contributed by <kk908676
參考 STM32F407 的 Reference Manual
sudo apt-get install arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc
which arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc
export PATH=/usr/bin:$PATH
source ~/.bashrc
- sudo apt-get install arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc
+ sudo apt install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi
is an open source toolset to program and debug STM32 devices and boards manufactured by STMicroelectronics. cd ~
git clone
cd ./stlink
sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev
sudo apt-get -y install cmake
sudo apt-get install libstlink1
cd build/Release
sudo make install
To verify the successful installation
$ st-flash
invalid command line
usage: st-flash [options] read [file] [addr] [size]
st-flash [options] write <file> [addr] [size]
st-flash [options] write <value>
st-flash [options] erase <addr> <size>
st-flash [options] reset
--freq <kHz> Frequency of JTAG/SWD, default 1800kHz.
--serial <serial> STLink device to use.
--connect-under-reset Pull reset low while connecting.
--hot-plug Connect without reset.
--reset Reset after writing.
--format {binary|ihex} Format of file to read or write. When writing
with ihex specifying addr is not needed.
--flash <size> Specify size of flash, e.g. 128k, 1M.
--area <area> Area to access, one of: main(default), system,
otp, option, option_boot_add, optcr, optcr1.
--opt Skip writing empty bytes at the tail end.
--debug Output extra debug information.
--version Print version information.
--help Show this help.
st-flash --area=option read [file] [size]
st-flash --area=option write 0xXXXXXXXX
st-flash --area=option_boot_add read
st-flash --area=option_boot_add write 0xXXXXXXXX
st-flash --area=optcr read
st-flash --area=optcr write 0xXXXXXXXX
st-flash --area=optcr1 read
st-flash --area=optcr1 write 0xXXXXXXXX
st-flash --area=otp read <file>
st-flash --area=otp write <file> 0xXXXXXXXX
$ st-info --probe
2025-03-11T21:19:20 ERROR usb.c: Could not open USB device 0x0483:0x374b, access error.
大多數發行版不允許存取 USB 裝置,從官方文件中我們可以解決這問題
Set device access permissions and the role of udev
By default most distributions don't allow access to USB devices. In this context udev rules, which create devices nodes, are necessary to run the tools without root permissions. To achieve this you need to ensure that the group plugdev exists and the user who is trying to access these devices is a member of this group.
Within the sourcefolder of the project, these rules are located in the subdirectory config/udev/rules.d and are automatically installed along with sudo make install on linux. Afterwards it may be necessary to reload the udev rules:
$ sudo cp -a config/udev/rules.d/* /lib/udev/rules.d/
$ sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
$ sudo udevadm trigger
udev will now create device node files, e.g. /dev/stlinkv3_XX, /dev/stlinkv2_XX, /dev/stlinkv1_XX.
$ st-info --probe
Found 1 stlink programmers
version: V2J37S26
serial: 066CFF525377524867015421
flash: 1048576 (pagesize: 16384)
sram: 196608
chipid: 0x413
dev-type: STM32F4x5_F4x7
#define RCC_AHB1_PERI_ENBLR_ADDR (*((volatile unsigned long *) (0x40023800 + 0x30)))
#define GPIO_D_PORTMODE (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0x40020C00))
#define GPIO_D_OUTPUT_TYPE (*((volatile unsigned long *) (0x40020C00 + 0x4)))
#define GPIO_D_PUPD (*((volatile unsigned long *) (0x40020C00 + 0xC)))
#define GPIO_D_PORT_SETRESET (*((volatile unsigned long *) (0x40020C00 + 0x18)))
asm(".word 0x20001000");
