# 綜合 (IB101)
8/11 (IB101)
08:50 ~ 09:05
- [開幕式 - Staff](/coscup18-misc101-opening)
09:05 ~ 09:20
- [Open Source・Social Innovation - Audrey Tang](/coscup18-misc101-social-innovation)
09:20 ~ 09:50
- [BitRabbit Hardcore 技術Live:用 200 行 code 寫一個屬於自己的公有鏈 - 曹力](/coscup18-misc101-bitrabbit-keynote)
10:00 ~ 10:30
- [新創產品 - 驗屍報告 - CIH](/coscup18-misc101-product-retro)
10:40 ~ 12:20
- [跨界 X 開源 對談 - 林強, 卓致遠, 陳顯立, 吳漢章, 蔣鐙緯, Knight 馮正青](/coscup18-misc101-os-panel)
12:45 ~ 13:25
- [Practical JavaScript Fuzzing - Gary Kwong](/coscup18-misc101-practical-javascript-fuzzing-)
13:30 ~ 14:20
- [Machine Economy with IOTA - Edward Greve](/coscup18-misc101-machine-economy-with-iota)
14:25 ~ 15:15
- [回首過去,看 KKBOX 怎麼走搜尋音樂這條路 - Eason Chen](/coscup18-misc101-kkbox)
15:20 ~ 16:00
- [結合AR與人臉辨識之開源戰鬥力探測器 - David Chang](/coscup18-misc101-ar)
16:10 ~ 16:40
- [The bright future of SUSE and openSUSE - Ralf Flaxa](/coscup18-misc101-the-bright-future-of-suse-and-opensuse)
16:40 ~ 17:10
- [The DEXON Network - The Infrastructure of the Internet’s Decentralized Future - Popo Chen](/coscup18-misc101-the-dexon-network)
17:10 ~ 18:00
- [Lightning Talk - Staff](/coscup18-misc101-lightning-talk)
18:00 ~ 21:00
- [BoF Sessions - Powered by COBINHOOD x DEXON - Staff](/coscup18-misc101-bof)
8/12 (IB101)
08:50 ~ 09:20
- [Welcome to Year 22 - Kat](/coscup18-misc101-welcome-to-year-22)
09:30 ~ 10:20
- [IoT Microtransaction and its Accelerator (針對物聯網的微型交易系統及加速器) - 黃俊毓](/coscup18-misc101-iot-microtransaction)
10:25 ~ 11:15
- [IGNITE分布式數據庫 – 在電子商務即時報表查詢應用 - SAM](/coscup18-misc101-ignite)
11:20 ~ 12:00
- [回望踏入Linux内核之旅 - 陳莉君](/coscup18-misc101-linux-kernel)
13:50 ~ 14:30
- [Putting Taiwan on the Kernel.org Keysigning Map - 蔡鎮宇 / Chen-Yu Tsai](/coscup18-misc101-taiwan-on-the-map)
14:40 ~ 15:30
- [如何善用MySQL的安全機制打造固若金湯的系統 - 杜修文](/coscup18-misc101-mysql-security)
15:40 ~ 16:10
- [Freedom, thanks to your domain name! - Thomas Kuiper](/coscup18-misc101-using-your-domain-name)
16:15 ~ 16:45
- [Source Code Navigation Assistant - Yo-An Lin (c9s)](/coscup18-misc101-source-code-navigation-assistant)
16:45 ~ 17:05
- [Closing - Staff](/coscup18-misc101-closing)
8/11 (IB 307)
11:00 ~ 11:40
- [小鴨城(Duckietown),一個基於 Raspberry Pi 和 ROS 的開源無人小車專案介紹 - sosorry](/coscup18-misc307-duckietown)
11:50 ~ 12:30
- [全平台前端遠程調試的那些事 —— 遠程頁面調試工具的實現及剖析 - 徐曉孟](/coscup18-misc307-remote-debug)
12:40 ~ 13:20
- [我在GitHub參與開源貢獻專案的日子 - 李昀陞](/coscup18-misc307-github)
14:30 ~ 15:10
- [分享研究 Mender OTA 開源方案的心得 - 李東霖](/coscup18-misc307-mender-ota)
15:20 ~ 16:00
- [Hack Everything, Including Society, 真的嗎? - 雨蒼](/coscup18-misc307-hack-everything)
12:30 ~ 13:30
- [開源與教育 BoF - Staff](/coscup18-misc307-education-bof)
###### tags: `COSCUP2018`
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綜合 (IB101)
8/11 (IB101)
08:50 ~ 09:05
09:05 ~ 09:20
09:20 ~ 09:50
10:00 ~ 10:30
10:40 ~ 12:20
12:45 ~ 13:25
13:30 ~ 14:20
14:25 ~ 15:15
15:20 ~ 16:00
16:10 ~ 16:40
16:40 ~ 17:10
17:10 ~ 18:00
18:00 ~ 21:00
8/12 (IB101)
08:50 ~ 09:20
09:30 ~ 10:20
10:25 ~ 11:15
11:20 ~ 12:00
13:50 ~ 14:30
14:40 ~ 15:30
15:40 ~ 16:10
16:15 ~ 16:45
16:45 ~ 17:05
8/11 (IB 307)
11:00 ~ 11:40
11:50 ~ 12:30
12:40 ~ 13:20
14:30 ~ 15:10
15:20 ~ 16:00
12:30 ~ 13:30
tags: COSCUP2018