naked bannys, outfits website
education stuff
outreach, social media, marketing
Target testnet prod candidate on mainnet + op (+ arb?): Feb 12
prod: Feb 17-20
Revnet (aeolian).Missing stages support
Show: Produce the Bannyverse animated narrative.
Play: Set up Naked Banny and Outfits for sale on Mainnet and Optimism.
Spread: Set up socials for content distro. Drive all traffic to which will host official and behind-the-scenes content and link out to the minting experience, the patreon, and other destinations.
Teach: Use Banny to teach how $BANNY works and how to interact with the Bannyverse.
Lead writer and animator: Lurkmoth
Supporting artist: Sage
Revnets help you establish financial rules for your open source project, without governance, ops, or management overhead.
Revnets are useful for:
Builders who pour their time and resources into open source things they believe in.
Investors who are looking to support open source projects with a clear understanding of risks and opportunities.
Networks and communities using and contributing to open source endeavors.
A revnet is defined in sequential stages.
Nance as a revnet?
"Revenue generating"paying clients other than JBDAO :heavy_check_mark:
investors other than JBDAO
What is a revnet?
bizmodel based on network effect, over time, where newer participants acknowledge contributions from prior participants.
its a jb project owned by a contract that enforces 3 specific rules:ETH or USDC treasury?
price ceiling created by the issuance rate (i.e. 100 $NANCE / 1 ETH)
price ceiling's increase rate (2.5% every 28 days) [discount rate]