asm(".word main ");
int main()
int i;
RCC_AHB1_PERI_ENBLR_ADDR |= (0x00000001 << 3); /*Enalbe GPIO D clock*/
GPIO_D_PORTMODE |= (0x00000001 << 28 | 0x00000001 << 30); /* Set PD14 PD15 mode to GPIO */
GPIO_D_PORTMODE &= ~(0x00000001 << 29 | 0x00000001 << 31);
GPIO_D_OUTPUT_TYPE &= ~(0x00000001 << 13 | 0x00000001 << 14); /*Set PD14 PD15 to push-pull*/
GPIO_D_PUPD |= (0x00000001 << 27 | 0x00000001 << 29); /*Set PD14 PD15 to pull-down*/
while (1) {
GPIO_D_PORT_SETRESET = 0x40008000; /*PD14 off, PD15 on*/
for (i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
GPIO_D_PORT_SETRESET = 0x80004000; /*PD15 off, PD14 on*/
for (i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
return 0;
CROSS_COMPILE ?= arm-none-eabi-
.PHONY: all
all: blink.bin
blink.o: blink.c
$(CROSS_COMPILE)gcc -mcpu=cortex-m4 -mthumb -nostartfiles -c blink.c -o blink.o
blink.out: blink.o blink.ld
$(CROSS_COMPILE)ld -T blink.ld -o blink.out blink.o
blink.bin: blink.out
$(CROSS_COMPILE)objcopy -j .text -O binary blink.out blink.bin
rm -rf *.o *.out *.bin
. = 0x0;
.text :
編譯完後會產生 blink.out
及 blink.bin
,將 blink.bin
燒進 flash
$ st-flash --reset write blink.bin 0x08000000
st-flash 1.8.0
2025-03-13T16:45:58 INFO common_legacy.c: STM32F4x5_F4x7: 192 KiB SRAM, 1024 KiB flash in at least 16 KiB pages.
file blink.bin md5 checksum: 4bb06e5d434b414b47c0f421f60e795, stlink checksum: 0x00002cae
2025-03-13T16:45:58 INFO common_flash.c: Attempting to write 160 (0xa0) bytes to stm32 address: 134217728 (0x8000000)
2025-03-13T16:45:58 INFO flash_loader.c: Starting Flash write for F2/F4/F7/L4
2025-03-13T16:45:58 INFO flash_loader.c: Successfully loaded flash loader in sram
2025-03-13T16:45:58 INFO flash_loader.c: Clear DFSR
2025-03-13T16:45:58 INFO flash_loader.c: Clear CFSR
2025-03-13T16:45:58 INFO flash_loader.c: Clear HFSR
2025-03-13T16:45:58 INFO flash_loader.c: enabling 32-bit flash writes
2025-03-13T16:45:58 INFO common_flash.c: Starting verification of write complete
2025-03-13T16:45:58 INFO common_flash.c: Flash written and verified! jolly good!
燒進 flash 可能會遇到寫入保護( Write Protection )鎖定 , 因此要先解除保護:
$ st-flash erase
PA10 | USART1_RX |
USB to TTL 接線:
$ sudo dmesg | grep tty
[ 0.222738] printk: legacy console [tty0] enabled
[18797.223501] usb 1-11: pl2303 converter now attached to ttyUSB0
$ sudo chmod 666 /dev/ttyUSB0
安裝 kermit
$ sudo apt-get install ckermit
可以從 官方文件中 得知 Baud Rate 預設為 115200
,UART number 預設為 1
int "Default baudrate"
default 115200
Select a default baudrate, where "default" has a driver-specific
meaning of either setting the baudrate for the early debug UART
in the SPL stage (most drivers) or for choosing a default baudrate
in the absence of an environment setting (serial_mxc.c).
int "UART used for console"
range 0 6
default 1
Set this to match the UART number of the serial console.
輸入 vi ~/.kermit
set line /dev/ttyUSB0
set speed 115200
set carrier-watch off
set handshake none
set flow-control none
set file type binary
set file name literal
set receive packet-length 1000
set send packet-length 1000
set window 5
接著輸入 kermit
$ kermit
C-Kermit 10.0 pre-Beta.11, 06 Feb 2024, for Linux+SSL (64-bit)
Copyright (C) 1985, 2024,
Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York.
Open Source 3-clause BSD license since 2011.
Type ? or HELP for help.
(~/Desktop/) C-Kermit>
因為剛剛已經設定好了一些基本的參數,這時只要在命令列輸入 c
且按下開發板上的 RESET 就可以看到
(~/Desktop/) C-Kermit>c
Connecting to /dev/ttyUSB1, speed 115200
Escape character: Ctrl-\ (ASCII 28, FS): enabled
Type the escape character followed by C to get back,
or followed by ? to see other options.
