tags: meeting note
# CodeRefinery team meeting and community calls
- Date: **Every Monday**, 14-14:30 CEST / 15-15:30 EEST
- Ambassador calls +- once a month, 14-15 CET, same Zoom link
- Invited: Everybody welcome
- This document: https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/team-meeting
- Zoom connection details: https://cscfi.zoom.us/j/66165768646
- To-Do list: https://coderefinery.org/tasks/
- New people onboarding: https://coderefinery.github.io/manuals/onboarding/
- Archive of older meetings: https://github.com/coderefinery/meeting-minutes
## 2025-01-20 Team meeting
- Website and Lessons analytics
## 2025-01-14 OpenHouse
-> https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/oh_git_masterclass
## 2025-01-13 Team meeting
Attending: RD, DI, JH, RB, EG, BL
- CodeRefinery news and info
- CodeRefinery continuation
- Phase 3 until end of Feb'25
- Phase 4 application to NeiC in preparation
- NeiC now hosted by CSC, Tomasz M appointed interim director
- NeiC funding in future only travel funding
- change: coordination will need to be in-kind too
- Risk: New partner worries about in-kind coordination and contribution
- Deadline Jan 23
- WIP: https://github.com/coderefinery/reports-and-proposals/tree/main/phase-4-proposal
- RB will draft a starting point for 5-ish page proposal by tomorrow
- NAISS meeting end of week: draft would be nice
- general info: we continue what we do, onboard new organizations, weave in AI (because some of in-kind funding will come from AI projects)
- plan: collaboration will apply for EU funding
- Info for interested organizations (WIP): https://github.com/coderefinery/reports-and-proposals/blob/main/phase-4-proposal/info_for_new_organizations.md
- Letters of commitment needed from your home organization until early Feb (but ASAP):
- template: https://github.com/coderefinery/reports-and-proposals/blob/main/phase-4-proposal/letter_of_commitment_template.md
- Aalto,FI: in progress
- CSC, FI: SW on it
- NRIS, NO: RB will do it
- UiB included via NRIS
- UiO, NO: RB will send to JKN with SR in copy
- NTNU, NO: BL will forward letter
- NAISS, SE: in progress
- DK: RB will do it
- Iceland/Baltics: SW outreach to NeiC representatives in progress with TM
- OpenHouse
- Last open house in Dec: https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/workshop_format_ideas
- Next open house tomorrow 9-12 CET: https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/oh_git_masterclass
- Spring CR
- Date: March 25-27 and April 1-3, 2025
- Coordinators: Enrico and Diana
- Website: https://coderefinery.github.io/2025-03-25-workshop/ (draft)
- Team interest:
- teaching: RB, RD, BL, DP
- helping: DP
- outreach: DP
- no can do:
- Practical TTT ("Make the livestream stuff comfortable for everyone")
- Coordinator: ...
- Instructors: RD, BL, RB ...
- Participants: ...
- time req: 1h group discussion + 1h in groups of 2-3.
- Introduction topic in chat, encourage your colleagues to introduce themselves :)
- Events and outreach
- RB multiple in-person teaching events:
- Python workshop for computational chemists: https://coderefinery.github.io/python-progression/
- NRIS event about Snakemake, Jan 21: https://documentation.sigma2.no/training/events/2025-spring-best-practices-tools.html#episode-1-21-01-2025-10-00-12-00-cet-how-to-parallelize-independent-tasks-on-hpc
- One-week in-person CodeRefinery workshop in Tromso, tailored towards ML end of Jan
- RB, RD, SW: Code4Thought recording this week
- DP, SW: poster submission to ISC in progress
- SW co-submitted minisymposium to PASC incl CodeRefinery talk
- SW co-submitted tutorial to ISC "best practices in HPC training", based on CR TTT
- Potential for CR short talk at EuroCC BoF at ISC
- [BioNT course using CR material](https://www.cecam.org/workshop-details/code-collaborate-the-fairytale-of-software-development-1447)
- Starting a machine learning training and need to think how this could be part of CR as well (e.g. https://naic.pages.sigma2.no/tutorials/bioinformatics/python4bioinformatics/)
- re-delivery possible as CodeRefinery after the first event
- RD can help with streaming part, BL can help with the shared document
- Open discussion
## 2024-12-17 OpenHouse
-> https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/workshop_format_ideas
## 2024-12-16 Ambassador call (1 hour)
- Introductions
- CodeRefinery news and info
- [8 years of CodeRefinery - celebratory blog post](https://coderefinery.org/blog/2024/09/19/celebrating-8-years/)
- [Governance](https://github.com/coderefinery/governance-charter)
- living document
- version 1 to go live in February
- goal: make it easier/clearer to join/contribute
- comments welcome (on GitHub or Google Doc or email or chat)
