# 2023-09-09 Weekly Meeting ###### tags: `weekly-meeting` ### Topics: - WIT plugins: Christof knows how to make wasmer use WIT, but it is some work to implement. - WASMCON was really nice and Luke's keynote is very interesting as it explains the concept and compares to classical containers - https://sched.co/1P96K - Conrod vs iced - Message based design of iced not ideal - Text caching efficiency of iced seems to be lacking - winit 0.28 changes were merged, no problem reports so far - winit 0.29 isn't released, scancode mildly interesting - Windmill code and graphics - https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/534843870375182339/1150134747650068570/screenshot_1694282311446.png - Rotation code (90° steps) would be ideal - there is 90° rotation code on the potion shop branch - AABB is asymmetric, the right and top voxel isn't drawn, this interacts strangely with rotation as the building moves by one voxel when rotated - ideally the rotation code would take this into account - see also Discord chat during the meeting https://discord.com/channels/449602562165833758/534843870375182339/1150128213469696050