gave up
- [x] (Eric) Post lab group handbook blog post
- [x] Put sign-in form on front desk of Gather Town space (instead of google sheet for tracking attendance)
#### Discord notes
- Admin account on Stache in CCT Data Science Discord
- Permanent invite link: https://discord.gg/uaNN9VVT
- Should update hello / welcome message
- Link to group's CoC?
- How to use Discord?
- Have voice-only channels (no video)
- Change channel names
- Add self roles? Need to add categories
### 9/16/2024
- [x] (Kristina) Review blog post about group handbook quarto workshp / template (https://docs.google.com/document/d/16a0L8Ue1nYbJFDOOoKQWfcKY0Kr7o7sRxhLtBaWaR-w/edit)
- [x] (Kristina) Do Mastodon post about blog post; [post](https://fosstodon.org/@cct_datascience/113148453833660031)
- [x] (Chris) Start group Discord
University of Arizona CCT Data Science
### 9/9/2024
- [x] (Kristina) Review BLG blog post
- [x] (Renata) Post blog post
- [x] Add final testimonials to website
- [x] (group) Finalize testimonials
- [x] (Eric) Draft blog post & release for group handbook quarto template
- [x] Add rangedocs AI to project page
#### Testimonials
#### Previously done
- [x] Publish Jetstream ~~technical vignette~~
- Decided this is not vignette material since this is heavily dependent upon another's website and their way of doing things
- Add as part of our abilities? A blog/page pointing to the registration/resources/etc sites?
- Added Jetstream to TODO list above
- [x] Chris send testimonials ask to Sue
- [x] Flier + stand
### 8/26/2024
- Ask for testimonials
- [x] Jeremy Weiss (Eric)
- [x] Bryan Blue (Kristina)
- [x] Vanessa Buzzard (Eric)
- [x] Terrace Ewinghill (Eric)
- [x] Susan Malusa (Chris)
- [x] Theresa Crimmins (Kristina)
- [x] Add links to our YouTube channel in the site footer and on the workshops page somewhere
- (placed in footer of entire site)
- [x] (Renata) Write summer BLG blog post
- Draft here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16a0L8Ue1nYbJFDOOoKQWfcKY0Kr7o7sRxhLtBaWaR-w/edit#heading=h.2wzmn8j2j9v
- Send out next listserv email late September / early October about rest of year -- Kristina needs to get Trellis working
### 8/19/2024
- Status on fall workshop series
- Update website Contact page
- [x] Email new accepted applicants (Eric)
- [x] Reply to Mariam (Eric)
- [x] (Eric + Renata) Review testimonials email
- [x] (Kristina + Eric) Send out testimonials emails
- [x] Make plan for quarter's blog posts (Renata on BLG, lab handbook template announcement?, Kristina on US-RSE conf, fall workshop series)
subject: Testimonials for CCT Data Science team's website
Hi ____,
We are looking to add more evidence on our website of our positive impact on researchers at University of Arizona.
We're reaching out to you to ask if you would be willing to write a short testimonial on how our ___ has helped your research.
We hope to add these testimonials to our website, alongside the names of the folks we have worked with.
If you would be open to providing a testimonial, we imagine something short—from one to three sentences—and offering specific comments about how we have helped improve your work. For example, if collaborating with us helped you to learn a specific new skill, or unblocked a significant barrier to your research, we would love to showcase that specific contribution!
Let me know if that sounds possible! We appreciate it very much.
### 8/12/2024
- [x] Ask Hannah to add timeframe to metrics cards on website
- [x] (Kristina) Draft testimonials request email
- [x] (Eric & Renata) Review fall workshop series applicants
- [x] Do additional fall workshop series advertising (data drip?)
### 8/5/2024
- Advertising fall workshop series
- [x] (Renata) Previous workshop series attendees
- [x] (Eric) Previous workshop series applicants that didn't get accepted
- [x] (Kristina) Individual CALES dept contacts
- Naomi McIssac email bounced
- Jessica Bee email had OOO that included nortonadvising@arizona.edu
- Ruth Holladay is still SNRE contact
- Peggy Rupert is still contact for nutritional sciences
- [x] (Kristina) Lia + Christian
- (Kristina) Collaborators: (chance to improve R skills and others related to coding)
- [x] Dave Moore
- [ ] Margaret Evans
- [x] Osaretin Olurotimi
- [ ] Ellen Bledsoe
- [ ] Jesse Alston
- [ ] Jessi Rick - also lab guides form
- [x] (Renata) Bayesian learning group folks, 2023 workshop series participants
- [x] (Eric) Bio5 mailing list
- [x] (Kristina) ALVSCE bulletin
- Group website publications page
- [x] (Chris) looked into Zotero on Drupal
- Old plug-in, also RDF
### 7/29/2024
- [x] Advertise lab handbook workshop
- [x] CALES grad student listserv
- [x] Office of Postdoc Affairs (emailed)
- [x] Advertise fall workshop series
- [x] CALES grad student listserv
- [x] resBazAZ slack
- [x] Office of Postdoc Affairs (emailed)
- [x] Remove old unpublished drop-in-hours page from homepage & change URL of new page to `/drop-in-hours` with URL redirect from `/events/weekly-drop-hours-alvsce-researchers`
### 7/16/2024
- [x] Advertise fall workshop series
- [x] Email Zeleiann Craig asking if she can put me in touch with new or incoming faculty
- [x] UA data science Slack
- [x] Email Jeff for r-users listserv
### 7/9/2024
#### Notes
- Anita Thompson reaching out about drone working group in extension / ag; meeting with her week of August 5?
- Lab-level trainings book
- *We need them to let us know if they use any of the materials and get feedback on it!*
- Include names of everyone who has contributed to the concept (ResBaz attendees, Lia)
- Lab-level trainings interest form
- What to call this?
- Purpose of form:
- Identify interested PIs
- Determine what topics they are most interested
- What to include:
- Description of what we're doing
- Get their name, career stage...their departments
- Get their interest level in the different topics - need to expand on these a little bit
- Can we reach out to you?
- Also draft short email ad for the form
Some possible names:
"Lab Guides"
"Data collaboration guides for academic labs"
"Data efficiency guides for academic labs"
"Lab collaboration guides"
knowledge transfer
Longer format for description at top of form:
Do you lead a lab or research group at the University of Arizona? Are you interested in advancing the efficiency of your group's data management and analysis workflows through improved collaboration and communication?
The CCT Data Science team is developing curriculum to help with this goal! We have put together a list of useful possible topics, listed below, and we are looking to see which topics would be most useful to you.
For a given topic, we plan to create materials that can be used by a lab member to lead one or several lab meetings. We intend these to be modular and appropriate for lab groups to work through on their own, but a CCT Data Science team member can help facilitate if you are in a CALES department or Cooperative Extension.
We are looking for lab groups that would like to pilot these materials starting this fall. Please fill out this form if you are interested, and feel free to reach out and schedule an appointment with us if you want to talk about these topics or any others.
- Organizing your files as research compendia
- Create a lab website
- Create a lab group handbook/wiki
- Use GitHub for project managment
- Establish a practice of peer code review
- Run a lab reproducibility hackathon
- Keep a lab notebook with markdown <!-- the suggestion from resbaz was about a system where lab members keep their lab notebooks as markdown douments pushed to GitHub so the PI can read them all in one place. Not sure how to encapsulate this in a phrase -->
- GitHub for non-coders <!-- useful if some lab members want to use GitHub and others are scared of it-->
- Write reproducible manuscripts with literate programming
- Implement a lab code style guide
- Archive code and data
- Make your code available in reproducible computational environments with Docker and Binder
Comments from Ellen on form:
* "The CCT Data Science team is developing *curricula* to help with this goal! We have put together a list of *potential* topics, listed below. We would like to know which topics would be most useful to you."
* "We intend these to be modular and appropriate for lab groups to work through on their own. If you are in a CALES Department/School or Cooperative Extension Unit, a CCT Data Science team member can help facilitate these lessons."