- Outreach
- Carpentries Connect with a poster
- ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/H1bjjKp41e.png)
- Great discussions, experience sharing, instructor exchange
- Advanced Git curriculum development hackathon
- Designing Effective Intermediate-Level Courses: Challenges and Insights
- Some blogposts coming soon
- Code4Science symposium by deRSE (Summary will soon be published in German, SW to work on dissemination to Nordics)
- Research software competencies discussions to develop recommendations for action
- Multiplicators, talk about it
- Teach from beginner to advanced level , show tools, material collaboration and reuse
- get leaders aboard
- integration into curricula
- provide infrastructure
- include funders in discussuion
- low barrier onboarding
- success and horror stories
- policies
- Plans for for further outreach:
- ISC deadline coming: events channel to coordinate (https://coderefinery.zulipchat.com/#narrow/channel/440358-events)
- Upcoming
- Timing for next workshop :calendar: -> Go vote: https://coderefinery.zulipchat.com/#narrow/channel/316508-coderefinery-tools-workshop/topic/Spring.202025.20CR.20workshop/near/478247758
- Open House events (next tomorrow tue 9-12 CET, same Zoom link as this meeting, topic 2nd week of CodeRefinery) :wave: -> Collaborative notes: https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/workshop_format_ideas (you can also add ideas if you cannot join tomorrow)
- Advent of code meetup (2024-12-19 9-11 CET, same Zoom link as this meeting), discuss, share and learn :heart:
- https://adventofcode.com/
- we will try to solve 1-2 programming puzzles together
- Open discussion
- Practical tech train the trainer before the next workshop? -> will be organized
- KiT: wants to join biyearly workshop "with own classroom"
- CR TTT is somewhat similar to Carpentries
- Good to get to test technical aspects before teaching in the workshop
- MM interested to help more :)
- Instructor meetup in ~Jan/February
- Changes to lesson materials
- Small changes: go ahead send a Pull Request to a lesson
- Larger changes: Open discussion in chat or in issue in the lesson repository
- Some changes may fit as optional exercises, or additional material/episodes
- Use intructor guide to build the learning path through the modules
- Also removal of certain parts can be suggested
## 2024-12-09 Open discussion
## 2024-12-02 Open discussion
## 2024-11-25 Reports and news
- SC '24
- Spack going big
- MultiGPU
- nice keynotes on HPC success stories and weather forecast (comination of ML and traditional methods)
- Carpentries mentioned in a session on modern Fortran
- amount and visibility of teaching of modern fortran needs to be improved
- https://carpentries-incubator.github.io/intro-to-modern-fortran/
- Emulation of floating point arithmetics with 32 or 64 precision on lower-bit hardware in modern GPUs is an active field of development. Good speed and performance/Watt demonstrated.
- Python for SciComp
- first time 3 days
- all in all alL went well :)
- RSSE series (Radovan) - Enabling Reproducibility through Research Code
- Recording: https://rsse.africa/events-rsse-africa/2024-11-14/
- CarpentryConnect
- Good community connections
- Multiple interested in teaching / Ambassador / more info, SW to send e-mails end of this week
- OLS / DRA / Carpentries happy to help with whatever needed
- BioNT
- focus on industry and job seekers
- RD gave training
- resuing materials
- mention CR
- Governance
- What if someone wanted to join CR?
- OpenHouse events coming up
- https://coderefinery.org/join/meetings/#open-house-events
- RD: Manuals vs train-the-trainer organization, adding practical practice
- exercises to TTT materials
- why and lots background info into manuals
- manuals need some updates
## 2024-11-18 Team call
- Discussing train the trainer before next CR tools Spring 2025
- Platforms for MOOC (moodle, vs coursera, vs udemy)
## 2024-11-11 Governance
- We will discuss: https://github.com/coderefinery/governance-charter
- This is about creating a framework for making big-picture decisions about the project and its intellectual property
- Could you highlight a bit what exactly is different in this governance draft to how it is done now?
- situation now:
- governance model is the PPS model (it is a project steering model developed by Tieto-Evry) which defines how projects can be steered and managed with clear roles for project owner (NeIC, TM), project manager, steering group
- big-picture decisions: steering group
- day-to-day management: project manager
- intellectual property management: undefined
- trademark management: basically undefined
- "it works" but ...
