游戏化是我一直都很感兴趣的主题,可惜坊间相关的著作不多。之前 SITCON 去台北的时候,在诚品书店偶然预见《遊戲化實戰全書》和《莊家優勢》两本书[1],直接入手。最近的文章里也偶有提及这两本书,所以想找机会单独把它们拎出来谈谈心得。这篇先来谈谈第一本,讨论一下智能合约如何帮助我们扩展游戏化的边界。
没买这本书也可以直接看 作者的 WordPress 博客,看起来博客的内容和材料更多。不过这里我要吐槽的是,作者似乎故意不按照正常 WordPress 的 BestPractice 来组织页面,文章找不到时间不说,连个 Archive 页面都找不到,只好暂时用 作者分类 来代替。
我之前一直想说,其实拿智能合约用来设计游戏是 yet another “if all you have is a hammer”[2],正确的方法应该是利用智能合约去做游戏化。通证经济与游戏化都是关乎于激励的。游戏化告诉我们,人类是一种特殊的感性的动物,激励人的方法不仅包含经济激励而已。而智能合约给我们提供了一组工具,如何在资源受限的情况下,构建出原本只有在强信任背书的条件下才能实现的激励。
影响我最大的游戏化的例子自然要数 USACO 了。USACO 提供一个题库可供全世界所有的信息学竞赛选手进行训练。题库共有 6 章,为六档难度的试题。每一个章中一般有 4~5 个小节,集中介绍某一类型的试题。
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USACO 成功的将枯燥的看书刷题过程演变为一个颇为有趣的闯关游戏,这也是我第一次感受游戏化的的魅力,那段时间每天我最喜欢的事情就是上午提前阅读好每一关的题目,构思好算法,中午钻去机房直接开敲。USACO 的训练题库具有非常强的顺序性。除非将某一个章节中所有试题都通过,你无法进入下一节。完成努力解锁新的一章节时,同时还会解锁相关的课文,帮助你提供必要的知识。能够独立的完成全部 USACO 题目基本已经能够算是算法竞赛成功入门。
一般的 Online Judge 很少会主动限制你的刷题顺序,她们更像是一个隐式的 类银河战士恶魔城游戏(Metroidvania),因为显然在你没有掌握特定知识时,你无法进入某个区域。
当然这些 Online Judge 也都会一些游戏化的设定,几乎所有 Online Judge 都会包含一个排行榜,少数像 Project Euler、Rosalind 这样的 Online Judge 还会给你发各种成就徽章,像 Vijos 这样的有论坛系统的 Online Judge 还会把你的过题数换算成小星星,显示在头像下方。后来,到了 Web2.0 时代,大家纷纷效仿 Topcoder 的 Elo Rating 模式,这些 Online Judge 也都演变成了更酷更动态的交互方式,这个时代的 Online Judge,例如 Codeforces、AtCoder,Best Coder,UOJ,以及最近的 Comet 无不如此。最终演变的结果是 SGU 直接变为 Codeforces 的一个子集。
而这种平台流行的结果是,使得原本一些自控力不那么强的小朋友 —— 比如我,也喜欢上了算法竞赛,愿意进行一定强度的训练,从而促进了算法竞赛水平的整体提高。
所以当我看到了 USACO 和 Vijos 的成功之后,我跑回去告诉我们的小学数学老师,我应该 drop out 出来去做一个类似的 Euclid Online Judge,去给我们的学生专门用来训练平面几何!这样我们的奥数队就可以大杀特杀,立于不败之地了!
