tags: Old Version
# 接待大廳
你好!我們正在翻譯[《Aesthetic Programming》](https://www.aesthetic-programming.net/),我們有些人對程式設計有興趣但一竅不通,有些人是藝術家、有些人是工程師、有些人是女性主義者(驚,但別害怕),希望藉由翻譯做為一種學習、聚集和交換意見,分享彼此進程的空間。
## 計畫介紹
* [g0v Hackath47n 大松提案](https://beta.hackfoldr.org/g0v-hackath47n)
* [3 Minute Pitch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbpnzqTMw9I)
## 交流管道
* [Slack 工作群組](https://g0v-tw.slack.com/messages/aestheticprogramming/) (g0v #aestheticprogramming channel)
* [Discord 工作群組](https://discord.gg/z2x5HqRU)
* [jitsi meet 連結](https://meet.jit.si/aestheticprogramming)
* (舊)[每次討論的紀錄](https://ctp.cc.au.dk/pad/p/Aesthetic_Programming_-_TW)
* (新)[每次討論的紀錄](https://hackmd.io/@aesthetic-programming/Notes)
## 新活動與頁面
* 二月的 Critical Code Studies Working Group, CCSWG [共筆頁](https://hackmd.io/@aesthetic-programming/CCSWG)
基於讓這些提問/分岔/合作方向更為聚焦,歡迎在翻譯時一起探索這三個由 @siusoon 提出的問題意識及軸線:
1. What pedagogical approaches are useful to teach/learn how-to-code, but also to work with (read and write) code through critical and creative action? What are the challenges in practice (“the real-life cases”) of working across engineering and culturalist traditions? And how to cultivate “problem-posing” rather than “problem-solving” through learning to program?
2. How might combinations of free and open source ethics, and intersectional feminist/queer politics open up ways of learning to code otherwise?
3. What other themes and topics are useful to explore in Aesthetic Programming, what is missing from the book? And what are the implications of forking a book like forking software?