# Notes for 2024-07-04 meeting * date & time: Thu 7 July 2024 - 14:00 CEST (13:00 UTC) * (every first Thursday of the month) * venue: *(online, see mail for meeting link, or ask in Slack)* * agenda: - Quick introduction by new people - EESSI-related meetings and events in last month - Progress update per EESSI layer - Update on build-and-deploy bot - Update on EESSI production repository software.eessi.io - Update on EESSI documentation - Update on EESSI test suite - EESSI as backend in Ramble - Additional EESSI repositories: dev.eessi.io, riscv.eessi.io - AWS/Azure sponsorship update - Q&A ### Slides * https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EESSI/meetings/main/meetings/EESSI_meeting_20240704.pdf ### Meeting notes *(by Bob/Kenneth)* #### Quick introduction by new people #### EESSI-related meetings in last month *(see slides)* - Deucalion team is interested in working together and making EESSI available, regular calls are set up - Brainstorm with someone from AMD about adding AMD ROCm support to EESSI - All information is available at https://gitlab.com/eessi/support/-/issues/71 - Getting access to MIX300X instances in Azure will be very difficult - Other (smaller?) AMD GPU instances will be publicly available soon #### Progress update per EESSI layer ##### Filesystem layer *(see slides)* - CVMFS dashboard to keep an eye on CVMFS infrastructure - internal dashboard initially - we also want to expose some metrics to EESSI status page (like disk usage for Stratum-1 mirror server) ##### Compatibility layer *(see slides)* ##### Software layer *(see slides)* - Lots of software has been added, also for the new CPU targets `x86_64/amd/zen4` and `aarch64/a64fx` - CP2K has a dependency (libxsmm) that doesn't work on Arm / with specific GCC versions - Trying to make this an optional dependency ##### Build-and-deploy bot *(see slides)* - For some PRs / bot instances the bot suddenly started adding lots of messages, see e.g. https://github.com/EESSI/software-layer/pull/630#issuecomment-2205679779 - Still a bit unclear what was causing this, but it seems like smee is sending out the same event multiple times? - We should open an issue and document what we saw, and see if we can come up with a way to make the bot more robust against this (like don't re-process the same event multiple times) ##### software.eessi.io repository *(see slides)* ##### EESSI documentation *(see slides)* - The available software page in the docs is automatically updated by a cronjob that opens a PR in case something is added ##### EESSI test suite *(see slides)* - Caspar is working on documentation for getting from a job script to a ReFrame test and to a portable ReFrame test ##### EESSI as backend in Ramble *(see slides)* ##### Additional EESSI repositories: dev.eessi.io, riscv.eessi.io *(see slides)* - The ultimate goal here is to merge the RISC-V stack into the production repository - It's too early to already do this now, also because older toolchains don't work on RISC-V - Maybe this can be considered for one of the next EESSI versions - We're only building for `riscv64/generic` right now, more issues may pop up when we start building for RISC-V CPUs with vector instructions - PR 618 revealed that the CI that tests the `eessi_container.sh` script has a bug (due to a wrong regular expression), but this can/will be easily fixed in the same PR. #### AWS/Azure sponsored credits *(see slides)* #### Events *(see slides)* #### Q&A - The monthly meeting in August will be skipped due to summer holidays - interest in meeting on support for AMD ROCm by Hugo & Jurij - will probably scheduled some time in Sept'24 - Jurij tested EESSI on CentOS Stream 10, and things worked fine - using CVMFS nightly build for Fedora 40, building from source doesn't work yet (linking issue) - any other interest in Varnish as proxy for CernVM-FS? - https://github.com/EESSI/filesystem-layer/issues/194