当然,这个看起来明显中二的(确实当时也是初二)idea,后来也被国外的团队 以游戏的方式呈现了。
这里还有更多的游戏化的方式引导,特别是针对 K12 的小朋友,进行编程学习的例子,例如 Code Monkey 以及 Lightbot。其中我最喜欢的一个 App 是 Hacked,这个小游戏提供了一种简化的 Python 语言,不仅解决了手机上编程的操作问题,甚至还带有一个沙盒,可以自己编写各种复古小游戏。
用游戏化去做教育事实上与远程教育一样非常有意义,在一些缺乏家长和老师引导的地区,她们都能够促进 教育平权。事实上我认为衡量一个中学老师是否优异的一个因素,就是能否将枯燥的中学的学习过程演变为颇为有趣的事情。
当然除了教育之外还有游戏化还可以用来做很多其它事情,一个最简单的例子是,Believe me or Not,游戏化可以用来改善睡眠。
不妨先来看看 Wikipedia 里关于游戏化的条目。首先看一下关于游戏化的定义:
Gamification is the application of game-design elements and game principles in non-game contexts.[1][2] It can also be defined as a set of activities and processes to solve problems by using or applying the characteristics of game elements. Gamification commonly employs game design elements[1][3][4][5][2] to improve user engagement,[6][7][8] organizational productivity,[9] flow,[10][11] learning,[12][13] crowdsourcing,[14] employee recruitment and evaluation, ease of use, usefulness of systems,[11][15][16] physical exercise,[17] traffic violations,[18] voter apathy,[19] and more. A collection of research on gamification shows that a majority of studies on gamification find it has positive effects on individuals.[4] However, individual and contextual differences exist.[20]
—— Wikipedia, Gamification
吐槽一下,这篇短短的条目里居然包含了 130 多条 References。可见这一块的内容相当的碎片化。从定义中我么能看出,游戏化这个单词类比 希腊化(Hellenistic Period),强调的是游戏化是将游戏设计中的元素和方法论迁移应用到非游戏的场景中。并且最后一句也提到让我们关注到个体差异,每个人对于游戏化的反馈都是不同,完美的游戏化应该是自适应的(参见陈星汗的 心流理论)。
上面的定义是非常 Make Sense 的,不过游戏化依然是一个相当模糊的单词,当我们在讨论游戏化的时候,大家可能指的不是一个东西。维基百科的日文条目 援引 ゲーミフィケーション —— <ゲーム>がビジネスを変える 一书给出了下面的定义:
- 最広義: 社会的な活動にとってゲームが役に立つこと。
- 狭義: コンピュータ・ゲームのなかで特徴的に培われてきたノウハウを現実の社会活動に応用すること。アドバゲームやシリアスゲームは含まない。
- 最狭義: 強化学習プロセスやフロー体験を成立させるための最適なフィードバック設計のノウハウを応用すること。
其中最狭义特指去构建心流体验(フロー体験),狭义似乎和英文的定义差不多,不过特别指出,アドバゲーム(Advertising in video games)、シリアスゲーム(Serious Game) 还有 代替現実ゲーム (ARG) 不算,因为他们不是 Non-game。
Gamification is the craft of deriving all the fun and engaging elements found in games and applying them to real-world or productive activities. This process is what I call “Human-Focused Design” as opposed to “Function-Focused Design.” It’s a design process that optimizes for human motivation in a system, as opposed to pure efficiency.
The reason we call it Gamification is because the gaming industry was the first to master Human-Focused Design.
—— Octalysis – the complete Gamification framework
事实上,正如 Yukai 在书中指出的那样,「游戏化」是一个颇为迷惑的词语,你们这样咬文嚼字是不行的,重要的是我们要解决问题,于是提出,我们应该用一个更好的术语 Human Focused Design 来进行替代。作者也指出,之所以我们会通常称之为游戏化,是因为游戏行业是最早系统化的掌握并应用 Human-Focused Design 的地方。
根据维基百科的介绍,术语「游戏化」在 2008 年开始出现,但是到 2010 才开始流行。实际上,在这个术语开始流行之前,游戏化的过程就已经开始了,例如在研究 学习障碍(Learning disability) 和 科学可视化(Scientific Visualisation) 的过程之中,已经使用了某些游戏设计时的元素。维基百科里提到了一些研究报告,比如游戏化如何启发人机界面的设计[3],以及苏联和美国在激励劳工时所采用的游戏化策略[4]。这两篇论文都来自一个叫做 International Academic MindTrek Conference[5] 的会议。紧接着在滑铁卢大学出现了 Gamification Only 的相关会议(不过好像没有一直办下去)。不过最近的还有 Gamicon2k19。
Points are basic elements of a multitude of games and gamified applications.[30] They are typically rewarded for the successful accomplishment of specified activities within the gamified environment[31] and they serve to numerically represent a player's progress.[32] Various kinds of points can be differentiated between, e.g. experience points, redeemable points, or reputation points, as can the different purposes that points serve.[9] One of the most important purposes of points is to provide feedback. Points allow the players' in-game behavior to be measured, and they serve as continuous and immediate feedback and as a reward.[33]
Badges are defined as visual representations of achievements[31] and can be earned and collected within the gamification environment. They confirm the players' achievements, symbolize their merits,[34] and visibly show their accomplishment of levels or goals.[35] Earning a badge can be dependent on a specific number of points or on particular activities within the game.[31] Badges have many functions, serving as goals, if the prerequisites for winning them are known to the player, or as virtual status symbols.[31] In the same way as points, badges also provide feedback, in that they indicate how the players have performed.[36] Badges can influence players' behavior, leading them to select certain routes and challenges in order to earn badges that are associated with them.[37] Additionally, as badges symbolize one's membership in a group of those who own this particular badge, they also can exert social influences on players and co-players,[34] particularly if they are rare or hard to earn.
