# **Why do Bodybuilders Use Whey Protein? Hidden Facts** ![Why do Bodybuilders Use Whey Protein](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/BJznNvYO6.jpg) Any Instagram post or reel embracing the power of bodybuilding is incomplete without the mention of whey protein. > From a pre-workout supplement to a healthy meal replacement, whey protein is always famous for its use. But the question is why do bodybuilders use whey protein? Aren’t there other forms of protein that work for them? To answer many such questions, and let your bodybuilding journey start at the right pace and under the right guidance, here is what you should know about your supplements. ## **Why do Bodybuilders Use Whey Protein?** For people new to the excitement of bodybuilding, you must have heard of whey protein but might not be well versed about its facts. Whey protein is one of the two proteins that you find in milk. They are loaded with 9 essential amino acids that are the building blocks for proteins and eventually muscles. *There are three forms of whey proteins:* ### **Whey Protein Concentrate** Consists of a high percentage of proteins, with low levels of fat and carbohydrates. The protein percentage in the concentrate type is usually lower than in other forms. They are usually preferred for their budget prices. ### **The Isolate Type** It has the highest percentage of proteins, almost 95% per serving, and lacks fats and calories, making it perfect for refined and lean muscles. Some bodybuilders consider it the best form of whey protein for muscle gains, and sculpted look. ### **Whey Protein Hydrolysate** This form of protein gets rapidly absorbed in your body and helps in faster protein synthesis. ***Since they undergo further processing to result in smaller peptides, they provide optimum energy for your muscles while also cutting down the fat storage.*** Altogether, all the forms of whey protein serve to be golden stepping stones for paving strong muscular energy and provide you with several benefits. ## **Top 5 Reasons (Benefits) of Whey Protein Supremacy** While whey protein has a range of benefits what makes them the top personal choices for bodybuilders is their ability to: ### **#1. Surge up Your Muscular Growth** Whey proteins are loaded with protein that breaks down in your body to release amino acids. These amino acids serve as the foundation for the formation of the proteins that your muscles require to grow. As these muscular proteins are synthesized, you take your first step in succeeding in the challenge of building muscles. With extra muscular growth, whey also helps you build more strength contributing to your overall bodybuilding journey. ### **#2. Pacing up the Weight Loss** Nobody wants their muscles to look flabby and covered with a dense layer of fat! But with bodybuilding comes to urge to keep munching on those savory foods. `Whey protein helps you control that urge and thus keep out those empty calories that can hinder your path to success.` With its ability to cut down the already present fat layers into a live source of energy, you are not only on a path of muscle gain but also cutting down weight. ### **#3. Preps you for Stronger Sessions** Bodybuilding is incomplete without those killing exercises, strength training, and muscle fatigue! ***But making it easier for you, whey opens the doors of glycogen storage for your muscle cells giving them a big supply of energy.*** With the glycogen expansion, your workouts become easier and smoother with better performance and results. ### **#4. Optimistic Health Achievements** While whey brings you closer to your goal of building a sculpted and chiseled physique, it also takes care of your overall health. Many scientific reports admire whey protein for its ability to fight illness and also regulate healthy blood pressure. ### **#5. Easy Protein Reserves** The easiest way to refuel your muscles with the proteins they have lost during your workout is whey protein. > It is an easy-to-use supplement that offers versatility in use, unlike many other bodybuilding supplements. However, the right usage and the correct dosage of whey protein form a crucial step in unlocking its full potential. ## **Whey Protein for Bodybuilding** Whey protein is available in various forms with the best one being the powder as it's comparatively easier to use. > While the healthy dose of protein is considered 0.8 g of proteins per kg of body weight, the whey protein dosage for bodybuilding should be 1 gram to 2 grams per kg of weight. ***1 gram of whey protein is the perfect dosage for people who desire athletic results, but for gaining lean muscles, 2 grams gives the right push.*** Since maintaining the dosage can be a tedious task, you can go for many of the whey protein supplements available in the market. ## **Crazy Nutrtion Tri Portein - Best Whey Supplement for Gains** The best supplement for whey is ideally the one that has the best of the ingredients with genuine results and no side effects. One such supplement that passes all the checkboxes of being the best whey supplement is the **Crazy Nutrition Tri-Protein.** ### **Crazy Nutrition Tri Protein Review** The Crazy Nutrition Tri-Protein mix offers a solution to all of your bodybuilding struggles with a blend of 6 natural and non-GMO proteins. These proteins together offer a breakdown of energy and strength in three stages to give you benefits like: * Stronger muscles * Higher energy * Less appetite and better-controlled portions of food * Blazing metabolism While the [**Crazy Nutrition Tri Protein Results**](https://nutribolism.com/crazy-nutrition-100-tri-protein-results-reviews/) are flooded with praises for the 6 times protein fuel that the mix has, several reviews also highlighted its easy-to-use formula. The formula giving a range of flavorful options, combines all the types of proteins to fit into the list of top bodybuilding mixes. ## **Conclusion** Whey protein for bodybuilding is like a superpower that helps you travel a great distance. In short, it makes your goals of a fitter body easier and faster to achieve with top-notch results, and a healthier body. But when using a supplement, it's always important to be fully aware of the healthy dose, and the right form. Hence when picking up your bodybuilding partner, make sure you only opt for the best quality of whey. Definately, [**Crazy Nutrition Tri Portein review**](https://nutribolism.com/crazy-nutrition-100-tri-protein-results-reviews/) from its trusted customers are worth relying, the supplement is indeed the best.