*`Updated: 2023/07/26`*
::: warning
**Guidance for software installation:** [Raspberry Pi SensorPack Installation](https://hackmd.io/@cocobird231/BJidBuC6i)
## 1. GPS module
Ref: [Official wiki page](https://www.waveshare.com/max-m8q-gnss-hat.htm)
#### Hardware Setup
Install module on Raspberry Pi then run software installation.
Ref: [Official wiki page](https://www.waveshare.com/wiki/ZED-F9P_GPS-RTK_HAT)
#### Hardware Setup
#### ZED-F9P Module Setting (Windows Only)
1. Download and install **u-center** provided from u-blox: [u-blox.com](https://www.u-blox.com/en/product/u-center) (v22.07 ver. for F9/M9 products).
2. Connect ZED-F9P module to computer with USB cable, then open u-center.
3. Click the connect button for COM port selection and connection.
4. Open `Configuration View` window.
The `Configuration View` window determines module behavior.
5. Set `TMODE3` to `0 - Disabled`
The `TMODE3` setting can be use for moving base station or fixed base station.
6. Set NMEA protocol
The `NMEA 0183` is a protocol for GPS receiver. Including GGA, GLL, GSA, GSV, RMC and VTG. ([ref](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NMEA_0183))
7. Save all configuration to module.
This step will save all configuration into flash on module, prevent configuration missing while module power off.