"1973 socialist competition winner" award.
Leaderboards rank players according to their relative success, measuring them against a certain success criterion.[38] As such, leaderboards can help determine who performs best in a certain activity[39] and are thus competitive indicators of progress that relate the player's own performance to the performance of others. However, the motivational potential of leaderboards is mixed. Werbach and Hunter[31] regard them as effective motivators if there are only a few points left to the next level or position, but as demotivators, if players find themselves at the bottom end of the leaderboard. Competition caused by leaderboards can create social pressure to increase the player's level of engagement and can consequently have a constructive effect on participation and learning.[40] However, these positive effects of competition are more likely if the respective competitors are approximately at the same performance level.[41][42]
Performance graphs, which are often used in simulation or strategy games, provide information about the players' performance compared to their preceding performance during a game.[29] Thus, in contrast to leaderboards, performance graphs do not compare the player's performance to other players, but instead, evaluate the player's own performance over time. Unlike the social reference standard of leaderboards, performance graphs are based on an individual reference standard. By graphically displaying the player's performance over a fixed period, they focus on improvements. Motivation theory postulates that this fosters mastery orientation, which is particularly beneficial to learning.[29]
Google Analysis
Meaningful stories are game design elements that do not relate to the player's performance. The narrative context in which a gamified application can be embedded contextualizes activities and characters in the game and gives them meaning beyond the mere quest for points and achievements.[43] A story can be communicated by a game's title (e.g., Space Invaders) or by complex storylines typical of contemporary role-playing video games (e.g., The Elder Scrolls Series).[43] Narrative contexts can be oriented towards real, non-game contexts or act as analogies of real-world settings. The latter can enrich boring, barely stimulating contexts, and, consequently, inspire and motivate players particularly if the story is in line with their personal interests.[44] As such, stories are also an important part in gamification applications, as they can alter the meaning of real-world activities by adding a narrative ‘overlay’, e.g. being hunted by zombies while going for a run.
Avatars are visual representations of players within the game or gamification environment.[31] Usually, they are chosen or even created by the player.[43] Avatars can be designed quite simply as a mere pictogram, or they can be complexly animated, three-dimensional representations. Their main formal requirement is that they unmistakably identify the players and set them apart from other human or computer-controlled avatars.[31] Avatars allow the players to adopt or create another identity and, in cooperative games, to become part of a community.[45]
Teammates, whether they are other real players or virtual non-player characters, can induce conflict, competition or cooperation.[43] The latter can be fostered particularly by introducing teams, i.e. by creating defined groups of players that work together towards a shared objective.[31]
—— TI8语音轮盘比赛出处!
在我们尝试使用 Yu-kai Chou 的八角框架 来分析炒币行为之前,不妨先来看一下什么是八角框架。在上一节的最后,我们列出了一些游戏化的基本元素,但是它们看起来非常零散,互相之间缺少关联。于是坊间开始出现了一些分类的工具。例如 The Periodic Table of Gamification Elements。八角框架也是其中的一员,是 Yu-kai Chou 在多年的实践中,总结出的一种分类的方法,是一个颇为有用的分析和设计游戏化的工具。
你会发现即使是上面提到的最基本的元素有时也不能简单的放到其中一个类别中,例如徽章,看起来是 2。但是好像也可以涉及 1、4、5。总之,在不同的 Context 下使用不同的元素,可能包含的意义也会不同。另外要时刻铭记,八角框架只是一个经验工具,作者自己也说,多年的尝试和调整,他发现还有一个隐藏的 Core Drive 叫做感觉(Sensation)。
With many years of trials and adjustments, I believe that, besides a ninth hidden Core Drive called “Sensation,” everything you do is based on one or more of the 8 Core Drives.