* Does the above sentence mean that a CCT team member can run the sessions or is it more just that they could be available to help out with technical issues that might arise? **My guess is that a lot of PIs might be more on board if they know that they can tap someone with expertise to just come in and run the lab meeting(s) on topics**, so if that is what you mean, I would say so more explicitly.
* For the last paragraph of the description, maybe make it clear that people can (and should!) fill out this form even if they aren't interested in being part of the pilot project.
* It might be would be worth adding an option for "I don't know what this means" in the interest level question. It would be helpful to know what people might not be familiar with to be able to communicate it differently in the future!
* I don't think people who code in R necessarily know what Quarto is (or what literate programming is). I'm wondering if it would be helpful to have a little glossary in the description of the interest question. Quarto, GitHub, etc. Perhaps instead of a glossary, you could have some examples linked so people can see the type of thing that is possible. Most of the faculty I work with would have a minimal idea of what most of these things are, if any.
* Potentially clarify languages? Most of my department uses R, but some use Python, some use MATLAB. I know some AREC people use STATA.
#### TODO
- [x] Draft August workshop ad
- [x] Put together pieces (Zoom, website page) for August workshop
- [x] Draft fall workshop series ad ([here](https://hackmd.io/-hSaZbuzQI-gAPP3pASvRw#Fall-Workshop-Series-2024))
- [x] Draft lab-level trainings interest form
- [x] (Kristina) Run the interest form by Ellen Bledsoe + Lia
- [ ] Draft lab-level trainings ad blurb
- [ ] Get Trellis working
- [ ] Put together combined ad
- [ ] Disseminate to all the normal advertising places
### 7/1/2024
- Scheduled fall workshop series discussion meeting
- Drop-in hours
- Low attendance is probably due to it being summer
- Kristina will throw out some advertisements on the UA Slacks
- This will be put at the top of our next listserv email
- Staffing drop-in hours isn't a lot of work on our part
- Discuss purpose of technical vignettes vs blog posts
- Technical vignettes should be more for us and blog posts are external (for wider community)
- Why vs how
- Blog posts require more scaffolding / story / use cases
- Technical vignettes can (and often should) be updated, whereas blog posts are more a snapshot in time
- Are the materials intended to teach someone something? Us or others?
#### TODO
- [x] Discuss what to do about low attendance at drop-in hours
- [ ] () Ask Hannah about reducing the vertical height of the metrics cards on the website
- [x] (Renata) Add reoccurring drop-in hours / appointments message on Slacks
- [ ] () Move Jessica to "Affiliate" on About page
- [ ] (Kristina) Draft email asking for testimonials
- [ ] Email people and ask for short (1-3 sentence) testimonials—ask for permission to name them on our site
- [ ] Jeremy Weiss (Eric)
- [ ] Bryan Blue (Kristina)
- [ ] Vanessa Buzzard (Eric)
- [ ] Terrace Ewinghill (Eric)
- [ ] Susan Malusa (Chris)
### 6/24/2024
- Ideas from workshop survey
- Doing website creation collab with career services
- Asks for RNA-seq
- Lots of requests for Python in R (and intermediate regex)
- Provide script with all the code for more workshops
- Website additions
- Rose confirmed that both metrics and testimonials ("impact statements") would be useful
- Testimonials:
- One at top of incubator (Terrace, Vanessa?)
- One at top of workshops (Karla Vargas?)
- One at top of projects (Jeremy Weiss? Sue Malusa?)
- Fall workshop schedule
- August workshop on lab handbook template
- Advertise for early career faculty (Email Zelieann Craig to get a list), [postdocs](https://postdoc.arizona.edu/), late stage grad students
- Wednesday August 28
- Fall workshop series
- September - October again
- Start advertising ASAP! Which means putting together content / form!
- Lab level trainings
- Start interest form next week!
#### TODO
- [x] (Kristina) Ask Hannah to add metrics 3 box thing (metrics: 25+ projects collaborated on; 80+ trainings delivered, 150+ people helped)
### 6/17/2024
- [ ] **high priority** Determine what metrics and what they are for metrics visualization: x researchers helped; $x funding? / x proposals, x projects?, x trainings?, x groups?
- [x] how many metrics to show? (three)
- [x] rotate metrics (semi-)annually? (nah, keep it simple)
- [x] How often do we update the data? Quarterly?
- [x] What shows when clicking on tile? (or have link on tile to whatever is to be shown?) Search term results, a page, something else? (doesn't need to click through to something)
- **Proposed metrics** (also some presentation suggestions)
- Amount of funding from all sources? (Perhaps for now, this might be better as a pie chart w/ percent from different funding sources rather than a fixed dollar amount?)
- Number of incubators (# started count?)
- Number of projects (count & a pie chart with # of projects per organization?)
- Number of trainings (maybe a table with type, number of trainings, repeated checkbox, YouTube video?)
- Pie chart for amount of time on projects with different CALES depts?
- Eric's preferences:
- 26 Projects (all projects)
- ___ Workshops (all workshops)
- ___ Collaborators (count of unique entries on [this spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RWYvm8w6x4YcqJNbugvD0336XtZTUNVmRkthBbzHF7Y/edit?gid=1217244590#gid=1217244590))
- Start brainstorming about website additions of metrics + testimonials - talk to/work with Rose's team?
- Update numbers at quarterly review meetings?
- We need to be able to update these ourselves
- Should we even do this? Are the gains worth the work? (We probably can't measure the impact of this?)
- Measure clickthroughs?
- Maybe put picture of testimonial quoter
- Focus testimonials on results
- Ask people for testimonials: Karla Vargas for workshops
- [This post](https://ux.stackexchange.com/questions/87479/best-way-to-display-testimonials-on-a-product-page) suggests NOT using carosels, and adding customer images
- Some [Dos and Don'ts](https://wpengine.com/resources/client-testimonials/)
- Keep them short, simple, and focused on "customer" results
- E.g. "Because of this workshop, I was able to halve the time it takes me to analyze my data" > "I learned so much in this workshop" >>> "Eric is a great instructor"
Other Tasks:
- (Kristina) create email reporting technical vignette outline
- (Chris) send out UAS workshop announcement
- [x] (Renata) Add "how did you hear about this" to workshop survey
- [x] (Eric) publish blog post on moving our group procedures book to Quarto
- Get metrics
- 23 monthly workshops; 5 "Other workshops and trainings"; 3 offerings of the Reproducibility Series (2x 12 sessions and 1x 8 sessions) and 2 offerings of the ggplot2 series (3 sessions each); 8 spring and 6 summer BLG = 80 workshop sessions if we count session by session/35 if we count series as one workshop
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RWYvm8w6x4YcqJNbugvD0336XtZTUNVmRkthBbzHF7Y/edit?gid=807318911#gid=807318911 "People Helped" tab has a rough tally of how many people have (documented) encounters in the Drop-In hours spreadsheet!
### 6/10/2024
- ggplot series
- Session 1 recap
- Talk through example Gapminder plot, but next time actually recreate that
- Going over session 2 content
### 6/3/2024
* Eric on ResBaz unconference session: https://hackmd.io/r28MaiEOQJ2fGf5fd-QIlg
* Library Carpentry GitHub-only training?
* (GitHub) ambassador program
* "How to advance [reproducible and open (and collaborative? project management? efficiency/productivity) practices] in your lab: lab meeting guides"; "learn together"
* TODO: better title, description of what we're trying to do and how to share with possible PIs, interested grad students, etc., including topics (peer code review, lab handbook, non-technical GH use), we can develop these materials as needed, ALVSCE-only because you're funding this (check with Matt)
* Reach out to Jessi Rick, Margaret, Nicholas Bishop, others? Ask for suggestions, ask Ellen for names?
* Advertise, send out form
* Pass along to fall workshop series participants
* Workshop on lab handbook in fall
* Facilitate with periodic check-ins?
* Is anyone else on campus doing anything like this?
