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Raspberry Pi Sensors Installation

Web version:

Updated: 2024/04/26

Guidance for hardware installation: rpi_sensors Hardware Installation

The package installer for sensor depends on Raspberry Pi 4. The ROS2 environment is based on Docker.

System requirements:

  • OS: Raspberry Pi OS (64-bit recommend)
  • RAM: 4G or higher

Now supported sensor types:

  • GPS module (MAX-M8Q GNSS, ZED-F9P HAT)
  • SenseHat module (IMU and environment sensors)
  • RF Communication module (send and receive)
  • Ultrasound module (HC-SR04 sensors)
  • Webcam module (Based on OpenCV4)
  • WebRTC streaming camera (Based on GStreamer)


For Newly Install (No ros2_docker Under Home Path)

Run the pre-install to grab git controlled SensorPack directory (renamed as ros2_docker). Make sure Raspberry Pi 4 is connected to the internet before installation.

curl -fsSL | bash

The new directory ros2_docker will be created under $HOME.

Module Installation

  1. Run the script under ros2_docker to install package for selected module.
    ​​​​. ~/ros2_docker/
    Select a number for module installation
  2. Determine the network interface and IP for program to execute.
  3. Reboot while installation finished. The program will be running at startup automatically.

Effects After Installation

  • Files Creation:
    • Under $HOME/ros2_docker
      • Dockerfile.tmp
      • .modulename (selected module pack name)
      • .moduleinterface (interface setting)
      • .modulename (IP setting)
      • common.yaml (copy from codePack package)
      • service.json (copy from codePack package)
    • Under System Environment
      • /boot/config.txt.tmp
      • /etc/dhcpcd.conf.tmp
      • /etc/xdg/autostart/ros2_docker.desktop (startup)
  • Dependencies Installation
    • python3 python3-dev python3-pip git curl
    • Docker
    • APT installed packages were listed under requirement_apt.txt.
    • Python3 pip installed packages were listed under requirement_pip.txt.

Module Update

  1. Run the script under ros2_docker directory and enter u for update process.
    ​​​​# Enter 'u' for update process
  2. The update process will update codePack under ros2_docker by pulling repositories from git server.
  3. After pulling, the module program will start rebuilding if module program had been installed before.

Module Removal

  1. Run the script under ros2_docker directory and enter r for package remove process.
    ​​​​# Enter 'r' for update process

The files which describes at Effects After Installation section will be removed except the files installed from requirement_apt.txt and requirement_pip.txt.

  • Remove docker image (option)
    check container
    ​​​​sudo docker ps -a
    stop and delete container if running
    ​​​​sudo docker stop <container_id>
    ​​​​sudo docker rm <container_id>
    check images
    ​​​​sudo docker images
    delete image
    ​​​​sudo docker rmi <image_id>

Parameters Setting for ROS2

Settings may be varient in different sensors, but there are some common parameters need to be changed:

  1. Device node name (under generic_prop tag)
  2. Device ID (under generic_prop tag)
  3. Topic name (may be one or more)
  4. Publish interval (Need to be float, e.g. not 1 but 1.0)

Modify the settings under $HOME/ros2_docker/common.yaml and reboot device.

One Line Command

The now supported parser installation.

The package installation, updating and removal functions can be done by adding some arguments while running

Overall arguments

. [[-i|--install] <package_name>] [--interface <network_interface>] [--ip [<static_ip>|dhcp]] [-rm|--remove] [-u|--update] [-p|--preserve]
  • Command explanation
    • -i|--install: install specific package from codePack to Docker.
    • -rm|--remove: remove package settings and environment settings.
    • -u|--update: update codePack without install packages.
    • -p|--preserve: preserve common.yaml file during installation.
    • --interface: determine the network interface during installation.
    • --ip: determine the network ip during installation.
  • Variable explanation
    • package_name: real package name under codePack. If variable set to auto, the process will automatically detect current installed module settings, then install the packages.
    • network_interface: the network interface to detect network or internet connection, e.g. eth0 or wlan0.
    • static_ip: the format should be like ip/mask, e.g.
  • For Commands

The three commands -i, -u and -rm can be work independently. The priority order of the three commands from high to low are: -rm > -u > -i. That is, if three commands exists at the same time, the process will be:

  1. Remove installed package settings and environment settings. (The Docker container will be preserved)
  2. Update codePack without install any packages.
  3. Install packages from codePack to Docker.

The flag -p tells the installer to keep old common.yaml file. If -p set but -i not set, the -p will be ignored. If -p set but the common.yaml file not found, the preservation will be ignored.

The --interface determines the network interface for network detection or internet detection while installed program startup. The --interface will be ignored if -i not set. The --interface is not necessary and will be set to default eth0.

The --ip can be set to dhcp and <static_ip>. If <static_ip> used, The /etc/dhcpcd.conf will be configured. The --ip is not necessary and will be set to default dhcp.

  • For Variables

The default value of the variables describes as following:

  • package_name: NONE
  • network_interface: eth0
  • static_ip: NONE

The package_name is necessary if -i set. The valid name of package_name were shown under codePack. If the package had installed before, set package_name to auto is valid for process to auto detect the package name.

If package_name set to auto, the process will ignored --interface and --ip settings.

The network_interface is necessary if --interface set. The network_interface do not have any valid check mechanism, be careful of the mistyping.

The static_ip is necessary if --ip not set to dhcp.


  • Install package
    ​​​​. -i <package_name> [--interface <network_interface>] [--ip [<static_ip> | dhcp]]
  • Update codePack
    ​​​​. -u
  • Update codePack then install package
    ​​​​. -i <package_name> [--interface <network_interface>] [--ip [<static_ip> | dhcp]] -u
  • Update current package while preserve common.yaml
    ​​​​. -u -i auto -p
  • Remove current package
    ​​​​. -rm
  • Remove current package, update codePack and install package
    ​​​​. -rm -u -i <package_name> [--interface <network_interface>] [--ip [<static_ip> | dhcp]]