Epic Meaning & Calling is the Core Drive where a player believes that he is doing something greater than himself or he was “chosen” to do something. A symptom of this is a player that devotes a lot of his time to maintaining a forum or helping to create things for the entire community (think Wikipedia or Open Source projects). This also comes into play when someone has “Beginner’s Luck” – an effect where people believe they have some type of gift that others don’t or believe they were “lucky” to get that amazing sword at the very beginning of the game.
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《风之旅人》 的 ED 曲,叫做 I Was Born For This[6]。《inner universe》里,我唯一能听懂的歌词,就只有那句「I am Calling Calling now, Spirits rise and falling」[7]。使命感是早在游戏诞生之前,应该就是被人们所认知的一项,她也是所有驱动力中最最核心,最 powerful 的一项。子曰:朝闻道,夕死可矣。论语为什么影响了我们几千年?任重而道远,仁以为己任 —— 这就是使命感。
People don't buy what you do; they buy why you do it. If you talk about what you believe, you will attract those who believe what you believe.
—— Simon Sinek, TEDxPuget, How great leaders inspire action
Simon Sinek 的演讲中举了苹果作为例子。而 Apple 的所有广告中,最能提现使命感这一点的,显然就是 Think Different。
Because the people who are crazy enough to change the world, are the ones who do.
—— Apple - Think Different - Full Version
Inspiring People 不仅仅可以 Sell Product,当然也可以维系社群,领导公司甚至是国家。「Make America Great Again」似乎要比「I'm with her. Stronger together」 更加鼓舞人心。「改變臺灣從首都開始,改變臺北從文化開始,這是一場以文化為主體的社會運動,也是台灣歷史上第一次以改變政治文化當訴求的選舉。」柯文哲的竞选口号,连我也可以倒背如流。这方面最直观的例子或许是里根总统关于 小政府 的演说。
We the people’ tell the government what to do, it doesn’t tell us. ‘We the people’ are the driver, the government is the car. And we decide where it should go, and by what route, and how fast. Almost all the world’s constitutions are documents in which governments tell the people what their privileges are. Our Constitution is a document in which ‘We the people’ tell the government what it is allowed to do. ‘We the people’ are free
—— Ronald Reagan - "We the People"
再回到游戏,似乎大部分使命感主要体现在游戏的剧本里(Narrative)。在书里 Yu-kai Chou 还找了另外的例子,例如 Beginner’s Luck 让玩家感觉自己是 Choosen One。轩辕剑里的每一代的主角几乎都会带着神器,陈靖仇初始携带的神农鼎,姬良初始携带的天书。
Development & Accomplishment is the internal drive of making progress, developing skills, and eventually overcoming challenges. The word “challenge” here is very important, as a badge or trophy without a challenge is not meaningful at all. This is also the core drive that is the easiest to design for and coincidently is where most of the PBLs: points, badges, leaderboards mostly focus on.
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现在应该没有哪个游戏没有成就系统了吧,大家会批评说你这个游戏没做正反馈,毕竟 Steam 都直接把成就系统包在了外面w。我自己特别喜欢牧场物语那种从 0 开始,封妻荫子,逐渐奔小康的过程(但是我讨厌重复的劳动,而且我记得小时候玩得时候都是强迫症一样要把每天的时间最大化,导致我玩得很累,玩了很久才到第一个冬天)
关于这一项特别需要 highlight 出来的一个游戏是最近大热的《只狼》。一般评论家认为《只狼》会是一个缺少正反馈的游戏,大多数时候升级对你的人物能力的提高并没有特别大的帮助,收集葫芦种子也只是能够多磕几口药而已,但是这个游戏的 Development 的是玩家本身对这个游戏的理解和技艺的进步,让玩家感到「我被这个游戏尊重了」,Develop 玩家本身实际上是比 Develop 游戏中的角色更高级的 Development,在这个世代显得更加可贵。
这点可以看一些 App 的实验性质的功能,只开放给部分用户。一个直接的例子是 Spot 里需要用户升级才可以解锁地图背景贴图。更加复杂的例子是抖音的开店功能,只开放给拥有一定数量粉丝的 KOL,这同时提现了八角框架的 2、5、6,是一个更加综合的设计。
代表作:Besiege、Mine Craft、淘金者、World of Craft III
元素:UGC 内容、gu地图编辑器、逃课
Empowerment of Creativity & Feedback is when users are engaged in a creative process where they have to repeatedly figure things out and try different combinations. People not only need ways to express their creativity, but they need to be able to see the results of their creativity, receive feedback, and respond in turn. This is why playing with Legos and painting are fun in-and-of themselves and often become Evergreen Mechanics, where a game-designer no longer needs to continuously add more content to keep the activity fresh and engaging.
