# Protocol Maintenance :: Q2 Focus ## April ### Subgraph Migration Hosted service will be rate limited on June 21st. There are a few housekeeping items we need to define and then we can migrate and update the deployment guides. - [x] Determine if we can use the mainnet safe for arbitrum studio graphs - WE CANNOT - [x] If not, set up an arbitrum safe and bridge tokens in mainnet safe to it arb1:0x08678A8d65D8d81bD13db617211F1E9CE176B2fB https://app.safe.global/home?safe=arb1:0x08678A8d65D8d81bD13db617211F1E9CE176B2fB - [ ] Migrate subgraphs - [ ] Migrate funds - [ ] Update endpoints in SDKs and make a breaking SDK version bump - [ ] Update starter app repo and docs --- - How do we get current subgraphs on the mainnet network onto arbitrum - and can grt be moved there for query fees? https://thegraph.com/docs/en/arbitrum/l2-transfer-tools-guide/ #### Paths 1. Migrate current studio subgraphs to abritrum network/studio - will have a new arbitrum safe as owner of the studio account - current signal should move with the subgraphs - new endpoints and api keys will be created - we then have 48 hours to update these in SDK/production apps - transfer billing balance to the new arbitrum account SUBGRAPHS - mainnet v2 - mainnet, base and gnosis chain v3 2. Migrate current hosted service subgraphs - Use the tool in the hosted service - Transfer to the abritrum safe account - Need to immediately update these in the SDK/production apps ***unknowns*** - Will any of these require publishing + grt signalling? - It seems we can query them without doing this, but might get rate limited, so we'll keep an eye on it after deployment SUBGRAPHS - polygon, gnosis, arbitrum, optimism, sepolia v2 - polygon, arbitrum, optimism, sepolia v3 ### SOP Development - [ ] Subgraph deployment process ### Other Output - [x] Update the safe that owns our studio subgraphs - Add rowdy and remove jord and spencer - jord: 0x756ee8b8e898d497043c2320d9909f1dd5a7077f - spencer: 0x15c6ac4cf1b5e49c44332fb0a1043ccab19db80a - rowdy: 0xa8cadc2268b01395f8573682fb9dd00bd582e8a0 - santiago: 0x224aba5d489675a7bd3ce07786fada466b46fa0f - Update to 2 of 5 for quicker deployment - [ ] populate issues and clean up issue backlog ## May/June ### SOP Development - [ ] SDK PR/Testing/Release Process (if time allows, other wise this moves to may) - [ ] Issue Triage Process - watching for bug reports - documenting and curating issues - allocating bounties or reto-active payment back to contributors - [ ] Review and update code contribution guides - [ ] SDK PR/Testing/Release Process - [ ] Contract Development/PR/Testing/Release Process ### Other Output - New pages in docs.daohaus.club for each SOP - Discord accouncements/pinned messages for people to find these SOPs - Assess subgraph query/deploymenbt budget to see if we need to buy more GRT #### Considerations - There is no contribution details or deployment instructions for contract updates - need to work with @dekanbro on this. - Maybe some thoughts on how projects funded by PH (yeeter, din/duce, ect..), should be encouraged to contribute code back to protocol