Adam Stallard


Joined on Jul 15, 2018

  • updraft-512 Updraft Discord Updraft for orgs deck Updraft overview deck Get paid to crowdfund and work on public goods. How it works Support ideas
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  • This diagram shows how different kinds of participants earn money through Updraft. Funders are numbered in order of activity. Funder 2 pays a funder reward to Funder 1 and Funder 4 pays a funder reward to Funder 3 for being prior contributors. Arrows represent flows of funds. Dotted lines represent logical associations. flowchart TB subgraph Solutions solution1["🧩 Solution (success)"] solutionFund1["fa:fa-bank Solution fund<br>(success)"]
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  • Vivaism: The philosophy of being aware of the life and death of consciousness in oneself, and actively embracing the responsibility of living with intentionality, vitality, and awareness until the natural end of one's consciousness. Key Elements of Vivaism Awareness of Consciousness:Recognizing the ebb and flow of one's conscious state as part of life's dynamic rhythm. You aren't always "alive" in a full, engaged sense—but the choice to live deliberately is always there. Vivaism acknowledges that periods of disengagement or "death-like" states can serve as temporary rest or rejuvenation but sees these as a pause before re-immersing oneself in life. Duality of Living and Dying: Life and death are not just physical occurrences. There is a metaphorical life when you're fully engaged, and a metaphorical death when you're passive or disconnected from consciousness. Vivaism does not judge or reject death (in any form) but instead affirms that as long as consciousness is present, we have the choice to "live."
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  • I believe that technology should enrich the lives of 100% of humanity. The tools I build are meant to specifically address the topic of fair access and benefit, which is why I'm drawn to the production and funding of public goods. I wholeheartedly endorse the effort of the 100% project to create a wallet to hold a person's signature of the treaty of humanity and other attestations of agreement. I want to make sure that the human rights wallet is the best identity wallet in terms of security and recoverability, and that people will enjoy using it frequently to claim rights and privileges that are a part of being human. I want to help Impact Launchpad be the best equipped accelerator to respond to community sentiment. I want IL to be an Updraft power-user because I believe Updraft will be the best way to grow communities around impact investing. The Bank of Humanity is the only investment bank I've encountered that takes a realistic account of the risk of failing to address the existential needs of humanity. It would irresponsible to invest without this perspective. The Bank of Humanity is therefore uniquely capable of prioritizing humanity-scale projects.
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  • Problems UBI needs a focal point We need to make it easy for people everywhere to consciously and directly support Universal Basic Income. We can't wait for governments to implement UBI. National currencies have failed National currencies prioritize national goals over human needs. Competing currencies inefficiently use banks and other intermediaries for exchange. Trade is impeded and political conflicts arise through the international use of national currencies. Objective Focus the global consciousness on UBI through a fairly-distributed currency that's global, democratic, useful for everyday expenses, and avoids the problems inherent in national currencies.
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  • Restate is a collection of presentations of rights that exemplify how a person, group, or object can have legal dealings without belonging to a territory. Many such presentations taken together can form a body of law. Anyone can add presentations to the Restate corpus. People and governments can choose which presentations they're willing to accept. The goal of Restate is to decrease dependency on territorial governments, decrease fees, decrease wars over boundaries, and increase access to rights independent of a person's nationality or place of residence. Rights The right to incorporate People have the right to register and operate a business as an entity foreign to all territorial governments. The fees to do so would be negligible as no government would rely on such fees for income. A restate entity would remove the need to set up a registered agent in an "offshore" country or other formalities that serve to provide governments income. If a government can have laws regarding entities in foreign countries, it can apply the same laws to foreign restate entities.
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  • I had been sitting on this document for a while, but was inspired by Audrey Tang and Glen Weyl's book Plurality to post it to my blog. The link to Restate goes to an unfinished hackmd doc, but I think it's worth sharing as my goal for a forkable presentation of rights that can be used in contracts with people and governments. Any person or government can make their own presentations and choose to accept all or part of another person's. To me, empowerment means I can enumerate my own rights and start using them, and I want that power to be available to anyone. The link to Aura goes to the gitbook for Aura. Problems National governments are poor examples of including people in democratic processes. Most citizens don't choose to be governed. They have few opportunities to influence policy. Local governments don't fare much better, being modeled after national governments. Principles
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  • See the Aura Definitions document for more detail on the meaning of the terms used. Overview Subjects, Players, Trainers, and Managers can achieve levels by being evaluated by Players, Trainers, or Managers. Levels are team-specific and set by team captains. A team must try to create useful levels to increase their chance of being included in leagues[^1]. Levels are a convenient way to consistently measure quality. For example, "subject level 1" communicates a certain level of quality about the subject. As conditions in the network change, the underlying requirements (score, minimum evaluations) for a subject to achieve level 1 might change, but the quality conveyed by that label will remain constant. Level requirements
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  • Todo: diagrams and examples illustrating relationships Aura is a decentralized system to arrive at expert answers in a domain. Domains A domain defines what subjects can be evaluated and what questions are included in the evaluation. The first team creating a domain makes and updates these definitions. If teams disagree about definitions, a domain can be forked, copying all subjects, teams, participants and evaluations, but setting a new first team that can change the definitions. A domain also sets the maximum number of teams a player can join. Subjects
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  • Vitalik recently posted an article to his blog critiquing Worldcoin and proof of personhood approaches in general. There are some great thoughts which I'd like to respond to, and make it better known what BrightID's approach is, especially since a lot of it is tied to Aura--a new verification method for BrightID, which had an initial beta release and is undergoing major changes based on the feedback from beta testers. There are also some features of BrightID core (blind signatures with expirations) and Unitap (universal distributions with selection), which help with some of the issues Vitalik has highlighted such as selling or renting accounts. I'll create sections for discussing the relevant parts of Aura, BrightID core, and Unitap, and then try to comment on some the article's points in order. I gave a talk on BrightID / Aura at EthDenver 2023. Aura Aura is a new verification method for BrightID. We created it based on the observation that most BrightID users aren't interested in helping others get verified; they just want a BrightID verification to qualify for an app they want to use (such as or Unitap) that requires BrightID.
