# Open source landscape research ###### tags: `Research` ## Who even contributes to Open Source software? SlashData approximates that 3 out of 5 developers contribute to open source. Open source contributors are more likely to be working with the emerging technologies of the future. 61% of open source developers are involved in emerging technologies of the future like Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Mobile Computing, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality. In contrast to 49% of non open source contributors. Developers in South Asia, Middle East, and Africa are more likely to contribute to open source than not. 44% of open source developers are from South Asia, Middle East, and Africa. In contrast to 39% of non open source contributors. Why do developers contribute to open source software? Developers paid to contribute to open source are less likely to contribute for a sense of belonging or to solve a problem in the world. How do non-profit organizations support open source? How do businesses contribute to open source? Why do businesses contribute to open source? Sources Who and Why contributes to Open Source - SlashData Webinars https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VezCQJK9SzA