- why RB believes we need something different in future:
- PPS model is good but might not be enough anymore
- PPS model is more administration-facing but we need something community-facing
- what if NeIC stops funding it? (it looks like NeIC might continue funding but this was a clear risk)
- what if NeIC stops to exist? (also this won't happen soon but this was a clear risk)
- I belive that more than one person should make decisions about this project
- what if there is disagreement? (not a problem yet)
- what if somebody has questions about intellectual property and name and logo and labels?
- clarifying and democtracizing the decision process might make it more inviting for people and organizations to contribute their time and in-kind
- There is a sentence "We will continue giving courses like we have been doing": This would be interesting to look in deeper. Not necessarily to write it differently in the governance document, but so that all contributors and partners are on same page. We have 2 large tools workshops, and a train the trainer workshop, where the CodeRefinery label is quite clear. We make it happen. But then there is other courses, some of which have a lot of "CR contributions" , others only few. Some are partly advertized as CodeRefinery workshops others mention it in contributions. It would be interesting to look into this more. Whats our training portfolio? Who can put the CR logo on their training etc. Maybe this needs a separate discussion. Just wanted to bring it up now to not forget.
- our training portfolio: it evolved and it's basically the lessons page but it's organic and needs to be more clearly defined and steered and the document is an attempt to make this easier or even possible
- who can put the CR logo on their training: same as above. this wasn't clearly defined and it wasn't a big problem yet since we were small but now we are at a size/growth where this needs some structure.
- RD: I would interpert this as "This document isn't proposing to change anything right now" but it's up to the new advisory board and community to figure out the place for the smaller community workshops.
- Please ask yourself and answer here or in the GitHub repo or in the Google Doc (linked from GitHub repo):
- Would you be happy to contribute to a project that would be organized and governed that way?
- Even if you stopped contributing today, would you be comfortable if the outlined organization structure would make decisions about your past contributions? (data, lessons, intellectual property, trademark)
- What is missing in that document?
- What would you like to see changed or reformulated?
- Next steps:
- RB will request comments from NeIC and the steering group
- Goal is to get this approved before March 1st, 2025
What to modify:
- [SR] There is no indication on who will look for money ? doean CR need money ?
- connection to finances and funding needs to be clarirfied
- [SR] The governance structure would also depends on how it is funded.
- shorten the mission/vision/guiding principles to fewer bullet points (but please help commenting there so that it becomes "our" mission/vision and not one person's)
- add historical background context to the document to make it clearer why this is needed and what was there before
- cross-border events might need clearer guidelines about advertising and reporting (can I report a large collaborative workshop as "our" work if "our" contribution was 10% ?)
- clarify what CodeRefinery workshop means
## 2024-11-04 Ambassador call
- Welcome
- Introductions
- Name, location/affiliation, CodeRefinery connection, last bird you saw
- Bjørn, NTNU, Instructor, Raven
- Eckhard Kadasch, zedif, Friedrich-Schiller University Jena, Germany, word of mouth
- Michele Mesiti, KIT, zulip chat dweller + CR materials scavenger, Heron
- Alessandra Vittorini Orgeas, HCEMM(Hungarian Centre of Excellence for Molecular Medicine),participant of coderefinery workshop on GitHub,forgot name
- Ambassador stories to share
- reusing CR git material to make my own course (with mixed results - bad parts due to my mistakes)
- CodeRefinery news
- September workshop
- [Stats](https://coderefinery.org/about/statistics/)
- Bring your own code sessions: see below
- [CodeRefinery train the trainer workshop](https://coderefinery.org/blog/train-the-trainer/)
- [Python for Scientific Computing (starting tomorrow)](https://scicomp.aalto.fi/training/scip/python-for-scicomp-2024/)
- [Goodies](https://coderefinery.org/about/goodies/)
- [Slideset]() (ambassador wish), [source](https://github.com/coderefinery/presentations)
- CR at [CarpentryConnect](https://biont-training.eu/CarpentryConnect2024.html) (next week)
- Working on the future of the project :sunny:
- Reminder: Newsletter and digest
- Newsletter: Once in a while: https://postit.csc.fi/sympa/subscribe/coderefinery
- Chat digest, weekly: https://postit.csc.fi/sympa/subscribe/coderefinery-team
- Would you like to be on the website?
- Michele Mesiti
- What do you need from us?