U-Boot 2025.04-rc4-00008-g15d6518c942f (Mar 17 2025 - 16:28:20 +0800)
Core: 73 devices, 11 uclasses, devicetree: separate
Flash: 2 MiB
Loading Environment from Flash... *** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment
In: serial@40011000
Out: serial@40011000
Err: serial@40011000
U-Boot > help
? - alias for 'help'
base - print or set address offset
bdinfo - print Board Info structure
boot - boot default, i.e., run 'bootcmd'
bootd - boot default, i.e., run 'bootcmd'
bootelf - Boot from an ELF image in memory
bootm - boot application image from memory
bootvx - Boot vxWorks from an ELF image
cmp - memory compare
coninfo - print console devices and information
cp - memory copy
crc32 - checksum calculation
dm - Driver model low level access
echo - echo args to console
editenv - edit environment variable
env - environment handling commands
erase - erase FLASH memory
exit - exit script
false - do nothing, unsuccessfully
fdt - flattened device tree utility commands
flinfo - print FLASH memory information
go - start application at address 'addr'
help - print command description/usage
iminfo - print header information for application image
imls - list all images found in flash
imxtract - extract a part of a multi-image
itest - return true/false on integer compare
loadb - load binary file over serial line (kermit mode)
loads - load S-Record file over serial line
loadx - load binary file over serial line (xmodem mode)
loady - load binary file over serial line (ymodem mode)
loop - infinite loop on address range
md - memory display
mm - memory modify (auto-incrementing address)
mw - memory write (fill)
nm - memory modify (constant address)
panic - Panic with optional message
pinmux - show pin-controller muxing
printenv - print environment variables
protect - enable or disable FLASH write protection
reset - Perform RESET of the CPU
run - run commands in an environment variable
saveenv - save environment variables to persistent storage
setenv - set environment variables
showvar - print local hushshell variables
sleep - delay execution for some time
source - run script from memory
test - minimal test like /bin/sh
timer - access the system timer
true - do nothing, successfully
version - print monitor, compiler and linker version
U-Boot >
-> 顯示目前 U-Boot 版本
U-Boot > version
U-Boot 2024.07-rc3-00020-gea722aa5eb (Jun 09 2024 - 22:25:14 +0800)
-> 顯示目前板子資訊
U-Boot > bdinfo
boot_params = 0x00000000
DRAM bank = 0x00000000
-> start = 0x90000000
-> size = 0x00800000
flashstart = 0x08000000
flashsize = 0x00200000
flashoffset = 0x000241b8
baudrate = 115200 bps
relocaddr = 0x907ca000
reloc off = 0x887ca000
Build = 32-bit
fdt_blob = 0x905c2cb0
new_fdt = 0x905c2cb0
fdt_size = 0x00005220
memory.cnt = 0x1 / max = 0x10
memory[0] [0x90000000-0x907fffff], 0x00800000 bytes flags: 0
reserved.cnt = 0x1 / max = 0x10
reserved[0] [0x905be9a8-0x907fffff], 0x00241658 bytes flags: 0
devicetree = separate
arch_number = 0x00000000
TLB addr = 0x907f0000
irq_sp = 0x905c2ca0
sp start = 0x905c2c90
Early malloc usage: f40 / 2000
git clone git://
詳細內容請參閱核心程式碼目錄下的文件 ./Documentation/kbuild/kconfig-language.rst
使用預設 .config
cd linux/
make ARCH=arm stm32_defconfig
用來對剛剛已經產生的 .config
make ARCH=arm menuconfig
先檢查是否有安裝 libncurses5-dev
sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev
他是在啟動階段被 Linux
核心呼叫的臨時檔案系統,用於根目錄被掛載之前的準備工作, 這裡用 Embedded Linux Wiki 所提供的 Stm32 mini rootfs.cpio.bz2
下載之後先解壓縮成 cpio
檔 :
bzip2 -d Stm32_mini_rootfs.cpio.bz2