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万年抢险体验的 Besiege
赋予创造力是我认为游戏最有趣的一项,这点看 Steam 上繁荣的创意工坊就可知一二。一项游戏如果能够成功的激发玩家的创造力,她一定不会卖的太差。这块目前最成功的例子,应该是 Mine Craft 了。
Web2.0 是相对于 Web1.0 的新的时代。指的是一个利用 Web 的平台,由用户主导而生成的内容互联网产品模式,为了区别传统由网站雇员主导生成的内容而定义为第二代互联网,Web2.0 是一个新的时代。
事实上 Web2.0 这个概念就是和 UGC 紧密的联系在一起的。
代表作:暗黑破坏神 II、梦幻西游、CryptoKitties
This is the drive where users are motivated because they feel like they own something. When a player feels ownership, she innately wants to make what she owns better and own even more. Besides being the major core drive for wanting to accumulate wealth, this deals with many virtual goods or virtual currencies within systems. Also, if a person spends a lot of time to customize her profile or her avatar, she automatically feels more ownership towards it too. Finally, this is also the core drive that makes collecting stamps or puzzle pieces fun.
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谁不喜欢占有某物呢?《缘之空》 中春日野穹为什么会非常怨恨小时候的要好邻居依媛奈绪?还不是因为对哥哥的占有欲。(???)
这方面似乎智能合约会有发挥的独特舞台,毕竟 CryptoKitties 宣称的概念是 True Ownership(笑)。
This drive incorporates all the social elements that drive people, including: mentorship, acceptance, social responses, companionship, as well as competition and envy. When you see a friend that is amazing at some skill or owns something extraordinary, you become driven to reach the same level. Also, it includes the drive we have to draw closer to people, places, or events that we can relate to. If you see a product that reminds you of your childhood, the sense of nostalgia would likely increase the odds of you buying the product. This Core Drive is relatively well-studied too, as many companies these days are putting a lot of priority on optimizing their online social strategies.
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人是寻求地位的猴子(People are status-seeking monkeys),这方面没有文章比 Eugene Wei 的 那篇文章 总结的更好的了。从游戏设计的角度来说,这是为什么我认为 Don't Starve Together 总是比 Don't Starve 好玩的多得多的游戏(即便是在游戏内容环节有所删减)。早先社会影响力似乎只能通过网络游戏体现,当然随着互联网的普及,单机游戏网络化也已成为趋势,这已经成为 2000-2010 年代的往事了。
This is the drive of wanting something because you can’t have it. Many games have Appointment Dynamics (come back 2 hours later to get your reward) – the fact that people can’t get something right now motivates them to think about it all day long. This is the Core Drive utilized by Facebook when it first started: at first it was just for Harvard. Then it opened up to a few other prestigious schools, and eventually all colleges. When it finally opened up to everyone, many people wanted to join because they previously couldn’t get in it.
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—— Credit: 热血传奇:传奇历史记录者,当年有它可以换辆车!
大家都喜欢别人没有的东西,这是为什么 カルビス 要出那么多季节限定,地区限定的原因。
元素:Roguelike、Gambling、开箱 && 抽卡、制造悬念
Generally, this is a harmless drive of wanting to find out what will happen next. If you don’t know what’s going to happen, your brain is engaged and you think about it often. Many people watch movies or read novels because of this drive. However, this drive is also the primary factor behind gambling addiction. Also, this core drive is utilized whenever a company runs a sweepstake or lottery program to engage users. The very controversial Skinner Box experiments, where an animal irrationally presses a lever frequently because of unpredictable results, are exclusively referring to the core drive of Unpredictability & Curiosity, although many have misunderstood it as the driver behind points, badges, and leaderboard mechanics in general.
