--- tags: DAOscovery, DAOhaus --- <--![TOC] # Discovery Survey Scaffolding Welcome to the DAOscovery form. Filling out this form will help MetaGuides take your input and develop a “guide”, so you can navigate your journey to DAOing it in the DAOhaus ecosystem. [DAO explainer](https://youtu.be/7MaucjMwEUA) **Preliminary Questions:** ### **1. Are you New to DAOs?** - if yes then **[DAO explainer]** Else (next question) — #### **[DAO explainer]** 1. Play DAO explainer 1. Request feedback 2. What are you looking to learn about DAOs? 1. **[definition]** What a DAO is 2. **[summon]** How I can use DAO technology to benefit my community 3. **[contribute]** How to contribute to a DAO 4. **[hire]** Process of Hiring a DAO 5. **[splainer]** How DAOs create value 6. **[scholar]** How to DAO 7. **[other]** 8. **[next]** — #### **[definition]** A DAO is a network of agents that manages common resource(s) in service of a shared purpose, where the power to execute actions is distributed among all agents in the network Here are some resources that provide context to what a DAO is: - [Moloch DAO Definition](https://coinmarketcap.com/alexandria/glossary/moloch-dao) - [DAOhaus Docs](https://daohaus.club/docs/users/intro-dao) - [Decentralized Autonomous Organization](https://policyreview.info/glossary/DAO) - [What is a DAO and What is it For?](https://daohaus.substack.com/p/-what-is-a-dao-and-what-is-it-for) — #### **[summon]** DAOhaus is the home for purpose-driven community DAOs, and has grown from a 2019 hackathon project into a fully-fledged platform with +1,000 DAOs. DAOhaus enables users to add capabilities of DAOs to their own projects without having to worry about complexities of writing smart contracts or building dapps. You can launch a DAO via DAOhaus in a few clicks! DAO Summoning is the act of creating or forming a DAO. The term is typically used in the context of forming a new Moloch DAO, though it can also reference the formation of any new DAO. The first Moloch DAO to be summoned was MolochDAO, summoned by Ameen Soleimani on February 14th, 2019 at ETHDenver. All key infrastructure required for a new DAO can be deployed in a matter of seconds, and multiple tools already exist that make summoning a new DAO possible with just a few clicks. The use of “summon” in the context of forming a new DAO is an expression of the urgency of calling on a community to form around a shared purpose or common values, as well as a dedication to the fundamental DAO ethos of distributed and collective ownership. In contrast, the formation of traditional companies and organizations – which are typically neither community-driven nor community-owned – is marked by more utilitarian terms like “create,” “start,” or “fund”. DAO Summoning also refers to the act of assembling new members in a new DAO. A “DAO Summoner” will call on individuals to join the DAO, assembling the first cohort of members within a new DAO. In the initial versions of the Moloch DAO framework, the DAO Summoner was the only initial member of the new DAO, which led to the need for actively assembling new members. In versions 2.1 and later, a new DAO can be summoned with multiple other initial members; this is known as “multi-summoning.” DAOs impose little requirements on members and are inherently flexible, stretching to meet the needs of many "types" of value aligned contributors. Members of a DAO have complete sovereignty over how they participate, and DAOs promote autonomy in the way of their underlying structural composition, where in legacy organizations power is concentrated and heirarchical, in a DAO power is coordinated and flat, making contributions dynamic and fluid. In a DAO, individuals are accountable to the organization itself and the DAO resists outside capture and control. Members of the DAO are responsible for themselves first and foremost, but accountability is decentralized across the DAO based on the coordinated ownership of the organization. Individuals of the DAO have the power to select their own governance policies before summoning! DAOs can be anything from a simple school club where money is pooled from individuals to purchase pizza, to a complex company that can exist as a DAO, selling products or services in exchange for cryptocurrency. DAOs are inexpensive to create on a side-chain or L2, and we've made it easy to Summon your DAO in just a few clicks! If you feel like your community is ready for a DAO but want to test the technology first, consider summoning a DAO for practice on a [a test net or gnosis chain](https://app.daohaus.club/summon). If you've read through this and feel secure enough to move forward and summon your DAO frreal, then click to the next section **[summoner]** - else [w] — #### **[contribute]** > a DAO is just a chatroom with a shared bank account DAOhaus is the home for purpose driven community DAOs. This type of DAO does more than imbue a sense of ownership for contributors, it puts ownership directly into the hands of those who create value! DAOhaus DAOs operate ontop of [MolochV2](https://medium.com/raid-guild/moloch-evolved-v2-primer-25c9cdeab455), which will soon be outgrown by [Moloch v3 (Baal)](). The novel mechanic that Moloch introduced is **ragequit**, allowing any member to exit shares/loot and retrieve pro-rata their assets held in the DAO treasury. DAOhaus DAOs distribute ownership to their members through share issuance, many DAOs encourage a combination of earning and pledging tribute for shares in their organization, and ulike other DAOs, in MolochV2 there is no method for shares to be purchased or transferred from one address to another, making it so members can only receive shares through vote. Membership is not required to participate or contribute in many DAOs, however, each DAO has (or doesn't have) it's own set of policies to help enforce DAO membership. ![](https://i.imgur.com/0NxYYRX.png) So how do you contribute to a DAO? Contributing to a DAO can look very different depending on the type of DAO and underlying mechanics that give structure to the organization, not to mention the cultural and social elements that underpin relationships between members. And choosing which DAO you want to contribute to can be a daunting task, but it is all made easier when you start! Here are some considerations for prospective DAO contributors: (Answer each of the following: do you know? (yes/no)) 1. why you want to contribute to a DAO? - if yes (next question) - else **[why do you want to contribute to a DAO? (long-text Rich-Format)]** 2. what you are passionate about contributing to? - if yes (next question) - else **[what you are passionate about contributing to? (long-text Rich-Format)]** 3. how your skills translate into opportunties to contribute? - if yes **[skills]** - else **[skills]** **[skills]** 1. Are you technical or non-technical? - **[technical]** - **[non-technical]** - **[polymath]** — ***[technical]** 2. What are you primary skills as a technical person? - **[Backend]** - **[Frontend]** - **[Dev Ops]** - **[JS]** - **[Node.js]** - **[React]** - **[Rust]** - **[Python]** - **[Solidity]** - **[Subgraph]** - **[Substrate]** - **[SQL]** - **[Typescript]** - **[UX/UI]** - **[Other]** -- ***[non-technical]** 3. What are you primary skills as a non-technical person? - **[BizDev]** - **[Community Management]** - **[Content]** - **[Finance]** - **[Game Theory]** - **[Illustration/Visual Design]** - **[Memes]** - **[Project Management]** - **[Tokenomics]** - **[Other]** -- ***[polymath]** 4. What are your primary skills as a Polymath? - **[BizDev]** - **[Backend Dev]** - **[Community Management]** - **[Content]** - **[Dev Ops]** - **[Frontend Dev]** - **[Finance]** - **[Game Theory]** - **[Illustration/Visual Design]** - **[Project Management]** - **[Memes]** - **[Solidity]** - **[Subgraphs]** - **[Tokenomics]** - **[UX/UI]** - **[Other]** -- -- ***[technical]** 5. How would you rate your level of expertise in building the following? - Dapps - Data models - Defi infrastructure - DAO tooling - Marketplaces - NFT products - Platforms - Smart contracts - other -- ***[non-technical]** 6. How would you Rate your level of expertise in using the following for building community - Adobe - BrightID - Ceramic/IDX - CollabLand - Commonwealth - Discord - Discourse - Figma - Gnosis Safe - Gnosis Zodiac - Google Suite - Llama - Medium - Mirror - Parcel - POAP - RabbitHole - Reddit - SEO/SEM - Snapshot - SourceCred - Substack - Twitter 4. what DAO you want to contribute to? - if yes (next question) - else **[[DAO list](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YRfIhcckhdNi9xSaCpCIDc2VV5HkprLlnp7lbTh5Txk/edit#gid=464771811)]** 5. what is the name of the DAO(s) you want to contribute to? (Long answer Rich text) 6. how your values align with the DAO you want to contribute to? - if yes (next question) - else **[what are your values? (long-text Rich-Format)]** 7. how to participate in governance in the DAO you want to contribute to? - if yes (next question) - else **[governance]** 8. how to get compensated in the DAO you want to contribute to? - if yes (next question) - else **[compensate]** 9. Is there any additional context you would like to provide the DAO you want to contribute to? (yes/no) - if yes **[info]** - else (next question) — **[hire]** ** - **(*Indicates that process varies DAO to DAO*)** The process of hiring a DAO can be relatively straight forward and *****varies*** depending on the organization