* Send out listserv email
* By fall start, identify three people/groups that want to do this
### 5/20/2024
- [x] Update drop-in hour dates on group website
- [x] (Kristina) Requested fix to Hannah for how upcoming workshops were being displayed
- [x] (Kristina) Advertize ggplot2 workshop series (are these done?)
- [x] EEB listserv
- [x] DSA
- [x] (Eric) Blog post about group procedures book (with teaser for lab group handbook workshop)
- [x] (Eric) Organize notes from resBazAZ
- [x] (Renata) Email recent BLG registrants
- [x] Optionally review Eric's ideas for informational interviews with Personal Trainers: https://hackmd.io/Z1gjyUlaS0inwVtwqfjQbA
- (Chris) looks good! Perhaps a quick overview of what you currently do and how you're looking to improve participant's experience? aka: 30 second elevator speech
- (Kristina) I think all the questions are great! Agree with Chris' comment about adding a little more context about what you do. Maybe replace "data science educator" with "teach people how to code"?
- [x] (Chris) Put upcoming workshops onto main page of group website
### 5/13/2024
- [ ] Summer advertising push
- [x] Added a [Training Advertising Locations](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/155tcna1dMWwsZymdKFZPCrnZf3xocw4hPv1JKwOu9MQ/edit#gid=0) spreadsheet to drive
- [x] Edit a ggplot2 blurb
- [x] Write a combined announcement for listservs (BLG, ggplot series, ResBaz)
- [x] Advertise separately for slack, calendar announcements
- [x] (Renata) Send BLG blurb around on slack, add to calendars
- [x] (Chris) Look at Website stats and report findings
- Less time is being spent on site - this could be due to better arrangement of info allowing people to more easily find what they want
- Session numbers are pretty steady over school year
- Workshops, about, and home are most used menu items
- Tucson and `(empty)` are most popular cities
- Low mobile device usage (maybe site's not usable on small devices? This may not be a concern)
- Most visitors (54%) use organic search, social media has few origins for our site
### 5/6/2024
- [ ] (Renata) Advertise for summer BLG
- [x] Write blurb https://docs.google.com/document/d/1f48c0k_c_VvnUVzq-vMkaZcCyOX-rpRvLohZKgiJddM/edit?usp=sharing
- [x] Coordinate distribution with ggplot2 series
- [ ] Finish up planning and get ready to advertise for ggplot2 series
- [x] Decide on dates
- [x] Confirm dates with Devin - he can do Thursday June 13 at 11am!
- [x] (Chris) continuing [page](https://datascience.cct.arizona.edu/events/weekly-drop-hours-alvsce-researchers-new) and adding to list of support offered during office hours
- [x] Need to publish new page and un-publish old one
- [x] (eric) Poke around on Mastodon
- [x] (eric) Work on ggplot2 workshop series website
- [ ] (Kristina) Sent out summer trainings email to listserv
### 4/29/2024
- [x] Discuss ggplot2 series?
- [ ] (Kristina) Set up working ggplot2 series meeting
- [ ] (Kristina) Email Devin, then whoever he suggests or UX@UA
- [x] (Renata) Copy CCT logo to our drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1H7_-Mz5gDUnZq0I5MmtrOWZhykXWVV4a
- [x] Groom outreach TODO list
- [x] (Renata) Update description on projects page
- [x] (Chris) Got access to Google Analytics from Matt Rahr and begin looking if access provided in time (can't find our site in analytics, Slack'd Matt R for any hints and if analystics are being captured)
- [ ] (Kristina) Advertise ResBaz to WiDS, especially for presenting / teaching
- [x] (Kristina) Review GSI blog post
#### Notes
- Doing all three sessions again but with some updates
- First session: include recent ggplot updates (why changing software is good! and how to stay on top of new stuff); ways to do more hands on?
- Second session: include psychology / design collaboration (or maybe the first session?); do more hands on?
- Third session: take out esquisse & plotly, add in ggdist, maybe spatial?
### 4/22/2024
- [x] (Group) Review website
- [x] (Kristina) Ask Hannah about changing location of team name on website
- [x] (Kristina) Do Mastodon post about two recent blog posts
- [x] Chat about ResBaz workshops for May
- [x] (Renata) Standardize card descriptions on project page
- [x] (Chris) Try and have "Data Science Team" show up next to logo on page header. Looks like `Header 2` block may be able to show it - deferring to CCT Quick Start team (Kristina will contact)
### Notes
- No one likes the placement of "Data Science Team" on our website
- If Eric is teaching at ResBaz, that's probably sufficient representation for our group given the small number of slots
### 4/15/2024
- [x] (Chris) Publish DD post (Kristina edited it and has some pics to add)
- [x] (Eric) Draft blog post for GSI incubator wrap-up
- [x] (Eric) Work on in-progress funded projects for website
- [x] (Renata) Draft blog post on BLG
- [x] (Kristina) On website, replace rogue logo with approved one and add "Data Science Team" to top
- Need help from Hannah to do both of these tasks
- Created [new logos folder](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1KkLXkDf08k34fJRgwa9a0OIvADMehpZ0?usp=drive_link) in CCT DS drive
- [x] (Kristina) Draft WiDS blog post
- [x] Identify everything the gmail account is used for (Google Scholar, Gather, it's NOT linked to our YouTube)
- Should be *just* google scholar now, as there is no other way to create a group google scholar account. We may want to re-evaluate this as a way of managing our group publications (A Zotero group is an alternative).
### 4/1/2024
- [x] (Renata) Publish FIA webpage
- [x] ALVSCE poster showcase planning
- [x] Map; schedule; poster; candy acquisition
- [x] (eric) review, revise, publish Theresa Crimmins project page: https://datascience.cct.arizona.edu/estimating-trends-phenology
- [x] Discuss ggplot series
- [x] Plan for summer (June) and reach out to UI/UX people
- [x] Plan for Workshop Wednesday April 24 - Renata - Working with Larger Than Memory in R
- [x] Plan for early fall (August 28) - lab handbook
- advertise to postdocs through Jenny Hoit
- [Postdoctoral Affairs](https://postdoc.arizona.edu/)
- [ ] Add what types of support we offer to drop-in hours page
- [x] (Chris) [Begin page](https://datascience.cct.arizona.edu/events/weekly-drop-hours-alvsce-researchers-new) and produce list of support offered (need to login)
### 3/25/2024
- [x] (Renata) Mastodon post about new website
- [x] (Renata) Add PSInet logo to PSInet page
- [x] (Renata) Figure out [workshop suggestion form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1FjYy8qEeIiuCt24hKcXZ_F7JZ5GF2XM52wzk7MVUw8Q/edit#responses)
- [x] Where does it live? Who "owns" it?
- The form lives at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1FjYy8qEeIiuCt24hKcXZ_F7JZ5GF2XM52wzk7MVUw8Q/edit#responses and is owned by Kristina.
- The reponses document lives somewhere else (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dFDZnL6XFjp7GKNNklHgCigkc6FKRok9jqPr8LPsLp0/edit?resourcekey&usp=forms_web_b#gid=779089530) and Renata doesn't have access.
- **Renata unlinked that old responses document and created a new one stored in CCT Data Science/Trainings/Workshops/Workshop topic suggestions**: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fOS_fQaKYBRuvT4trx3REZTO1pi9t4wNvSKmCT18sgQ/edit?resourcekey#gid=888144883. New responses will populate there.
- [x] Do we need to make a new one?
- Not unless we want to change the questions? New responses will populate to our drive at the link above.
- [x] Can we get new responses or alerts emailed to cct-datascience@arizona.edu?
- There is an "email with new responses" option but you can only turn it on for yourself (so renatadiaz@arizona.edu would get emailed). Maybe we can log in with cct-datascience (but that's a service account without google access, right?). Or, we can sign ourselves up for alerts individually.
