These are the steps to add to your app's available BrightID sponsorships as seen in the BrightID app dashboard.
Dai is better for buying Sp and Subs–especially on IDChain.
Sp is the short name for Sponsorship tokens. Subs are another way to obtain Sp, explained below.
Links to buy Sp and Subs on mainnet and IDChain are on the Sponsorship Dashboard.
Interacting with Sp and Subs is much cheaper on IDChain, but prices and availability of Sp and Subs may differ between mainnet and IDChain.
The gas token on IDChain is called Eidi and free supply is available from the Eidi faucet.
If Subs or Sp were purchased on mainnet, bridge them. If either Subs or Sp will be purchased on IDChain, bridge Dai. Use the IDChain omnibridge.
Mainnet Subs or Sp bridged in the previous step need to be converted to IdSp or IdSubs. This can be done from the sponsorship dashboard after switching networks to IDChain.
Subs are a stream of sponsorships (Sp), with new Sp available to be claimed immediately and every month thereafter for 6 years at a rate that increases every year. Use the "activate" and "claim" buttons to convert Subs into Sp.
See the sponsorship dashboard instructions for more information.
To sponsor a user, you will need the appUserID
that you assigned to them in the linking step. See the creating links section of the basic integration guide.
Call the SDK's sponsor(appUserID)
Emit an event called Sponsor
from a smart contract.
emit Sponsor(appUserID);
The smart contract address and network should be registered with the BrightID app registry, so BrightID nodes use to know where to listen for events.