Although you can start writing as soon as you create the note, it is recommended that you give the note a title to make it easier to find in the future. # Add or edit the title >[!Note]The default title is "Untitled" >HackMD will automatically take the first 30 characters as the title, which might remind you what the note is about. ### 1. Click the navigation bar To add or edit the note title, just click on the title on the navigation bar. ![Click the navigation bar]( ### 2. Edit title with note setting Or you can click on the <i class="fa fa-info-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> icon, which brings up **Note settings**. ![note setting change title]( # Tags ## Add tags Click the tag icon to bring up the tag menu or click on the <i class="fa fa-info-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> icon on the navigation bar, which brings up Note settings. ![image]( =400x) The tags in the notes in this workspace are ready to be applied. - Add them by clicking on the tag (again to remove). - You may want to drag a tag to change its order. - Hold <kbd>Cmd</kbd> or <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> to select or remove multiple tags. ## Change tags order Drag a tag to change its order in your note. The order of tags determine how they were shown in your workspace. >[!Tip]Press <kbd>Cmd</kbd> or <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> to choose/remove multiple tags. > ![Change tags order]( ## Create new tags When there is no tag in the workspace, then there may be no ready tag in the menu. - If you'd like to create new tags, just type anything and press <kbd>Enter</kbd> / <kbd>Return</kbd> to create a tag - Press <kbd>Esc</kbd> or click other areas of the editor to exit the tag menu. | Press <kbd>Enter</kbd> to create tags | Spaces, dash, and emoji are supported in tags | | -------- | -------- | | ![]( =300x) | ![]( =400x)| ## Creative tags You can use space,symbol,emoji while creating new tags. ![Creative tags]( ## Remove tags Removing tags removes them from the current note and does not affect other notes with the same tags. - Click <i class="fa fa-times" aria-hidden="true"></i> to remove tags. - Press <kbd>Backspace</kbd> to remove the last tag. ![image]( ## Edit tags >[!Important] Your feedback helps us creating better product! >Tagging is not currently supported in the following way: >- Edit existing tags > >However, we are collecting feedback, so feel free to share your thoughts and scenarios with us via the [“Featrue Request Form”]( ## Sort notes for personal/team spaces. You can adjust the sorting order of notes in your personal/team space by using tags. By switching to 【Show Categories】 in the 【Personal/Team Space】, HackMD will sort your notes according to the tags they have. >[!Note]The sorting order of notes is based on the first tag that is added. ![change note order by tags]( # Next {%hackmd @docs/base-theme %} <a href="/@docs/how-to-edit-metadata-of-a-note-en" class="link-card"> <i class="fa fa-angle-left" aria-hidden="true"></i> How to edit metadata of a note </a>