- [x] (Renata) Draft a FAQ/expectations doc for Drop-in Hours: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yC8sU8z-Cq8gBTsvgA8vcB99KF5z48Ogadhplgep6WA/edit
- [x] (Eric) Add carbon stores page to group website
- [x] (Eric) Work on project page for Thermal Calendars/Crimmins
- [x] Unpublished Draft: https://datascience.cct.arizona.edu/estimating-trends-phenology
- [x] (Kristina & Chris) Try to add owners to YouTube
- [x] Fix links on Fall 2023 workshop series page
### 3/18/2024
- Talked about YT channel - need to figure out how to delegate manager privileges
- Drone Day poster to put outside the door
- Added pages to the website
#### Tasks
- [x] Switch owner on gather.town to cct-datascience-admin
- Added cct-datascience-admins@arizona.edu as Admin. Must sign-in with a single use code emailed to account (gather.town doesn't use passwords I guess)
- Removed cct.datascience@gmail.com as Admin
- Added all team member's arizona.edu addresses as Mods
- [ ] (Renata) Add Psinet page to group website
- [ ] (Renata) Start FIA page
- [x] (Chris) Add STAC incubator page to new website
- [x] (Kristina) Add edits to drone day sign
- [x] Ask Matt about Youtube ownership transfer
- [x] (Renata) Change and announce data blitz deadline to this Friday
### 3/11/2024
- [x] Work out research poster session details - ask Rose Grant for help with designing materials?
- [x] Discuss youtube intro videos
#### Research poster showcase
> Whatever you would like.
> As you originally mentioned, if you have “examples of research projects we've collaborated with ALVSCE researchers on and a description of how we engage with researchers.”
> Some printed materials to hand out, or a “poster-like” informational - that could cover ½ to ¾ of the top of the 6ft. table?
> I don’t know if you have business cards, or a way to take people’s names that you want to follow up with -- also wrapped hard candy helps draw traffic to your table! 😉
Poster components:
- QR code
- "How to work with us" from website with icons / images
- Tagline at top
- Our group's name / logo
- Add technology logos at bottom? R, Python, SQL, ggplot,
Have laptop on table with out website and projects
Lordiconification of the cards:
* Drop-ins :coffee:
* Workshops :clasroom-y:🧑💻
* Incubator :seedling:
* Collaborations :tree: 🌳
* Grants :quill pen: ✍️
- Monthly workshops & workshop series
- Topics on request!
- Example workshops: Quarto reports, APIs how to, ggplot2 visualizations
**Data Science Incubator**
80 hours to collaboratively develop...
- Interactive data visualizations
- Custom databases
- Custom research software
- And more!
- Tuesdays 9-10 AM online help
- Troubleshooting your data and programming questions (or just chat)!
- Our team is available for hire to work on longer term projects
- Advance your data analysis, scientific software, and data wrangling
- Can help cowrite research proposals
- Assist with data lifecycle plans (collection, management, analysis, archiving)
### 3/4/2024
- [x] Investigate Youtube live streaming - for WiDS (Chris)
- LiveStream [Help](https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2474026?hl=en&co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&oco=0)
- Need to download from Zoom and upload to YouTube
- If YouTube live streaming will need moderators
- YouTube live automatically saves recording
- [x] Group go through the website and make sure it looks good; communicated with Hannah re: loose ends
- ~~Website tiles - need to update that workshops are in the past once they happen~~
- Can we control how many future drop-in hour dates display, and can it automatically update unless we override it? End goal: show the next 4, all the time, without us having to update it all the time :D
- Unclear if this is possible.
- Otherwise looks good!
### 2/26/2024
- [x] Review Youtube channel
- [x] Reach out to NAU student (Trevor) re: teaching git workshop and RezBaz
- [ ] (Kristina) send materials to NAU folks, ask around for someone who would want to teach this
- [x] Check replies and follows on group mastodon (Renata)
- [x] Add in-progress funded projects to website (Eric, others?)
- [x] (Renata) PSInet draft
- [x] Check all projects are on new website
- [ ] (Kristina) Respond to Youtube comment
Missing projects:
- [x] volcalc (incubator is there--should it be repeated on funded projects page?)
### 2/19/2024
- Asked webdev team to prioritize workshops page - then perhaps we can bring the new site live
- Went over YouTube Channel
- [x] (Chris) Write blog post about Drone Day 2024
- [x] (Renata) Do Mastodon post about almost-R packages
### 2/12/2024
- [x] Advertise Feb workshop
- [x] Do another DD advertising push
- [ ] WiDS advertising - is there already a list on basecamp?
:star2: CCT Data Science Team Workshop Wednesdays: Customizable Resumes with R Tools :star2:
Wednesday February 28, 2024 11am - 1pm
Learn how to create and customize your CV / resume using R Markdown
templates. From this workshop, you will become familiar with the options in R
for making resumes and come away with one with your own information. While
previous experience with R is useful, it is not a prerequisite to participate
in this workshop.
#### Chat w/ Beth
- 30 years experience in HR; recruiting and compensation; 12 years in project management
- PM certs
- Formal certifications are worth it for learning to PM or to put on resume officially
- They take a lot of work to get
- Kristina should talk with Beth later
- People asking about how to get a job
- How to advise people to get a job when there isn't really formal training in this
- Helping people understand what the job entails, mostly through talking to people
- Networking is super important, talk to everyone about what they do
- Cold calling / emailing
- Informational interviews, should have a list of questions
- When the interviewee doesn't have specific questions, ask them questions
- Resumes
- Resume vs CV
- Specific to each job
- Job ads
- Most jobs might end up molding to your skills
- Job ad not aligning with what you do
- Get help from HR if possible
- Tell people to apply even if they only have a few skills that match if they're excited about the job
- How to bring people hope
- Be able to take advantage of good opportunities
- Recognize the "small" wins
- Redefine success
- Don't self-select out (for jobs, networking, etc.)
- Focus on what is actually in your control
- Importance of practice interviews
- Answer questions out loud, by yourself or in front of someone else
- Institutional career services
### 2/05/2024
- [x] Add terms to projects & people
- [x] Write term definitions
- [x] Databases (Chris)
- [x] Interactive Visualizations (Kristina)
- [x] Reproducible Reports (group)
- [x] Data Wrangling (Eric)
- [x] Statistical modeling ()
- [x] Research software (Renata)
- [x] Archive old outreach hour notes to make this document smaller and less laggy (https://hackmd.io/pclBvFyMQJGgIZlXGaUifg)
- [x] Follow people back on Mastodon
- [x] Post to listserv (Kristina)
- [x] WiDS website update
- [x] Event page for Feb workshop
- [x] Drone day
#### Term definitions
- **Data Wrangling**
Whether it's a workflow that happens just once, or an automated data pipeline running continuously in the cloud, our team can help gather, clean, re-shape, and combine data from multiple sources to achieve research goals.
- **Reproducible Reports**
Our team has expertise in helping researchers in developing dynamic and automated reports that display and run code, show outputs such as figures, and includes explanatory text using tools such as Quarto, R Markdown, and Jupyter.
- **Databases**
Our team's expertise has helped researchers store, acess, and update large data sets using secure databases (Relational, Object-oriented, and NoSQL, among others), in multiple environments on the cloud and on private servers.
- **Research software**
We have experience working with research teams to develop and publish open-source software, such as R packages, data collection platforms, web apps, and analysis pipelines, to meet discipline- and project-specific research needs.
- **Interactive visualizations**
We have expertise in developing visualizations to communicate complex research data in visually appealing, user-friendly displays using tools such as Shiny and the R packages ggplot2 and plotly.
- **Statistical modeling**
Our team has experience in both frequentist and Bayesian statistics as well as machine learning and can help determine the appropriate analyses for your data and write robust, reproducible code to run those analyses.
