

Joined on Nov 20, 2020

  • attendees: philip, adam, yazdani, ali, chair Discussion doc content wiki ratings discussion Issue Review
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  • [TOC] Update Production is live! Ratings are live! Energy is live! New Tickets Doc Writing
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  • Visual Reviews brightid share with wifi
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  • Labeling Feature users should be able to label portions of the graph they do not belong to users should be able to "circle" a portion of the graph and identify it as suspicious should be able to label both good and bad areas should be able to signal that more information is needed about an area Minimum Energy Requirement some threshold should be met in order to unlock the labeling functionality
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  • [TOC] Attendees Bagsy, Tommy, Misanth, TenFinney, Michiel, Chair TenFinney NFT Distribution Working title: "How to receive your player NFT" Is issuing nfts to mgame folks
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  • [TOC] Why mint on Matic? rChili-Matic SLP tokens is the only currency that will be accepted Who has a bunch of rChili-Matic SLP tokens? Mcon people Who else has a bunch of those SLP tokens?
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  • Notetaker: Chair Unknowns How to link github to discord / metagame profile Attendees Rankko, Gnomeski, Bagsy, Chair Action Items
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  • [TOC] Links Figma Jam Board Overview Poop generative art project. Who Krypti
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  • [TOC] Link to Notion Finished Houses (brief overviews) House of Ethereum House of DAOs House of DeFiance
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  • Current Events Video Done Monkey getting paid MSG-13 Building out the community gaame jaam
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  • Links Figma Design Staging Deploy Official Site Phase 1.5 Reduce bundle size (especially bg image) Fix page h1 text landing page load
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  • [TOC] High Level Headhunters hunt and engage, gather information, identify personality and skills. Potential recruit's information is passed to InnKeepers InnKeepers follow up and engage with potential players Needed
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  • My status accepted staking in progress Overview Joined as headhunter/coordinator
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  • [TOC] LINKS Discord Server
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  • Contributors musashi chair tburd+ tburd's gotchis [TOC] Quarter thaang to a whole thaang, this is gotchi gaang maang. Links
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  • Start: 2021-07-09 Delivered: 2021-08-13 Goal: 1 month (4 days late) Objective Sell the Merch Provide information about the dao Create a page that states: "This is who we are: A secret society of web3 native artists." But secretly are nft mercenaries. RaidGuild for NFTs.
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  • Penguin Intro Welcome to whats shakin with chair and bacon Who is Penguin what is What are we curious about VINNAY GUPTA Contracts LINKS
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  • WIP Please add! Links github guides Docker
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  • WIP Attendees Nick, Aaron, Tom, Chair Minutes Backend will be built while design specs for next phase are ironed out hosting firebase
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  • Follow the checklist, run the commands and update the gatsby-config.js file with the corresponding plugin data. Gatsby Docs Plugins Checklist [x] gatsby-plugin-react-helmet npm install gatsby-plugin-react-helmet react-helmet
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