Hello world! After a Board meeting today. There's a few updates to share. The long discussed #"Domains and Teams governance model" ** is currently being voted on**. With the preliminary result it looks like it will pass. We should have an update when the vote closes next week :smile:. If it does pass it makes the regulatory changes to start using the new model, and creates the first four domains. Which segues to the next major topic. On July 16th the non-profit Tauri Programme will be 2 years old. And **5 of 7 Board seats will be up for election**. Plus very likely 4 Domains who need Leads! After discussing, we think that for the election **all Working Group members should be able to cast a vote on the next term's Board Directors**. Realising it's the first time we hold an election on this scale with relatively short notice, mistakes will be made :sweat_smile: but that it's better than an "election" within a small group. To make that possible, we're **looking for people who want to help with the organisation of this election**. It would involve several publications, looking for candidates, explaining the roles of Board Director and Domain Leads, presenting candidates, closing out the last term, sharing the result... but also *how* votes should be cast. (Voting systems are harder than you'd expect.) Let me know if you want to help, or run as candidate. :pray: If you want to talk privately you can email board@tauri.app to reach the entire Board, or message @nothingismagick#9835 / denjell@tauri.app as trusted co-founder, and chairperson who's still in office for another year.