Teddy Warlord's Concrete Warehouse
Teddy's Lair - concrete factory - MOTBTC logo on outside. Bomb proof doors. No windows. Depressing atmosphere
Spare inside, post modern ( some mirrors and tech / shower / kitchen / coffee )
Post apocalyptic shelter style
Neos VR world with low resources lobby. In real life video will be streamed to metaverse for interaction
Avatar with Video attached to it
Low resource world with art on walls
Links to the drop
Station with mic to talk to IRL venue
Musashi13 changed 3 years agoView mode Like Bookmark
Formal Submission
Project Title: Moloch Cloudship (Team: Moloch Digital)
Description: A 3D environment accessible by VR or desktop that will silo work, break down barriers for DAO to DAO coordination and collaboration, and incentivize building on Ethereum through gamified, incentivized problem solving quests.
Manifesto/Vision: Provide a rich environment for coordination and collaboration amongst communities in the web3 space, allowing for faster deployment of world changing ecosystems.
Problem: Work is scattered amongst all the platforms we use and that number of new platforms seems to be growing. Existing platforms have limitations. Barriers exist that stifle DAO to DAO collaboration and coordination. Work isn't fun.
Solution: Make it all accessible in one place. Destroy limitations we deal with now by moving to a platform that solves those issues or allows the tech to solve those issues. Create a spaceship everyone can literally walk down the corridor and poke our heads in to see what's up in each others' daos. Guilds will also help immensely with this and is why we are building the blueprint of the Cloudship to reflecct this direction we see DAO frameworks going. Gamify the problems each DAO is dealing with, attach bounties, allow interaction with a NPC (non-player chaaracter) to walk them through a questing system that promotes creative problem solving.
Musashi13 changed 3 years agoView mode Like Bookmark
Starting a self-custody wallet
Metamask is a digital wallet for storing your own funds like your own safe rather than in a centralized wallet like Coinbase, Kraken, or Kucoin, which are more akin to a bank. A tutorial for creating a Metamask wallet can be found here. This is the Metamask official site: Metamask.io. It's very important not to copy/paste, take pictures or screenshots, or save your private seed phrase or private key. Write it down and save it securely like a bar of gold. It is your password/key/access to your funds and no one else can retrieve them once this is lost.
If you would like to set up a LBRY/Odysee account (where that tutorial was created), click here. You can earn crypto for watching, creating, and posting videos and other content.
Your wallet will start off with some built-in networks (in web3, networks are the same as blockchains, just another term.) like Ethereum mainnet and a few testnets used for testing stuff out without worrying about losing funds. Ethereum mainnet can get quite expensive in terms of gas fees to do tranactions on this blockchain. (Gas fees are what we have to pay minors to do any kind of transactions. Minors use their computers or specialized, dedicated hardware to do all the computations needed to make these transactions happen on the blockchain.)
To solve the issue of high gas fees, quicker transaction times, and a few other reasons, many other blockchains have sprouted up called Layer 2 Networks/Blockchains, or L2s. One popular layer 2 solution is called Polygon. We will add this L2 network to our Metamask wallet so we can use it. There are a few ways to add your own Custom RPC Network but we are going to use an easy shortcut.
Navigate in your browser to Quickswap and click on the Switch to Matic button at the top right hand corner of the screen.
Musashi13 changed 3 years agoView mode Like Bookmark
Long Term Goals
Donate to decentralized web3 charities?
Invest in web3 projects promoting positive action and change?
Become a web3 project curation and/or mini-VC fund powerhouse group?
Short Term Goals
Musashi13 changed 3 years agoView mode Like Bookmark
Artist Guild Templates
slide: https://hackmd.io/p/template-Talk-slide <--change this link to something else like MetaGame.wtf
We will have a collaborative session in 3...2...1...initiating...
please prepare laptop or smartphone to join!
Who am I?
Musashi13 changed 4 years agoEdit mode Like 1 Bookmark