Last updated 2022-06-20
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DRAFT CHARTER: Adopted June 2022
The Invest in Open Infrastructure (IOI) Steering Committee provides rapid decision making support to IOI’s Executive Director (ED), and works with and alongside leadership in helping to secure partnerships and support for IOI, inform IOI’s activities, and champion and expand IOI’s work.
The Steering Committee is the main voting governing body of IOI.
The following are activities of the Steering Committee designed to promote the fulfillment of its purposes as described in this Charter. These activities are set forth as a guide with the understanding that the Steering Committee may diverge from this guide as appropriate should the need arise.
Steering Committee responsibilities include the following:
Time commitment:
The Steering Committee represents community leaders, practitioners, and experts who have demonstrated success in influencing and bringing systemic change to communities. This group exists to bring new ideas, strategies, and learnings to the work of IOI from adjacent communities and areas of infrastructure.
The Steering Committee is chaired by a Chair who is appointed a 1-year term, and is a member of the Steering Committee. Committee members have staggered terms ranging from one to three years, with options to renew. For more information on terms limits, visit our Governance Roster.
The Steering Committee will meet at a minimum, monthly. Steering Committee members should work with IOI Leadership to identify a suitable recurring meeting time. Additional meetings may be scheduled on an as-needed basis.
The Governance & Nominating Committee spearhead the recruitment process for new members, including public calls for nominations and review. More on that process can be found here.
As part of their onboarding process, new Steering Committee members are required to disclose their Conflict of Interests to IOI Leadership in accordance with the IOI's Conflict of Interest Policy.
A meeting agenda and all materials required to prepare for an upcoming Steering Committee meeting will be provided at least a week in advance. Steering Committee members and IOI Leadership can choose to invite IOI staff members to join a meeting when it is helpful, e.g. to answer questions about specific aspects of IOI’s work.
Following each Steering Committee meeting, a summary detailing decisions made and key topics discussed will be shared with the Committee and IOI leadership. Meeting summaries will be posted online on IOI’s website as documentation.
This charter, any additional governing documents, and the make-up of the Committee will be reviewed at least annually to determine if any changes are needed to any aspects of the Committee’s structure, membership, or operating procedures.
This page first published: 2022-06-20
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