--- tags: seminar series title: What a Research Software Engineering group at a Nordic university looks like --- :::danger **General info** - **Video connection details:** - Zoom ID: 662 0907 5434 - Zoom password: rse - Zoom invite link: https://uwasa.zoom.us/j/66209075434?pwd=VmRBaFRVOXNKNFRYb1NDRGY5SXZndz09 - **Contact:** jarno.rantaharju@aalto.fi - **Date and time**: 5th April 2023, 13:00 CET [convert to your time zone](https://arewemeetingyet.com/Helsinki/2023-04-05/14:00) - **This page:** <https://hackmd.io/@nordic-rse/seminar-march-2023> ::: # What a Research Software Engineering group at a Nordic university looks like # Ice breaker: Does your institution have an RSE group? ## About the series This is an event in the Nordic RSE seminar series. * Reminder about starting recording * Find out about future events: * Check https://nordic-rse.org/events/seminar-series/. * Previous seminar talks videos available at [Youtube channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8OyVrmJEuT2lrH7zXoBrhQ) * Follow [@nordic_rse](https://twitter.com/nordic_rse) on Twitter for announcements * Join the [Nordic RSE stream](https://coderefinery.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/213720-nordic-rse) of the CodeRefinery chat * Suggest speakers: * on the [Nordic RSE stream](https://coderefinery.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/213720-nordic-rse) * by creating an issue on the [Nordic RSE website repository](https://github.com/nordic-rse/nordic-rse.github.io/issues) ## About the Nordic RSE * Represents Research Software Engineers in the Nordics. * Check out [nordic-rse.org](https://nordic-rse.org/) for other activities. * Registereed as an association in Fall 2021. * To become a member, fill in the [membership form](https://forms.gle/qCVVRGXPi3Hq7inW6). ## Speaker: Richard Darst Richard Darst works for the Aalto Scientific Computing group, that offers computing equipment and support to all researchers at Aalto. He was instrumental in forming the Aalto RSE group and currently leads the project. ## Abstract What does a Research Software Engineering (RSE) group at a Nordic university look like? Aalto RSE supports the whole university, and Richard Darst and other Aalto RSE members will discuss the history behind their team, the way it works, future prospects, and lessons for others. This talk will focus on the administrative side of things, and discussion will focus on what one should know to reproduce this work at other universities. Aalto University is the leading technical university in Finland. Started in 2020, Aalto RSE now serves the entire university in computing, data, and software problems. They work as part of Science-IT, which is effectively the local "HPC team". They have good connections to the local IT Services, Data Agents, and other research services. ## Ask your questions here 1. . 3. . 4. . 5. . 6. .