### 1/29/2024
- [ ] Discuss GH workshop
- [x] Review group's website
- [x] Do Mastodon & blog posts about retreat
1. Featured topics need pages
1. Action items: Who in the group can populate these?
1. Ensure that Featured Topics terms link across the website (projects + people)
1. **This is a question for Hannah**
1. Aesthetics
1. ~~Get rid of banner picture - possibly replace with a colored banner, or just remove altogether~~
2. ~~Remove colored background from Featured Topics and turn buttons red (or to match the theme)~~
3. Keep Featured Topics buttons from touching each other
5. Freeze changes on News: good to go
6. Freeze changes on Events: good to go
7. Rename "Workshops" to "Trainings"
1. We can do this later
8. Featured "Upcoming Event"
1. Can this be automatically set to the next event? Otherwise, it seems impractical to manually set this. Or we could **remove the "Featured" and just have "Upcoming Events"**
### 1/22/2024
- [x] Decide on next monthly workshops
- [x] Advertize API workshop to UA Data Sci Slack (Eric)
- [x] Email API workshop registrants with reminder (Eric)
- [x] Respond to email from Carlos Scheidegger (Eric, Kristina)
Feb 28: CV in Quarto / RMD (possible, needs exploration - Kristina)
Mar 27: Skip?
April (10, 17, 24): ggplot 3-part series, focus on publication quality graphs, audience should include workshop series applicants, collaborate with someone to present on best practices related to human psychology, graphic design, etc. (Devin Bayley? UI/UX?), could combine this with second session and move multipanel plots to third session
May: possibly teach at ResBaz
Post-April / fall?: Quarto repro manuscripts & group handbook / lab handbook
### 1/8/2023
- [x] Advertise API workshop on Slack (resBazAZ, UA Data Science)
- [x] Finish analysis of .qmd vs .r survey (Eric)
- [x] Write blog post about .qmd vs .r survey (Eric)
- https://datascience.cct.arizona.edu/news/2024/01/quarto-dashboards%E2%80%94-friendlier-approach-beginners
- [ ] Advertise drone day to broad audiences
- Our listserv: along w/ BLG, API workshop, post-Jan workshop
- UA Slacks
- [x] Respond to Tina about DataLab advertisements
- [x] Email BLG participants (Renata)
- [ ] Respond to Jeff Gillan about workshops (Kristina)
### 12/11/2023
- [x] Migrate edits to volcalc project page to new website (Eric)
- [x] Analyze results from .qmd vs .r survey and write a blog post (Eric)
- [x] Add tagline and move mission to people page (Kristina)
- [x] Add STAC incubator (Chris) to website page
- [x] Add fish incubator (Jessica) to website page
- [ ] Still need to update with image and correct link
- [x] (Renata) Change contact us link to email
- ~asking Hannah for help editing the footer~ For future reference - this required Administrator access, which Hannah gave Renata. Avoid editing "views" - stick to text-based changes.
- [x] (Kristina) Remove paragraph
#### List of things for Hannah
- Add link to calendar to "Featured Upcoming Event"
- Add chosen tags
- Chris added the tags to main page
- Can't duplicate term pages
- Make website tagline text bigger
- She still needs to move over blogs, workshops
### 12/4/2023
- [x] Respond to YouTube comments (Eric, Kristina)
- [x] (rough) Draft blog post for upcoming volcalc release (Eric)
- [x] Draft message to Bayesian learning group participants: ECON course (Renata)
- [x] Update cards on website homepage with shorter versions (Eric; Renata; Chris)
#### Home page notes
Areas of expertise that are included in every project: "reproducibility" & "training" & "collaboration" & "project management", "data management/wrangling"?
Website tagline:
{what} + {whom}
Helping researchers improve reproducibility and data analysis workflows
Helping researchers create effective reproducibility and data analysis workflows
We train researchers in effective reproducibility and data analysis workflows
**Training researchers in open, reproducible, and effective data analysis workflows**
Supporting open, effective, reproducible data workflows in CALES
create data workflows
Training researchers in open data analysis workflows with a focus on efficiency and reproducibility
Collaborate with us and produce dynamic and effective data analysis workflows with a focus on reproducibility (it's free!)
"dynamic data analysis workflows"
"dynamic and effective reproducibility"
Our mission is to enable data-intensive research and computing for agricultural, environmental, and life sciences. We support the University of Arizona’s College of Agriculture and Life Science, the Arizona Experiment Station, and the Cooperative Extension Service and collaborators by helping scientists with analysis, software, data, and computing. Our vision is that digital collaboration will enable more effective and sustainable management of systems that produce food, energy, and ecosystem services.
### 11/27/2023
- [ ] Assign "tag" to each project
- [ ] Assign "tag" to each workshop
#### Notes
- What to call tags section? Areas of expertise, themes, explore our ...
- Made [mockup](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1U5XBFv9cUq95yFiaGGFg14So_VsCMWrLlySCrAgCXRo/edit#slide=id.p) of new homepage: Title, short blurb about what we do; upcoming event; cards for workshops, drop-in-hours, etc; tag list; footer
#### Choices
- databases x x x x
- interactive visualizations x x x x
- Reproducible reports x x x x
- data wrangling x x
- Statistical modeling x x
- Research software
Didn't win:
- R x x
- automation x
- version control x
- Python
### 11/20/2023
- [x] (group) Choose 5-6 tags: data wrangling, databases, version control? <!-- more of a method we use than a tag? do researchers know what this is? Alternatively, "git" -->, interactive visualizations, R, Python, reproducible reports <!-- alternatively, "Quarto" -->, statistical modeling, automation? <!-- Definitely a thing we do, but maybe lower on the list than other tags-->
- [x] Shorten card descriptions on home page
- [x] Drop-in Hours
- [x] Workshops
- [x] Incubators
- [x] Proposal writing
- [x] Long-term Collaboration
#### Notes
- areas of expertise page
- tag cloud on "meet our team" page?
* data analysis lifecycle: management, analysis, visualizations
* reproducible research practices
* ~~custom~~(?) scientific software development
#### card rewrites
- Q: Do we want a "Learn more" link at bottom of all cards that link to main page of topic? Example in "Data Science Incubator" below
- A: No. The whole card should be clickable and lead to the main page for that topic. This is already implemented for the Drop-in hours card
##### Drop-In Hours
Meet with our team members to get help, ask questions, or share knowledge.
Every Tuesday at 9am on [Gather](https://app.gather.town/app/hJnpDMJnjJJYtktl/cct-datascience).
##### Workshops
Check out our [upcoming]() and [past]() monthly workshops or [request a topic](https://datascience.cals.arizona.edu/contact).
##### Data Science Incubator
Collaboratively develop your research [project](https://datascience.cals.arizona.edu/cct-data-science-incubator#block-views-projects-block) with 80 hours of our team’s time.
Open to all faculty, staff, and students in ALVSCE—[learn more](https://datascience.cals.arizona.edu/cct-data-science-incubator).
##### Proposal Writing
We can help you craft the data management, data analysis, or computing infrastructure parts of your grant proposals.
<!-- Question: does "we can be co-PIs on grants" go here or in Long-Term Collaboration? Or could these cards be combined? -->
##### Long-Term Collaboration
For projects beyond the scope of the Data Science Incubator, our team members are available for hire or as co-PIs on grants proposals with anyone at UA. <!-- Should we change the title to somethign else? We are also available "for hire" for shorter term projects for folks not eligible for incubators (e.g. not in ALVSCE or already did an incubator) -->
### Meeting w/ Hannah about website 12/13/2023
- What should be on the home page and how should it be organized?
- Tags on home page (or team page?)
- "Upcoming" on home page
- Remove drop-in hours
- Move closer to top?
- Possible to customize to have one upcoming workshop show
- Without image
- Home page image
- News vs blog
- Analytics
- Ask Rosemary Grant?
- Add data points
- Where to point people next?
- Shorten the programming descriptions more
- Incubators vs other projects
- Add more projects
- "Past Projects"
- What can we do for you?
- Subsetted list of terms on home page
- Select terms on home page, clicking on it then links to people tagged with that term and projects with that term
- Add contact us links to bottom of page
- Do we want domain or other tags for projects?
