tags: computer-arch
# Assignment3: SoftCPU
> Due: ==Nov 30, 2022==
## Requirements
1. Following the instructions of [srv32 - RISCV RV32IM Soft CPU](https://hackmd.io/@sysprog/S1Udn1Xtt), you shall modify the assembly programs used/done with [Assignment2](https://hackmd.io/@sysprog/2022-arch-homework2) and another [LeetCode problem with medium difficulty](https://leetcode.com/problemset/algorithms/?difficulty=Medium) for [srv32](https://github.com/sysprog21/srv32) Simulation with Verilator.
* In other words, you need to prepare at least two RISC-V programs, one of which should be derived from [Assignment2](https://hackmd.io/@sysprog/2022-arch-homework2) and the other from scratch. We need a medium-difficulty LeetCode problem because we are ready to make aggressive optimizations.
* The programs for [Assignment2](https://hackmd.io/@sysprog/2022-arch-homework2) were tweaked for single-cycle RV32I core. However, [srv32](https://github.com/sysprog21/srv32) has 3-stage pipeline, and you should rework the existing code to benefit from CPU pipelining.
* [dhrystone](https://github.com/sysprog21/srv32/tree/devel/sw/dhrystone) is a good starting point for writing test cases.
* You should validate the results in your program(s).
* You should program in RISC-V assembly for the sake of further optimizations. Hint: You may modify a customized `Makefile` for building C and assembly source files from scratch.
2. Check the generated file `wave.fst` and use GTKwave to view the waveform. Then, explain how your program is executed along with [srv32](https://github.com/sysprog21/srv32) Simulation.
* Show the signals/events inside [srv32](https://github.com/sysprog21/srv32) associated to PC, branch, instruction memory (`I-MEM`), data memory (`D-MEM`), and instruction internals.
* You shall discuss pipeline architecture along with your program.
3. Propose the software optimizations (against your program) based on the pipeline design of [srv32](https://github.com/sysprog21/srv32).
+ fewer instructions
+ shorter cycle counts
+ eliminate unnecessary stalls
+ more deterministic branches
4. Write down your thoughts and progress in [HackMD notes](https://hackmd.io/s/features).
* Explain how [srv32](https://github.com/sysprog21/srv32) works with [Verilator](https://www.veripool.org/wiki/verilator).
* You should check Intel FPGA traning video **[Verilog HDL Basics](https://youtu.be/PJGvZSlsLKs)** and [Verilog Tutorial](https://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~b97067/verilog_tutorial.pdf).
* BONUS: Can you figure out the room to improve [srv32](https://github.com/sysprog21/srv32)?
## Fill in the table for your homework
| Formal given name | HackMD note |
| ----------------- |:----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Sample1 | [Homework3](https://hackmd.io/@jackli/arch_hw3) |
| Sample2 | [Homework3](https://hackmd.io/@chinghongfang/HJuNqq-cF) |
| Sample3 | [Homework3](https://hackmd.io/@_UHs74UQS7uNne9_7SwQFQ/S113vvkct) |
| Sample4 | [Homework4](https://hackmd.io/@E4b6eQ9-RWSAX-9mP_FLhA/HJwz8FgOK) |
| 王昱承 | [Homework3](https://hackmd.io/@zKOCm3SSTKyUyiPV-nfEjw/ry8RRQJ8s) |
| 黃昱澄 | [Homework3](https://hackmd.io/l6u4WbR0RRyCm0VTxlX92g?both) |
| 俞杉麒 | [Homework3](https://hackmd.io/@XiaXia/ComputerArchitecture_Hw3) |
| 賴致文 | [Homework3](https://hackmd.io/4pEhXAtXQ2CKJndmvorO3g?view#Lab3-SoftCPU) |
| 陳彥甫 | [Homework3](https://hackmd.io/@qwe661234/SybxYGTLj) |
| 黃冠予 | [Homework3](https://hackmd.io/@ZLQisilvQvOh2DclLmk1bg/BJPi5r1ws) |
| 江坤諦 | [Homework3](https://hackmd.io/@chiangkd/assignment3) |
| 洪嘉志 | [Homework3](https://hackmd.io/BiacyJ5_ScS-TYdaxxz7QA) |
| 曾晧峖 | [Homework3](https://hackmd.io/@tseng0201/r1orNmcLo) |
| 王漢祺 | [Homework3](https://hackmd.io/@wanghanchi/H1AxxO9ri) |
| 陳品崴 | [Homework3](https://hackmd.io/EDRxETipRJ6c5dYv2sPa5Q) |
| 黃榆哲 | [Homework3](https://hackmd.io/1mWb3A5PT1CNEeNK_ntOVg) |
| 吳紀寬 | [Homework3](https://hackmd.io/qgUBcEvdTuWzV78Y1OLfYA) |
| 張瑞甫 | [Homework3](https://hackmd.io/lMHf_NxVQGeO-VRIYvUV5w) |
| 陳韋勳 | [Homework3](https://hackmd.io/FDg6s_TdT6WEXlUYjjdFEg?view) |
| 張中龍 | [Homework3](https://hackmd.io/@ncxDr8I_QguW3tkdtqgZ-Q/HkQFpw1vj) |
| 周士翔 | [Homework3](https://hackmd.io/@zDmciYQATNm-8XeyJ5Th0Q/SJWknv7wo) |
| 陳奕萍 | [Homework3](https://hackmd.io/@P76111482/Sk7sAfsIi) |
| 蘇勇達 | [Homework3](https://hackmd.io/@myYWbxM9QWib1raZDkkqyw/HyltZP7Pi) |
| 莊集 | [Homework3](https://hackmd.io/@y8jRQNyoRe6WG-qekloIlA/ryoNV5Qvi) |
| 何坤霖 | [Homework3](https://hackmd.io/@dgKSmDN0T_quhIoU9NVThA/SJGcroxvo) |
| 潘鴻福 | [Homework3](https://hackmd.io/lD4VjSxhQfmolUCDUbRpXA) |
| 方宣翔 | [Homework3](https://hackmd.io/iNBiD3DpSR6pGaNHK2G8wA) |
| 黃柏瑜 | [Homework3](https://hackmd.io/@maromaSamsa/ByLKE_VDj) |
| 馮柏為 | [Homework3](https://hackmd.io/@r1YLxwFRRPe1xninh0Ma6w/B1arUdXDj) |
| 吳宇晨 | [Homework3](https://hackmd.io/CoRkdRHJS3W4EQPk3wkyZg) |
| 鄭至崴 |[Homework3](https://hackmd.io/@Fo7UsdePRsKPVV4CPYGbpA/rydAP0OSo) |
| 楊淳皓 | [Homework3](https://hackmd.io/@Vgwl_uixQFasIvsDbsFlvA/risc-v-hw3)