- Open discussion
- Discussions around Certification and Examination, testing knowledge retention
- Bring your own code experiences from different places with support sessions
- Workshops: twice a year "main CodeRefinery" + many others
- Experiences with "background knowledge" needed for advanced computing courses, ie people work with computers but do not know how a filesystem is built up, or how a computer in general works (important to get some of the HPC concepts etc)
- RD/Aalto figures here:
- https://github.com/AaltoSciComp/aaltoscicomp-graphics/blob/master/figures/learning-slopes.png
- https://github.com/AaltoSciComp/aaltoscicomp-graphics/blob/master/figures/learning-slopes-extra.png
On Monday, we held our third Ambassador Call, bringing together our ambassador community for another engaging session. After a brief round of introductions, we shared the latest updates and outcomes from previous calls (see [notes](https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/team-meeting)).
The following discussion covered a variety of topics, including insights from different organizations on hosting "Bring Your Own Code" or other support sessions, methods for recognizing attendance at CodeRefinery and other workshops ("Do we need an exam?"). We also discussed the prerequisites for computing courses, debating whether introductory "How Computers Work" sessions or basic filesystem knowledge should be required.
If this sounds intriguing, we’d love to have you join the CodeRefinery Ambassador Program! [Sign up](https://postit.csc.fi/sympa/subscribe/coderefinery-ambassadors/) to stay connected. As an ambassador, your role can be as unique as you are — whether it’s sharing information with your network, hosting your own classroom for a CodeRefinery workshop, co-developing lesson materials, or even teaching alongside us. The only requirement? A passion for CodeRefinery and the topics we cover.
## 2024-10-28 Catch up and reports from recent and upcoming events
- Check in: Emoji showing how your monday is going and how your weekend was:
- SW: :tornado: / :leaves:
- RB: :leaves: / :robot_face: / :stopwatch:
- RD: :handshake:
- CodeRefinery Bring your own code session 1 (Radovan and Diana)
- FUN :)
- 5-6 people, screens were shared, ton of questions (container, structure Python code, when to move out of one to multiple files)
- good feedback
- CodeRefinery Bring your own code session 2: moved to Dec 18
- 10-12 CET/ 11-13 EET
- Python for Scientific Computing: status and help needed
- Install instructions need help (moving away from Anaconda)
- Testing and update needs to be done, especially Windows
- Installing and activating a environment from file documentation is needed
- This does not have an issue, discussion on chat
- RD takes and tries to do the first update by tomorrow afternoon.
- Parallel programming: co-instructor needed: RD
- mpi4py? - yes
- RD and JH to have a chat :)
- HPC training ecosystem session at EuroCC2 "Best practices in HPC training" training
- Some notes in chat: https://coderefinery.zulipchat.com/#narrow/channel/440358-events/topic/2024.20-.20Best.20practices.20in.20HPC.20training
- Nice to see what others are doing
- Too little time for interaction, collaboration
- Repeat once in a while with more interaction
- Morning session (not too late in afternoon)
- What should we do in reaction to it?
- more documentation to the CR lesson template
- Nordic-RSE:**Advent of Code** session
- Dec 19. Please let RB know if you want a cal invite or in chat (#nordic-rse channel)
- Goal to meet for half a day, work together, have fun
- Previous years puzzles are also available
- https://adventofcode.com/
- Spring CodeRefinery dates in March/April 2025
- dates to avoid?
- preferred dates?
- -> https://coderefinery.zulipchat.com/#narrow/channel/316508-coderefinery-tools-workshop/topic/Spring.202025.20CR.20workshop
- NeiC wants CR to continue, even without proposal :tada:
- What it means for your organization: TBD
- NeiC encourages to ask for EU funding
- "AI call (soon, CSC & Aalto involved)""
- "training staff in these practices"
- Celebratory blog-post: Reviewers wanted!
- [PR](https://github.com/coderefinery/coderefinery.org/blob/b4e869c23eeae669204a84ca9258570e51ba21f9/content/blog/2024-09-19-celebration.md)
- Updates to [Meetings tab on website](https://coderefinery.org/join/meetings/)
- New minutes archive repo
- AOB?
- RB: job situation after January
- Ambassador call next week :)
## 2024-10-21
- Python for scientific computing Nov 5-7
- Bring your own code session Oct 22 and 29
- To be discussed later at co-work: ideas on how to better manage and follow-up on support@coderefinery.org (follow-up not meaning answering but how to close issues)
- GitLab service future: looking good but documents still to be written and signed but it looks like DK might be able to continue running this in-kind
Older meetings: https://github.com/coderefinery/meeting-minutes