Onboarding Guide for CodePath Teaching Assistant Tools === ###### *this is a central source of help, information & faq about the "CodePath Support Bot" on Slack.* #### 🆘. for emergency help, Slack message the Gurus or call [Tejen](slack://user?team=T0J064FCJ&id=U0J5HNBAM) at 415-758-3536 at any time --- # Onboarding for TAs *TAs quickly claim & answer support tickets to earn Bounties, and can help improve each others' answers to earn Bonus Bounties.* * **Screencast tutorials** * 1: [Initial setup (connecting your Discussions activity to Slack)](https://x.tejen.net/jdb) * 2: [Claiming & answering a question from Slack](https://x.tejen.net/n3b) * 3: [Claiming & answering a question from Discussions](https://x.tejen.net/v99) * 4: [Getting Paid! (sending Invoices to CodePath every 2 weeks)](https://x.tejen.net/mpc) * 5: [:star2: Tips, Tricks & Hacks](https://hackmd.io/@tejen/Hk8JX-9MP) for Power Users # Onboarding for Moderators *Moderators award bounties to TAs and optimize the system to acheive a high level of speed & accuracy.* * **Screencast tutorials** * 1: Overview *(video coming soon)* * 2: Marking support tickets as Resolved *(video coming soon)* * 3: Awarding [Bonus Bounties](https://i.imgur.com/A7OMzWB.png) for screensharing calls and high-quality answers *(see [Miscellaneous](https://hackmd.io/@tejen/Hk8JX-9MP) for instructions on the Quick Adjust menu and Manual Adjustments menu)* * 4: [Making a post Un-Claimable (deleting a support ticket)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXQ20iCCTWw) *(better video coming soon)* * 5: [Miscellaneous](https://hackmd.io/@tejen/Hk8JX-9MP) # Onboarding for Ops *Your role is to manage user roles, permissions and course intergrations.* * **Screencast tutorials** * 1: [How to integrate with a new/existing Course](https://x.tejen.net/pwf) (adding the bot, TAs, and students to each Slack channel for course) * 2: How to add more TAs to a Course * _(simply add the TA to the correct `@xyz-help` User Group in Slack)_ * 3: How to add more Moderators to a Course * _(simply add the person to the `@bot-mods` User Group in Slack)_