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  • I've written about commons in the following posts. Components for Commons Components for a Better World Four Virtues of Universal Dividends How to Make Commons More Common Post-Tina, Post-Peak (part 2) This post will cover strategies for commons to acquire upfront funding to become operational.
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  • Structuring a resource as a commons is an attractive alternative to private ownership or so-called "public" ownership (by a government) because of the increased participation it provides. These software components can be used to define and manage commons. I'll mention the circumstances in which each is appropriate. Attention Streams Uses: Defining and updating the social contract for a commons. Different social contracts can be proposed, and the leading one takes effect. Social contract choices must conform to topic rules set by the initiators of the commons. Tokens
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  • { "contractName": "MetaVote", "abi": [ { "anonymous": false, "inputs": [ { "indexed": true, "internalType": "bytes32", "name": "electionId",
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  • My vision and personal mission I wrote about my personal mission here: "to pay all of humanity for the use of the commons, and let everyone touch and shape the commons again." I would add to that now "to make commons more common." I wrote about some ways to do that here. These components form a framework for building the world that fits my person mission. Without them, anything else I build will tend to worsen the problems I'm trying to address. (To understand why, please read Progress and Poverty by Henry George.) The components I'll list seven components and mention how they depend on each other or work well together. They are: Unitap, BrightID (with Aura), Attention Streams, Celeste, Gardens, Median Vote, and Agora.
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  • A universal dividend is a payment that can be collected by anyone just for being human. Even though I'm a proponent of universal basic income (see "How much poverty should exist in the world" by Philip Silva), I prefer to focus on universal dividends. What's the difference? A universal dividend can be more or less than the value of a basic income. Multiple dividends coexist, whereas UBI typically connotes a payment from a single source. I think the value of a single dividend could be much less than what would meet someone's basic needs and still be useful. This is especially true when combining dividends from multiple sources and offering choices. Eventually, the total value of universal dividends collected by each individual will be much more than what's needed to merely sustain life. They will empower lives of meaning and self-actualization, not just subsistence. Dividends will flow from the many commons we discover and create. In this article I'll mention four virtues--or reasons--why we should use universal dividends. Avoiding bottlenecks
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  • I'm capturing my thoughts on Decentralized Society: Finding Web3’s Soul. I can't help but consider privacy implications, though it says We initially assume publicity despite our deep interest in privacy because it is technically simpler to validate as a proof-of-concept I'm also comparing it to BrightID and BrightID soulbound tokens. Soulbound token provenance
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  • Adding sponsorships to your app These are the steps to add to your app's available BrightID sponsorships as seen in the BrightID app dashboard. Obtain Dai Dai is better for buying Sp and Subs--especially on IDChain. Buy Sp or Subs Sp is the short name for Sponsorship tokens. Subs are another way to obtain Sp, explained below. Links to buy Sp and Subs on mainnet and IDChain are on the Sponsorship Dashboard.
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  • In this post, I'll talk about how we can leverage existing, known, unique identifiers to drastically reduce small scale sybil attacks in a privacy preserving, decentralized way. Background BrightID has been effective in defeating large-scale sybil attacks through a simple process of connection parties, but the goal is to reduce even small-scale sybil attacks enough to enable per-person distributions up to a full Universal Basic Income. BrightID Aura is being developed to become the ideal toolbox for sybil hunters. I'm proposing a new Aura tool for verifiers and elite sybil hunters to achieve BrightID's goal. Aura To receive an Aura verification of uniqueness, a BrightID user must receive a positive honesty rating from one or more Aura players they already know.
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  • The following steps were used to top up Gitcoin's BrightID sponsorships as seen in the BrightID app dashboard. Receives fund to buy Sp or Subs a. Receive GTC b. Swap GTC for Dai, because it's better for buying Sp and Subs--especially on IDChain. Buy Sp or Subs. Links to buy Sp and Subs on mainnet and IDChain are on the Sponsorship Dashboard. Interacting with Sp and Subs is much cheaper on IDChain, but prices and availability of Sp and Subs may differ between mainnet and IDChain. Obtain Eidi
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  • Lead up I've spent the past three years trying to lay the groundwork to enable universal distributions. I also believe there are many universal resources which ought to be governed equally by anyone who is willing to attend to them. In breaking down barriers to the above, my first priority has been to create a system of proving one's uniqueness using one's closest associations (i.e. friends and family--because who else is in a better position to vouch for one's uniqueness?) This has manifested itself as BrightID. Even if the problem of proving uniqueness is solved, however, another problem remains in open governance systems: collusion. Collusion as attention swapping
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