接下來創建資 rootfs
用以之後 Linux
mkdir rootfs
將下載的文件解壓縮到 rootfs
cpio -idmv < ../Stm32_mini_rootfs.cpio
確認 dev
: 創建系統控制台設備,允許內核和用戶程序輸出錯誤和信息
: 創建丟棄數據的設備
: 創建虛擬終端設備
sudo mknod console c 5 1
sudo mknod null c 1 3
sudo mknod tty0 c 204 64
最後在 rootfs
新增 init
文件, 用來手動掛載 /dev
目錄並初始化設備節點,然後將標準輸入、輸出和錯誤輸出重定向到控制台,最後執行系統的初始化程序 /sbin/init
# devtmpfs does not get automounted for initramfs
/bin/mount -t devtmpfs devtmpfs /dev
exec 0</dev/console
exec 1>/dev/console
exec 2>/dev/console
exec /sbin/init $
準備好了之後要在 menuconfig
設定根文件系統的來源位置, 這樣內核可以在啟動時加載它作為初始根文件系統
位置 : General setup –-> Initial RAM filesystem and RAM disk (initramfs/initrd) support
[*] Initial RAM filesystem and RAM disk (initramfs/initrd) support
(/home/an/Downloads/rootfs) Initramfs source file(s)
編譯核心 :
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi- -j4
編譯 Linux
內核並生成可啟動的內核映像 uImage
(你會在 linux/arch/arm/boot/
看到 uImage
, uImage
是 U-Boot
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi- uImage LOADADDR=0x90008000 -j4
編譯設備樹二進制檔案 :
(你會在 linux/arch/arm/boot/dts/st/
看到 stm32f429-disco.dtb
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi- dtbs
等待這幾個核心檔案都產生之後, 接下來就是放入到 SDRAM
從剛剛 U-Boot
所產生的資訊來看, SDRAM
的起始位置是 0x90000000
大小是 8MB
U-Boot > bdinfo
boot_params = 0x00000000
DRAM bank = 0x00000000
-> start = 0x90000000
-> size = 0x00800000
flashstart = 0x08000000
flashsize = 0x00200000
flashoffset = 0x000241b8
baudrate = 115200 bps
relocaddr = 0x907ca000
reloc off = 0x887ca000
Build = 32-bit
fdt_blob = 0x905c2cb0
new_fdt = 0x905c2cb0
fdt_size = 0x00005220
因此我們使用 loadb
將 uImage
傳入位置 0x90100000
U-Boot 2025.04-rc4-00008-g15d6518c942f (Mar 17 2025 - 16:28:20 +0800)
Core: 73 devices, 11 uclasses, devicetree: separate
Flash: 2 MiB
Loading Environment from Flash... OK
In: serial@40011000
Out: serial@40011000
Err: serial@40011000
U-Boot > loadb 90100000
## Ready for binary (kermit) download to 0x90100000 at 115200 bps...
可以看到在等待檔案, 接著輸入 Ctrl + \
+ c
來回到指令模式並傳送 uImage
,待傳完之後打 c
回到 U-Boot
(Back at an-Pro-E500-G6-WS720T)
(~/Desktop/) C-Kermit>send linux/arch/arm/boot/uImage
(~/Desktop/) C-Kermit>c
Connecting to /dev/ttyUSB1, speed 115200
Escape character: Ctrl-\ (ASCII 28, FS): enabled
Type the escape character followed by C to get back,
or followed by ? to see other options.
## Total Size = 0x001b48d8 = 1788120 Bytes
## Start Addr = 0x90100000
接下來將 dtb
傳入位置 0x90500000
U-Boot > loadb 90500000
## Ready for binary (kermit) download to 0x90500000 at 115200 bps...
(Back at an-Pro-E500-G6-WS720T)
(~/Desktop/) C-Kermit>send linux/arch/arm/boot/dts/st/stm32f429-disco.dtb
(~/Desktop/) C-Kermit>c
Connecting to /dev/ttyUSB1, speed 115200
Escape character: Ctrl-\ (ASCII 28, FS): enabled
Type the escape character followed by C to get back,
or followed by ? to see other options.
## Total Size = 0x00004c90 = 19600 Bytes
## Start Addr = 0x90500000
最後在 U-Boot
U-Boot > setenv bootargs 'console=ttySTM0,115200 root=/dev/ram earlyprintk'
U-Boot > bootm 90100000 - 90500000
就可以看到成功啟動了 linux
## Booting kernel from Legacy Image at 90100000 ...
Image Name: Linux-6.14.0-rc7-00179-gb3ee1e46
Image Type: ARM Linux Kernel Image (uncompressed)
Data Size: 1788056 Bytes = 1.7 MiB
Load Address: 90008000
Entry Point: 90008001
Verifying Checksum ... OK
## Flattened Device Tree blob at 90500000
Booting using the fdt blob at 0x90500000
Working FDT set to 90500000
Loading Kernel Image to 90008000
Loading Device Tree to 905b7000, end 905bec8f ... OK
Working FDT set to 905b7000
Starting kernel ...