- (wasn't discussed during meeting) testimonials
- Tabs: "who we are" & "what we do" with drop down to sub menus
### 11/13/2023
- [x] (Kristina) Put together topics for meeting w/ Hannah
- [x] (Kristina) Communicate conversation with Lia
- [ ] (Kristina) Review STAC blog post
- [ ] (Renata) Finish advertising for Dec workshop
- [ ] Mastodon post
- [x] *Listserv emails* - coordiate timing relative to Jan workshop announcements and peoples' semester workloads
get an idea of what people will use it for?
### 11/6/2023
- [x] (Eric) Create Zoom registration for Jan workshop
- [x] (Chris) Draft STAC blog post
- [x] (Renata) Advertize for Bayesian learning group (write copy)
- [x] (Renata) Create Zoom registration and website event for Dec workshop
- [x] (Jessica) Create website event for Bayesian learning group
- [x] Ideas for helping DSAs (data science ambassadors)
- [x] (Jessica) Update *C. difficile* dashboard links
- [x] Should Fall Workshop Series playlist be listed publicly?
- nah, we told participants (who are in the recordings) that it wouldn't be listed publicly
- [x] (Kristina) Publish quarterly newsletter
- [x] Advertize December Workshop Wednesday
- [x] Advertize January Workshop Wednesday
- [x] Advertize Bayesian learning group
- [x] Mention blog post
- [x] Reminder about incubator program
- [x] (Eric) Finish creating event for January workshop wednesday
- There's an unpublished event here: https://datascience.cct.arizona.edu/events/218-demystifying-apis-researchers Feel free to edit description for newsletter
### 10/30/2023
- [x] (Eric) Post blog post about Fall Workshop series
- https://datascience.cct.arizona.edu/news/2023/10/fall-reproducibility-workshop-2023-wraps
- [x] (Eric) Create event page for January Workshop Wednesday (Jan 24)
- Kept unpublished becaues it needs a zoom registration link added
- [x] (Chris) looked over website, YouTube, and this HackMD and came up with questions
Ideas for January workshop:
- **demystifying APIs + `httr2`**
- ggplot2
- quarto slides
- making your first R package
### 10/23/2023
- [x] (Group) Talked about workshop ideas for December workshop. Renata volunteers to teach; workshopped ideas about software testing, writing modular, reliable code. Challenge will be marketing to the right audience.
- [x] (Eric) Mastodon
- [x] (Chris) Find more Drone Discussion Group presenters & contact them
### 10/16/2023
- [x] (Everyone) update focus area tags on your profile
- [x] (Eric) remind Slack about drop-in hours
- [x] (Eric) Look for more people to follow on Mastodon with https://followgraph.vercel.app/
- [x] (Chris) attempt to add project plan button to incubator page
- [x] (Kristina) write blurb for Jia Hu
- [x] (Everyone) review/edit blurb
- [x] (Renata) Draft Fall Workshop blog post
#### Group blurb
Audience: CALES grad students
Platform: newsletter (possibly focused on data science resources for students)
The CCT Data Science team (https://datascience.cct.arizona.edu/) is a small group of data scientists and research software engineers, with strong backgrounds in scientific research, that provide support to researchers like you with applying data science tools and approaches to your research.
You should reach out to us if:
- You are a graduate student (or researcher) in a department in the College of Agriculture, Life, and Environmental Sciences
- You have collected some data and would like help with organizing, analyzing, or documenting that data
- You want to learn more about how to incorporate computational tools like git, R, and SQL into your research
- You would like to make your research more open and reproducible
Send us an email at CCT-DataScience@arizona.edu or come to our virtual drop-in hours Tuesday mornings (https://datascience.cct.arizona.edu/drop-in-hours)!
### 10/09/2023
- [x] Update skills on each person's page on group's website
General vs specific tools
Options for "focus areas" tags (tools & skills we have expertise in):
- R
- Python
- C++
- Java Script
- Matlab
- R packages
- Modeling
- Databases
- SQLServer
- Postgres
- SQLite
- PostGIS
- Oracle
- Bayesian modeling
- Statistics
- Continuous Integration
- GitHub Actions
- Workflow automation
- Travis-CI
- Reproducibile analyses and manuscripts
- Data wrangling
- Data QA/QC
- Data visualization
- Spatial data
- Timeseries data
- Interactive data apps (is there a shorter name for this?)
- Docker
- Version Control
- git
- GitHub
- Shiny
- Quarto
- RMarkdown
- Markdown
- jupyter notebooks
- Data management plans
- Simulation modeling
- Project managment
- Flask
- Bash scripting
- Domain expertise? -- keep in bio? or have tags?
- Chemical ecology
- Community ecology
- Plant physiology
- Plant demography
- Mammalology
- Macroecology
Continous integration: GitHub Actions, Travis-CI
Version control: git, GitHub, SVN
### 9/25/2023
- [ ] Consolidate notes on Bayesian reading group - resources and scoping conversations (Renata)
### 9/18/2023
- [x] ~~Tweet~~ Toot about `posit::conf(2023)` (Eric)
- [x] Post reminders on Slack about drop-in hours tomorrow (Eric)
- [x] Prune issues in cct-datascience/organization labeled "writing" and "website" (Eric)
- [x] (Kristina) send email to Jia Hu about our group and advertise to grad students in CALES
- [x] Strategize outreach around Bayesian reading group (Renata/Jessica)
### 9/11/2023
- [ ] (Jessica) Edit/move public communications page
- [ ] (all) Discuss how to tackle communication strategy to all CALES departments, especially incoming students. Each department has an orientation, but that's a lot! Maybe there's a CALES-wide event we could tag onto?
- [x] (Eric) Catch up on Mastodon, post about drop-in hours tomorrow
- [x] (Eric) Upload video from Thursday's workshop & share in Slack
- [x] (Eric) Create new drop-in hours events on our website
- [x] (Anyone) Review BE seminar presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/15uHfl8nxwkNV6LHxj71ABquxnhywWhRaKCKVbdvU2XU/edit#slide=id.p
- [x] (Renata) add info on backups and gmail forwarding to group-procedures wiki
### 8/28/2023
- [x] (Eric) Remind people about drop-in hours on Slack channels
- [x] (Eric) Mastodon engagement
- [x] (Eric) Mastodon post about drop-in hours
- [x] (Jessica) reply to email from Bryan
- [x] (Jessica) fill out some rows of the OSF transfer [sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Gk-Jo8GA8JK8A2MknLhIQApPA6bJgjHrT3yDDiCz7t0/edit#gid=0)
- [x] (Renata) Review group-procedures PRs
- [x] (Chris) Have request for ODM from Randy Norton, PhD, Director and Extension Agronomist
### 8/21/2023
- [x] (Eric) add card for CRED survey incubator to incubator page
- [x] (Eric) look for Twitter refugees to follow on Mastodon
### 8/14/2023
- [x] Add Renata to group website
- [x] (Renata) Blog post announcing Renata joining group
- [x] (Kristina) Create [table](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Gk-Jo8GA8JK8A2MknLhIQApPA6bJgjHrT3yDDiCz7t0/edit#gid=0) with plan for what to do with each OSF page
- [x] Discuss idea of porting group OSF to a [Quarto book](https://quarto.org/docs/books/)
- [x] Do another fall workshop series advertising push in late July
- [x] (Eric) Update publications page
- [x] (Eric) add card for AZMet incubator to incubator page
- [x] (Kristina) Give Renata permissions to edit group's website
- [x] (Kristina) Publish blog post
- [x] (Eric) Mastodon post about Renata joining
#### Moving group internal docs
- Going from OSF to Quarto book
- GH repo: https://github.com/cct-datascience/group-procedures
### 8/7/2023
- [x] (Jessica) Post [ggplot series blog post](https://docs.google.com/document/d/16a0L8Ue1nYbJFDOOoKQWfcKY0Kr7o7sRxhLtBaWaR-w/edit#heading=h.56789xsgwvka)
- [x] (Kristina) Finish advertising August workshop
### 7/31/2023
- [x] (Jessica) Post UACE app blog post
- [ ] Do Mastodon post about blog posts
- [x] Finish August workshop ad
- [x] (Kristina) Advertise August workshop
- [x] (Eric) Add instructions for publishing to [cct-datascience.quarto.pub](https://cct-datascience.quarto.pub) to group procedures (in new section: https://osf.io/tzmhp/wiki/Publishing%20to%20the%20web/)
- [x] (Eric) Create new group procedures page about R packages, mostly just as a place to put info about cct-datascience.r-universe.dev for now, but to be expanded later. https://osf.io/tzmhp/wiki/Creating%20R%20Packages/
- [x] (Kristina) post on email listserv
#### Notes
- Bayes reading group/club concept
- Newsletter topics:
- August Quarto workshop
- Fall workshop series
- We're on Mastodon now
- Very brief mention of incubator and drop-in hours
- August workshop advertising locations
- [x] Our newsletter
- [x] DSI event calendar
- [x] UA DS Slack
- [x] Experiment station Tuesday morning notes
- [ ] CALS bulletin
- [ ] CALS grad student listserv (Jia Hu)
- [x] R Users listserv (Jeff Oliver)
### 7/24/2023
- [x] (Jessica) Check with Terrace about [blog post](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1b0ufuSv8CoHNEVysIsvqUKJlcvj_1YMTj9HLlF5y-i0/edit)
- [x] (Kristina) Quick review of UACE blog post & ggplot blog post
- [x] (Kristina - Eric review?) Publish Mastodon post about ADSA summit blog post
- [ ] (Jessica) Schedule blog posts
- [ ] (Chris) working on next drone discussion group
#### Discussion
- Publish Quarto slides on quarto pub or Posit Connect? Probably former because latter is supposed to be research-focused
- Do we want a blog post type for incubators?
