# Signal Session Feedback 6 Responses ## Did you participate in Signal Session #5? ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/HJvDHLV-C.png) ## What prevented you from participating in Signal Session #5? - I don't really understand what is going on - I tried to this morning but I was facing issues with Rabbi. It kept me on Main Net and I couldn't get the wallet to switch over from main net so the button to allocate stayed disabled. Then I had to leave to go take care of my dad... ## Have you participated in previous signal sessions? ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/Sk7t88EZC.png) ## Explain in your own words how the signal sessions work - ??? - Suggest topics and project ideas to gain perspective on what the PublicHAUS community wants to work on. Once the signal session is complete we hope to use that data to make informed decisions on what to work on and spend money. - people signal at the start of a season on what to prioritize community effort and resources. People vote at the end to recognize members that helped achieve those priorities. - Open signal session that allow DAOHaus community and stewards to prioritize objectives for the next period - DAO members claim points based on the amount of HAUS token they have staked. They then use these points to vote on various initiatives which have been submitted. Each initiative gets funded with HAUS token based on how many points they got in the signaling session. This also helps prioritize new initiatives because theoretically things that are most important will be higher up on the list, although this of course can be gamed if someone has a heavy enough bag of tokens or colludes with other members. - Claim points. Vote on choices. Nothing happens after that. ## What problems have you identified with the signal session process? - I feel like we could have a slightly longer or shorter voting period. - overhead with comms and ops, inactivity. - Maybe it would be good to allow a window for anyone to propose objectives. Once it closes, these are listed on the signal session app and no others can be added during voting period - As I previously states it can probably be gamed by someone with a large amount of tokens. Also as someone who isn't as active in the DAO it's sometimes hard to follow what each initiative is actually about, you have to search through discord to find the threads and read up on everything there to get a real idea and that can be a lot when there are many items to vote on. - Not much participation. ## What problems have you identified with the signal session tools? - Network switching in the connect app. Should allow the app to switch networks for the user. - does not refresh data when expected. does not recognize wrong network correctly and notify. - None - It's weird that I have to claim points before I vote, why can't I just vote based on the tokens I've staked and remove that extra step? It might be interesting to be able to allocate a percentage of points, instead of individual points, I'm bad at math and never know what I want to do with the extra 1.02 points I have at the end. Maybe adding a recurring vote for a general public goods, or grant fund to get more people excited about building on the platform and start creating DAOs again, would also give me something to do with those leftover points I always have at the end, the ol' round up for charity ruse. - Seems like empty signalling. Nothing happens for winners. ## If you could wave a magic wand how would you improve the signal session process or tools? - Hmmm, in wallet messaging with push notification =P - It is important for groups to learn how to govern themselves. If we do not have that experience then we will never be able to take that responsibility from those that think they know the best for us. A community that can't govern is a honey pot, a power vacuum and will be captured. it's not enough to demand democracy we also have to participate, learn and gain experience. If I could wave a magic wand I would want more people to participate and see more diverse opinions surfaced in the priorities, see more feedback and dissenting opinions. I want the overhead to feel worthwhile. - Damn I guess I already said all that with the previous questions, wasn't expecting this one, you caught me off guard...