[ 0.000000] Booting Linux on physical CPU 0x0
[ 0.000000] Linux version 6.14.0-rc7-00179-gb3ee1e460951-dirty (an@an-Pro-E500-G6-WS720T) (arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc (Ubuntu 13.3.0-6ubuntu2~24.04) 13.3.0, GNU ld (GNU Binutils for Ubuntu) 2.42) #18 PREEMPT Sat Mar 22 15:48:05 CST 2025
[ 0.000000] CPU: ARMv7-M [410fc241] revision 1 (ARMv7M), cr=00000000
[ 0.000000] CPU: unknown data cache, unknown instruction cache
[ 0.000000] OF: fdt: Machine model: STMicroelectronics STM32F429i-DISCO board
[ 0.000000] printk: legacy bootconsole [earlycon0] enabled
[ 0.000000] Zone ranges:
[ 0.000000] Normal [mem 0x0000000090000000-0x00000000907fffff]
[ 0.000000] Movable zone start for each node
[ 0.000000] Early memory node ranges
[ 0.000000] node 0: [mem 0x0000000090000000-0x00000000907fffff]
[ 0.000000] Initmem setup node 0 [mem 0x0000000090000000-0x00000000907fffff]
[ 0.000000] OF: reserved mem: Reserved memory: No reserved-memory node in the DT
[ 0.000000] Kernel command line: console=ttySTM0,115200 root=/dev/ram earlyprintk
[ 0.000000] printk: log buffer data + meta data: 65536 + 204800 = 270336 bytes
[ 0.000000] Dentry cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes, linear)
[ 0.000000] Inode-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes, linear)
[ 0.000000] Built 1 zonelists, mobility grouping off. Total pages: 2048
[ 0.000000] mem auto-init: stack:all(zero), heap alloc:off, heap free:off
[ 0.000000] SLUB: HWalign=8, Order=0-3, MinObjects=0, CPUs=1, Nodes=1
[ 0.000000] rcu: Preemptible hierarchical RCU implementation.
[ 0.000000] rcu: RCU event tracing is enabled.
[ 0.000000] rcu: RCU calculated value of scheduler-enlistment delay is 10 jiffies.
[ 0.000000] NR_IRQS: 16, nr_irqs: 16, preallocated irqs: 16
[ 0.000000] /soc/interrupt-controller@40013c00: bank0
[ 0.000000] rcu: srcu_init: Setting srcu_struct sizes based on contention.
[ 0.000000] clocksource: arm_system_timer: mask: 0xffffff max_cycles: 0xffffff, max_idle_ns: 331816030 ns
[ 0.000000] ARM System timer initialized as clocksource
[ 0.000036] sched_clock: 32 bits at 90MHz, resolution 11ns, wraps every 23860929530ns
[ 0.009485] timers@40000c00: STM32 sched_clock registered
[ 0.016161] Switching to timer-based delay loop, resolution 11ns
[ 0.023345] timers@40000c00: STM32 delay timer registered
[ 0.029965] clocksource: timers@40000c00: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 21236227187 ns
[ 0.041948] /soc/timers@40000c00: STM32 clockevent driver initialized (32 bits)
[ 0.058845] Calibrating delay loop (skipped), value calculated using timer frequency.. 180.00 BogoMIPS (lpj=900000)
[ 0.071494] pid_max: default: 4096 minimum: 301
[ 0.080117] Mount-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes, linear)
[ 0.089280] Mountpoint-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes, linear)
[ 0.157293] rcu: Hierarchical SRCU implementation.
[ 0.163581] rcu: Max phase no-delay instances is 1000.
