# EESSI hackathons next hackathon: ??? --- ### 2024-04-16 (08:30-11:00 CET) ### People joining - ~~Kenneth~~ - Bob - Thomas (08:30-09:30 & 10:00-11:00) - Pedro - Julián ### Tasks - [Bob, 09:00 - 09:30] close open `software-layer` PRs that are no longer relevant - also check other repos - also check issues - closed PRs in software-layer repo that were targeting the pilot repo - closed a bunch of old issues that were no longer relevant - pinged some peoeple about open PRs - PR to remove the no longer relevant `build_container.sh` script: https://github.com/EESSI/software-layer/pull/544 - LATER? use of `*-from-commit` - [Thomas, Bob, after 10:00] starting new ingest procedure - [Pedro, Thomas (around 10:00)] auto cleanup of disk use after PR merged - bot gets event - determines all directories used by PR - move them to some `trash_bin` + subdirectory with date of move in name - needs a configuration setting - have a cronjob running once per day, that removes contents in trash_bin after a week? - needs a configuration setting for time period - procedure could reuse code used for `bot:deploy` - - LATER bot for running tests (and creating an overview of test status) - LATER `dev.eessi.io` - [Bob, Thomas, 08:30-09:30] Solve id resolving issue in compat layer - https://gitlab.com/eessi/support/-/issues/32 - MERGED ready for review/merge https://github.com/EESSI/compatibility-layer/pull/199 - Manually ran the script on `x86_64` and `aarch64` nodes and uploaded the tarballs: - https://github.com/EESSI/staging/pull/1164 - https://github.com/EESSI/staging/pull/1163 - Merged by Thomas - LATER (needs EB maintainer) Merge (final?) PRs for Bioconductor issues - https://github.com/easybuilders/easybuild-easyconfigs/pull/20316 - https://github.com/easybuilders/easybuild-easyconfigs/pull/20324 - Once merged, retry: - https://github.com/EESSI/software-layer/pull/526 - https://github.com/EESSI/software-layer/pull/533 - LATER set up bot on Azure cluster - LATER generic ReFrame test for running `eb --sanity...`? - RISC-V building software - build container ready - testing it - [Julian] using RISC-V compat layer in a Fedora 37 machine - had some problems - investigating --> Solved, it was a compatibility problem with the FUSE module and the (custom) kernel version used in the machine. --- ## 2024-03-26 (08:30-11:00 CET) ### People joining - Kenneth (08:30-11:00) - Bob - Thomas (08:30-09:30 + 10:00-11:00) - Caspar - Pedro? ### Tasks - [09:00 Bob,Caspar => breakout room #1] Add functionality for rebuilding software ([software-layer PR #488](https://github.com/EESSI/software-layer/pull/488)) - Use it to fix the `smcuda` bug in OpenMPI 4.1.x - Note that support for actually removing software from the CVMFS repo still had to be implemented in the ingestion script - [09:00 Bob,Kenneth => breakout room #2] Automatically update Lmod caches on Stratum 0 ([filesystem-layer PR #175](https://github.com/EESSI/filesystem-layer/pull/175)) - also needs a change in software-layer, to not update Lmod cache there anymore - MERGED [10:00 Caspar,Thomas => breakout room #4] Split off LUA hooks into SitePackage.py ([software-layer PR #496](https://github.com/EESSI/software-layer/pull/496)) - Required for a subsequent PR which will allow sites to implement their own hooks - Opened issue [#510](https://github.com/EESSI/software-layer/issues/510) - [09:30 Pedro,Kenneth => breakout room #3] OpenFOAM easyblock ([easyblocks pr #3232](https://github.com/easybuilders/easybuild-easyblocks/pull/3232)). - [10:00 Kenneth] run test suite during bot build step ([software-layer PR #467](https://github.com/EESSI/software-layer/pull/467)) - [9:00 Pedro] Update to debugging failed builds docs [PR #168](https://github.com/EESSI/docs/pull/168) #### Postponed - [Thomas] new ingestion procedure to allow for single staging PR (need to write down ideas first) - Kickstart RISC-V software layer - Create a build container (some old, initial work was done in: https://github.com/EESSI/filesystem-layer/pull/132) - Add GENERIC support for RISC-V to EasyBuild - Update and test build scripts - Start building for `riscv64/generic` (?) - GCC 13.2.0 - foss/2023b ---