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上帝喜欢掷骰子。嗜赌是人类天性,毕竟连小白鼠都无法抗拒。我花费在 Roguelike 游戏中的时间可能是仅次于竞技类游戏的。
元素:沉没成本(Sunk cost)、期间限定 、限时优惠、联动角色
This core drive is based upon the avoidance of something negative happening. On a small scale, it could be to avoid losing previous work. On a larger scale, it could be to avoid admitting that everything you did up to this point was useless because you are now quitting. Also, opportunities that are fading away have a strong utilization of this Core Drive, because people feel like if they didn’t act immediately, they would lose the opportunity to act forever.
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避免似乎是整个系统的另外一面,这是人们为什么都不能够理性接受 沉没成本(Sunk cost) 的原因。基于同样的原因,人们也很难和过去的自己握手言和,例如《今、そこにいる僕》 中,ナブカ 即便意识到了自己的荒谬之处,也是不能够很快的去接受的。而这方面目前做到极致的游戏莫过于 Fomo3D 了。
如果只是单纯的列举这 8 个类目的话,好像缺少了那么点意思,实际上在八角框架中,方向也是被赋予了一定含义的。
当然,使命也不完全是好的,守序邪恶通常比混乱邪恶的影响更大。古代中国打仗都知道要师出有名。历史上的各种战争,哪边又不是在为自己的使命战斗着呢?灭霸为什么要消灭宇宙中一半的生命?是为了宇宙的平衡。Aya 最后为什么会拾起《解体新书》?和父亲一样是为了追求自己的变态美学。
下面让我们开始分析炒币,炒币能和游戏化有什么关系?但是 Griffith 似乎已经向我们表明,炒币有可能带来 Great Adoption。
Once people have something analogous to cash in their pocket they will want some way to use it.
The Burner is turning out to be a pretty great way to get adoption.
—— a journey of onboarding and 💩 coining
—— 中译,这个无聊的实验说明,炒币是人类的本能
首先是所有权(Ownership & Possession)与稀缺性(Scacity & Impatience),这构成了炒币的必要基础。然后是避免(Loss & avoidanc)和不确定性(Unpredictability & Curiosity),避免这里自然体现在 Fomo,看着别人踩空是怎样的一种幸福?
… 炒币炒成 KOl 的大有人在。
创造力 -> Hype 。。。
How often do you get the chance to work on a potentially world-changing project?
—— Bitcointalk, Gavin Andresen Profile Page
炒币炒出使命感的大有人在 ….
EOS 本身没有风险。EOS 最大的风险在于,你以为有风险,可能拿不住。
—— EOS 信仰语录大全
(WIP, Go here to check the livesteaming writing:
(满分 5 分,但是即便做到 5 分也不足以抵抗因为用户门槛而带来的损失。)
5 分(需要讲故事),
5 分,如果用户赚钱,0 分,如果用户亏钱
(1。可以不是 0 和博弈吗?2. 如果是 0 和博弈,应该让赚钱的人更多)
。(开放 API?支持第三方开发?)
Really Hard to Deliver。。
所有权 Ownership & Possession
5 分,真财产所有权。
(但是使用中心化的方法也能够做到 5 分。)
社会影响力 Social Influence & Relatedness
稀缺性 Scarcity & Impatience
10 分。。。真稀缺性。
不确定性 Unpredictability & Curiosity
10 分。。真随机数。
避免 Loss & Avoidance
10 分。真 Fomo (参考闪电网络、与智能合约)
Sebastian Deterding; Dan Dixon; Rilla Khaled; Lennart Nacke (2011). From game design elements to gamefulness: Defining "gamification". Proceedings of the 15th International Academic MindTrek Conference. pp. 9–15. doi:10.1145/2181037.2181040. ↩︎
Mark J. Nelson (2012). Soviet and American precursors to the gamification of work (PDF). Proceedings of the 16th International Academic MindTrek Conference. pp. 23–26. ↩︎
「inner universe」是 TV 动画《攻壳机动队STAND ALONE COMPLEX》的 OP,由 ORIGA 演唱。参见 萌娘百科,inner universe。 ↩︎