[ 0.188171] Memory: 4588K/8192K available (1677K kernel code, 272K rwdata, 628K rodata, 240K init, 102K bss, 3240K reserved, 0K cma-reserved)
[ 0.209267] devtmpfs: initialized
[ 0.462273] clocksource: jiffies: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 19112604462750000 ns
[ 0.474441] pinctrl core: initialized pinctrl subsystem
[ 0.756757] /soc/spi@40015000/display@1: Fixed dependency cycle(s) with /soc/display-controller@40016800
[ 0.769703] /soc/display-controller@40016800: Fixed dependency cycle(s) with /soc/spi@40015000/display@1
[ 0.830969] /soc/spi@40015000/display@1: Fixed dependency cycle(s) with /soc/display-controller@40016800
[ 0.853089] /soc/spi@40015000/display@1: Fixed dependency cycle(s) with /soc/display-controller@40016800
[ 0.869242] /soc/display-controller@40016800: Fixed dependency cycle(s) with /soc/spi@40015000/display@1
[ 0.956606] stm32f429-pinctrl soc:pinctrl@40020000: GPIOA bank added
[ 0.976370] stm32f429-pinctrl soc:pinctrl@40020000: GPIOB bank added
[ 1.000595] stm32f429-pinctrl soc:pinctrl@40020000: GPIOC bank added
[ 1.025950] stm32f429-pinctrl soc:pinctrl@40020000: GPIOD bank added
[ 1.048708] stm32f429-pinctrl soc:pinctrl@40020000: GPIOE bank added
[ 1.072381] stm32f429-pinctrl soc:pinctrl@40020000: GPIOF bank added
[ 1.097161] stm32f429-pinctrl soc:pinctrl@40020000: GPIOG bank added
[ 1.123180] stm32f429-pinctrl soc:pinctrl@40020000: GPIOH bank added
[ 1.149769] stm32f429-pinctrl soc:pinctrl@40020000: GPIOI bank added
[ 1.177386] stm32f429-pinctrl soc:pinctrl@40020000: GPIOJ bank added
[ 1.200420] stm32f429-pinctrl soc:pinctrl@40020000: GPIOK bank added
[ 1.209116] stm32f429-pinctrl soc:pinctrl@40020000: Pinctrl STM32 initialized
[ 1.326514] stm32-dma 40026000.dma-controller: STM32 DMA driver registered
[ 1.380118] stm32-dma 40026400.dma-controller: STM32 DMA driver registered
[ 1.400838] vcc5v-otg-regulator enforce active low on GPIO handle
[ 1.435452] clocksource: Switched to clocksource timers@40000c00
[ 1.544632] workingset: timestamp_bits=30 max_order=11 bucket_order=0
[ 1.559542] io scheduler mq-deadline registered
[ 1.565121] io scheduler kyber registered
[ 1.640383] io scheduler bfq registered
[ 2.412772] STM32 USART driver initialized
[ 2.454646] 40011000.serial: ttySTM0 at MMIO 0x40011000 (irq = 47, base_baud = 5625000) is a stm32-usart
[ 2.487278] printk: legacy console [ttySTM0] enabled
[ 2.487278] printk: legacy console [ttySTM0] enabled
[ 2.514769] printk: legacy bootconsole [earlycon0] disabled
[ 2.514769] printk: legacy bootconsole [earlycon0] disabled
[ 2.578654] stm32_rtc 40002800.rtc: registered as rtc0
[ 2.586152] stm32_rtc 40002800.rtc: setting system clock to 2000-01-01T02:29:39 UTC (946693779)
[ 2.601124] stm32_rtc 40002800.rtc: Date/Time must be initialized
[ 2.615053] i2c_dev: i2c /dev entries driver
[ 2.652100] stmpe-i2c 0-0041: stmpe811 detected, chip id: 0x811
[ 2.701109] stm32f4-i2c 40005c00.i2c: STM32F4 I2C driver registered
[ 3.156715] input: gpio-keys as /devices/platform/gpio-keys/input/input0
[ 3.188285] clk: Disabling unused clocks
[ 3.228156] Freeing unused kernel image (initmem) memory: 240K
[ 3.235916] This architecture does not have kernel memory protection.
[ 3.243884] Run /init as init process
[ 3.250807] Failed to execute /init (error -13)
[ 3.257230] Run /sbin/init as init process
/ # ls
bin dev etc init linuxrc proc sbin sys usr