Banny's time to shine


  • Show: Produce the Bannyverse animated narrative.
  • Play: Set up Naked Banny and Outfits for sale on Mainnet and Optimism.
  • Spread: Set up socials for content distro. Drive all traffic to which will host official and behind-the-scenes content and link out to the minting experience, the patreon, and other destinations.
  • Teach: Use Banny to teach how $BANNY works and how to interact with the Bannyverse.


Lead writer and animator: Lurkmoth
Supporting artist: Sage


Lead: Peri
Support with contracts: Jango
Support with outfit curation: Mieos

Product spec (the below should work for each supported chain):
  • Allow people to buy new Naked Bannys.
  • Allow people to buy new Faces, Head gear, Suits, and Accessories as they're released.
  • Allow people to dress their Naked Bannys in outfits they own.
  • Allow people an all-in-one action to buy new Naked Banny, outfits, and dress them.
  • Allow people to see all of their dressed/undressed Naked Bannys.


Lead: Anissa
Support with content: Lurkmoth, Sage
Support with crypto crowd + financials: Jango
Support with propegation: Everyone

Engagement spec
  • TikTok strategy
  • Instagram strategy
  • Twitter strategy
  • Farcaster strategy


Lead: Jango
Support with animations: Sage

Education Spec
  • WTF is $BANNY?


Target Naked Banny Testnet Launch Date: Feb 12

  • Naked Bannys become available for sale on Sepolia Mainnet and Sepolia Optimism.
  • $BANNY goes live on Sepolia Mainnet.

Target date to start promoting Naked Banny launch: Feb 12

  • Teach people how Launch will work, what's available, what the Bannyverse is, what $BANNY is.
  • Heavy content tease throughout

Target Naked Banny Launch Date: Feb 19

  • Naked Bannys become available for sale on Mainnet and Optimism.
  • $BANNY goes live.
  • Episode 1 and 2 drop.

Target Outfit Drop 1 Launch Date: Feb 26

  • 10 outfits for collecting drop on Mainnet and Optimism.