### 7/17/2023
#### TODO
- [x] Draft a blog post about UACE needs assessment incubator (Eric): [draft](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1b0ufuSv8CoHNEVysIsvqUKJlcvj_1YMTj9HLlF5y-i0/edit)
- [x] Clean up this document (Kristina)
- [x] Update drop-in hour dates on website (Kristina)
- [x] Blog post about ggplot2 workshop series (Jessica): [draft](https://docs.google.com/document/d/16a0L8Ue1nYbJFDOOoKQWfcKY0Kr7o7sRxhLtBaWaR-w/edit)
#### Notes
- Proposal to have 15 minutes for discussion & 45 minutes for mostly silent working
- August Workshop Wednesday: Create website with Quarto using RStudio IDE (avoid use of Terminal)
- Skip September workshop, probably do October one (maybe intermediate Shiny)
- Maybe a viz series?
#### Discussion
- [x] Focus on doing over discussing
- [x] Choose August workshop topic (Kristina teach; Quarto website?)
#### Tasks completed/abandoned at some time in the past
- [x] Send out incubator email to entire list serv (or just workshop series attendees?)
- [x] Write blog post about fall workshop series
- [ ] ~~review saved tweet thread from David in [Google Doc w/ Writing Hour Writing](https://docs.google.com/document/d/16a0L8Ue1nYbJFDOOoKQWfcKY0Kr7o7sRxhLtBaWaR-w/edit#heading=h.n143dgc90p9f)~~
- [x] Tweet about youtube channel / specific videos
- [x] Tweet about workshop topic request form
- [x] Create Mastodon account (fediscience.org is not accepting new users scholar.social doesn't allow institutional accounts)
~~- [ ] Write blog post about combining datasets workshop (advertise Michael's materials + our modifications for teaching)~~
- [ ] Project pages to review
- [ ] [ARDN](https://datascience.cals.arizona.edu/agricultural-research-data-network) -- **Kristina**
- list pubs / data and code archives?
- [ ] [Sentinel](https://datascience.cals.arizona.edu/sentinel-phytosensors)
- add figure?
- [ ] [Drone Processing Pipeline](https://datascience.cals.arizona.edu/drone-processing-pipeline) -- **Chris**
- [ ] [PEG](https://datascience.cals.arizona.edu/genophenoenvo)
- [x] Combine research support w/ homepage; streamline (Jessica)
- [x] Update other workshops section of our group's workshops page
- [x] Discuss trainers retreat
- [x] Figure out number of sessions, dates, and description of ggplot workshop mini series
### 6/12/2023
#### Notes
- Chris' idea to teach use of GitHub copilot, etc.
#### TODO
- [x] (Chris) Create QR code for group
- [x] (Kristina & Eric) Choose extensions for third ggplot workshop
- [x] Advertise fall workshop series
- [x] (Kristina) Start ADSA summit blog post
- [x] (Eric) Announce ISC funding for `volcalc` (Twitter and short blog post) [draft](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sUCah-Z1hYWM2oegFLDLwVxx3gO85fIJVfQFpWenDhU/edit)
- [ ] ~~(Kristina) Add BRIDGES workshops to our workshop page? (mostly to easily be able to find the syllabus)~~
### 6/5/2023
- [x] Choose fall workshop series dates
- [x] Create [workshop series website page](https://datascience.cct.arizona.edu/events/203-fall-2023-workshop-series-reproducibility-and-data-science-r) and application
#### Workshop series notes
CCT Data Science workshop series: [Reproducibility and Data Science in R](https://datascience.cct.arizona.edu/events/203-fall-2023-workshop-series-reproducibility-and-data-science-r)
**Time**: Tuesdays and Thursdays in September-October 2023
**Location**: Zoom
**Registration**: By [application](https://forms.gle/CXhhLfq9jMsGxkJj7), apply by August 14, 2023 for priority consideration
**Description**: In this 12-session series, researchers familiar with R will add foundational understanding of reproducible research by adding version control, intermediate R programming skills, and project documentation to their repertoire. The instructors will emphasize how and when to apply these tools to ongoing research, with a final student showcase on October 24.
**Prerequisites**: Familiarity with R and RStudio. No previous experience with shell scripting or git required. We will teach both tidyverse and base R programming.
- Tues Sept 5--Thurs Oct 26
- Places to advertise
- [x] UA Data Science Slack
- [x] Tuesday morning notes (Jessica)
- [x] Data Drip
- [x] Listservs for each of CALS departments (Jessica)
- [x] SNRE
- [x] Human Ecology
- [x] Plant Sciences
- [x] CALS listserv - Limesand replaced by Jia Hu
- [x] ACBS
- [x] BE
- [x] AREC
- [x] ES
- [x] NSW
- [x] AETI (Yuma)
- [x] Entomology (who to contact?)
- [x] EEB
- [x] Our group's email list
- People/groups to invite
- [x] Simone Williams
- [x] Laura Meredith's group (Jessica)
- [ ] Giovanni Melandri's group (Eric)
- [ ] Albert Barbaran's class? Other classes? (Kristina)
- [x] Ask Lia to distribute to other grad students
- [x] Dave Meko - Tree ring lab? (Jessica)
- [x] Jeff Oliver
### 5/31/2023
- [x] Go over ggplot series materials
#### ggplot workshop series notes
- Registration numbers: 39, 26, 26
### 5/22/2023
- [x] Look over rOpenSci blog post draft about r-universe & PEcAn (Eric)
### 5/15/2023
Kristina reported from ADSA leadership summit
### 5/8/2023
- [x] Advertise ggplot series
- Review & add to full day interview format [notes](https://docs.google.com/document/d/16U_wjYN2Fo7i6d6t-ecrqem3AD2KdIKdtOJ_Y2YOJas/edit)
- Jessica's full day interview was virtual (?), so especially interested in her perspective on how that went
### 5/1/2023
- Drone Day debrief
- Follow up questions via survey
- "I didn't attend question" + why?
