The Turing Way: Introduction
###### tags: `turing-way` `document`
### :warning: We now use the following welcome page to share links. This page may not be updated frequently: :warning:
## Project information
- **Project:** The Turing Way
- **Project Co-Leads:** Dr. Kirstie Whitaker & Dr. Malvika Sharan (
- **Community Manager:** Anne Lee Steele (
- **Core Team Members:** [See the Team Document](
- **Contact:** [](
:calendar: See upcoming opportunities to connect!
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### Upcoming Turing Way Fireside Chat
==A community event series that features people, projects and communities in open and reproducible research.==
Join us on Thursday, 29 June at 14:00 UTC+1
**"Between computation, climate and culture: perspectives on sustainability and research"**
#### Attend the upcoming Fireside Chat (Upcoming in June)
- Info will be added
#### Book Dash call for applications are closed -- but you can join the two subevents!
* Pre Book Dash GitHub Skill-up (1.5 hours): 11 May 2023 <-- [SIGN UP]( (open for everyone who'd like to join).
* The Turing Way community share-outs: 26 May 2023 <-- [SIGN UP]( (open for everyone who'd like to join)
## ==Important Announcements this month==
* Read this month's newsletter:
* Centralised event document for 2023:
* New illustrations released from 2022 Book Dash events:

:handshake: Connect with us!
Stay in touch through one of the many different channels below!
- [Slack workspace](
- [Twitter account](
- Get in touch with _The Turing Way_ team: [Kirstie, Malvika and Anne](
- Read the [Contribution Guideline](
- The Turing Way [Code of Conduct](
- Subscribe to [The Turing Way calendar](
- Subscribe to [monthly newsletters](
- Read [previous newsletters](
- **Read all our [quarterly reports]**(
We love hearing about how you're using _The Turing Way_ book and engaging in our community - please connect with us to share and highlight your work.
:wave: Join our Community Calls!
Join us at one of our weekly community calls. All are welcome, no prior sign-ups needed!
- **Coworking call** (every Monday at 11 BST):
- **Collaboration Cafe** (bi-monthly on Wednesdays, 15-17 BST):
- **Office Hours** (weekly on Fridays, 11-13 BST):
- **Translation & Localisation weekly meet-up** (every Tuesday, 4pm-5pm BST):
- The Translation of _The Turing Way_ details are provided here:
- Please on Slack (#translation channel) to propose new languages or join the current translation teams.
- **Book Dash** (biannually - May and November)
- **Fireside Chats** (last Friday of every month at 4 BST):
:books: About
_The Turing Way_ is an open source community-driven book on reproducible, ethical and collaborative data science.
We involve and support a diverse community in participating, skill-building, exchanging ideas, developing resources and making data science inclusive as they collaborate with each other.
Our community members are learners, students, educators, researchers, policymakers, professionals, funders and more!
We look forward to welcoming you to the community!
- Explore the [GitHub repository](
- Read the book online:
:ballot_box_with_check: Quick links
- [About the project](
- [_The Turing Way_ book](
- [GitHub repository](
- [Introductory YouTube Videos](
- [5 min intro video - Kirstie Whitaker](
- [6 min 2020 update video - Malvika Sharan](
==Job Opportunities==
Lots of job opportunities to work at The Alan Turing Institute:
Particularly, community manager positions at The Alan Turing Institute will work closely with *The Turing Way* team and project will be announced regularly!
Community Calls and Events
- [Fireside Chat]( Happens monthly to facilitate cross-community discussions on data science, research reproducibility, open science, ethics, collaboration and more! - look out for announcement on Eventbrite: [](
- [Community coworking/online calls](
- Weekly Co-Working calls
- Every Monday (11:00 - 12:00 London time)
- Shared notes:
- Biweekly Collaboration cafes
- First and Third Wednesday (15:00 - 17:00)
- Shared notes:
- [Book Dash Events](
- Takes place 1-2 times a year, more engaged sprint for collaboration, networking and development
- Upcoming Book Dash in the [Twitter thread](
:hammer_and_wrench: Skill Building
- If you are new to Slack: [](
- If you are new to HackMD, please see this document for a short guide (right click, open in a new window):
- Create a **GitHub account** if you don't have one:
- If you are new to the GitHub, please check out these resources to familiarise yourself with GitHub:
- [GitHub Introductory Tutorial](
- The Turing Way chapter on [getting started with GitHub](
- Markdown cheatsheet:
- Video showing how to [open a new issue or pull request (PR) on GitHub](
- JupyterBook with Turing Way:
### The Turing Way Guides
*Explore The Turing Way Guides - you contributions are welcome as these are always a work in progress!*
- [Guide for Reproducibility](
- Learn about reproducibility, version control, licensing, data management, research environment, testing, reviewing and other best practices.
- [Guide to Collaboration](
- Learn about how to use GitHub as new user, how to collaborate on GitHub, Managing new teams and development community, collaborate remotely (host meetings, organise events, attend meetings, design co-working calls, informal coffee chats etc.)
- [Guide for Ethical Research](
- Learn what Ethical research mean and what ways and framework exist to conduct your research more ethically
- [Guide for Project Design](
- Learn why project design aspects are important in data science and how you can apply good practices.
- [Guide for Communication](
- Learn how you can communicate your research more effectively.
- [Community Handbook](
- Learn about our community practices, templates and ways of working
- [Contributors Record](
- All our contributors are acknowledged for their work. If you have participated in any way, your name should appear - if not, let the team know :)
- You can learn about how [we acknowledge different contributions](
### Training Materials
- Learn how to use Binder using [Zero to Binder tutorial](
- Make your own The Turing Way Book using this Tutorial - [Creating a Jupyter Book with The Turing Way](
## Representing _The Turing Way_
We invite you to represent _The Turing Way_ in your research community.
We have created a [promotion pack]( that links to various slidedecks that you can find on this [Google drive]( and [Zenodo community page](
Here is short introduction slide for example:
<iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="960" height="569" allowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true"></iframe>
:confetti_ball: Get started with small contributions
🎊 *Every single contribution is valuable!* 🎊
* Read a chapter in our [online book](
* Annotate using

* Create new issues using 'open an issue' button

* Suggest edit using 'suggest edit button'

* This can be fixing a typo, a broken link or adding further information to an existing chapters
* Suggest topics for new chapters (particularly if you can write them!) by [opening a new issue]( - read the description and replace *Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing.* with your suggestions
* Read what others are working on by exploring [Pull Requests](
* You can review pull requests (see [this page for details](
* Submit a case study or your tips and tricks for reproducible research, see [this template](
* Flag the unclear or duplicated information in the book by opening an [issue on the GitHub](
* Address an [old issue]( or comment on the the [pull requests](
*Let us know if you are struggling with contributing in any way so that we can provide specific support that can make you participation possible!*