you are interacting with. For any DAO you are looking to hire and assuming you are going to hire the DAO, there are several key actions we reccomend you take: 1. **Submit project information 2. **Setup consultation 3. Evaluate if project team is a good fit based on your needs and values 4. **Request scoping doc 5. **Execute project payment sending funds into [escrow contract](https://smartinvoice.xyz/) controlled by the client and the DAO for hire. 6. **Release payments through the duration of the project based on completion of deliverables. When hiring a DAO, you need to know what blockchain the DAO conducts its operations on. If you know what chain the DAO is operating on and you know what currency the DAO accepts as payment, then you shouldn't have too difficult a time figuring out the rest! If you think you are ready to take it to the next level and hire a DAO, navigate over to **[client]** where you can find and select different DAOs available for hire. — **[splainer]** DAOs are not so different from traditional organizations in that they can offer a variety of products and services to their customers and community. The landscape of service offerings across the DAO ecosystem is widening, albeit, the products and services being offerred primarily exist in a crypto or blockchain native world. What separates DAOs from traditional organizational structures is that they embed embed mechnism for contributors to align incentives and manage shared-resources in s This is to say, the majority DAOs that exist today serve as a means to an end, they are a tool for organizations or communities to effect change as a collective of individuals solving toward some set of common goals. of organizations creating value today are developing new software or hardware leveraging DAOs as a means to their conducting successful business. while at remain native to cryptocurrency or -- — ### **2. How many DAOs are you a part of (scale question)** - If count = 0, then skip next question (3) 1.[member] Are you a part of any DAOhaus DAOs? (yes/no) (no logic) 2. What DAOs do you spend your time contributing to? (What DAOs do you spend **most** of your time in?) -- ### **3. What brings you to the DAOscovery form? I want to:** 1. **[summoner]** Summon a DAO 2. **[contributor]** Join a DAO 3. **[client]** Hire a DAO 4. **[grantee]** Obtain a Grant 5. **[granter]** Submit a Grant 6. **[delegate]** Join UberHaus 7. **[scholar]** Learn How to DAO 8. **[dao]** Submit DAO Information 9. **[discover]** Explore DAO Resources --- #### **[summoner]** 1. How are you looking to use DAOhaus for your community? 2. Did you review any of the Summoner docs? (indicate with a check) - [Summoner best practices](https://daohaus.club/docs/handbook/summoners/summoners-best-practices) - [Summon a DAO](https://daohaus.club/docs/users/summon) - [Choosing your DAO](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ETprEWOej7_xmgQUE52zaehJ-M9hDnVT/view) 3. What type of DAO would you like to Summon? - Guilds - work collectively to offer services - Clubs - little to no financial decisions - Ventures - large to XL financial decisions - Grants - distribute wealth together - Products - govern a Product or Protocol 5. Are you familiar with all of the tools available to your DAO through DAOhaus? - if yes, (next question) - else, **[tools]** — ***[tools]** DAOhaus offers a robust "ecosystem" of tools for DAOs and contributors alike to take advantage of. You can find these tools in the Boost Marketplace, where community developers can integrate their dapps into the core DAOhaus application. Here you can find the right boost for your DAO 👉[installing boosts](https://daohaus.club/docs/users/boosts/installing-boosts). 1. What features would you like to know more about? (select one) - **[contributor experience]** - **[molochv2]** - **[boost catalog]** - **[disperse]** - **[rarible]** - **[dao books]** - **[superfluid]** - **[wrapnzap]** - **[discourse forum]** - etc. - **[yeeter]** - **[CCO]** - 2. _ 5. Do you know your DAOs unique purpose and vision? - if yes then **[purpose & vision]** - Else **[dao]** -- #### ***[purpose & vision]** (logic requires response) 1. What is your community about? (short answer) 2. How can DAOhaus help your community achieve its purpose? (short answer) 3. Does your community have any interest in exploring the DAO of DAOs, UberHaus? (yes/no) 4. how would your community like to use the DAOhaus platform? (long-text) -- #### ***[dao]** 1. Provide any resources you would like to share so we can help your DAO shape it's purpose & vision e.g (manifesto, charter, mission)? — — #### **[contributor]** Do you know how to contribute to a DAO? - if yes (next question) - else **[contribute]** -- ### **5.**