- Drone discussion signup
- Form a connection, learn something,
- Suggestions for next year
- Next year have a good intro spiel
- Ask Kamel about drone discussion for May, get one speaker
- ggplot series advertising
- Jeff Oliver to do intro?
- For most of May, advertise all three together, then a week out advertise each
- Do full ad as a pdf?
- Changing third workshop date to June 26 because of Juneteenth on June 19
- Send out another listserv email
- Create Google Slide, make link public, save as PDF to send as attachment
- Fall workshop series prep & advertise
- [x] Email Heidi about doing a hackmd demo at the next sprint planning meeting (Eric)
### 4/24/2023
- Drone Day logistics
- Hiring
- Make sure to tell Jeff Oliver
- Switch over to new gathertown
- [x] (Jessica) Create ggplot series pages on website
- [x] (Jessica) Update gathertown link on drop-in hours page
- [x] (Kristina) Send links to Jeff & ask about teaching ggplot intro
- [x] (Eric) Add new link to new gather.town to ResBaz gather.town
### 4/17/2023
- [x] Check group twitter
- [x] Re-write tweets to include "Equal Opportunity Employer Minorities/Women/Vets/Disabled"
- [x] Finalize ggplot2 series titles and descriptions
- [x] Make event page for ggplot2 series along with pages for each individual workshop for website
- [x] New gather.town space is ready. When to switch? How to switch?
### 04/10/2023
- Discuss ggplot workshop series & fall workshop series
### 04/03/2023
- Review and improve skills matrix
- Make Google sheet or form to track evaluations of candidates
- [x] (Eric) schedule another tweet advertizing the job
### 03/27/2023
Job ad accompanying text:
📢 Do you enjoy supporting researchers through collaboration and teaching? Are you motivated to learn and use data science skills to advance research? Apply to join our team! Our small group of data scientists and software engineers at University of Arizona is looking to expand. Learn more about what we do here
and apply here
hashtags: #python #rstats #jobs #RSEjobs #NowHiring #datascience
For Twitter:
📢 Enjoy supporting researchers through collaboration and teaching? Motivated to learn and use data science skills to advance research? Join our team of data scientists and software engineers!
Apply here:
#rstats #Python
#### Advert places
- [x] [Mastodon post](https://fosstodon.org/@LeafyEricScott/110096483783490090)
- [x] [Tweet](https://twitter.com/cct_datascience/status/1640411687269412865)
- [x] Tweet again
- [x] RStudio Community Forum
- [x] ADSA Slack
- [x] ADSA job board
- [x] US RSE Slack
- [x] US RSE job board
- [x] Weecology Slack (Ethan beat me to it!)
- [x] Luke Denoncourt
- [x] Mae Barlow
- [x] Carpentries Slack
- [x] rOpenSci Slack
- [ ] Diversify Tech
- [x] ESIP Slack
- [x] R-Ladies Slack
- [x] NAU ecoinformatics job listserv
- [x] Biplabendu Das
- [x] R4DS Slack
- [x] Earth Science Women's Network
- [x] EDSIN Slack
- [x] UA Data Science Slack
- [x] ResBaz Slack
- [x] **Advertise job ad!** See dissemination section in [notes](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1f4mTNh54w6U-k6xY6zRS5xFexeRS0ECYwFlvVJ7c-pE/edit)
- [x] Finalize new gathertown and roll out (update our website with link, add link to ResBaz gt)
### 03/20/2023
- [x] Review website as a group
### 03/13/2023
- [x] (Kristina) send Drone Day budget request to Parker
- [x] (Eric) check Twitter
- [x] (Eric) tweet about Jessica's workshop
- [x] (Eric) update OSF David -> Kristina
### 03/06/2023
- [x] Implement David's suggestions for incubator page
- [ ] (Kristina) Compile list of department heads & send to Matt & Tobey
- [ ] (Kristina) Follow up with Anna Josephson & Jeff Michler
- [x] (Eric) Work on gather.town space
### 02/27/2023
- dplyr joins (march)
- resbaz (april)
- take a break in may
- advanced ggplot (june)
Tasks for today:
- Kristina
- [ ] Review and contribute to ggplot workshop mini series notes
- [ ] Review OSF pages
- Eric
- [x] Tweet about multivariate stats workshop recording
- [x] Schedule tweet about request for workshops
- [x] Schedule tweet about march workshop
- [x] Draft newsletter for March about Q2 workshp plan (don't send yet until we have oficial titles.) [draft here](https://editor.e2ma.net/app2/campaigns/create/223570407/)
- [ ] continue revising OSF for David -> Kristina
- Chis:
- [ ] Drone Day: Reply to email about Bear Down field to Campus Rec
- [ ] Drone Day: Find last year's attendees and start invite list
### 02/20/2023
- Eric
- [x] email workshop registrants
- [x] Tweet about workshop
- [x] Update OSF with David -> Kristina
- Kristina
- [x] Advertise multivariate workshop to BRIDGES
- [x] Work on blog post
### 02/13/2023
- Eric
- [x] Tweet about rOpenSci community call
- [x] Tweet about regex workshop (scheduled)
- [x] Edit pins demo and post to YouTube (https://youtu.be/7kgvS6izPlY)
- [x] Schedule tweet about pins demo
- Kristina
- [x] Add instructions for monthly newsletter via emma
- [x] Add instructions for adding workshop events to website, and updating them afterwards
- [ ] Work on group's blog post
- Chris
- [ ] More Drone Day planning
- [ ] Investigate if there's an API to ESRI Survey123 backend storage
### 02/06/2023
- Kristina:
- [x] Write email to Barney
- [x] Tell Julian about new gathertown for our drop-in hours
- [x] Start blog post about retreat/ropes
- Eric:
- [x] Add new pages for each previous workshop (to turn into cards)
- [x] Workshop series
- [x] Check out options for new drop-in hours gather.town space
### 01/30/2023
- [x] Email about new incubators page (Kristina)
- [x] Tweet about new incubators page (Eric)
- [x] Blog post about retreat/ropes course
- [x] Start [doc](https://osf.io/tzmhp/wiki/Networking%20at%20UA/) with informational interview questions (Eric)
- [x] Tweet about blog post about retreat/ropes course
- [x] Send meeting emails to folks (Kristina)
- [x] Work on rOpenSci community call (Eric)
- [ ] Figure out how to save out incubator Google Form project plan links as documents in our incubator folder
### 01/23/2023
Eric: Emails to re-schedule in-person meetings
- [x] Ask Matt Rahr about adding Eric to group listserv
- [x] Change date for regex workshop to Friday Feb 3, send out email
- [ ] Prep for regex workshop
### 01/09/2023
### Elevator pitches
Template from "Teaching Tech Together" pg. 178
:::spoiler View template
Need to be specific to different stakeholders.
1. ALVSCE researchers
> For **faculty, staff, postdocs, and graduate students in ALVSCE at University of Arizona** who **need to be able to manage, analyze, and share data more easily and reproducibly,** our **workshops and incubator program** strengthen **your intermediate skills in data management, coding, and analysis workflows through training and one-on-one help.** Unlike **most university courses and introductory workshops,** our program**ming should directly and immediately improve your research.**
2. University admins/higher ups
3. Potential members of our group
Eric: continue converting workshops to events on website (nevermind, can't do that until years < 2022 are valid choices for event dates)
David: 1. Wrapped up activity report for Rahr & Mcclellan (list below) and 2. response to reviewers for Chorover STC
- [x] tally/headcount of the number of projects we do for the academic units and CES (from Matt R):
- update and fill out this [google sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YOAUEPRCSo0zzkLQIyO_DtrjH_T8nfnAMVAueL7-OEk/edit#gid=0):
- Please include entries for directly billed work and unfunded/subsidized work. If something is missing off this list, or you have other ideas that demonstrates ROI, please let me know! Also, ping me when you’re able to complete this. Not a huge rush, but let’s shoot for a **Jan 13 deadline**.
- [x] workshops
- [x] incubators
- [x] office hours
- [x] proposals (David)
- [x] events