# BoM Bill of Materials for the Introduction to Applied IoT 2024 Course (1DT305) at Linnaeus University. **Necessary to buy:** - Starter Kit - Applied IoT at Linnaeus University (2024) **Optional but recommended:** - LoRaWAN Kit (to explore low-power, LPWAN connectivity) **Optional for advanced projects:** - Sensor Expansion Pack (25 modules) ## Starter Kit – Applied IoT at Linnaeus University (2024) | Quantity | ID | Name | | -------- | -------- | ---------------------------------------- | | 1 | 41019114 | Raspberry Pi Pico WH | | 1 | 10160840 | Kopplingsdäck 840 anslutningar | | 1 | 41003290 | USB-kabel A-hane - micro B 5p hane 1.8m | | 20 | 41012684 | Labbsladd 30cm hane/hane | | 10 | 41012686 | Labbsladd 30cm hona/hane | | 5 | 40810310 | Motstånd kolfilm 0.25W 1kohm (1k) | | 5 | 40810410 | Motstånd kolfilm 0.25W 10kohm (10k) | | 2 | 40850001 | Fotomotstånd CdS 4-7 kohm | | 1 | 41004308 | Tilt switch | | 1 | 41011628 | MCP9700 TO-92 Temperaturgivare | | 1 | 41015964 | TLV49645 SIP-3 Hall-effektsensor digital | | 1 | 41011480 | Magnet Neo35 Ø5mm x 5mm | | 1 | 41015728 | Digital temperatur- och fuktsensor DHT11 | | 1 | - | En billig i2c sensor ? | ## OPTIONAL - LoRaWAN Kit (optional but recommended): IoT Explorer Kit – Applied IoT at Linnaeus University (2024) Here's the updated table with the additional items and their quantities: | Quantity | ID | Name | | -------- | -------- | --------------------- | | 1 | - | Starter Kit | | 1 | 41020469 | M5Stack LoRa module | | 1 | 41020469 | LoRaWAN antenna | | 1 | 41019141 | Grove connector cable | Please note that the additional items do not have ID numbers assigned to them, as they were not provided in the original list. You may need to assign appropriate ID numbers based on your inventory system. This kit is designed for those who want to explore LoRaWAN connectivity in the course (low power, LPWAN connectivity) and dive deeper into IoT applications. ## OPTIONAL - Sensor Expansion Pack (25 modules) Provides an extensive collection of sensors for more complex IoT applications and advanced course projects. | Quantity | Name | |----------|-------------------------------------------| | 1 | Analog joystick 2-axel | | 1 | Linjeföljarsensor IR | | 1 | Kollisionssensor IR | | 1 | Piezohögtalare aktiv | | 1 | Piezohögtalare passiv | | 1 | LED-modul RGB | | 1 | LED-modul RGB SMD | | 1 | LED-modul Röd/Grön 5mm | | 1 | LED-modul Röd/Grön 3mm | | 1 | Magnetkontaktmodul mini | | 1 | Pulssensor IR | | 1 | LED-modul färgskiftande | | 1 | Tryckknapp momentan | | 1 | Vibrationssensor | | 1 | Rotationsenkoder | | 1 | Tiltsensor | | 1 | Ljussensor | | 1 | Digital temperatur- och fuktsensor | | 1 | Halleffektsensor digital | | 1 | Temperatursensor DS18B20 | | 1 | Temperatursensor NTC | | 1 | IR-sändare 38kHz | | 1 | IR-sensor 38kHz skärmad | | 1 | Knacksensor | | 1 | Optisk läsgaffel | | 1 | Labbsladd 20-pin 15cm hona/hane | | 1 | Sound Level Sensor (MAX4466 or similar) | | 1 | PIR Motion Sensor (HC-SR501) | | 1 | Ultrasonic Distance Sensor (HC-SR04) | Please note that our main distributor is Electrokit, but you can choose any provider to purchase the Raspberry Pi Pico WH, as it is widely available. If you require any clarification regarding the course materials, battery power options, or any other related topics, please don't hesitate to contact the course community through the Discord server. Our friendly community members are readily available to provide assistance and support as you embark on your Applied IoT journey. Have fun discovering the world of IoT and enjoy your learning experience! For the most up-to-date information on the course, recommended materials, and project inspiration, visit our course website at [link to the course website].